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Update on changes made to the job posting system, 08 April, 2010
Thread poster: Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 17:40
Apr 8, 2010

Dear members,

Here is an update on some of the progress made this week in the changes to the job posting system:

  • The plan for changing the job posting system was welcomed by most. 93% of members indicated that they "generally approve" of the changes to be made.

  • The following line was added to the professional guidelines: "[Professionals] set their rate... See more
  • Dear members,

    Here is an update on some of the progress made this week in the changes to the job posting system:

  • The plan for changing the job posting system was welcomed by most. 93% of members indicated that they "generally approve" of the changes to be made.

  • The following line was added to the professional guidelines: "[Professionals] set their rates at levels that allow them to deliver, on an ongoing basis, the quality levels that their clients require". This change has been endorsed already by over 500 translators. See [Member activities > Professional guidelines]

  • The policy of keeping rates information out of the body of job postings was implemented. (A convenient means was made available for members to notify staff members in the event of infractions.)

  • The option was made available to indicate one's preference concerning the display of client budget information when deciding whether or not to quote. (To set your preference, go to: [Jobs and directories > My settings])

  • The display of budget information in job postings was made conditional upon 1) the setting chosen and 2) profile criteria (budget information will only be shown to those in a position to quote on a job).

  • A link was added from the job posting form to the article "Translation: Determining what service you need and what it will cost". This article is in the Wiki, and all are invited to edit or add to it to improve upon it. See:

  • Changes were made to the job posting form to encourage posters to include a sample text from the source document (while not necessarily requesting that it be translated as a test). As a result, the percentage of job postings that include samples texts is up from 12% to 26%.

  • A survey on productivity is now being run. This is the first of several surveys that will be run with the goal of gaining insight into the factors currently affecting translator income and livelihood. See: (Results of each survey will be made available to members and to those who respond.)

  • The private forum which was used for discussions on the proposals presented by a subset of petitioners is now available publicly, in the interest of sharing insight into some of the changes being made to the job posting system. You may access this forum by going to the "Input considered" page at and clicking on the forum link in section 5 of that page.

    Details on the changes to the job posting system, staff reaction, and member involvement and input can all be seen at

    If you have not done so already, you may subscribe to the above pages to receive email notification when updates are made or new information is added.

    Thanks to site members for your continued support, which is what makes improvements like these possible.


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    Beba Maranz
    Beba Maranz
    Local time: 22:40
    German to French
    + ...
    Merci Apr 8, 2010

    Merci, Jared.

    Pat Melgar
    Pat Melgar  Identity Verified
    Local time: 17:40
    English to Spanish
    Update on changes made to the job posting system Apr 8, 2010

    Tks. Merci. Grazie.

    Rene Garcia
    Rene Garcia  Identity Verified
    Local time: 14:40
    Member (2004)
    English to Spanish
    + ...
    Good improvement Apr 8, 2010

    Thank you for your support and efforts. Let's see if this allows us to get better rates.

    tradu-grace  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:40
    English to Italian
    + ...
    Improvement Apr 8, 2010

    Thanks Jared

    British Diana
    British Diana
    Local time: 22:40
    German to English
    + ...
    Your attempt to improve the settings Apr 8, 2010

    On behalf of those members who (unlike me) will be affected by the changes, thank you, Staff, for attempting to improve the settings on the job posting site in a way which should be advantageous to the majority.

    Let's hope that it will help prevent rock-bottom prices becoming the norm.

    And another thing - ProZ is its members!. What we say and what we do is crucial and essential.

    May nobody forget this.

    Alison Sabedoria (X)
    Alison Sabedoria (X)  Identity Verified
    United Kingdom
    French to English
    + ...
    Good work Apr 8, 2010

    Thank you for your continuing efforts.

    Patricia Maria Straulino
    Patricia Maria Straulino  Identity Verified
    United States
    Local time: 15:40
    French to Spanish
    + ...
    ¡Muchas gracias! Apr 8, 2010

    This can be a revolutionary step in improving translator's status in industry.

    Jasmina Djordjevic
    Jasmina Djordjevic  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:40
    Member (2009)
    German to Serbian
    + ...
    Thank you! Apr 8, 2010

    We appreciate your efforts!!!!

    Susana Budai
    Susana Budai  Identity Verified
    Local time: 17:40
    English to Spanish
    + ...
    Job Posting improvements Apr 8, 2010

    Thank you Jared and Proz teams for listening, researching, and implementing these changes.

    Ian Bailey
    Ian Bailey
    Local time: 22:40
    French to English
    Wow! Apr 8, 2010

    Where I work, this degree of empathy and response time is unheard of!
    I count on becoming more involved in the Proz network from now on.
    Thanks, Jared, for keeping even your most 'peripheral' members informed.

    Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL
    Stanislaw Czech, MCIL CL  Identity Verified
    United Kingdom
    Local time: 21:40
    Member (2006)
    English to Polish
    + ...
    Question regarding exchange rates Apr 8, 2010

    First of all great job!

    I have just updated settings as after all I don't want to under quote - hence I prefer to see client's budget. When updating I begun to wonder - when determining whether to send a job notification or no ("Default minimum rates") how does Proz convert rates from one currency to another? After all when my rates are set in GBP and someone posts a job in USD some conversion is necessary before a notification is sent or no?

    Best Regards
    ... See more
    First of all great job!

    I have just updated settings as after all I don't want to under quote - hence I prefer to see client's budget. When updating I begun to wonder - when determining whether to send a job notification or no ("Default minimum rates") how does Proz convert rates from one currency to another? After all when my rates are set in GBP and someone posts a job in USD some conversion is necessary before a notification is sent or no?

    Best Regards

    traductorchile  Identity Verified
    Local time: 16:40
    English to Spanish
    + ...
    Thanks Jared Apr 8, 2010

    I am glad to see that some of the changes I believed would lead us in the right direction have been included. Obviously some 200 surveyed translators thought the same. Specially the link included in the pricing section "Determining what service you need and what it will cost". My own suggestion was something like what you can find on a pack of cigarettes in some countries: "BEWARE POISON", but I believe the present link is much better, allthough I find the part on Automatic Translation is to... See more
    I am glad to see that some of the changes I believed would lead us in the right direction have been included. Obviously some 200 surveyed translators thought the same. Specially the link included in the pricing section "Determining what service you need and what it will cost". My own suggestion was something like what you can find on a pack of cigarettes in some countries: "BEWARE POISON", but I believe the present link is much better, allthough I find the part on Automatic Translation is too "Moderate". Maybe some examples, or links to examples, would be more graphic.
    It is nice to see that money isn't the sole energy behind this "movement", that enhancing our profession in terms of respect is an important issue, that it isn't the question of having a title or a name, but having something of value inside to offer, seriousness, committment, involvement, reliability, and maybe some others that don't come to mind at the moment.
    Hip Hip for Proz staff, and Hip Hip for Prozeans?, Hurrah.

    Marinus Vesseur
    Marinus Vesseur  Identity Verified
    Local time: 13:40
    English to Dutch
    + ...
    Appreciated Apr 8, 2010

    Thanks for the quick implementation of these changes. I'm reconsidering becoming a paying member again.

    - Rien

    Aida Samardzic
    Aida Samardzic  Identity Verified
    Local time: 22:40
    English to Serbo-Croat
    + ...
    Apr 8, 2010

    Thanks Jared. A great job indeed! We appreciate your efforts.


    [Edited at 2010-04-08 21:12 GMT]

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    Update on changes made to the job posting system, 08 April, 2010

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