Can no longer "edit" my translation answer explanations (Staff: Fixed)
Thread poster: MatthewLaSon
Local time: 20:12
French to English
Dec 13, 2008


Since yesterday, the "Add a Note" feature for translation answer explanations has been replaced by this feature, which read: "You can edit your translation as long as it has not received any votes. If you choose to edit, the time mark shown will reflect when your entry was edited, not when it was originally posted."

For some reason, I am now unable to edit my explanation, even when my translations have not received any votes. When I click on "edit", it just s
... See more

Since yesterday, the "Add a Note" feature for translation answer explanations has been replaced by this feature, which read: "You can edit your translation as long as it has not received any votes. If you choose to edit, the time mark shown will reflect when your entry was edited, not when it was originally posted."

For some reason, I am now unable to edit my explanation, even when my translations have not received any votes. When I click on "edit", it just says "done" in the lower left hand corner of my computer screen.

I think this is a very silly feature, by the way What is going on? Why did they change this?

Thanks in advance.

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2008-12-15 15:16 GMT]

The Misha
The Misha
Local time: 20:12
Russian to English
+ ...
Happened to me to - just a few minutes ago Dec 13, 2008

It's a glitch, of course. You know what they say, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Anna Villegas
Anna Villegas
Local time: 18:12
English to Spanish
Same here. Dec 13, 2008


Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
Surprises in the Easter egg... Dec 13, 2008

Well I know it's Xmas soon, but almost daily I find a surprise - ehm - a new feature on Proz...
Recently this warning after I answered to a Kudoz question:

"You can edit your translation as long as it has not received any votes. If you choose to edit, the time mark shown will reflect when your entry was edited, not when it was originally posted."

Initially I thought this means that I can _change_ my answer as long as no one has given me an agree/dis
... See more
Well I know it's Xmas soon, but almost daily I find a surprise - ehm - a new feature on Proz...
Recently this warning after I answered to a Kudoz question:

"You can edit your translation as long as it has not received any votes. If you choose to edit, the time mark shown will reflect when your entry was edited, not when it was originally posted."

Initially I thought this means that I can _change_ my answer as long as no one has given me an agree/disagree etc, but when I click on the "Edit your translation" button, nothing happens. I can edit my posts just after I _received_ an answer.

(If my first interpretation should be the right one, I think that this feature wouldn't be a good idea, as it would encourage YET AGAIN the well known, ever-present "guess answerers", the scourge of Kudoz. It were counterproductive.
But perhaps I misunderstood it) is a really fine thing, but I feel increasingly like I were in a bazaar or a Wunderkammer.

Well, this days I will put on my Proz Xmas wishlist:
Please hold back the wonderful Proz staff from "improving" the site!

Give us a little Zen!

[Bearbeitet am 2008-12-13 09:09 GMT]

Valeria Faber
Valeria Faber  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to Italian
+ ...
Same here too! Dec 13, 2008

In addition I'm no longer able to post peer comments.

What's going on?


jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
English to Spanish
+ ...
the same Dec 13, 2008

I sent a support ticket yesterday but the problem persists.

This morning I saw that other users in the ENGESP pair are having the same problem, and added that to my support ticket.

I also have that new "edit
... See more
I sent a support ticket yesterday but the problem persists.

This morning I saw that other users in the ENGESP pair are having the same problem, and added that to my support ticket.

I also have that new "edit your reply" feature which isn't operational yet.

Maybe this is the transition phase and they're working on a system-wide change.

Have a good weekend,


[Edited at 2008-12-13 10:31 GMT]

Idoia Echenique
Idoia Echenique  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to Spanish
Same here Dec 13, 2008

In the end, I decided to "hide" my first reply and post a new one.


Sabine Braun
Sabine Braun  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 01:12
Member (2006)
English to German
+ ...
Had the same problem yesterday Dec 13, 2008

I wanted to add a link to my answer, but the edit button did not respond....


[Edited at 2008-12-13 11:20 GMT]

writeaway  Identity Verified
French to English
+ ...
A bug??? Dec 13, 2008

Let's hope that all this is just a bug. Fwiw-it has never been possible to 'edit' an actual answer. Or any comments made inside the "explanation" area. But it's always been possible to make additions. And the feature enabling the editing of peer comments and responses to them was one of the really helpful changes that were made back in the days when Proz had only one location and concerns aired in forum posts were responded to.

I just entered an answer and have seen that message.
... See more
Let's hope that all this is just a bug. Fwiw-it has never been possible to 'edit' an actual answer. Or any comments made inside the "explanation" area. But it's always been possible to make additions. And the feature enabling the editing of peer comments and responses to them was one of the really helpful changes that were made back in the days when Proz had only one location and concerns aired in forum posts were responded to.

I just entered an answer and have seen that message. It really doesn't look like a bug, does it? Hopefully it is.

[Edited at 2008-12-13 15:29 GMT]

GILLES MEUNIER  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to French
Add notes Dec 13, 2008

The same here with the impossibility to add notes...

Caryl Swift
Caryl Swift  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Polish to English
+ ...
Same here, as well Dec 13, 2008

I've submitted a support ticket.

Have a good weekend!

Konrad Schultz
Konrad Schultz  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
English to German
+ ...
Not alone Dec 13, 2008

I see, I am not alone. The software should be downgraded until the major bugs are killed, and the "improvements" are really such ones. The present situation is not agreeable.

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:12
Changes reverted Dec 13, 2008


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I have rolled back the revisions back to where they were on Thursday. Please let me know if the issue persists. I apologize for the inconvenience and the delay in response.

Best regards,
Jon Peck Developer Coordinator

Zea_Mays  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:12
Member (2009)
English to German
+ ...
A little restriction a day... Dec 14, 2008

Hi Jon,

thanks for the feedback.
May I ask what purpose was originally behind that feature?

From my point of view, the restriction wasn't (and wouldn't be) such a bad thing, as it forces to reflect and do research before giving an answer, and stops the run for being the "first".

I noticed that the "activity" of people who otherwise give more or less guessed answers to all kinds of questions decreased as by a miracle.
This people of
... See more
Hi Jon,

thanks for the feedback.
May I ask what purpose was originally behind that feature?

From my point of view, the restriction wasn't (and wouldn't be) such a bad thing, as it forces to reflect and do research before giving an answer, and stops the run for being the "first".

I noticed that the "activity" of people who otherwise give more or less guessed answers to all kinds of questions decreased as by a miracle.
This people often give immediately an approximative, sometimes wrong answer, which will be "integrated" adding adjustments until the answer will be the right.

Perhaps there is a way to implement a soft version of such a restriction?

Also on the wishlist: no points for glossary records after a kudoz question.
This would discourage people from entering their wrong translations (I've seen crazy things in there).


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:12
Should be working again now Dec 15, 2008

Hello all,

Thanks first for reporting this, and secondly for your patience while this was fixed. We should be back to normal now. There was a change made to the glossary-building KudoZ which unfortunately affected KudoZ in general. Should anyone notice any further difficulty, please contact me via support request and I'll make sure it gets looked into.

Best regards,



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Can no longer "edit" my translation answer explanations (Staff: Fixed)

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