Profile membership icon/thumbnail: logged out view vs. logged in (customized) view
Thread poster: Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
English to Spanish
+ ...
Sep 11, 2008


I noticed for a while now that there is a difference between a profile's membership ribbon icon and thumbnail photo shown when:

1) You are logged in (and you can customize the view):

In this case, for example, Jerzy Czopik's profile (corporate profile) appears witho
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I noticed for a while now that there is a difference between a profile's membership ribbon icon and thumbnail photo shown when:

1) You are logged in (and you can customize the view):

In this case, for example, Jerzy Czopik's profile (corporate profile) appears without any membership icon (light magenta) and without any profile thumbnail. Only the full membership profiles for freelancers appear with the blue ribbon membership icon and the other partial/corporate/student membership ribbon icons are not shown in the corresponding profiles.

2) You are not logged in (and you cannot customize the view):

In this case, for example, Jerzy Czopik's profile appears with the corresponding membership icon (light magenta) and with a profile thumbnail.

So I checked the "customize site settings" page and I could not find any fields to customize the profile's membership icon nor the thumbnail photo:


So I would like to know:

1) Is there any other area in our profile where we can customize the site settings and the above mentioned site setting parameters?

2) If the answer to my previous question (1) is "NO", how about giving paying members the choice to customize (toggle on/off) the above mentioned site setting parameters, so that they at least have the same, more "complete" look (with the membership ribbon icon and photo thumbnail) like when you are not logged in?



[Edited at 2008-09-11 18:09]

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 19:14
Thanks, Ivette Sep 11, 2008

Hello Ivette,

Thanks for pointing this out. The missing ribbon is an error, which will be fixed. As for the profile pictures, these were shown for logged-in members in the past, but removed after member feedback. Let me see if the option to show or not show profile pictures on the homepage can be included among the customization options.

Best regards,


Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
English to Spanish
+ ...
Thanks, Jared! Sep 11, 2008

For your kind and prompt reply.

I think it would be great to have the option to customize these settings (thus my suggestion to "toggle them on/off") .

I also think it would help reflect the actual overall array of "member profiles" (not only the freelancers) of the community.

Have a nice weekend,


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 19:14
Option for profile pics for your homepage Sep 12, 2008

Hello again Ivette,

Okay, you can now set this under your customization options, either from the homepage or in the "Site settings" section under the "Settings" tab in your profile. Just select "Show" for "Profile images" and be sure to save. Note that it may take a short time for this setting to take effect.

You have a good weekend too,


Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:14
English to Spanish
+ ...
Nicely impressed, Jared... Sep 13, 2008

By your/Proz's customer support efficiency and reaction!

I can now choose to see the profile thumbnails and I can also finally see the different colors of membership ribbon icons:

Gracias otra vez,


P.S.: the weekend is looking very cloudy...
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By your/Proz's customer support efficiency and reaction!

I can now choose to see the profile thumbnails and I can also finally see the different colors of membership ribbon icons:

Gracias otra vez,


P.S.: the weekend is looking very cloudy , so I guess it's "perfect" to do all those indoor housework chores that I usually postpone during the working week...


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Profile membership icon/thumbnail: logged out view vs. logged in (customized) view

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