Serbian to German translators and interpreters » General fields

Serbian to German Tech/Engineering translators (0)
Serbian to German Art/Literary translators (0)
Serbian to German Medical translators (0)
Serbian to German Law/Patents translators (0)
Serbian to German Science translators (0)
Serbian to German Bus/Financial translators (0)
Serbian to German Marketing translators (0)
Serbian to German Other translators (0)
Serbian to German Social Sciences translators (0)

Serbian to German translators and interpreters » Specific fields

Serbian to German translators: Accounting (34)
Serbian to German translators: Advertising / Public Relations
Serbian to German translators: Aerospace / Aviation / Space
Serbian to German translators: Agriculture
Serbian to German translators: Livestock / Animal Husbandry
Serbian to German translators: Anthropology
Serbian to German translators: Archaeology
Serbian to German translators: Architecture
Serbian to German translators: Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
Serbian to German translators: Astronomy & Space
Serbian to German translators: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
Serbian to German translators: Finance (general)
Serbian to German translators: Automation & Robotics
Serbian to German translators: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Serbian to German translators: Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)
Serbian to German translators: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
Serbian to German translators: Botany
Serbian to German translators: Construction / Civil Engineering
Serbian to German translators: Business/Commerce (general)
Serbian to German translators: Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.)
Serbian to German translators: Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs
Serbian to German translators: Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng
Serbian to German translators: Poetry & Literature
Serbian to German translators: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Serbian to German translators: Textiles / Clothing / Fashion
Serbian to German translators: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
Serbian to German translators: Telecom(munications)
Serbian to German translators: Computers (general)
Serbian to German translators: Computers: Hardware
Serbian to German translators: Computers: Software
Serbian to German translators: Computers: Systems, Networks
Serbian to German translators: Law: Contract(s)
Serbian to German translators: Cooking / Culinary
Serbian to German translators: Cosmetics, Beauty
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Dentistry
Serbian to German translators: Media / Multimedia
Serbian to German translators: Economics
Serbian to German translators: Education / Pedagogy
Serbian to German translators: Electronics / Elect Eng
Serbian to German translators: Energy / Power Generation
Serbian to German translators: Engineering (general)
Serbian to German translators: Engineering: Industrial
Serbian to German translators: Mechanics / Mech Engineering
Serbian to German translators: Nuclear Eng/Sci
Serbian to German translators: Environment & Ecology
Serbian to German translators: Esoteric practices
Serbian to German translators: Fisheries
Serbian to German translators: Folklore (39)
Serbian to German translators: Food & Drink
Serbian to German translators: Forestry / Wood / Timber
Serbian to German translators: Furniture / Household Appliances
Serbian to German translators: Gambling/Casino/Bets
Serbian to German translators: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Serbian to German translators: Mining & Minerals / Gems
Serbian to German translators: Genealogy
Serbian to German translators: General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
Serbian to German translators: Genetics
Serbian to German translators: Geography
Serbian to German translators: Geology
Serbian to German translators: Government / Politics
Serbian to German translators: Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Health Care
Serbian to German translators: History
Serbian to German translators: Tourism & Travel
Serbian to German translators: Human Resources
Serbian to German translators: Human rights
Serbian to German translators: Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Serbian to German translators: Insurance
Serbian to German translators: International Org/Dev/Coop
Serbian to German translators: Internet, e-Commerce
Serbian to German translators: Investment / Securities
Serbian to German translators: Metallurgy / Casting
Serbian to German translators: IT (Information Technology)
Serbian to German translators: Journalism
Serbian to German translators: Real Estate
Serbian to German translators: Law (general)
Serbian to German translators: Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Serbian to German translators: Law: Taxation & Customs
Serbian to German translators: LGBTQ
Serbian to German translators: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
Serbian to German translators: Linguistics
Serbian to German translators: Transport / Transportation / Shipping
Serbian to German translators: Management
Serbian to German translators: Manufacturing
Serbian to German translators: Ships, Sailing, Maritime
Serbian to German translators: Market Research
Serbian to German translators: Marketing
Serbian to German translators: Massages/Reflexology
Serbian to German translators: Mathematics & Statistics
Serbian to German translators: Medical (general)
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Cardiology
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Instruments
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Oncology
Serbian to German translators: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Serbian to German translators: Meteorology
Serbian to German translators: Metrology
Serbian to German translators: Military / Defense
Serbian to German translators: Music
Serbian to German translators: Names (personal, company)
Serbian to German translators: Nutrition
Serbian to German translators: Petroleum Eng/Sci
Serbian to German translators: Other
Serbian to German translators: Paper / Paper Manufacturing
Serbian to German translators: Patents
Serbian to German translators: Philosophy
Serbian to German translators: Physics
Serbian to German translators: Printing & Publishing
Serbian to German translators: Psychology
Serbian to German translators: Religion
Serbian to German translators: Retail
Serbian to German translators: Safety
Serbian to German translators: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
Serbian to German translators: SAP
Serbian to German translators: Science (general)
Serbian to German translators: Slang
Serbian to German translators: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Serbian to German translators: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Serbian to German translators: Surveying
Serbian to German translators: Veterinary
Serbian to German translators: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
Serbian to German translators: Water resources management
Serbian to German translators: Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Serbian to German translators: Zoology

Serbian to German translators and interpreters

About membership column Member Profile Keywords Native Language
KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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  Dragica Novaković Finanzen, Versicherungen, Recht, Management, Gerichtsdolmetscherin ... Serbian
40 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Aleksandar Antić
  Accurate. Fast. Reliable.
German, Deutsch, nemački, njemački, Serbian, serbisch, srpski, bosnian, Bosnisch, bosanski, croatian, Kroatisch, hrvatski, serbo-croat, Serbokroatisch, srpskohrvatski, hrvatskosrpski, montenegrin, Montenegrinisch, crnogorski, prevod, prevođenje, simultani, simultano, konsekutivni, konsekutivno, usmeno, pismeno, usmeni, pismeni, interpreteur, translator, übersetzen, Übersetzung, Übersetzer, dolmetschen, Dolmetscher, schrifliche, mündliche, interpreter, interpreting, translating, deutsche, serbische, kroatische, bosnische, montenegrinische, Sprache, Medizin, medicine, medical, medicina, medicinski, computer, računari, kompjuteri, pravo, Recht, Jura, law, ekonomija, Ökonomie, trade, Economics, Handel, trgovina, Urkunden, sertifikati, potvrde, certificates, Technik, ... Serbian/Serbo-Croat
Bosnia and Herzegovina
32 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Miloš Jovanović
  Technik, SDL TRADOS 2024, memoQ 11.1
deutsch, serbisch, Umwelttechnik, Recycling-Industrie, Technik, Maschinenbau, Bauwesen, Hochbau, Tiefbau, Wasseraufbereitung, SDL Trados Studio 2021, memoQ 9.8 ... Serbian
28 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   sazo
  Sworn translator
Croatian, Croatian Translations, English, German, Agriculture, agreements, beauty products, business intelligence, contracts, ecology, economy, education, energy, EU documents, floorings, food, furniture, gastronomy, general translations, Geography, Geology, H&E standards, hospitality, infrastructure, law, life science, lifelong learning, logistic, military, medical documentation, menus, newsletters, ccupational Safety, personal protective equipment, realestate, recipes, sworn translator for English and German language, technical translations, tourism, Deutsch, Englisch, Kroatisch, Abkommen, Arbeitsschutz, Ausbildung, Biowissenschaft, Bodenbeläge, Erdkunde, EU Richtlinien, Fremdenverkehr, Gastronomie, Geographie, Geologie, Immobilien, Infrastruktur, Landwirtschaft, Kosmetik, lebenSlanges Lernen, Lebensmittel, Logistik, Militär, medizinische Dokumentation, Möbeln, Newsletters, Persönliche Schutzausrüstung, Recht, Rezepte, Speisekarten, ständige Gerichtsdolmetscherin für Englisch und Deu ... Croatian/German
24 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Luka Lukić
  Say what you mean!
deutsch, Serbian, German, serbisch, srpski, nemački, njemački, njemacki, nemacki, prevodilac, sudski, tumač, za, jezik, Sprache, language, banja, luka, lukić, , bosna i hercegovina, Srbija, Serbien, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gerichtsdolmetscher, Übersetzer,,, translator, court interpreter, interpreter, language pairs: German - Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and vice versa, 9+ years of expirience, new challanges, knowledge, fields of expertise law, medicine, engineering, technics, advertising, economy, pharma industry, legal documentation and etc. Medizin, Maschinenbau, Technik, Werbung, Marketing, Wirtschaft, Rechtsdokumentation, persönliche Unterlagen, Befunde, Begutachtung, Patente, Bau, Architektur, Gebrauchsanweisungen, Datenschutz, Verträge, Vertrag, Manuals for use, data protection, uputstvo za upotrebu, formulari, instructions for use, EU, european union, broschuren, websites, internetseiten, schubsender, He ... German/Serbian
Bosnia and Herzegovina
20 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Jasmina Djordjevic
  PhD in Eng & native in De and Serb
Certified German Translator and Interpreter, Beglaubigter Serbisch Übersetzer und Dolmetscher, Englisch Übersetzer und Dolmetscher, Deutsch Übersetzer und Dolmetscher, Serbian Translator & Interpreter, English Translator and Interpreter, Prevodilac i tumač za srpski - engleski - nemački, legal English, legal German, englische Rechtssprache, deutsche Rechtssprache, srpski pravni, pravni nemački, ovlašćeni sudski tumač i prevodilac za engleski i nemački, beglaubigter Dolmetscher und Übersetzer für die deutsche und englische Sprache, certified court interpreter and translator of English and German, pravo, legalese, Übersetzung mit Beglaubigung, translation with certificate, overeni prevod ... German/Serbian
12 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Izeta Schorr
  Gerichtlich zertifizierte Sprachexpertin
Translation Schorr, Übersetzungen, Dolmetschen, Deutsch, Bosnisch, Kroatisch, Serbisch, Beeidigung, Ermächtigung, Gericht, Staatsanwaltschaft, Behörden, Apostille, Urkunde, Zeugnis, Diplome, Beglaubigung, Notar, Vertrag, Recht, Wirtschaft, Handel, Literatur, Tourismus, Technik, Industrie, Kleidung, Mode, Korrespondenz, Transport, Logistik, Zoll, Journalismus, Energie, Marketing, Haushaltsgeräte, Kaufverträge, prevoditelj, prevodilac, sudski tumač, njemački, bosanski, hrvatski, srpski, ovjereni prijevodi, pravo, službene ustanove, sud, pismeno dopisivanje, ekonomija, privreda, reklama, tehnika, industrija, carina, turizam, novinarstvo, književnost, преводилац, судски тумач, немачки, босански, хрватски, српски, оверени предводи... ... Bosnian/Croatian
8 points
Serbian to German
  Katharina Gualtieri
  EN/SR/CRO > DE translator
German, localization, translation, Marketing, medicine, Serbian, English, creative, transcreation ... German
4 points
Serbian to German
  Marija Lindic Gerichtsdolmetsch, Slowenisch, juristische Texte, Slowenien, Recht, Finanzen, Marketing, Webseiten, Fremdenverkehr, Englisch, Deutsch, Schlüsselwörter: deutsch, Deutsch Englisch, Deutsch Slowenisch, deutsche Sprache, Übersetzen in slowenischer und deutscher Sprache, Übersetzer für Deutsch Slowenisch, Übersetzerin für Deutsch Slowenisch, englisch, Englisch Deutsch, Englisch Slowenisch, englische Sprache, fachliche Übersetzungen, Fachübersetzer, Fachübersetzer für, Fachübersetzung, Fachübersetzungen, international, Korrekturlesen, Korrekturleser für die deutsche Sprache, Korrekturleser für die slowenische Sprache, Korrekturlesung slowenischer Texte, Korrekturlesung deutscher Texte, Kroatisch, Kroatisch Deutsch, Kroatisch Englisch, Kroatisch Slowenisch, kroatische Sprache, Ljubljana, Maribo, Maschinenbau, Muttersprache Deutsch, Muttersprache Slowenisch, Naturwissenschaft, Regeltechnik, Sicherheitstechnik, Slowenien, slowenisch, Slowenisch Deutsch, Slowenisch Englisch, slowenisch-deutscher ... German
0 points
Serbian to German
  Marusa pen
  Diplomgerm.; Technik, Medizin, Pharmazie
Übersetzer, Deutsch, Online Lehrerin Deutsch, Slowenisch, Online Lehrerin Slowenisch ... Slovenian
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Iris Mesko
  variety is my strength
economy, law, Agriculture, military, archeology, tourism, Marketing, kulture, film, children's books, nature, Architecture, egyptology, theatre, science ... Slovenian
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   karlsrue translator, automotive, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, machines, information Technologies, Consumer electronics, Audio, Video, Mobile entertainment, Microsoft, software, localization, domestic appliances, domestic devices, car electronics, Patents, technical norm, technical standard, programming, software developer, Serbian, croatian, bosnian, serbia, croatia, bosnia, montenegro ... Serbian/German
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Jasmina Kuveljic Serbian, German, croatian, bosnian, montenegrin, english, literature, Economics, sworn translator, ... German/Serbian
0 points
Serbian to German
  Angelina Bertrand
  Medizin / Technik
prevoditelj njemackog jezika, uebersetzer fuer die deutsche sprache, uebersetzer fuer die kroatische sprache, kroatische uebersetzer, ausgebildete uebersetzer, prevoditelj u austriji, uebersetzer in oesterreich, medizinische uebersetzer, mediciniski prevoditelji, prevoditelj za medicinu, technikuebersetzer, prevoditelj za tehniku, austrian translator, translator German croatian english, prevoditelj njemacki hrvatski engleski, uebersetzer kroatisch serbisch deutsch englisch, sprachtrainer, deutschlehrer uebersetzer, deutschtrainer, deutsch als fremdsprache, German language teacher, German translator, German medical translator, German for healthcare, njemacki za doktore, deutsch fuer aerzte, pflegepersonal, German translator in lebanon, German courses in lebanon, German teacher in lebanon, German teacher meadle east, glt lebanon, jounieh, beirut, kaslik, German teacher, native teacher German, berlitz, goethe, american language institute, German for beginners, advanced German, German for ... German/Croatian
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   JovankaJM
Macedonian, English, German, translator ... Macedonian
North Macedonia
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Katrin Nymburg
  linguist, translator and proofreader
English, French, Czech, German, Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovak, Turkish, translator, translation, proofreading, editing ... Czech/German
0 points
Serbian to German
  Val Štefanko
  Fields: dentistry, marketing, healthcare
Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, English, Spanish, German, law, contracts, dentistry, healthcare, medical technology, tourism, travelling, technical, engineering, politics, Marketing. ... German
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Olivia K
  High Quality & Customer Satisfaction
German, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Spanish, English, interpreting, translating, proof-reading, CAT Tools, politics ... German
0 points
Serbian to German
  Bojan Dronjak
  You have my word!
interpreter, translator, German, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian, English, court, Marketing, social science, electrics, industry, technical, medicine, literature, poetry, Philosophy, sport, writing, editing, post-editing, detail oriented, expeditious, deadline oriented ... German/Serbian
Bosnia and Herzegovina
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Natasa Mijatovic
  The art of words vaulting over worlds...
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Medical: Health Care, Marketing, Medical: Dentistry, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Construction / Civil Engineering, Cooking / Culinary, Education / Pedagogy, Business/Commerce (general), Medical (general), Poetry & Literature, Tourism & Travel ... Serbian
0 points
Serbian to German
  Marina Pavlovic-Cetkovic , ... Serbo-Croat
0 points
Serbian to German
  Veronika Kindler Bosnisch/Kroatisch/Serbisch, Russisch, Ukrainisch, Recht, juristische Übersetzungen, erfahren, Juristin ... German
0 points
Serbian to German
  Angelina Bier Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Computers (general), Automation & Robotics, Cooking / Culinary, Cosmetics, Beauty, Music, Slang, Names (personal, company), Medical: Dentistry, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Medical: Health Care, Medical (general), Nutrition, Psychology, Safety, Biology (-tech, -chem, micro-), Energy / Power Generation, Management, Science (general), Genetics, Business/Commerce (general), Economics, Finance (general), Investment / Securities, Advertising / Public Relations, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Tourism & Travel, Education / Pedagogy, Astronomy & Space, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Medical: Cardiology, Geology, IT (Information Technology), Internet, e-Commerce, Materials (Plastics, Ceramics, etc.), Media / Multimedia, Metrology, Military / Defense ... German
0 points
Serbian to German
  Zoran Belić
  Translator English-German-Serbian
English, German, Serbian, electronic, information systems, general translations ... Serbian
0 points
Serbian to German
Identity Verified   Denis Mihajlovic Deutsch, Serbisch, Russisch, Recht, Religion usw. ... Serbian/German
218 points
Serbian to German
Next page: More Serbian to German translators and interpreters »