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[View Powwow Report] powwow: (afternoon tea)Freelance tips and tricks

May 14, 2006, 12:00 am
JapanTokyoIn personEnglish

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (23) / Confirmed: 5 / Tentative: 8
Name NoteWill Attend
Richard MORT  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I'd like to meet fellow professionals in the Tokyo area to swap ideas, share experiences and enjoy interaction. I am used to organizing events for large numbers and can promise an excellent and fun occasion. Please contact if you would like to know more.  
kyoko oyama   want to know more about  m
Christine Luk  \"Reporter\" I am a Hong Kong based translator and I'd like to get to know more about the professional translator and interpreter in Japan.   
Anita Kobayashi   please keep me informed  m
browneyes  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I'm very new to proz (and also translation actually). Wish to know, learn or share ideas !  
XMichael Sickler (X)   Count me in!  
Jeff Darling   yeah - sounds like a good idea... I'm based in Shizuoka, and just starting, but would try to make it for a summer event...  
Xmiyu   I'm very interested in meeting with many people!  
Nobuo Kameyama   I made another appointment because I was not sure whether May 14 powwow would be held or not.  n
XTao Romera Martinez (X)   I am very interested in this event and would be glad to participate.  m
Xsnowiee (X)  \"Photographer\" Sorry, this time not available.  n
Naoko Kashimoto   I am from Tokyo, a Niigata based translator, and a mother of 2 sons. I'd be happy to see fellows involved with a category of translation or interpretation. Please keep me posted!!  m
gakuji  \"Reporter\" Interesting about enjoying work through communications and relationships with many peoples.  y
Tommy Konishi   Very interested, but already have another meeting on the same day.  
Yasutomo Kanazawa   Very much interested in meeting people from the same industry.  m
Yoko Tsuchiya   hope to participate and meet colleagues in Tokyo.  m
Kurt Hammond   With the new date I would probably be able to attend! 1. Parttime freelance J-E. 2. Roundtable or other seating to allow maximum interaction? 3. Open to future networking as personal time allows.   y
Cristina Escudero  \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I'm living in China and I'd love to participate in this event. Could anyone send to me further information on this Powwow?  y
Tadashi   Interested in meeting with translators living in and around Tokyo.  y
hiver   I'm interested in this meeting and would like to participate. Hoping to meet people and share any information about translation work.  m
kgs   Hi! I`m very interested in attending. Please send more detailed info. I would really appreciate it!  y
Xyuzouren   i am interested this event too, please let me know the latest information.  m
casey   I'm interested, too, but June 18th is no good for me. :( Maybe next time.  n

Postings about this event

Powwow: Tokyo - Japan
Richard MORT
Richard MORT  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:34
German to English
+ ...
Email update Mar 8, 2006

Hi everyone,

I just sent a more detailed email update about this event. I'd like to thank you for your interest and I really hope it's a big success!

Please see the longer message.


Local time: 18:34
Japanese to English
+ ...
Location & time Apr 25, 2006

Could you give me more information on location and time for this event?

Cristina Escudero
Cristina Escudero
Local time: 11:34
English to Spanish
+ ...
where and when? May 11, 2006

It is only 3 days for the upcoming powwow, but i don´t have any info yet. Could anyone give me more information about the place and time?

Richard MORT
Richard MORT  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:34
German to English
+ ...
Apologies and new date May 11, 2006

Please accept my apologies, I had to postpone the POW WOW event in Tokyo. Here is the message I sent:

Dear all,

I am very sorry for the lack of updates - due to the Golden Week national holiday I was delayed in negotiating with the restaurant and it has simply proved too difficult for a number of reasons.

BUT - I am determined to hold a successful event so I hope you will forgive me and understand if I postpone to June, which gives me more time to set up
... See more
Please accept my apologies, I had to postpone the POW WOW event in Tokyo. Here is the message I sent:

Dear all,

I am very sorry for the lack of updates - due to the Golden Week national holiday I was delayed in negotiating with the restaurant and it has simply proved too difficult for a number of reasons.

BUT - I am determined to hold a successful event so I hope you will forgive me and understand if I postpone to June, which gives me more time to set up a good arrangement.

I would prefer to postpone and make a great event, rather than settle for now when things aren't perfect. I have held these events before, so I have a good idea of what is required.

I'd like you to please clear this date in your diary:

Sunday June 18th 2-5pm

And I will do the rest. I will promise to keep you all updated.

Also one more thing - I appreciate all of your interest but some of your profiles are very blank and I would like to know something about the people coming before I arrange the event.

So, with respect, I would like those who wish to come to:

1. Briefly introduce yourself and the work you do
2. Tell me any ideas/suggestions for the event
3. Let me know if you'd like to continue networking in Tokyo on a regular basis

Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions. I am confident I can tell you the venue by the end of next week.



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