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2 projects entered 2 positive feedback from outsourcers
Project Details
Project Summary
Translation Volume: 23536 words Completed: Feb 2007 Languages: English to Latvian
Information pack "Welcome to Wales" for migrant workers
This information pack, produced by the Welsh Assembly Government in November 2006, includes detailed information which could be useful for people moving to Wales. It involves the most important aspects of living in the UK and in Wales, such as living in the UK, employment and employment rights, minimum wage and tax, legal deductions, housing and ways to obtain the real estate, family, health and health services, education, learning English and Welsh, transport, help and support, community information, etc.
Human Resources
positive Orient Script Wrldwide: Very helpful, punctual and good to work with.
Translation Volume: 3149 words Completed: Sep 2006 Languages: Latvian to English
Translation of report on a criminal case and court rulings.
Law (general)
positive FCI Corporation: Inese is very friendly and a diligent translator
Sample translations submitted: 1
Latvian to English: SPC
Source text - Latvian Jāizvairās gan no neselektīvo, gan selektīvo β-blokatoru lietošanas, izņemot gadījumus, kad to lietošana ir kardināli nepieciešama.
Normālos apstākļos pēc inhalācijas tiek sasniegta zema flutikazona propionāta koncentrācija plazmā, ko nodrošina plašais pirmā loka metabolisms un augstais sistēmiskais klīrenss, ko mediē citohroms P450 3A4 zarnās un aknās. Tādējādi klīniski nozīmīga zāļu mijiedarbība, ko nosaka flutikazona propionāts, ir maz ticama.
Zāļu mijiedarbības pētījums ar veseliem cilvēkiem parādīja, ka ritonavirs (spēcīgs citohroma P450 3A4 inhibitors) var stipri palielināt flutikazona propionāta koncentrāciju plazmā, rezultātā ievērojami samazinot kortizola līmeni serumā. Lietojot praksē, ir bijuši ziņojumi par klīniski nozīmīgiem zāļu mijiedarbības gadījumiem, kad pacientiem, kas saņēma intranazālo vai inhalējamo flutikazona propionātu un ritonaviru, radās sistēmiski kortikosteroīdu blakusefekti, ieskaitot Kušinga sindromu un virsnieru nomākumu. Tādēļ ir jāizvairās no flutikazona propionāta un ritonavira vienlaicīgas lietošanas, ja vien paredzamais ieguvums pacientam neatsver sistēmisko kortikosteroīdu blakusefektu risku.
Pētījumi rāda, ka citi citohroma P450 3A4 inhibitori izraisa niecīgu (eritromicīns) vai nelielu (ketokonazols) flutikazona propionāta sistēmiskās ekspozīcijas palielināšanos bez nozīmīgas kortizola līmeņa pazemināšanās serumā. Tomēr vēlama piesardzība, vienlaicīgi nozīmējot spēcīgus citohroma P450 3A4 inhibitorus (piem., ketokonazolu), jo pastāv palielinātas flutikazona propionāta sistēmiskās ekspozīcijas iespēja.
Translation - English Both non-selective and selective beta-blockers should be avoided unless there are compelling reasons for their use.
Under normal circumstances, low plasma concentrations of fluticasone propionate are achieved after inhaled dosing, due to extensive first-pass metabolism and high systemic clearance mediated by cytochrome P450 3A4 in the gut and liver. Hence, clinically significant drug interactions mediated by fluticasone propionate are unlikely.
A drug interaction study in healthy subjects has shown that ritonavir (a highly potent cytochrome P450 3AF inhibitor) can greatly increase fluticasone propionate plasma concentrations, resulting in markedly reduced serum cortisol concentrations. During post-marketing use, there have been reports of clinically significant drug interactions in patients receiving intranasal or inhaled fluticasone propionate and ritonavir, resulting in systemic corticosteroid effects including Cushing’s syndrome and adrenal suppression. Therefore, concomitant use of fluticasone propionate and ritonavir should be avoided, unless the potential benefit to the patient outweighs the risk of systemic corticosteroid side-effects.
Studies have shown that other inhibitors of cytochrome P450 3A4 produce negligible (erythromycin) and minor (ketoconazole) increases in systemic exposure to fluticasone propionate without notable reductions in serum cortisol concentrations. Nevertheless, care is advised when co-administering potent cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitors (e.g. ketoconazole) as there is potential for increased systemic exposure to fluticasone propionate.
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Other - Widen my professional range
I've been working in the translation industry for approximately 4 decades. I am not only a professional and highly experienced translator, but also a very reliable partner to work with.
Trusting your translation to a professional means getting the best results without any problems. A professional and experienced translator is aware of any potential issues.
If you are looking for a skillful medical translator in either Latvian into English, or English into Latvian language pairs, I have the expertise and knowledge to help.
I am familiar with and aware of any regulatory requirements in the medical field, EMA templates and their application, FDA requirements, as well as medical and legal terminology.
If you have written an e-book, a novel, a fiction or non-fiction book, scientific article or story, or if you need translation of blog and website content, my expertise will suit you well.
I am also a visual artist and art and lifestyle blogger (blogs in English) with large number of followers.
NOTE: I am interested only in translations, not review, editing or proofreading. I will consider only decent volume jobs which are paid at a reasonable rate. I don't review machine translations.
Latvian into English translations, especially medical/medicine/clinical research related texts
Content writing and translations, English or from Latvian into English
Fiction, scientific, lifestyle or health related texts and books
On-site interpreting
Back-translations (Latvian into English) in medical and health related fields, health, nutrition, lifestyle and natural treatments
Blog/website content (Latvian into English), psychology, magazine articles, stories, novels
Medical and health related texts:
Clinical trial documentation, clinical research, synopsis for clinical trials, hospital and medical records, informed consent forms, case reports, discharge summaries, investigation site contracts and other clinical research documents, forms, agreements and contracts
Cardiology, psychiatry, surgery, diabetes, emergency care
Diabetes, blood testing devices, medicinal products and treatment of type I diabetes
Medical instruments and medical devices, diagnostic devices
Native Latvian with excellent command of English and German, academic background and outstanding creative experience
Master's degree in teaching, psychological aspects of teaching and foreign linguistics
I have completed extensive studies in Practical Medicine and Pharmacology, I have broad experience in medical research, assistance with clinical trial audits and in-depth knowledge of the newest medical technologies, products and treatments
Remarkable experience in content writing (online and regular magazines/newspaper articles, blogs, websites), stories, novels, fiction and non-fiction
About me:
My most valuable assets are my experience, personal features and the unique location. I live in the English-speaking part of Canada but retain excellent native language skills. I've been working and residing in Canada for 19 years.
I have been employed as an editor, writer, translator, art instructor and teacher. Currently, I ran my own teaching business and art school. I love tackling complicated tasks and seeking answers to challenging questions which appear during the translation process. My extensive experience in translation enables me to stay at the top of any translation tasks.
Along with translations of medical materials, I'm also writing my own articles about treatments, nutrition and natural treatments. My skills in the medical field include physical and mental health, as well as remarkable knowledge about instruments and medical devices, ability to interpret medical test results and diagnostic reports.
I have contributed to marketing and translation of many medicinal products. Their list includes many thousands of brand and generic names.
I am also writing and advising about lifestyle, health issues, management of type I diabetes, natural diets and the importance of creative activities in improvement of one's daily routine.
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Keywords: Latvian English translation, latviešu angļu tulkojums, latviešu angļu tulkotājs, Latvian English translator, English Latvian translator, blog, blog content, content writing, Life Sciences, content writer. See more.Latvian English translation, latviešu angļu tulkojums, latviešu angļu tulkotājs, Latvian English translator, English Latvian translator, blog, blog content, content writing, Life Sciences, content writer, medical content writer, lifestyle, lifestyle blogger, health, health content, Medical, Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, Summary of product characteristics, Medical cardiology, Medical diabetes, Medical Instruments, Medical Devices, Medical General, Medical translation, Medical texts, healthcare, back translation, Science, professional, experienced, high quality, pharmaceuticals, drugs, medicinal product, clinical trial, clinical study, clinical research, synopsis, informed consent form, SPC, PL, EMA, instructions for use, package leaflet, quality, quality assurance, labeling, safety profile, biology, patient questionnaire, discharge summary, hospital discharge summary, outpatient, treatment, therapy
Art, creativity, gardening, psychology, psychological evaluation, Art Literary, literature, fiction, poetry, poem, painting, article, novel, story, poem translation, novel. See less.