Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jan 16 '17 eng>fas discouraging ناامیدکننده؛ دلسردکننده؛ مأیوس‌کننده pro closed ok
4 Nov 18 '16 fas>eng دریافت کردن طی فیش receive against receipt pro closed ok
4 Nov 12 '16 eng>fas fossil-fuel powerhouse نیروگاه سوخت‌های فسیلی pro closed ok
- Dec 9 '15 fas>eng بادگیر چپقی pipe-shaped wind tower; pipe-typed windcatcher pro closed no
4 Nov 10 '15 eng>fas share the burden در به دوش کشیدن بار ... سهیم باشند pro closed no
- Nov 9 '15 eng>fas Take it in good humor. جنبه شوخی داشته باش. pro closed no
4 Oct 10 '15 fas>eng به‌ما‌هو per se pro closed ok
- Oct 10 '15 fas>eng Tan be ... dadan submit to pro closed ok
4 Oct 10 '15 fas>eng کلید خوردن start; launch; be staged pro closed ok
- Aug 4 '15 fas>eng EnherAfeh meyAr standard deviation pro closed ok
- Jan 5 '15 eng>fas Prior قبلی pro closed no
- Oct 25 '14 fas>eng راه و چاه right and wrong pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '14 eng>fas a lone voice in the wilderness تنها بلر نبود که فریاد ... سر می‌داد pro closed ok
- Jun 15 '14 eng>fas Legitimizing principles triumph by being taken for granted موفقیت اصول مشروعیت در سهل‌انگاری آنهاست pro closed no
4 Jun 14 '14 eng>fas falls far short of به هیچ وجه به پای ... نمی‌رسد pro closed ok
4 May 2 '14 eng>fas withdrawal symptoms علائم/نشانه‌های ترک مصرف pro closed ok
2 Mar 24 '13 eng>fas potential initiator سفارش‌دهنده احتمالی؛ آغازکننده احتمالی pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '13 eng>fas if so be that you and she may agree با این فرض که شما (دو نفر) موافقت کنید pro open no
4 Oct 11 '12 fas>eng روز زوج Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesday pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '12 fas>eng به تفکیک دوره درمان sorted by/in terms of treatment period pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '12 fas>eng در قالب represented by; referring to; meaning pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '12 eng>fas Chief Compliance Officer مأمور ارشد قانون مداری/وظیفه شناسی pro closed ok
- Nov 11 '11 eng>fas acted عملی pro closed no
- Jul 21 '11 eng>fas Mastercard International incorporated شرکت بی المللی مسترکارد pro closed ok
3 Jul 19 '11 fas>eng دفتریار دفترخانه notary public assistant pro closed ok
3 Jul 19 '11 fas>eng سردفتر notary public pro closed ok
- Jul 19 '11 fas>eng وکالت بلا عزل با توکیل غیر enduring power of attorney which can be delegated to a third party pro closed ok
- Jun 22 '11 fas>eng دادگستری جمهوری اسلامی ایران Islamic Republic of Iran's Justice Administration pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '11 fas>eng برگ اخطاریه notice pro closed no
4 May 14 '11 eng>fas Combined Security امنیت مشترک pro closed ok
- Apr 16 '11 eng>fas boom / bucket cylinders تعداد سیلندر بازو / باکت pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '11 fas>eng امور اجرایی طرح های آب The executive affairs of water plans pro closed ok
4 Mar 24 '11 fas>eng دفتر مدیریت مصرف و کاهش آب بدون درآمد The Office for Consumption Management and Reducing Non-Revenue Water (NRW) pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '11 eng>fas "staying well plan" برنامه خوب ماندن pro just_closed no
4 Mar 21 '11 fas>eng دبی ورودی inlet flow pro closed ok
- Mar 17 '11 fas>eng تنظیم اجراات arranging executions/writs of execution pro closed ok
3 Mar 17 '11 fas>eng Documents اسناد؛ مدارک pro closed ok
- Mar 13 '11 eng>fas عملیات لوله گذاری و نصب انشعاب piping and installing junctions pro closed ok
4 Mar 3 '11 eng>fas Character Dispositions ویژگی های شخصیتی؛ خلق و وخوی شخصیتی pro closed ok
3 Feb 11 '11 eng>fas Home options خیارات مسکن؛ گزینه های مسکن pro closed ok
- Feb 11 '11 eng>fas housing company شرکت مسکن؛ تعاونی مسکن pro closed ok
4 Jan 26 '11 eng>fas conceivable future آینده متصور/قابل تصور pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '10 eng>fas in-suite common element تجهیزات مشترک داخل سوئیت pro closed ok
- Sep 27 '10 fas>eng خون دل خوردن toil pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '10 eng>fas on-the-fly در حین کار pro closed ok
4 Sep 8 '10 eng>fas Via Fermi No. 12 خیابان فرمی، شماره 12 pro closed ok
- Aug 9 '10 eng>fas Meat Packer عمده فروش گوشت pro closed ok
4 Jun 19 '10 eng>fas Freelancer آزادپيشه pro closed ok
- May 7 '10 fas>eng لوچه Lip, mouth pro closed ok
- Apr 22 '10 eng>fas matchless بى نظير؛ بى همتا pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered