Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 6 '15 eng>fas macroprudential محتاطانه در سطح کلان easy open no
NP May 8 '15 urd>fas یہ ہے برائٹو کا پاکستان این است Brighto پاکستان easy closed no
4 Feb 25 '13 eng>fas Textbook نمونه بارز؛ نمونه اعلا؛ بهترین نحوی که می‌شود کاری را انجام داد easy closed ok
- May 14 '11 eng>fas sandpiper یلوه easy closed ok
- May 2 '11 eng>fas terrine سفالی easy closed no
4 Mar 31 '11 eng>fas mug لیوان دسته دار easy closed ok
- Mar 12 '11 eng>fas survivor horror وحشت بازمانده easy closed ok
4 Mar 4 '11 eng>fas I'm his flesh and blood. از پشتشم؛ از پشت او هستم easy closed ok
- Mar 2 '11 eng>fas You dropped it! از دستت افتاد؛ از دست خودت افتاد easy closed ok
4 Mar 2 '11 eng>fas He can't take a joke! شوخی سرش نمیشه easy closed ok
4 Jan 28 '11 fas>eng جعاله contract of reward easy closed ok
- Jan 28 '11 fas>eng قوانین فقهی jurisprudence; juridical laws/regulation easy closed no
4 Nov 17 '10 fas>eng همایونیمان حال آمد. پدر سوخته Our Highness was/is amused, you bastard! easy closed ok
4 Nov 11 '10 fas>eng haghighat zendegi the truth of life easy closed ok
- Sep 6 '10 eng>fas indices شاخص ها easy closed ok
4 Oct 28 '09 eng>fas straight line خط مستقیم؛ خط راست easy closed ok
4 Oct 3 '09 eng>fas don't forget me, a new day will come فراموشم نکن، روزی تازه خواهد آمد easy closed ok
4 Sep 23 '09 eng>fas baby, i miss you عزیزم دلم برات تنگ میشه easy closed ok
- Sep 8 '09 fas>eng ترتمیز very clean, neat, tidy easy closed no
- Sep 7 '09 eng>fas Flew off محو شد؛ ناپدید شد؛ غیبش زد؛ پرید easy closed no
- Aug 25 '09 fas>eng man ham be to fekr mikonam aziztar az janam I, too, think of you, my dearest. easy closed no
- Aug 17 '09 eng>fas present threat/help خطر/کمک فعلی (یا حاضر یا کنونی یا موجود)ب easy closed ok
4 Aug 17 '09 eng>fas present situation/king موقعبت (یا وضعیت یا شرایط)/پادشاه (یا شاه) کنونی (یا فعلی یا حاضر)ب easy closed ok
4 Aug 17 '09 eng>fas Present ~member/student عضو/دانشجو (یا دانش آموز) کنونی (یا فعلی یا حاضر) easy closed ok
4 Aug 17 '09 eng>fas Possible candidate/time/alternative احتمالی/محتمل easy closed ok
4 Jul 20 '09 eng>fas some book (or other) یه کتابی / کتابی / یک کتابی easy closed ok
- Jul 3 '09 fas>eng همین همین present; همان past easy closed ok
- Jul 2 '09 eng>fas free and easy دختر ول / زن ول easy closed ok
4 Jul 1 '09 fas>eng معرفی کردن introduce; describe; explain; recommend easy closed ok
4 May 30 '09 eng>fas Persian crispy rice ته ديگ easy closed ok
4 May 20 '09 fas>eng پاد anti easy closed ok
- Mar 11 '09 fas>eng باعث افتخار من هست که I'll be most glad/delighted to... easy closed ok
- Jan 14 '09 eng>fas I like you very much. خيلي دوستت دارم. easy closed no
4 Jan 15 '09 eng>fas Enjoy! لذت ببريد! easy closed ok
- Jan 11 '09 fas>eng خسته نباشيد Nothing! easy closed ok
- Dec 19 '08 eng>fas always with you هميشه با تو easy closed ok
- Dec 10 '08 eng>fas Myth افسانه easy closed ok
- Dec 8 '08 fas>eng ياور Comrade easy closed ok
- Dec 8 '08 eng>fas (very close) friend دوست (خيلي نزديك) easy closed ok
- Dec 4 '08 fas>eng مدتی بود که میخواستم وبلاگی برای خود درست کنم It's been some time since I've decided to create my own (we)blog easy closed no
4 Sep 16 '08 fas>eng khayli awkward bood. faghat man tanha boodam ba Ryan It was so awkward. It was only Ryan and me there/Only Ryan and I were alone. easy closed ok
- May 6 '05 eng>fas let me rock you,let me roll you بیا راکت کنم، بیا رولت کنم. easy open no
Asked | Open questions | Answered