Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 2 '05 ita>eng tessuti a maglia knit fabrics or plain "knits" pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '05 ita>eng vedetta aerie; watchtower pro closed ok
- Sep 28 '05 ita>eng distrettualistiche industrial park pro closed no
- Sep 27 '05 ita>eng testuggine testuGo pro closed ok
4 Sep 22 '05 ita>eng potestà statale state jurisdiction pro closed ok
- Sep 17 '05 ita>eng scarpatura sloping/counterscarp pro closed ok
4 Sep 16 '05 ita>eng comprensione specifiche I read it as pro closed no
- Sep 15 '05 ita>eng integrato nel mondo psicologico ed etico I like your wording but see below pro closed no
4 Sep 15 '05 ita>eng Abitazione padronale owner's dwelling pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '05 ita>eng corrugazione del terreno mound/small mound pro closed ok
4 Sep 12 '05 ita>eng aspetti archivi e flussi defines data storage and stream pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '05 ita>eng autonomamente does not require professional help pro closed ok
- Sep 9 '05 ita>eng classici binari it does not follow the beaten track pro closed ok
4 Sep 9 '05 ita>eng CONTRIBUTI PUBBLICI PER INVESTIMENTI PRODUTTIVI public funding for productive investments pro closed no
- Sep 8 '05 ita>eng Capo di Stato Maggiore Chief of the General Staff pro closed ok
4 Sep 7 '05 ita>eng fanno da re the place where..... are the rule, the run of the mill, pro closed no
1 Sep 5 '05 ita>eng una societa' riguardo a cui ABC conduce un incarico. depends on what ABC does pro closed no
- Sep 5 '05 ita>eng a riprova di un conquistato ritegno ad abbandonarsi self-control pro closed ok
4 Sep 3 '05 ita>eng coltivare maintain a litigation pro closed ok
- Sep 3 '05 ita>eng il mondo nel pallone I am not sure you can keep the play on word pro closed ok
- Sep 2 '05 ita>eng agire sociale social action pro closed ok
4 Sep 2 '05 ita>eng socializzazione manifatturiera "industrial socialization" pro closed no
4 Sep 1 '05 ita>eng peso causale causal role pro closed no
- Aug 31 '05 ita>eng impianti segnaletici signage pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '05 ita>eng sindacale by the book pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '05 ita>eng scrotone crudele "Big Balls" "Big Dick" pro closed no
4 Sep 1 '05 ita>eng drogato spirocheta the STD junkie pro closed ok
- Sep 1 '05 ita>eng rapporto di scambio (urgent please) close ties pro closed no
2 Aug 31 '05 ita>eng piano entometrico rather for measuring insects occurrence pro closed no
4 Aug 19 '05 ita>eng compresa la suddivisione per voci merceologiche sorted by type pro closed no
- Aug 20 '05 ita>eng maglia aziendale ownership pattern pro closed no
- Aug 14 '05 ita>eng accensione di prestiti disbursing a loan pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '05 ita>eng Impregnante protettivo oil finish pro closed ok
- Aug 10 '05 ita>eng innevamento programmato Snow: man-made at the right time or Snow: the right amount at the right time pro closed ok
2 Aug 10 '05 ita>eng polifore underground utility lines/underground utility conduit pro closed no
- Aug 8 '05 ita>eng Logica "a gambero" "backtrack logic" pro closed no
4 Aug 9 '05 ita>eng Gatto delle nevi snowcoach; snowmobile pro closed ok
- Aug 9 '05 ita>eng RCE/Registratore Cronologico di Eventi Chronological Event Log pro closed ok
4 Aug 4 '05 ita>eng al comando della nave at the helm of the ship pro closed ok
4 Aug 4 '05 ita>eng sbarramenti antifiame flame barrier pro closed ok
- Aug 4 '05 ita>eng stretto his hand pro closed no
2 Aug 3 '05 ita>eng decreto d'impegno decree of pledge pro closed ok
- Aug 3 '05 ita>eng set phrase This is a law of the state and it must be obeyed and enforced by any person it applies to pro closed ok
4 Feb 12 '05 ita>eng segni autonomi dal suono che rappresentano signs independent from the sound they represent pro closed ok
4 Feb 13 '05 ita>eng assemblea totalitaria universal meeting pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '05 ita>eng alfabetismo painting the alphabet pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '05 ita>eng corsi di formazione permanente continuing education pro closed no
- Jun 22 '04 ita>eng inoccupati di lungo termine long term unemployed; never-employed pro closed no
- May 8 '04 ita>eng dispositivi a perdere one time use or non reusable pro closed ok
4 Apr 6 '04 ita>eng se gustato in giovane età young wine pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered