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Swedish to English - Standard rate: 0.08 USD per word / 20 USD per hour
Sample translations submitted: 3
English to Swedish: sample - Declaration of Independence
Source text - English We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Translation - Swedish Vi håller dessa sanningar självklara, att alla människor är skapade lika, att Skaparen har begåvat dem med vissa fundamentala rättigheter, ibland dessa, liv, frihet och strävan efter lycka.
För att säkra dessa rättigheter, är regeringar instiftade ibland människor, regeringar som erhaller sin rattvisa makt med godkannande fran de som ar förvaltade. Att närhelst nagon regerings struktur blir destruktiv i detta syfte är det folkets rättighet att omarbeta eller avskaffa den, och att instifta en ny regering som grundläggs pa sådana principer, och som organiserar makten på det sätt som verkar mest sannolik att påverka deras (folkets) säkerhet och Lycka.
English to Swedish: sample - virus
Source text - English
Influenza viruses are notable for their resilience and adaptability. While science has been able to develop highly effective vaccines and treatments for many infectious diseases that threaten public health, acquiring these tools is an ongoing challenge with the influenza virus. Changes in the genetic makeup of the virus require us to develop new vaccines on an annual basis and forecast which strains are likely to predominate
Translation - Swedish Influensa virus är anmärkningsvärda för deras motståndskraft och anpassningsförmåga. Medans vetenskapen har lyckats utveckla mycket effektiva vaccinationer och behandlingar för många smittsamma sjukdomar som hotar allmänhetens hälsa, att förvärva dessa verktyg är en fortlöpande utmaning med influensa viruset. Förändringar i den genetiska karaktären av viruset fodrar oss att årligen utforma nya vaccinationer och förutse vilken stam som är mest sannolik att dominera.
English to Swedish: sample -Lag (swe - eng)
Source text - English Lex Maria är det vardagliga namnet på 6 kap. 4 § i lagen (1998:531) om yrkesverksamhet på hälso- och sjukvårdens område, som innebär att vårdpersonal har skyldighet att till Socialstyrelsen anmäla om en patient i samband med hälso- och sjukvård drabbats av eller utsatts för risk att drabbas av en allvarlig skada eller sjukdom. Bakgrunden till namnet är den incident 1936 då ett antal patienter på Maria sjukhus i Stockholm avled till följd av felbehandling.
Translation - Swedish Lex Maria is the common name of Chapter six act four in the law, (1998:531) occupational activity in the health care sector, which requires health care personnel to report to the Social Services if a patient in connection with a hospital visit was affected by, or was possibly affected by, a serious injury or disease.
The name has its origin in a 1936 incident when a number of patients at the Maria Hospital died as a result of faulty treatment.
Years of experience: 32. Registered at Apr 2007.
My name is Erika Thacker; I am a happy mother to a one year old daughter.
I was born and raised in Sweden, have lived in the States for six years and are currently residing in Texas.
To become fluent in English was to me like unlocking one of life’s little mysteries. Never in my wildest imagination could I have envisioned the different life perspectives I encountered. To learn another language is not only to understand it, but to understand the people speaking as well.
On one of my many trips to Sweden I suddenly realized that I couldn't watch Swedish- subtitled English television shows anymore, and the reason was, in my opinion, the subtitles were wrong!
So, it occurred to me that I should do this for a living.
Keywords: short deadline, low price, quality, military, medical, software