Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 8 '22 eng>ara origin of beautiful, healthy-looking skin تولد بشرة جميلة وصحية pro closed ok
- Aug 8 '22 eng>ara HIGHLIGHT ILLUMINATEUR هايلايت مضيء/ مشرق للبشرة pro just_closed no
- Aug 3 '22 eng>ara cumulative benefits فوائد مُعزِزة هائلة pro closed no
- Aug 3 '22 eng>ara Prime التهيئة pro just_closed no
- May 15 '22 eng>ara Look younger, and brighter every day تمتعي بطلة أكثر شبابًا وإشراقًا كل يوم pro closed ok
4 Apr 21 '22 eng>ara Intensely fragrant, gentle to the skin ذو عطر فواح ولطيف على الجلد pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '22 eng>ita moisturize idratano pro closed no
- Apr 3 '22 eng>ara Healthy is Beautiful للصحة رونق pro closed ok
4 Apr 3 '22 eng>ara broader coverage and longer application لتغطية أوسع نطاقًا واستخدام لمدة أطول pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '22 ita>ara chioma شعر الرأس pro closed ok
4 Feb 10 '22 eng>ara put Fee رسوم الالتزام بالشراء pro closed no
- Aug 19 '21 eng>ara holds an ongoing conversation تخاطب باستمرار pro just_closed no
- Aug 19 '21 eng>ara rich and contrasting “Millefiori” bouquet باقة "Millefiori" الغنية والمتباينة pro just_closed no
- Jan 16 '21 eng>ara with tendency to القابل للتساقط pro closed ok
- Jan 15 '21 eng>ara Enriches Hair يقوي pro closed ok
- Jul 6 '20 eng>ita Shelfie-worthy degno di essere messo sulla mensola pro closed no
- Aug 11 '19 eng>ita powdery consistenza polverosa pro closed ok
- Mar 20 '19 eng>ita real-leaf steeping technology tecnologia di macerazione di real-leaf pro closed ok
4 Oct 13 '18 ita>ara riposare أترك المستخضر على الشعر pro closed no
- Jun 20 '18 eng>ara Quadpacer مؤقت زمني pro open no
- Jun 19 '18 eng>ara wisping hairstyle تسريحة خصل الشعر الملفوفة pro open no
4 Jun 3 '18 eng>ita free part closure chiusura della parte libera pro closed no
4 May 16 '18 eng>ara highlighter and shimmer الهايلايتر والشيمر pro closed no
4 May 14 '18 eng>ara smudge brush فرشاة لوضع مخطط العينين ودمج ظلال العينين pro closed no
4 May 14 '18 eng>ara SMUDGE EYE SPONGE اسفنجة قلم لخلط وتوزيع مظلل العيون pro closed no
NP Feb 21 '18 ita>ara Estrema azione condizionante e lucidante ترطيب شديد ولمعان مذهل pro closed no
4 Dec 31 '17 eng>ara Elastability shape retention stretch حزام الاحتفاظ بالشكل الثابت المطاطي pro closed no
- Dec 31 '17 eng>ara Cameo brown بني محمر فاتح pro closed no
4 Dec 31 '17 eng>ara Tender and obscure أملس وغامق اللون pro closed no
- Dec 31 '17 eng>ara Noble Temperament شكل فخم pro closed no
- Jul 6 '17 eng>ita “pump” curler outward tirare la piegaciglia fuori pro closed no
- May 21 '17 eng>ara essence-wise مستخلصة بالتقطير pro closed no
- Oct 19 '16 eng>ita benefit agent agente di beneficio pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered