Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 20 '20 ita>eng comparire nelle visure camerali so that they do not appear in the chamber of commerce company registration pro open no
- Jun 21 '19 ara>eng وإن كان قد جانبه الصواب even if he was mistaken pro closed ok
- Jun 21 '19 ara>eng المستحق عنهم الفائدة for which the interest is due pro just_closed no
- Dec 30 '18 ita>eng Abbonamenti con corrispettivo valorizzato subscriptions at an increased price pro closed no
- Sep 24 '18 ita>eng stratificazione fiscale tax stratification pro closed no
2 Jul 28 '18 ara>eng تأشيرات الصرف والحركة freight disposal and traffic certificates pro closed no
- Feb 21 '18 ara>eng حق مفترض default right pro open no
4 Jan 7 '18 eng>ara otherwise subject the Insurers shall أنه بخلاف ذلك، لن تعوض شركات التأمين المؤمن عليه إلا فيما يخص الخسارة أو الضرر pro closed no
- Jan 7 '18 eng>ara framed in pursuance of المحررة وفقًا لـ pro closed no
- Jan 1 '18 ita>ara Titoli di credito سندات الديون pro open no
4 Nov 6 '17 ara>eng عند سداد المبلغ لايقبل upon paying the sum, the machine does not accept it pro closed no
4 Nov 5 '17 ara>eng العداد المراد عمل فاتورة له the meter for which an invoice is required to be issued pro closed no
- Sep 4 '17 ita>eng ATTO UNICO SINGLE ACT pro open no
- Jul 28 '16 ara>eng وِجاء نتيجة was a result of pro closed ok
4 Nov 24 '14 ita>eng atto di riconoscimento acknowledgement deed pro closed ok
- Jun 2 '10 eng>ara Civil protection الحماية المدنية pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered