Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Feb 23 '10 eng>tur saved expenditures tasarruf edilen masraflar pro closed no
- Dec 24 '09 eng>tur force for good iyinin tarafında olan (güç) pro closed ok
- Nov 20 '09 eng>tur Neither hurry nor delay! aceleye gelmesin geç de kalmasın! pro closed ok
4 Nov 6 '09 eng>tur powershift transmission powershift şanzıman pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '09 eng>tur on an Emotional Rollercoaster duygusal çalkantı pro closed ok
- Nov 5 '09 tur>eng minareyi çalan kılıfını hazırlar the devil looks after his own pro closed ok
- Nov 4 '09 tur>eng ÇALGI Musical instrument pro closed ok
4 Nov 4 '09 tur>eng İl Özel İdaresi Fonu Special Provincial Administration Fund pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '09 eng>tur quick expense hızlı masraf girişi easy closed no
1 Oct 26 '09 eng>tur full powers tam yetki easy closed ok
- Oct 24 '09 tur>eng - destekleme kurulu promotion committee pro closed ok
4 Oct 21 '09 eng>tur outdoor life açık havada yaşam pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '09 eng>tur corporate affiliates kurumsal ortaklıklar pro closed no
4 Oct 19 '09 eng>tur at his expense and discretion masraflar ve takdir yetkisi kendisine ait olmak üzere pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered