Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 26 '21 deu>eng beleidigen have a thick skin pro closed no
- Aug 24 '18 deu>eng Sammelantwort sweeping response pro closed no
- Apr 10 '14 eng>eng minor vs under-age or else dependent pro closed no
- Sep 25 '13 deu>eng Außergewöhnliches out-of-the-box thinking pro closed no
4 Nov 28 '12 deu>eng Studiengangszweithörer guest student pro closed ok
4 Oct 5 '11 deu>eng Rillenbündel grooves pro closed ok
4 Oct 5 '11 deu>eng stehen dabei ... zur Seite they used pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '11 deu>eng ungestielten Antennen not attached to {or, part of} the tang pro closed ok
- Sep 22 '11 deu>eng Zusammenschmieden / Aufschmieden pattern welded / laminated pro closed ok
- Dec 7 '10 deu>eng Querschnittsbeitrag multi-disciplinary {course} offering pro closed no
- Nov 18 '10 deu>eng Zur mahnenden Erinnerung admonishing reminder pro closed ok
NP Nov 15 '10 deu>eng Aufsicht serve as a chaparone pro closed no
- Nov 11 '10 eng>eng telephone counted only the answers giving over the telephone were used as her answers pro closed no
- Jun 21 '10 deu>eng Denunziant tattletale, talebearer, informer pro closed no
NP May 24 '10 deu>eng Profilstudium elective courses pro just_closed no
4 Jun 22 '09 deu>eng Volksangehörige ethnic Germans pro closed no
4 Mar 25 '09 eng>eng advocating a gigantic tail to when ‘modern’ man appeared A long line on a statistical graph, pro closed no
- Dec 24 '08 deu>eng Schriftgut handwritten and printed material pro closed ok
- Dec 17 '08 eng>eng Descendant comes from pro closed no
- Nov 19 '08 deu>eng zu betreuende Person charges pro closed no
- Nov 17 '08 deu>eng Frauenbüro / Büro der Frauenbeauftragten Office of Women's Affairs pro closed ok
- Oct 27 '08 deu>eng Erlebnispädagogik education with adventure pro closed no
- Sep 17 '08 eng>eng English verb 2nd choice -- I pray that God heals me. pro closed no
- Jul 24 '08 eng>deu coming up to speed noch in der/ gerade am Ende der Anlaufphase ... pro closed no
- Jun 18 '08 deu>eng Sichtstunde observer-rated patient appointment pro closed no
4 May 23 '08 deu>eng Abschlussbewertung vornehmen final performance evaluation pro closed ok
- Apr 15 '08 deu>eng Zeitraster schedule pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '08 eng>deu community Gesellschaft(en) pro closed ok
- Mar 27 '08 eng>deu harness Gebrauch machen pro closed ok
- Mar 12 '08 eng>eng draw back the better to leap go back a bit to get a running start pro closed ok
4 Nov 18 '07 eng>deu unified in Einklang gebracht, harmonisiert pro closed ok
- Nov 6 '07 deu>eng Profanierung commoditization pro just_closed no
4 Nov 5 '07 deu>eng promovieren received a doctorate from pro closed no
- Oct 15 '07 deu>eng erhält die Erlaubnis, die Berufsbezeichnung zu führen permitted to use the title of ... pro closed ok
- Sep 12 '07 deu>eng berufspolitisch occupational policy pro closed ok
- Aug 13 '07 eng>eng line manager vs. immediate manager There can be a major difference. pro closed no
- Jul 2 '07 eng>eng upon sounds fine to me pro closed ok
4 Jul 2 '07 eng>eng thereto door #2 pro closed ok
- Apr 25 '07 eng>deu in-country vor Ort pro closed ok
- Mar 22 '07 deu>eng aus der Rolle fallen step out of the role pro closed ok
3 Mar 15 '07 eng>deu vulnerable adults hilfsbedürftige Erwachsene pro closed no
- Dec 12 '06 deu>eng Verhältnis-/Verhaltensprävention workplace improvement / lifestyle modification pro closed ok
- Dec 8 '06 deu>eng feste Partnerschaft/ Lebensgemeinschaft monogamous relationship pro closed ok
4 Oct 12 '06 deu>eng Interessensbindung alignment of interests pro closed no
4 Oct 12 '06 deu>eng Rollenbildung identity assumption or identity definition pro closed no
4 Oct 4 '06 deu>eng Gases Games pro closed no
- Sep 28 '06 deu>eng Gebäudeausrüstung building retrofit pro closed no
4 Sep 18 '06 deu>eng vorentschieden chosen in Action 1 pro closed no
- Sep 17 '06 deu>eng Tischdienst waits on the table, serves as waiter for the table pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '06 deu>eng in Teilen some pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered