Early life experience with languages
- Born in Pusan, South Korea, I grew up speaking English and Korean educationally. I spent most of my childhood in Gyeonggido until 19. Then I moved to America and graduated my highschool in AnnArbor, Michigan. I lived there for 5 years. From the year of 2013, I have lived in Gyeonggido where I live now.
List the work you're most proud of
- translating the document (19 Quality Management in the Automotive Industry.) from the GM Motors company in Germany to Korean car company
-translating the document (Textiles — Tests for colour fastness —)
Industry experience outside of translation
- Teaching English to Korean elementary students
Interests you have, or anything that shows your personality
- Interested in Product manual
-Interested in Romance or martial art, Fantasy novel
- Interested in History Documetary
Describe your work process
- Prefer to use the CAT tool called "Fluency"
- Prefer to use Microsoft programs
- Prefer to use LINE, KaKaoTalk
-Prefer to work in home
Mention accomplishments in and out of translation
-I began my studies in linguistics as Englsih and children literature in English. I have worked a year in Navigation Company called "Thinkware" in Pangyoe, South Korea as translator. I worked in the Device Quality Assessment department and translated the document in both languages; Korean to Englsih, Englsih to Korean.