Indonesian to English: Masalah Pendidikan di Bagian Timur wilayah Indonesia Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy | |
Source text - Indonesian Di bagian timur wilayah Indonesia, seperti Papua, Nusa Tenggara dan daerah lain, sektor pendidikan sangat tertinggal di bandingkan dengan di daerah pulau Jawa dan sekitarnya. Masalah ini sudah menjadi bagian topik dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada solusi terbaik untuk mengatasi persoalan itu. Ada beberapa masalah yang harus kita ketahui terhadap ketertinggalan sektor pendidikan di daerah-daerah wilayah timur Indonesia, yaitu : 1. Jumlah guru yang kurang memadai baik dari segi kuantitas maupun kualitas di sekolah-sekolah, mulai dari sekolah Dasar (SD), sekolah menengah (SMP & SMA) dan perguruan tinggi (Universitas). 2. Sarana dan prasarana yang kurang mendukung dalam proses belajar mengajar di daerah tersebut. Seperti kondisi gedung yang sudah rapuh dan kurangnya laboratorium bagi pengembangan siswa. 3. Kesadaran warga di daerah tersebut yang kurang terhadap arti pentingnya pendidikan. | Translation - English In the east parts of Indonesia' regions, like Papua, Nusa Tenggara and other regions nearby. education sector in these regions gets no progress more significantly than that of Java and nearby. we have been getting the problem for several years, but we have no the best solution to overcome it. There are many problems that we have to know about the education problems in those regions, namely: 1. The number of the teachers is not enough to teach in those regions. we need more teachers to work in those regions. besides the quality of the teachers is not standart based on the standart of the government of Indonesia. Most of them graduated from senior high school, not graduated from University. 2. The conditions of the school buildings is not good as a place to learn, it needs to be renovated. and most schools have no laboratory to have research for students. 3. The citizens of those regions don't care about how important the education is. |