Working languages:
Italian to Arabic
French to Arabic
English to Arabic

Hebat-Allah El Ashmawy
Quante lingue parli, tanti uomini vali

Alexandria, Al Iskandariyah, Egypt
Local time: 08:11 EEST (GMT+3)

Native in: Arabic (Variant: Egyptian) 
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Italian,English and French into Arabic
My aim is to genuinely improve my service!

English into Arabic Translation

I am a native ARABIC speaker with excellent linguistic skills and a sound knowledge of Italian, French and English languages.
I graduated as an Electrical Engineer and my post was an assistant plant manager in an industrial company.
I have been working there for almost ten years. During my work, I translated hundred of manuals and technical data sheets. So I am totally able to manage with TECHNICAL translation.I have gained experience on varied subjects and I have achieved a high quality level of translation.

Beside my scientific study, I have great inclination for social sciences, literature, politics and history.
Since 2004, I worked as a freelance translator for different translation agencies all over the world. I have translated more than 250.000 words in different languages and different specialties.

- Machinery and Engineering
- Cosmetics
- Food industry
- Poetry and literature

... and more...

I am a very keen, sober-minded translator,seeking to perfection.
Being an engineer with a strong and long mathematical studies helps me to increase my capabilities to think in an ordered and logical manner.
I spare no time or effort to produce the highest quality degree in my work.
I am a dedicated,hard working person and self-motivated.I am also responsible and goal oriented, reliable and keen of corporation.
I am committed to providing high translation quality.
I own a broad spectrum of knowledge.
I am also able to learn and continuously extend knowledge of multiple subject areas.
I love READING novels in Arabic, French, English and Italian.

I have translated a thriller novel (LA NOTA STONATA) of Claudio Ruggeri from Italian to Arabic.

Traduzione dall'italiano verso l'arabo

Studio:Laurea in ingegneria elettrica nel 1998 Universita` di Alessandria,(studio intero in inglese)
CILS( Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera dell'Universita` per Stranieri di Siena) nel 2006.
Lingue straniere: italiano, inglese e francese ,ottima conoscenza.
Madrelingua: Arabo.Ho un eccelente arabo( EL FOSHA), totalmente differente dai dialetti parlati da numerosi cittadini arabi .

Qualificata,professionista e puntuale.

Ho gia` collaborato con alcune agenzie di traduzione in Europa, negli Stati Uniti e in Cina.
Le combinazioni linguistiche nelle quali sono piu` preparata sono:

Competenze e settori di specializzazione:
-Arte e scienze umanistiche.
-Industria e tecnologia.
-Manuali Tecnici.
- Prodotti cosmetici

Altri servizi linguistici:
Costituzione di glossari.

Servizi di Interpretariato
Ho assunto la responsabilità di tradurre consécutivamente una conferenza nella BIBLIOTHECA ALESSANDRINA (15/16 Novembere 2007).
Si trattava della Presenza degli Architetti Italiani nei Paesi del Mediterraneo

Per le mie traduzioni, mi avvalgo delle numerose risorse disponibili:dizionari e glossari,ricerche accurate in Internet.
Ho un grande entusiasmo e capacita` di apprendere e applicare nuovi strumenti di lavoro.
Grazie alla mia profonda passione per le lingue straniere e per la mia madrelingua posso garantire un servizio di traduzione di ottima qualita`.


Marcus Porcius Cato diceva:se conosci bene l'argomento le parole verranno

Comments from my clients

"This translator has strong language skills".

"Gentillissima Signora,
La ringrazio per il suo lavoro fin adesso e con precisione."

"Bravissima, Heba!
Ti ringrazio tantissimo per tutto l’aiuto e per questo lavoro."

"Ciao Heba,
Sei sempre super puntuale!".

"Hello Heba,
I appreciate your commitment to deadline."

"Thanks a lot for your reliability".


Qualifiquee, professionnelle et fiable


Je possede de nombreuses annees d'experience de la traduction dans des domaines divers et variees,telles que:
Domaine industrie et techniques :
- Agriculture et alimentation.
- Automation
- Bâtiments et travaux publics
- Électronique
- Électrotechnique
- Emballage et conditionnement
- Énergies
- Hydraulique et pneumatique
- Imprimerie
- Industrie chimique
- Informatique
- Manutention
- Métallurgie
- Sécurité
- Télécommunications
- Textiles et habillement
- Transport et urbanisme

Domaine communication :
- Marketing/publicité

Domaine économie- politique-droit-gestion:
- Assurances
- Commerce
- Droit
- Normes et brevets
- Finances
- Gestion
- Politique

Domaine sciences pures et appliqués :

- Chimie
- Mathématiques
- Biologie
- Écologie
- Sciences physiques
- Sciences de la terre
- Psychiatrie

Domaine sciences humaines et sociales :
- Archéoligie
- Démographie
- Histoire
- Psychanalyse
- Psychologie
- Sociologie

Domaine arts et littérature:
- Arts manuels
- Gastronomie
- Sports
- Tourisme

Ecole Francaise
Alliance Francaise
Je suis une traductrice au service de la langue et je suis egalement interessee d'etendre la sphere de mes competences.
Un dictionnaire, c'est tout l'univers par ordre alphabetique.
Je suis une traductrice qui sait bien respecter ses paroles.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 332
PRO-level pts: 276

Top languages (PRO)
English to Arabic120
French to Arabic51
Arabic to Italian37
Italian to Arabic20
Arabic to French12
Pts in 5 more pairs >
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)24
Government / Politics20
Electronics / Elect Eng16
Poetry & Literature12
Computers (general)12
Energy / Power Generation12
Furniture / Household Appliances11
Pts in 32 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects7
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
Italian to Arabic5
French to Arabic1
Arabic to French1
Specialty fields
Law (general)2
Advertising / Public Relations1
Poetry & Literature1
Tourism & Travel1
Other fields
Medical: Health Care1
Keywords: Italian to Arabic Translation services, English to Arabic Translation services, French to Arabic Translation sevices, traduction de conferences dans la BIBLIOTHEQUE ALESSANDRINA, translation of conferences in the Bibliotheque of Alexandria English, French, Italian, Arabic, Egypt, Egitto. See more.Italian to Arabic Translation services, English to Arabic Translation services, French to Arabic Translation sevices, traduction de conferences dans la BIBLIOTHEQUE ALESSANDRINA, translation of conferences in the Bibliotheque of Alexandria English, French, Italian, Arabic, Egypt, Egitto, Egypte, Freelance translator, Traduttore Freelance, Traducteur INDEPENDANT, Translation from English into Arabic, Translate from English to Arabic, Translation from French into Arabic, Translate from Italian to Arabic, Translate from French to Arabic, Translation from Italian into Arabic, Traduzione dall'italiano in arabo, Traduzione dall'inglese in arabo, Traduzione dal Francese in Arabo, web site translation, traduction de sites web, traduzioni di siti web, traduttore arabo italiano, traduttore italiano arabo, arabic freelance translator Traduzioni tecniche, traduzioni legali, traduzioni di contratti e di copndizioni contrattuali, traduzioni commerciali, traduzioni di brochures, Business, Finance, Marketing, Industria, Economia, Diritto e Giurisprudenza, servizi linguistici, costituzione di glossari, cultura araba, Traduzioni di manuali per impianti industriali, macchine, elettroniche, meccanica, schede tecniche impianti, condizionamento, imballagi, riscaldamento, climatizzazione, prodotti cosmetici ed alimentari, Turismo e Pubblicita`, lettere commerciali.banca e finanza, tessile e moda, settore del lusso, costruzione, edile, macchine industriali, alimentazione, traduzioni mediche, farmaceutiche, settore medico, traduzioni medico-scientifiche, servizi di traduzione e interpretariato nella Bibliotheca Alessandria, Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, chemical Law, patents, contracts, Computing, communication, Science, automotive engineering, transport, media and public relations, Humanities, Politics, Literature, Psycology and Pedagogics, fashion and textiles, Hotels industry, manuals of use and maintenance, commercial correspondance, catalogues and advertizing booklets, operating instructions for various devices and tools, Translation du FRANCAIS vers l'arabe, traduction d'articles scientifiques, traduction technique, traduction juridique, traduction du français vers l'arabe, mode d'emploi et d'entretien, Machines-Outils, tourisme, traduction Droit international, droit commercial, traduction commerciale et FINANCIAIRE(communication, marketing, rapport annuel, pubblicite)Economie, Traductions médicales, secteur médical, domaine médical, pharmaceutiques, industrie du luxe, bâtiment, machines industrielles Arabic world market, Mercato del Mondo Arabo, Marche' du Monde Arabe, Middle east, Moyen Orient, Medio Oriente, droit, jurisprudence, Localizzazione Pagine Web, Manuali tecnici, contratti, brochures, pubblicita`, turismo, stampa, editoria, litteratura, machines outils, publicité, chimie, cosmétique, gastronomie, brevets, correspondance, présentation, assurance qualité, mécanique, enseignement, formation, éducation, tourisme, au service de la langue, automotive industry, industrie d'automobile, autoindustria, Environmental issues, Environment, Geographic documents, Scientific documents, technical documents, Traduzioni Professionali, Traduzioni di qualità Medical arabic translator, technical arabic translator, commercial arabic translator, legal arabic translator, traduttore arabo, traduttore medico, traduttore tecnico.traduttore giuridico, traduttore commerciale, traduttore marketing, traduction medicale, traduction technique, traduction legale, traduction commerciale, macchine industriali, machines users manuals, traduction de manuels des machines industrielles, Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point, Windows Explorer, Outlook Express, PDF files. Walk tall as the trees, live strong as the mountains, be gentle as the spring winds, keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart, and the great spirit will always be with you. technical translator, traduttore tecnico, traducteur technique, english translator, french translaor, italian translator, traducteur italien, traducteur FRANCAIS, traducteur anglais, traduttore inglese, traduttore italiano, traduttore arabo, traduttore francese, arabic to italien translation, italian to arabic translation, Arabe langue maternelle, Français Première langue étrangère, Italien: Deuxième langue étrangère, AnglaisTroisième langue étrangère, traduction dans le domaine Agriculture et alimentation, traduction d'automation, traduction de Bâtiments et travaux publics, traduction d'Électronique, traduction d'Électrotechnique, traduction d'emballage et conditionnement, traduction d'Énergies, traduction d'Hydraulique et pneumatique, traduction d'Imprimerie, traduction d'Industrie chimique, traduction d'Informatique, traduction de Manutention, traduction de Métallurgie, traduction de Sécurité, traduction de Telecommunications, traduction de Textiles et habillement, traduction de transport et traduction d' urbanisme, traduction de marketing, traduction de publicité, traduction d'Assurances, traduction de Commerce, traduction de Droit, traduction de normes, traduction de brevets, traduction de Finances, traduction de Gestion, traduction de Politique, traduction de Chimie, traduction de Mathématiques, traduction de Biologie, traduction d'Écologie, traduction de Sciences physiques, traduction de Sciences de la terre, traduction de Psychiatrie, traduction d'Archéoligie, traduction de Démographie, traduction d'Histoire, traduction de Psychanalyse, traduction de Psychologie, traduction de Sociologie, traduction d'Arts manuels, traduction de Gastronomie, traduction de Sports, traduction de Tourisme, الترجمة من اللغة الإنجليزية إلى اللغة العربية، الترجمة من اللغة الفرنسية إلى اللغة العربية ، الترجمة من اللغة الإيطالية إلى اللغة العربية الترجمة من الانجليزية للعربية الترجمة من الفرنسية للعربية الترجمة من الإيطالية للعربية ترجمة إنجليزي عربي ترجمة فرنسي/فرنساوي عربي ترجمة إيطالي عربي ترجمة نشرات وكتيبات استخدام أجهزة علمية ترجمة نشرات وكتيبات استخدام معدات هندسية ترجمة مؤتمرات في مكتبة الإسكندرية خدمات ترجمة من الإيطالية للعربية-ترجمة كتب تاريخية وترجمة كتب سياسية وترجمة كتب أدبية وترجمة كتب علمية وكتب هندسية وترجمة نشرات طبية وترجمة قانونية وترجمة عقود شركات وترجمة وثائق وعقود الزواج والقران وترجمة شهادات الميلاد وترجمة شهادات الوفاة وترجمة كتيبات استخدام أجهزة طبية وأجهزة منزلية ومعدات صناعية وترجمة مواد دعائية وترجمة نشرات سياحية خلفية ثقافية وفكرية وسياسية ودينية تكونت من القراءة المنتظمة لعشرات ومئات الكتاب والمفكرين مثل العقاد وطه حسين ومحمد حسين هيكل ومحمد حسنين هيكل ونجيب محفوظ وإحسان عبد القدوس وعلي أحمد باكثير وتوفيق الحكيم والشيخ محمد الغزالي وخالد محمد خالد وسيد قطب والدكتور مصطفى محمود ورجاء النقاش وجمال الغيطاني وصنع الله إبراهيم وخيري شلبي وعلاء الأسواني وأحمد مراد والدكتور يوسف زيدان وبهاء طاهر وعبد الرحمن الأبنودي وصلاح جاهين وأحمد شوقي والمتنبي والشيخ محمد عبده والشيخ جمال الدين الأفغاني وابن تيمية وابن كثير وابن القيم وحجة الإسلام أبو حامد الغزالي والدكتور يوسف القرضاوي والأستاذ فهمي هويدي والدكتور عبد الوهاب المسيري والدكتور يونان لبيب رزق. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 9

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