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Translation Volume: 45000 words Duration: Jul 2004 Languages: English to Portuguese
This is a yearly project, undertaken also in 2005 and 2006
This is the translation from English into Brazilian Portuguese of the 20-F of a major Brazilian Company which has ADRs on the NYSE. They file the report in English and then have it translated in order to file it with the CVM (the Brazilian equivalent to SEC) and make it available to all shareholders.
No comment.
Editing/proofreading Volume: 25000 words Duration: Sep 2003 Languages: English to Portuguese
Proofreading of the translation of the financial part of an annual report
This was the beginning of a collaboration with an American translation agency that has been very active and fruitful. I continue proofreading the annual report in question and had the opportunity of translating it once, when the translator chosen at the same time when I was selected as proofreader couldn't do it. I also undertake other translation and proofreading assignments from this agency, for the same and other clients of theirs.
No comment.
Payment methods accepted
Wire transfer, Money order
Sample translations submitted: 3
English to Portuguese: 20-F Form (financial information)
Source text - English Selling Expenses
The ratio of selling expenses over net income showed a significant reduction in 2005, reaching 17% as compared to 18.7% for 2004. This reduction reflects the aggressive cost containment efforts of management in 2005, with the implementation of several measures, such as the renegotiation of contracts and greater efficiency of logistics.
Administrative and General Expenses
The administrative and general expenses over net operating revenues reached 1.1% in 2005, as compared to 0.9% in 2004.
Other Operating Income (Expenses), Net
Other operational net results accounted for a R$14.3 million income in 2005 as compared to a R$15.4 million gain in 2004. There were no significant changes in 2005 in comparison to 2004.
Interest Expense
Interest expense in 2005 amounted to R$311.6 million, 7.5% below the R$336.8 million accounted for in 2004. The ratio interest expense to total debt fell from 11.2% in 2004 to 9.3% in 2005. This decrease is primarily due to the one time loss of R$110 million on the sales of Brazilian bonds in 2004.
Interest Income and Other, Net
Interest income in 2005 amounted to R$248 million, 1% below the R$249.8 million accounted for in 2004.
Foreign Currency Exchange Gain (Loss), Net
Foreign exchange currency gain of R$ 53.4 million reported in 2005 was primarily attributable to gains from hedges of sales of exports, resulting from the 17.3% average appreciation of Brazilian currency against the U.S. dollar for 2005 against 2004. The foreign exchange currency gain of 2004 was R$ 39.1 million.
Income Tax
The Company reported an income tax expense of R$ 68.4 million in 2005, against R$ 96.1 million in 2004. This is mainly because a larger portion of taxable income in 2004 was generated in Brazil while in 2005 the earnings were primarily generated abroad. Earnings generated abroad are non-taxable. Since achieving record net income in 2005, and thus, were able to make a large distribution of interest on capital and dividends, it was possible to deduct part of the amount distributed from the income tax payable and contain tax expenses.
Net Income
The Company’s net income reached a record R$ 603.3 million in 2005 surpassing by almost 23.2% the 2004 result. This performance is in line with the company’s strategy of revenue growth, cost control and efficiency of results.
Translation - Portuguese Despesas com Vendas
A relação entre as despesas com vendas e a receita líquida mostrou redução significativa em 2005: 17%, ante 18,7% em 2004. Essa diminuição reflete os agressivos esforços de contenção de custos da Administração em 2005, com a adoção de diversas medidas, como a renegociação de contratos e a obtenção de maior eficiência logística.
Despesas Gerais e Administrativas
As despesas gerais e administrativas situaram-se em 1,1% da receita operacional líquida em 2005 (0,9% em 2004).
Outras Despesas Operacionais, Líquidas
Outros resultados operacionais líquidos responderam por uma receita de R$ 14,3 milhões em 2005, ante um ganho de R$ 15,4 milhões em 2004. Não houve alterações significativas em relação ao ano anterior.
Despesas Financeiras
As despesas financeiras totalizaram R$ 311,6 milhões em 2005, um valor 7,5% inferior aos R$ 336.8 milhões registrados em 2004. A relação entre as despesas financeiras e o total de empréstimos e financiamentos da Companhia caiu de 11,2% em 2004 para 9,3% em 2005. Essa queda se deve, principalmente, a uma perda não-recorrente de R$ 110 milhões na venda de títulos da dívida externa brasileira em 2004.
Receitas Financeiras
As receitas financeiras totalizaram R$ 248 milhões em 2005, situando-se 1% abaixo dos R$ 249,8 milhões de 2004.
Ganho (Perda) Cambial, Líquido
O ganho cambial de R$ 53,4 milhões contabilizado em 2005 reflete, principalmente, ganhos em operações de hedge de exportação decorrentes da valorização de 17,3% do real frente ao dólar, na comparação com 2004. No ano anterior, a Companhia registrou ganho cambial de R$ 39,1 milhões.
Imposto de Renda
A Companhia contabilizou, em 2005, despesas com imposto de renda de R$ 68,4 milhões, ante R$ 96,1 milhões em 2004. Isso se deu, primordialmente, porque uma parte significativa da receita tributável foi gerada no Brasil, enquanto, em 2005, os ganhos tiveram origem principalmente no exterior. Ganhos gerados no exterior não são tributáveis. Como a Companhia bateu um recorde de lucro líquido em 2005, podendo fazer uma ampla distribuição de juros sobre o capital próprio e dividendos, foi possível deduzir do imposto de renda a pagar parte do valor distribuído e, assim, conter despesas tributárias.
Lucro líquido
O lucro líquido da Companhia atingiu um nível recorde de R$ 603,3 milhões em 2005, que superou o resultado de 2004 em quase 23,2%. Esse desempenho é coerente com a estratégia da Companhia de promover crescimento da receita, controle de custos e eficiência nos resultados.
English to Portuguese: Annual Report (marketing section)
Source text - English Intellectual capital is the difference between a piano and a concert, the ingredient that transforms cloth into clothes and paint into paintings. In business, it’s the difference between an investment of capital and the return on that investment.
While it doesn’t appear on the balance sheet, intellectual capital is a core driver of competitive positioning and profitability for XXX. In the global and local markets where XXX competes, return on investment in assets and operations requires deep and long-term insight into agribusiness. XXX must make the right decisions – whether sourcing crops, where prices can change by the minute, or investing in processing facilities with 40-year lives.
Translation - Portuguese O capital intelectual é a diferença entre um piano e um concerto, o ingrediente que transforma o tecido em roupas e a tinta em pinturas. Nos negócios, é a diferença entre um investimento de capital e o retorno desse investimento.
Embora não apareça no balanço patrimonial, o capital intelectual é um fator-chave do posicionamento competitivo e da lucratividade da XXX. Nos mercados de atuação da XXX, dentro e fora dos Estados Unidos, o retorno sobre o investimento em ativos e operações depende de um entendimento profundo e de uma visão de longo prazo do agronegócio. A XXX tem de tomar as decisões certas – seja ao buscar fontes de fornecimento nas quais os preços podem mudar em 1 minuto, seja ao investir em instalações de processamento que durarão 40 anos.
English to Portuguese: Business (journalistic article)
Source text - English Just over a year on from the onset of the credit crunch, and the slowdown in the global economy, the threat of inflation and high oil price continue to cast a long shadow over corporate profitability and the ability of executives to manage their businesses. World financial markets remain jittery and susceptible to further shocks from the banking system.
Consumer confidence is undermined by weakness in the housing and mortgage markets. Yet against all this, opportunities for growth still exist for those small-to-mid sized companies that are innovative, competitive and nimble. From enterprise resource planning, supply chain management, customer relations management, product-life management and supplier relationship management, the use of technology and business software solutions can help companies stay ahead of their competitors and ride out the economic downturn.
This selection of articles, each of which has appeared in the pages of the XXX*, provides an overview to business growth in an economic downturn.
* A very important British business and financial newspaper
Translation - Portuguese Já faz um ano que a crise de crédito se instalou, e a desaceleração da economia global, a ameaça de inflação e os altos preços do petróleo continuam a lançar uma grande sombra sobre a lucratividade das empresas e a capacidade dos executivos de administrar os negócios. No mundo todo, os mercados financeiros continuam nervosos e suscetíveis a novos choques no sistema bancário.
O nível de confiança do consumidor cai com a fragilidade dos mercados de habitação e hipotecas.
Apesar de tudo isso, ainda há oportunidades de crescimento para empresas de pequeno a médio porte inovadoras, competitivas e ágeis. Em áreas tão distintas quanto planejamento de recursos empresariais, gestão da cadeia de suprimentos, das relações com clientes, do ciclo de vida do produto e das relações com fornecedores, o uso de tecnologia e soluções de software empresariais podem ajudar as companhias a se manter à frente dos concorrentes e contornar a retração econômica.
Esta coletânea de artigos publicados nas páginas do XXX* dá uma visão panorâmica do crescimento empresarial em tempos de crise.
* Importante jornal britânico especializado em negócios e mercado financeiro
English to Portuguese (University of Cambrigde ESOL Examinations, verified) Portuguese (Universidade Metodista - University degree in Soci, verified) Spanish to Portuguese (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
Across, Adobe Acrobat, Catalyst, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, MemoQ, MemoQ 2015, SDL Studio 2011, SDL Studio 2017, SDL Trados 2007, Wordfast Professional, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Studio, Wordfast
proficient, over 20-year experienced Brazilian English-Portuguese and
Spanish-Portuguese translator working mainly in the fields of business/marketing, finance,
management, information technology / telecommunications and medical sciences. Previous professional experience
as an award-winner journalist, from 1985 to 2005, covering mainly business /
marketing, IT, science and technology (engineering, chemistry, biology, medical
sciences). Recent course of copywriting. Also a writer of annual and quarterly
financial reports in Portuguese. International experience in London, from 1993
to 1996. Experienced in literary translation as well. Strong communication
skills in Portuguese (mother tongue) and English. Holder of a Certificate of
Proficiency in English by the University of Cambridge (1994) and by the
University of Sao Paulo (2002 and 2007) Also proficient in Spanish (University
of Sao Paulo, 2007). Can read French (well) and Italian (reasonably well).
Several courses on the Master degree in English, with emphasis on translation,
at the University of Sao Paulo. Uses SDL Trados Studio, MemoQ and several other
CAT tools (virtually all). Working from home office in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Keywords: Brazil, Brazilian translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Portuguese translations, Portuguese translator, Brazilian Portuguese translation, translation for the Brazilian market, marketing translations, copy writing, business. See more.Brazil, Brazilian translator, Brazilian Portuguese translator, Portuguese translations, Portuguese translator, Brazilian Portuguese translation, translation for the Brazilian market, marketing translations, copy writing, business, financial, medical, pharmaceutical, law, contracts information technology, IT, software, computing, annual reports, finance, literature, the humanities, journalist, journalism, good text, text quality, quality translations, high quality editing, writer, literary translations, proofreading, proof-reading, proof reading. See less.