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English to Indonesian: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English * this text is taken from “Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man: What Men Really Think About Love, Relationships, Intimacy, and Commitment” (Steve Harvey, AMISTAD Publisher, 2009)
There is no truer statement: men are simple. Get this into your head first, and everything you can learn about us in this book will begin to fall into place. Once you get that down, you'll have to understand a few essential truths: men are driven by who they are, what they do, and how much they make. No matter if a man is a CEO, a CON, or both, everything he does is filtered though his title (who he is), how he gets that title (what he does), and the reward he gets for the effort (how much he makes). These three things make up the basic DNA of manhood – the three accomplishments every man must achieve before he feels he's truly fulfilled his destiny as a man. And until he's achieved his goal in those three areas, the man you're dating, committed to, or married to will be too busy to focus on you.
Think about it: from the moment a boy is born, the first thing everyone around him starts doing is telling him what he must do to be a real man. He is taught to be tough – to wrestle, climb, get up without crying, not let anyone push him around. He is taught to work hard – to do chores around the house, get the groceries out of the car, take out the trash, shovel the snow, cut the grass, and, as soon as he's old enough, get a job. He is taught to protect – to watch out for his mother and his younger siblings, to watch over the house and the family's property. And he is especially encouraged to uphold his family name – make something of himself so that when he walks in a room, everybody is clear about who he is, what he does, and how much he makes. Each of these things is taught in preparation for one thing: manhood.
Translation - Indonesian Inilah pernyataan yang sebenar-benarnya: kaum pria itu sederhana saja. Camkan hal ini dulu baik-baik, dan semua yang akan anda pelajari mengenai kaum kami dalam buku ini akan berangsur masuk akal. Jika sudah dipahami, anda harus memahami beberapa fakta mendasar: kaum pria didorong oleh siapa diri mereka, apa pekerjaan mereka, dan berapa banyak uang yang dihasilkan. Tidak peduli apakah pria tersebut seorang CEO, CON, atau keduanya, semua hal yang ia lakukan tersaring lewat titelnya (siapa dirinya), cara ia mendapatkan titel itu (apa pekerjaannya), dan imbalan yang ia dapat atas usahanya (berapa banyak uang yang dihasilkan). Ketiga hal ini menjadi penyusun dasar DNA kejantanan – tiga prestasi yang harus dicapai tiap pria sampai akhirnya dirasa takdirnya sebagai seorang pria telah terpenuhi. Dan jika ia belum mencapai targetnya dalam ketiga bidang tersebut, pria yang anda kencani, tunangi, atau nikahi akan terlalu sibuk untuk berkonsentrasi pada diri anda.
Coba pikirkan: sesaat setelah anak laki-laki terlahir, hal pertama yang mulai digembar-gemborkan semua orang adalah bagaimana menjadi pria sejati. Ia diajarkan untuk tegar – bergumul, mendaki, bangkit tanpa menangis, tidak membiarkan orang mempermainkannya. Ia diajarkan untuk bekerja keras – melakukan pekerjaan rumah, mengambil belanjaan dari mobil, membuang sampah, menyingkirkan salju, memotong rumput, dan ketika ia sudah cukup dewasa, mencari kerja. Ia diajarkan untuk melindungi – mengawasi ibu dan saudara-saudaranya, menjaga rumah dan barang milik keluarga. Yang terutama, ia didorong untuk mengangkat nama keluarga – menjadikan dirinya sebegitu rupa sehingga semua orang tahu siapa dirinya, apa pekerjaannya, dan berapa banyak uang yang dihasilkannya. Tiap hal ini diajarkan demi menyiapkan satu hal: kejantanan.
Years of experience: 19. Registered at Apr 2010.