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James_xia Professional Trainer
Ingenuity - For A Lifetime Career Only


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Words translated: 5,422
Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations

English to Chinese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 35 EUR per hour
German to Chinese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 35 EUR per hour
Dutch to Chinese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 35 EUR per hour
Spanish to Chinese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 35 EUR per hour
Portuguese to Chinese - Rates: 0.05 - 0.08 EUR per word / 20 - 35 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 52, Questions answered: 29, Questions asked: 4
Payment methods accepted Wire transfer, Money order, MasterCard, Visa, Check
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Glossaries Cable, Cosmetic, Mechanical, Medicine, menu, Travel
Translation education Bachelor's degree - SOUTHWEST NORMAL UNIVERISTY
Experience Years of experience: 19. Registered at Aug 2005. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials English to Chinese (NAETI, China, verified)
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Contests won 9th Translation Contest: English to Chinese
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Professional Trainer with on the Creative Translation
First Place Winner of the 9th Translation Contest
Organizer of 2015 Regional Event in Chongqing
A Special Topic at Forum on Cross-Sector Translation


Sample Texts: EN-DE-NL-ES-PT

[English – Chinese] - Transcreation_创译

Buy and sell 360º films now
Big collection of 360 degree films, free of rights, 4K resolution.”

- Transcreation_Textile_服装

Inspired by the summer festivals, the initial bright hues turns take a misty twist in creating an innovative new direction for pastels in powdery form. This palette is perfect for achieving the look through dye techniques, but also can be achieved through the combination of black yarns blended with brighter tones to get a grungy look.

A natural based palette that gives depth to the colors on offer. From cactus green to sunset orange, there is a true relaxed mood to this palette and a strong unisex appeal. Work the tones from matte surfaces to semi-bright in delivering an innate sense of the great outdoors.

- Transcreation_Health_养身

Being healthy is important at any stage of life, but is especially critical after the age of 50, when the effects of ageing are beginning to be felt. In the past, people have simply submitted to the decline of their bodies and minds. Now, thanks to scientific research, we know that there are steps we can all take to live longer, more vibrant lives. At The Kinnet, our philosophy is founded on the evidence-based concept of building up cognitive and physical reserves. This not only improves our health in the present but also delays the effects of ageing on our physical, mental and emotional wellness in the long term.
保持健康體態對於每一個年齡階段嘅人士來說都系非常之重要嘅。如果你年過50,呢各方面更加需要多點關心。因為老年化嘅影響喺呢個時候開始出現。幾多年前,人們淨系簡單梗順應機體同埋頭腦出現嘅減退現象。如今,多得科技研究獲得嘅成果,我地得佐延年益壽嘅幾個簡單步驟,即系令生活更加具有活力嘅妙方。喺我地嘅永健坊, 健身理念基於打造持久身心健康之觀念。呢不單止改善我們當前嘅健康狀態,重可以延緩衰老過程對我們嘅體質、精神與情緒健康產生長遠之影響。

- Specifications_规范

This evaluation concerns the torque controlled expansion anchor HILTI stud anchor HSA placed in non-cracked reinforced concrete (strength class C20125 050/60) used for normal structures under fire exposure. The fire conditions for the Standard Temperature/Time Curve“ (STC) are given in EN 1363-1 [1]. The fire resistance time is evaluated for the fire resistance periods of 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes according to the design method for given in this CEN/TS [2] or TRO2O [4].
该项评估针对扭矩控制型膨胀锚栓——喜得利螺杆式锚栓HSA。这种锚栓应用在火灾条件的不开裂钢筋混凝土(混凝土强度≥C20/25≤C50/60)。标准温度/时间曲线(STC) 火灾条件见EN 1363 - 1[1]。根据CEN/TS [2]或TR020[4]给出的设计方法,耐火评估时间分别为30、60、90和120分钟。

In general, the duration of the fire resistance of anchorages depends mainly on the configuration of the structure itself (base materials, anchorage including the fixture). It is not possible to classify an anchor tor its fire resistance. This evaluation concept includes the behavior of the anchorage in concrete and the parts outside the concrete. The influence of the fixation is considered unfavorable. The base material (reinforced concrete), in which the anchor shall be anchored, shall have at least the same duration of fire resistance as the anchorage itself.

- TCM_医学

摘要 本文根据笔者多年在临床工作中对部份癌症病人的观察治疗体会,参照有关书籍和报刊杂志对癌症病的论述,结合某些医疗科研单位防治癌症的奇遇和对自然界某些现象的观察遐想,运用中医基础理论的逻辑思维方法,从中医学角度对癌症的发生机理以及防治对策进行探讨,尤其提出“阳气不足、阴邪内生”是癌症发生的最基本因素,并贯穿其发生发展之始终,预防与治疗也自始至终不忘温补阳气。同时,结合现代医学实验研究进行了补充论述。

Abstract: This paper was prepared with reference to years of personal experience in the clinical work on the treatment of part of the cancer patients. Similar cases publicized by peers as medical wonders also enlightened the author in the observations of certain phenomena of nature. By the use of basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, a novel perspective on the mechanisms of cancer and the control strategies were presented for discussion in details. Particularly, the typical concept that "Deficiency of yang leads to endogenous yin of evil" works from beginning to end as the fundamental factor of cancer development. The qi of yang should then be consistently warmed and supplemented in the specific prevention and treatment. As a strong addition, the conclusions derived from experimental studies with modern medical sciences were also merited in this work.

[German – Chinese] - Automobile_汽车

Ausstellungsort ist das BMW Group Museum in München. Auf mehr als 1000 Quadratmetern, verteilt über fünf Stockwerke, präsentieren sich 15 originale Rolls-Royce Automobile aus den Jahren 1907 bis 2012. Dazu gehört auch der legendäre Rolls-Royce 10EX, eines der wichtigsten Konzeptfahrzeuge der Automobilgeschichte. Er entstand 1926, um das Potenzial des „New Phantom“ zu demonstrieren. Das Fahrzeug wurde maßgeblich von Sir Henry Rolls entwickelt, der den 10EX in seinem unerbittlichen Streben nach automobiler Perfektion auch selbst fuhr. Ergänzt wird die Ausstellung durch informative Displays zu wichtigen Rolls-Royce Themen wie Karosseriebau, Handwerkskunst, Bespoke Individualisierung, Fahrzeugbau und Werbung. Das erzählende Konzept der Ausstellung geht auch auf wesentliche Designmerkmale von Rolls-Royce ein, zum Beispiel auf die Kühlerfigur Spirit of Ecstasy und auf den Kühlergrill im Pantheon-Stil.
车展地点在慕尼黑宝马集团博物馆。超过1000平方米的展区分布在五个楼层,展出了1907年至2012年期间生产的15辆原装劳斯莱斯汽车。这次展出中,还包括劳斯莱斯10EX这一传奇车型,它被誉为汽车发展史上最重要的概念车之一。它成形于1926年,充分展示了“新幻影”系列的发展潜力。这款车由亨利•劳斯爵士(Sir Henry Rolls)担纲开发。期间,爵士本人还身体力行,以不懈精神追求汽车设计的完美境界。展览辅以翔实的重要主题,如劳斯莱斯机身、精湛的制作工艺、定制客制化服务、汽车和广告等,这些信息均发布在显示屏上。叙事式办展理念还侧重于劳斯莱斯公司的主要设计特点,例如,置于引擎盖上的欢乐女神雕像饰件,以及神殿风格的散热器格栅等。

- Tourism_旅游

Der Schliersee und seine Umgebung gehören ohne Frage zu den schönsten Fleckerln im bayerischen Voralpenland. Doch wer denkt, die Region hat außer ihrer malerischen Landschaft nichts zu bieten, der täuscht sich gewaltig. Was viele nicht vermuten würden: Der Schliersee kann locker mit Urlaubsparadiesen wie dem Gardasee mithalten. Wir präsentieren Ihnen vier gute Gründe, die Sie für einen Ausflug an einen der wohl schönsten Seen Deutschlands begeistern dürften.

- Cosmetics_化妆品

Der Dermatopoietin® Peptid-Komplex ist der Hauptwirkstoff der EVENSWISS Produkte und das Ergebnis von vielen Jahren der Grundlagenforschung. Die Komponenten des Dermatopoietin® Peptid-Komplexeskönnen nicht in die Haut eindringen. Sie entfalten ihre Wirkung auf der Hautoberfläche, wo sie eine Kaskade von Reaktionen auslösen, die bis in die tieferen Hautschichten (Dermis) wirken. Diese Kaskade besteht in der Epidermis im Wesentlichen in der Freisetzung von hauteigenem Interleukin-1 alpha durch Dermatopoietin® aus Keratinozyten (siehe Abbildung).
D调控因子®肽复合物是EVENSWISS系列产品的主要活性成分,也是多年研究的成果。 D调控因子®肽复合物的成分不会穿透皮肤。这些成分仅在皮肤表层作用,并引发一系列反应,对深层皮肤(真皮层)产生作用。这一系列反应主要发生于表皮层,角质细胞通过D调控因子®释放皮肤白细胞介素-1α(见图)。

- Architecture_建筑

Je nach Kundenwunsch bietet Rimatem® zwei unterschiedliche Anlagensysteme an: erstens den Rimatem® Vollautomaten VA I. Er übernimmt alle anfallenden Maurerarbeiten. Zweitens die Rimatem® Halbautomaten HA III und HA IV. Sie machen alle manuellen Arbeiten in vielerlei Hinsicht einfacher und effizienter. Individuell geplante Wände können mit ihrer Hilfe mühelos gefertigt werden und selbst Mauergrößen bis 12 x 4 m meistert die HA IV vorbildlich. Ferner lassen sich Sonderteile schnell und wirtschaftlich einbauen, da der Maschinenbediener jederzeit direkten Eingriff auf den Produktionsvorgang hat. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass beide Anlagen kompatibel sind, wobei mit ihnen Mauersteine in Wandstärken von 11,5 bis 49 cm vermörtelt oder verklebt werden können.
根据客户要求,Rimatem®提供了两种不同的制作系统:第一种是Rimatem®VA I型全自动制作系统。此型系统可完成全部砖石堆砌作业。第二种Rimatem®HA III型和IV型半自动制作系统。两类系统均让所有手工作业在诸多方面变得更为简便、高效。此两类墙面制作系统可以满足墙面设计的个性化要求,而利用其中的RA IV型模板功能,可制作壁厚尺寸达12×4m的墙面。墙面特殊部位在最后阶段安装,操作快捷、经济。设备操作者在生产过程中还可随时直接干预。另一个优点是,这两类系统具有兼容性,可完成壁厚11.5~49cm的砖头灌浆或固化处理作业。

[Dutch – Chinese] - Tourism_旅游

Enschede is het bruisende, kosmopolitische hart van Oost-Nederland. Het is een stad die volop in beweging is; de stad is ondernemend en energiek. Het combineert het leven van het dorp en de stad en heeft genoeg ruimte - letterlijk en figuurlijk - voor een prettige manier van leven voor iedereen. De stad biedt uitstekende faciliteiten, een levendig centrum en fascinerende wijken. Enschede: stad van vooruitgang en het goede leven!

- Employment_用工

In de overeenkomst is in geen profperiode voorzien. De eventueel voorziene proeftijd gaat in vanaf het van kracht worden van de overeenkomst. Gedurende de proeftijd kan de overeenkomst op elk ogenblik eenzijdig beeindigd worden door iedere partij mits het in acht nemen van een opzeggingstermijn van 7 kalenderdagen. De opzeggingstermijn gaat in de dag na de betekening. Wanneer een dergelijke opzegging tijdens de eerste maand wordt gegeven, dan heeft de beeindiging ten vroegste op de laatste dag van deze maand uitwerking. Anderzijds mag de laatste dag van de opzeggingstermijn het einde van de proftijd niet overschrijden. Gedurende de proeftijd kan de overeenkomst op elk ogenblik eenzijdig beeindigd worden mits de betaling van een schadevergoeding gelijk aan het lopende loon van de voornoemde opzeggingstermijn gebeurt tijdens de eerste maand van de proftijd kan de overeenkomst op elk ogenblik eenzijdig beeindigd worden mits de betaling beeindiging zonder dringende reden of zonder inachtname van een opzeggingstermijn gebeurt tijdens de eerste maand van de proeftijd, dan is de vergoeding gelijk aan het loon dat overeenstemt met het resterende gedeelte van die maand, vermeerderd met de duur van de opzeggingstermijn.

- EP_环保

XXX voert al enige jaren een strikt beleid ten aanzien van de emissie van SF6. Het beleid is om alle SF6 –gasstromen bij XXX te registreren en de emissie van SF6 zoveel mogelijk te minimaliseren.Dit beleid is ingegeven door de Europese en Nederlandse wet- en regelgeving en door het beleid van XXX voor de vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Zowel XXX zelf, maar ook u als klant, kunnen een bijdrage leveren bij de uitvoering van dit beleid.

- Agricultural Product_农产品

Bij de productie van aardappelgranulaat en —vlokken kunnen diverse ingrediënten bijgemengd worden. Deze (veelal droge) ingrediënten hebben meestal een agrarische herkomst, zoals droge groenten, kruiden, specerijen e.d. Zoals hierboven al aangegeven zijn dit geen producten met een hoge kans op het voorkomen van Listeria of E.coli O157:H7; daarentegen is volgens de literatuur het voorkomen van Salmonella in kruiden en specerijen wel mogelijk.

- Newsletter_通讯

… alles volgens planning is verlopen. Als alle werknemers die er moesten zijn, ook aanwezig waren, als er niets stuk is gegaan waardoor de productie vertraging opliep, als de planning voor wat betreft kwaliteit en kwantiteit wordt gehaald. In ons beroep moet je vooruit denken, je moet plannen terwijl je ook rekening houdt met de afwijkingen. Met name nu we in IJsselstein net met twee ploegendiensten zijn begonnen, is dat wel een uitdaging. Het vraagt veel flexibiliteit van iedereen. Maar tot nu toe valt het me niet tegen, de kwaliteit die we halen, de samenwerking en de nieuwe collega’s.

[Spanish – Chinese] - Printing_印刷

Para las impresiones en offset, en intaglio, en serigrafia y en tipografia se utilizará tintas especiales de seguridad, de alta Resistencia a reactivos y pruebas de decoloracion. Deberán contener pigmentos orgánicos de akta resistencia, en cantidad acorde con la norma internacional, y ser completamente inactínicas (con excepción de las tintas fluorescentes), antialérgicas y antibacterianas, elaboradas especificamente pare resistir las diversas condiciones de temperatura, humedad y otras a que pueden estar sometidos los billetes.

- Company Profile_公司推介

...Importador-Operador-Comercializador y Proveedor Líder de Soldaduras, Maquinas para Soldar, Equipos de Oxicorte, Accesorios para Soldadura, Herramientas Eléctricas, Abrasivos, Cable para Soldar y Elementos de Protección Personal desde 1971 para el mercado Colombiano, con sede en la ciudad puerto de Barranquilla (Colombia). Con 5 Regionales o Sedes cubren las principales ciudades del país (Barranquilla, Cartagena, Bogotá, Medellín y Cali), dando cobertura completa del territorio Colombiano, CSPI es y será siendo un jugador principal en la economía colombiana y continuara su expansión en los años venideros.


- Insurance Policy_保险政策

Las pólizas contratadas de conformidad con el Contrato deberán contener una estipulación que obligue a la compañía aseguradora respectiva a notificar por escrito al Regulador y al CONCEDENTE sobre cualquier circunstancia que afecte la vigencia, validez o efectividad de la póliza, con una anticipación no menor a veinte(20) Días a la fecha en que el incumplimiento del CONCESIONARIO pueda determinar la caducidad de notificación será también aplicable al supuesto de cesación, retiro, cancelación o falta de renovación de cualquier seguro que el CONCESIONARIO deba mantener conforme a este Contrato.

[Portuguese– Chinese] - Production_产品推介

…Nem sempre aquela foto incrível acontece em um momento previsto. Para não passar sufoco e não perder nenhum click, nada melhor do que armazenar as suas fotos em um cartão de memória SanDisk. Além do limite de 36 fotos, tinha que torcer para as fotos não ficaram tremidas ou alguém sair de olho fechado. Ainda bem que hoje você tem os cartões de memória SanDisk Extreme SDXC™ , para você não perder nenhum momento.
…并非所有漂亮的照片都能在既定的时间内生成。不要因为一时的欣赏而忘了点按抓拍。最好的方法就是将你的照片存放在SanDisk的存储卡上。除了36张照片的数量限制外,也只好希望照片不要太过模糊,或拍照的人不要眨眼睛。现在不一样了,只要你有了SanDisk 极速SDXC™存储卡,你就不会错过任何一个美好的瞬间!

- Linguistics_语言学

Neste capítulo trataremos de explanar alguns aspectos relevantes da noção de transferência linguística, com ênfase na atuação da língua materna durante a aquisição de uma língua alvo. Na primeira parte, discutiremos questões de definição e terminologia. Na segunda parte, mostraremos como o fenômeno se manifesta na interlíngua e, na terceira, apresentaremos as restrições que atuam sobre ele. Na quarta parte, salientaremos problemas metodológicos envolvidos no estudo desse tema e, por fim, sintetizaremos algumas conclusões.

Observa-se que nos últimos anos a aprendizagem de uma segunda língua tem sido vista como um processo de construção criativa de um sistema linguístico, ou seja, um conjunto estruturado de regras, no qual o aprendiz está constantemente testando hipóteses acerca da língua alvo a partir de uma variedade de fontes de conhecimento, tais como, conhecimento de sua língua materna, conhecimento limitado da língua alvo, conhecimento das funções comunicativas da linguagem, conhecimento sobre linguagem de modo geral, e conhecimento de mundo (MCLAUGHLIN, 1987). O aprendiz é visto como um ser inteligente e criativo engajado em estágios lógicos e sistemáticos de aquisição da língua.



Think about a vehicle, a ship or the handcart used in the ancient times. The operators may never, or are not allowed to know more about the goods consigned by the clients. Yet they must know how to pack the goods and keep them intact until they get to the destination, in either a couple of days or several weeks or months later.


The client knows what the goods are, and the receiver normally knows how to use it. It may be some sort of oil of 1000kg, and the operator needs to find out the most suitable container to hold it. For the Western medicines or Traditional Chinese herbs, we got to know the way to protect them from being polluted by water or dirty air. When it comes to a precious sword, all we do is to get a nice sheath rather than trying to become a fencing master before delivering it to the hand of the receiver.


So, the primary goal of translation is to get a suitable container or packaging for the different things consigned by the customers. Then, find out the shortest and safest path to make a timely delivery of the ‘goods’ to the receiver at the destination.


My translation experience tells me: Translators don’t have to be a pharmacist, a fencing master nor any of the highly professional ones in their specific fields. With a solid foundation of language skills, professional translators may get a satisfied translation by identifying each of the details that may be contained in the source documents at all costs.


To be an insider of translated materials is good, but casual and not always required for pros. Driven by the survival pressure, highly capable freelancers are forced to take on different jobs involving the subjects totally irrelevant to each other. The reason is here: they are able to quickly identify the doubts and traps, followed by confirming the queries in an effective manner. This is mostly beyond the reach of the part-time translators’ awareness.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 55
PRO-level pts: 52

Top languages (PRO)
English to Chinese36
German to Chinese16
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Mechanics / Mech Engineering12
Medical (general)8
Wine / Oenology / Viticulture4
Finance (general)4
Automotive / Cars & Trucks4
Engineering (general)4
IT (Information Technology)4
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Keywords: Tunnel engineering, medicine, motorcycle, beauty, immigration, enterprise management, IT, insurance, environmental protection, automobile. See more.Tunnel engineering, medicine, motorcycle, beauty, immigration, enterprise management, IT, insurance, environmental protection, automobile, real estate, ads, cosmetics, astronomy, agriculture(fruit), logistics, community, quality control, forest, accounting, finance, transformer, biochemistry, chemistry.. See less.

Profile last updated
Sep 6, 2017

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