Working languages:
English to Serbian
Serbian to English
Croatian to English


Novi Sad, Serbia
Local time: 13:31 CET (GMT+1)

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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Training, Copywriting
Specializes in:
Medical: PharmaceuticalsLaw (general)
InsuranceMedical (general)
PsychologyEnvironment & Ecology
Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-)

English to Serbian - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR per word
Serbian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR per word
Croatian to English - Rates: 0.04 - 0.07 EUR per word

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 8, Questions answered: 7
Payment methods accepted PayPal, Skrill
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 4
Serbian to English: Audit of financial statements
General field: Bus/Financial
Source text - Serbian
Финансијски извештаји из тачке 3. одредба под 2) ове одлуке прилажу се у сажетом облику, који подразумева да су обрасци тих извештаја састављени у складу са одлуком којом се уређују обрасци и садржина позиција у обрасцима финансијских извештаја за делатност осигурања, али не садрже ставке чија је вредност нула, нити ознаке аутоматске обраде података, с тим да се позитивни и негативни износи појединих позиција могу приказати у нето износу.
Translation - English
The financial reports specified under item 3, provision 2) hereof shall be enclosed as summaries, meaning that the forms of these reports are drawn up in line with the decision that regulates the forms and contents of items in financial statement forms used in insurance. However, items with zero values and EDP codes shall not be included, whereas positive and negative amounts of respective items may be presented as net amounts.
Serbian to English: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Environment & Ecology
Source text - Serbian
Policiklični aromatični ugljovodonici (PAH-ovi) su široko rasprostranjena oragnska jedinjenja poreklom iz različitih prirodnih i antropogenih izvora. Identifikacija izvora emisije PAH-ova je važan proces za kontrolu zagađenja ambijentalnog vazduha, kao i za smanjenje negativnog uticaja PAHs na zdravlje ljudske populacije i životnu sredinu.

Mobilni izvori emisije PAH-ova

Jedan od najznačajnijih izvora PAH-ova u urbanim sredinama je saobraćaj. Emisija PAH-ova iz motornih vozila zavisi od sledećih činilaca: vrsta goriva, kvalitet goriva, uslovi vožnje, tip i vrsta prevoznog sredstva i ambijentalna temperatura. Na osnovu istraživanja u Evropi i SAD, utvrđeno je da se saobraćajem emituje od 46-90% ukupnih PAH-ova prisutnih u ambijentalnom vazduhu.
Vozila koja koriste dizel gorivo produkuju velike količine čađi, od 50-100 puta veće u odnosu na benzinska vozila sa katalizatorom. Utvrđeno je da su emisije PAHs iz teretnih vozila značajnije ukoliko transportuju veći teret. Istraživanja su pokazala da autobusi tokom vožnje emituju i do 62 µg benzo(a)pirena po galonu naftnog derivata.
Translation - English
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous organic compounds derived from various natural and anthropogenic sources. Identification of the sources of PAH emissions is important for controlling ambient air pollution and decreasing the negative effects of PAHs on human health and environment.

Mobile sources of PAH emissions

One of the most important sources of PAH emissions in urban environment is traffic. Emission of PAHs from motor vehicles depends on the following factors: fuel type and quality, driving conditions, type and means of transport, and ambient temperature. The studies conducted in Europe and the USA have shown that 46-90% of total PAHs present in ambient air come from traffic.
Diesel vehicles produce large amounts of soot, 50 to 100 times greater than that of petrol vehicles with catalytic converters. It has been determined that the amount of PAH emissions from freight vehicles corresponds to the weight of the cargo. The studies have shown that buses in motion emit up to 62 µg of benzo(a)pyrene per gallon of oil derivative.
Serbian to English: Aflatoxin in breast milk
General field: Medical
Source text - Serbian
Aflatoksini predstavljaju, sa aspekta uticaja na zdravlje ljudi i životinja, najznačajniju grupu fungalnih toksičnih metabolita. Radi se o ekstracelularnim sekundarnim metabolitima najčešće vrsta Aspergillus flavus i A. parasiticus.
Njihovo prisustvo je utvrđeno u različitim poljoprivrednim i prehrambenim proizvodima, kao što su semena uljarica, žitarica i njihovi proizvodi , začini, koštičavo voće, sušeno voće i drugim proizvodima, pogotovo onima sa niskom aktivnošću vode.
Alimentarnim unošenjem afltoksina u organizam životinja i ljudi nastaju aflatoksikoze, koje se manifestuju toksičnim, imunosupresivnim, teratogenim i kancerogenim delovanjem. Pre svega, oštećuju morfološku i funkcionalnu strukturu ćelija jetre i drugih parenhimatoznih organa i izazivaju karcinom jetre (Van Egmond, 1989).
Aflatoksin M1 (AFM1) nastaje metaboliziranjem aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) u jetri nakon unošenja hrane kontaminirane ovim toksinom. AFM1 pojavljuje se u manjim koncentracijama u mleku već nakon 12 do 14h od unošenja kontaminirane hrane, a nakon toga koncentracija AFM1 počinje da opada i nakon 72 do 96h dolazi do eliminacije ukoliko se u organizam ne unese hrana kontaminiranaAFB1. Toksin je prvenstveno vezan za kazein, koji npr. u kravljem mleku predstavlja oko 80% ukupnih proteina. AFM1 se izdvaja najvećim delom sa mlekom, mada može se konstatovati i u jetri, bubrezima i urinu.
Translation - English
In terms of impact on human and animal health, aflatoxins are the most significant group of toxic fungal metabolites. For the most part, aflatoxins present secondary metabolites of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus.
The presence of aflatoxins has been detected in a variety of agricultural and food products, such as oilseeds, grains, and products thereof; spices; stone fruits; dried fruits; and other products, especially those with low water activity.
Ingestion of aflatoxins results in aflatoxicosis, which has toxic, immunosuppressant, teratogenic, and carcinogenic effects. Aflatoxins primarily damage the morphology and functional structure of liver cells and other parenchymal organs, and cause liver cancer.
After ingesting the food contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), the toxin is metabolised in liver into aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). AFM1 is detected in lower concentrations in milk after only 12 to 14 hours from ingestion of contaminated food, after which time the AFM1 concentration begins to drop. Provided no AFB1-contaminated food is ingested, the toxin is eliminated after 72 to 96 hours. The toxin primarily binds to casein, which presents 80% of total protein content in cow's milk. AFM1 is primarily eliminated through milk, although it can also be detected in the liver, kidneys, and urine.
English to Serbian: Wind turbine damage prevention
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - English
These components may vary substantially between wind turbine manufacturers, type designations and as a function of location-specific requirements. Examples include differing gearbox concepts and designs without gearboxes, different generator concepts (e. g. double-fed asynchronous generators or separately excited synchronous generators, permanent magnet generators, different numbers of pole pairs), and different materials for different system components (e. g. epoxy resin, GRP or carbon fibre composite materials for rotor blades, concrete or steel for supporting structures).
Translation - Serbian
Ove komponente mogu značajno varirati u zavisnosti od proizvođača vetroturbine, tipske oznake i zahteva specifičnih za lokaciju. Primeri uključuju različite koncepte transmisionih kutija kao i dizajn bez njih, i različite koncepte generatora (npr. asinhroni generator sa dvostrukim napajanjem ili odvojeno pobuđen sinhroni generator, permanentni magnetni generator, različit broj pari polova) i različite materijale za različite komponente sistema (npr. epoksi smola, GRP ili kompozitni materijali od karbonskih vlakana za lopatice rotora, beton ili čelik za noseće strukture).

Experience Years of experience: 18. Registered at Dec 2008. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
No content specified
Keywords: insurance, medicine, psychology

Profile last updated
Jan 27, 2021