Working languages:
English to Italian
French to Italian
Italian to English

Olivia Bisegna
Accounting and financial expertise

Rome, Lazio, Italy
Local time: 21:11 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: Italian 
  • PayPal accepted
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7 positive reviews
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
Blue Board affiliation:
Services Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Voiceover (dubbing), Project management
Specializes in:
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.Economics
Law: Contract(s)Finance (general)
Education / PedagogyBusiness/Commerce (general)

Italian to English - Standard rate: 0.10 EUR per word / 30 EUR per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 546, Questions answered: 275, Questions asked: 74
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Italian to English: Science and peace
Source text - Italian
Anche nella scienza la rivoluzione Francese volle rifondare la mitica scienza di Newton.(3) E' noto che in chimica ci riuscì Lavoisier, che, nella prefazione del suo libro principale pubblicato volutamente nel 1789, scrisse di compiere una "rivoluzione". Più in generale, alcuni militari si convertirono a rifondare gran parte della scienza civile: la geometria (Monge, L. Carnot, Poncelet), l'analisi infinitesimale (L. Carnot), la meccanica (L. Carnot, Coulomb, Navier, Poisson, Poncelet), e la termodinamica (nata quando, per studiare la efficienza delle macchine termiche il militare S. Carnot convertì la sua attenzione dai cannoni, mitizzati come capaci di una potenza quasi illimitata, alle macchine civili(4)).
La figura centrale di questo processo fu Lazare Carnot. Militare di formazione, egli teorizzò la difesa totale (popolare) prima del 1789, e dopo, nel 1793, la realizzò come capo supremo dell'esercito francese. Fedele alle sue idee, non accettò Napoleone imperatore, né qualsiasi guerra di offesa.
L. Carnot fu anche scienziato di valore che più contribuì alla trasformazione della meccanica celeste (quella della sede della metafisica) in meccanica terrestre (quella dell'urto tra corpi, visto come scambio di quantità comuni; e più in generale la meccanica delle macchine, aggregati complessi di corpi (5)), fondandola sul concetto di lavoro e non su quello metafisico di forza. Di fatto rifondò in maniera alternativa tutte le teorie scientifiche (meccanica, geometria, calcolo infinitesimale); inoltre suggerì al figlio Sadi le idee centrali dalle quali nacque la termodinamica (6).
Translation - English
Even in the field of science, the French Revolution wanted to reform Newton’s mythical science. (3) Lavoisier is well known for having succeeded in doing so in the field of chemistry. In the foreword to his main book that was intentionally published in 1789, he wrote that he sought to bring forth a “revolution”. More generally, a few soldiers converted to reform a great deal of civil science: geometry (Monge, L. Carnot, Poncelet), infinitesimal calculus (L. Carnot), mechanics (L. Carnot, Coulomb, Navier, Poisson, Poncelet), and thermodynamics (developed when, to study the efficiency of thermal machines, a soldier named S. Carnot turned its attention from cannons, mythicized as having almost unlimited power, to civil machines (4)).
The leading figure of this process was Lazare Carnot. With a military background, he theorized (popular) total defence before 1789 and, later, in 1793, he put it in practice as the supreme head of the French army. Faithful to his ideas, he did not accept either Napoleon as emperor, or any offensive war.
L. Carnot was also a great scientist who most contributed to the transformation of celestial mechanics (the one of the realm of metaphysics) in terrestrial mechanics (the one about the collision between bodies, viewed as an exchange of common quantities; and more generally the mechanics of machines, complex aggregates of bodies (5)), founding it on the concept of work and not on the metaphysical one of strength. In fact, he reformed all scientific theories (mechanics, geometry, infinitesimal calculus) in an alternative way; furthermore he suggested to his son Sadi the key ideas that gave rise to thermodynamics (6).
Italian to English: Esodo e riappacificazione
Source text - Italian
Il mio intervento vuole documentare –seppure sommariamente- un percorso di ricerca storica che si è sviluppato all’interno del Laboratorio di Storia della SSIS (scuola di specializzazione per l’insegnamento secondario) dell’Università di Udine sul tema “Genocidi, esodi, esili, profuganze: una tragedia del Novecento” e che ha proposto, come uno dei filoni principali, un percorso di analisi letteraria sviluppata intorno ad alcuni testi di scrittrici che, in modi diversi, si riferiscono ad esperienze di esodi, in particolare nel periodo compreso tra le leggi razziali del 1938 e la fine degli anni cinquanta, con una appendice relativa alla contemporaneità riguardante i profughi di seconda generazione ed i nuovi esodi delle popolazioni provenienti dal sud del mondo.
L’idea guida era quella di ricostruire, attraverso la scrittura femminile, un nuovo sguardo sulle vicende storiche che hanno prodotto le più dolorose lacerazioni della storia europea, per indagare quale nuova prospettiva fosse in grado di tracciare l’atteggiamento femminile di fronte ai drammi della guerra, alle violenze della pulizia etnica, allo sradicamento della deportazione, dell’esodo o dell’esilio.
In altri termini, quale lettura della storia potesse derivare dal campo di analisi delle donne, dalla loro angolazione specifica e dall’ interpretazioni dei fatti e delle vicende collettive a partire da una sensibilità femminile, da una attenzione di genere verso il contesto storico, sociale e delle relazioni umane. Ma non solo: soprattutto quale contributo per una nuova lettura storica di quegli eventi potessero dare i registri della narrazione femminile.
Translation - English
My contribution intends to document - albeit briefly – a historical research journey that took place as part of the History Workshop of the SSIS (Specialisation School for Secondary School Teaching) of the University of Udine, on “Genocides, exoduses, exiles and refugeeism: a tragedy of the 20th Century”, which proposed, as one of the leading genres, a literary analysis of texts by women writers which, in different ways, refer to exodus experiences that occurred in particular in the period straddling the racial laws of 1938 and the late Fifties, with an appendix on contemporary experiences by second-generation refugees and on new mass departures by populations from the South of the world.
The leading idea was to provide, through female writing, a new insight into the historical events that caused the most horrific suffering in European history, to investigate a new perspective that could outline women’s attitude towards war tragedies, the violence of ethnic cleansing, uprooting and deportation, mass migration and exile.
In other words, what interpretation of history could arise from an analysis carried out by women, from their particular point of view and from the interpretation of collective facts and events starting from female sensibility, from a gender approach to the historical and social context as well as to human relationships. But there is more: above all, the study sought to establish what contribution a female register could provide for a new historical interpretation of those events.
Italian to English: La diversità come valore
Detailed field: Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
Source text - Italian
Translation - English

Glossaries Automotive, Contratti, Finance, formazione, Immobiliare, Ind. machinery, ingegneria, legal, medicine, science

Translation education Other - Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori di Roma (Italy)
Experience Years of experience: 31. Registered at Feb 2003. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials Italian to English (Fellow A.C.C.A. No.0675346)
Memberships A.C.C.A. The Chart. Ass. of Certified Ac
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast
CV/Resume English (DOC), Italian (DOC), Italian (DOC)
Events and training
Professional practices Olivia Bisegna endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.0).
School for Translators and Interpreters of Rome (Italy)
Qualified Accountant (FCCA) Memb. No.0675346
Post-graduate stage in "on-line translations"
Course on Wordfast and Trados

Work experience as translator:
Financial statements, Notes to the accounts, Directors' reports, Special reports (e.g. Social-environmental report, Corporate Governance), Due diligence reviews, Audit reports, audit memos and plans, fee proposals, , Short and Long form reports, Mergers&Acquisitions documents and other reports;powers of Managing directors; Minutes of Shareholders' and Directors Meetings; Memorandums and Articles of Association; Acts of incorporation; Information Memorandums;IFRS;

Newspapers articles (Economist, Financial Times, Sole 24Ore, Les Echos, Le Monde, La Tribune, etc.);Sole 24Ore article on Real Estate spin-offs (and related Advisory committee opinion); Press releases (Economic outlooks; Corporate announcements (dividends and results); Milan furniture fair, Silent Movie Festival, Textile, stock-trade, ballet);Websites (hotels, Società Filologica Friulana); Hotel brochures; Ambush marketing (Olympic Games);

Lifelong learning; Equals; EU surveys' questionnaires

translation of Proposal for the "Leonardo" EU project (lifelong learning), Equals; Childcare Training.

- Contracts (suppliers' specifications, transportation, leases, framework agreements, newsgathering, ect.);
- Labour law (Pay Equity Act, Employment Standards Act - Canada);
- International court of arbitration - respondent's submission; writ of execution;
- writ of attachment;
- wills;
- brief in support of defendant in a petition;
- Russian arbitration;
- Response Briefs;

English teacher for doctors and nurses at the Hospital of Udine (Italy) for intermediate-advanced courses (medical-scientific English); Translations: Stents; Haematology - erythropoietin (medicine, effects of contrast media for radiodiagnostics;

Rivers + flooding; Waste Management (many projects)

Operating manuals (machinery and appliances)Surveillance; Cookery books and tourism texts.


- PricewaterhouseCoopers(Rome, Italy);
- KPMG (London,UK); and
- KPMG SpA (Milan, Italy).

- Medical-scientific English course for doctors and triage nurses at the Hospital of Udine(see above under MEDICINE)-- Advanced English" courses for marketing people and top secretaries of major industrial companies;
- English course on CRM for students of IAL-FVG (Italian regional training agency)
- English course on agriculture and territorial planning for students of IAL-FVG (see above)
-Courses of Business English for top managers of primary Italian bank; PPT presentations

Theatre (through a non-profit association I organise theatrical productions as scriptwriter/actor and director of English pantomimes for children and adults in Italy), Pilates, reading, painting and travelling.

I generally charge 0.09-0.10 Euro per word for all financial translations or very technical texts (i.e. legal documents). A lower charge is applied for less technical texts.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 559
PRO-level pts: 546

Top languages (PRO)
Italian to English462
English to Italian84
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 3 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Finance (general)157
Law: Contract(s)68
Law (general)54
Business/Commerce (general)36
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion12
Pts in 26 more flds >

See all points earned >

This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects4
With client feedback1
100% positive (1 entry)

Job type
Language pairs
Italian to English4
Specialty fields
Environment & Ecology1
Education / Pedagogy1
Energy / Power Generation1
Other fields
Sports / Fitness / Recreation1
Engineering (general)1
Keywords: bilanci, accounts, taxation, fisco, economia, verbali, clausole, statuti, power of attorney, procure. See more.bilanci, accounts, taxation, fisco, economia, verbali, clausole, statuti, power of attorney, procure, prospetti, banche, financial statements, note al bilancio, principi contabili, contabilità, relazioni, gestione, banche, IFRS, Consiglio di amministrazione, verbali, statuto, contratti, corporate governance, controllo interno, audit, management, crm, teatro, script, homeopathy, childrens' books, medicine, contracts, corporate, environment, haematology, legal, contracts, corporate, finance, socio-environmental, turismo, pace, conflitto, global intercultural management, intercultural, Fondi, consolidato, energia, termovalorizzazione, utilities, court cases, transcripts, coaching, love, relationship psychology, dating. See less.

Profile last updated
Jan 26, 2020