Member since Nov '23

Working languages:
English to Albanian
Albanian to English
Turkish to Albanian
Italian to Albanian
English (monolingual)

Olti Cela
Sworn translator Albanian ⇄ English

Tirane, Tirane, Albania
Local time: 02:02 CEST (GMT+2)

Native in: Albanian Native in Albanian
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Interpreting, Voiceover (dubbing)
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English to Albanian: Business subject have to submit online their financial statements in the National Business Center within the 31st of July deadline
General field: Bus/Financial
Detailed field: Law: Taxation & Customs
Source text - English
Albanian Version:
QKB: Krahas bilancit, bizneset duhet të dorëzojnë raportin e auditimit dhe të ecurisë së veprimtarisë
31 korriku është afati i fundit kur subjektet duhet të depozitojnë online pasqyrat financiare në Qendrën
Kombëtare të Biznesit (QKB).
QKB ka njoftuar ndërkohë bizneset se se, bazuar në nenin 43, të Ligjit nr. 9723, datë 03.05.2007, “Për
regjistrimin e biznesit”, i ndryshuar, subjektet duhet të regjistrojnë dhe depozitojnë pasqyrat financiare
vjetore, raportin e ecurisë së veprimtarisë dhe raportin e auditimit, të mbajtur sipas kërkesave ligjore,
në rastet kur mbajtja e këtyre dokumenteve është e detyrueshme, jo më vonë se 7 muaj nga data e
mbylljes së çdo viti financiar. Në të kundërt do të aplikohen sanksion administrativ gjobë, prej 15000
Afati përfundimtar, për dorëzimin e këtyre dokumentave është data 31 korrik 2021.
Dorëzimi i pasqyrave financiare do të kryhet në formatin Excel, nëpërmjet portalit qeveritar e-Albania.
Sipas manualit të përdorimit të publikuar nga QKB, në hapin e parë të aplikimit për depozitimin e
pasqyrave financiare të dhënat e subjektit, NIPT, administratorit etj gjenerohen automatikisht nga
sistemi nëpërmjet integrimit me sistemin e QKB. Ndërkohë plotësohen dhe të dhënat kategorinë e
njësisë ekonomike, të ardhurat, numrin e punonjësve.
Hapi i dytë i aplikimit përbëhet nga 3 panele: 1. Profili i audituesit ligjor 2. Profili i degëve dhe filialeve të
kompanisë 3. Formati i dokumentave. Në rastin kur subjekti nuk i nënshtrohet auditimit ligjor të
detyrueshëm përdoruesi duhet të plotësojë vlerat për fushat Aktiv, Të ardhurat nga veprimtaria
ekonomike dhe Nr mesatar i punonjësve për periudhën raportuese.
QKB paralajmëron bizneset të bëjnë kujdes, pasi dokumentet pas ngarkimit do të verifikohen
automatikisht nga sistemi për saktësinë e tyre.
Në hapin e tretë të aplikimit sistemi gjeneron automatikisht të dhënat mbi personin që kryen aplikimin
nëpërmjet integrimit me sistemin DPGJC. Aplikimi duhet të kryhet nga njëri prej administratorëve të
Në hapin e katërt të aplikimit shfaqet lista e dokumenteve shoqërues që përdoruesi duhet të ngarkojë
në sistem.
Në hapin e fundit të aplikimit përdoruesi mund të shkarkojë dokumentin pdf të aplikimit duke klikuar
butonin Shkarko në rastin kur duhet të nënshkruajë aplikimin offline dhe e ngarkon përsëri në sistem
ose ngarkon aplikimin e panënshkruar elektronikisht. Përdoruesi klikon butonin Dërgo për të dërguar

Manualin e plotë e gjeni në dokumentin në link: Manuali-i-perdorimit-per-bilancin

Translation - Albanian
English Version:
NBC 1 : Apart from their business budget, businesses must submit their audit report and the report on the
continuity of their activity.
Business subject have to submit online their financial statements in the National Business Center within
the 31st of July deadline.
Pursuant of article 43, Law Nr. 9723, date 03.05.2007 “For registering a business” amended, NBC has
notified the business subjects that they have to register and submit their annual financial statements,
their report on the continuity of their activity and their audit report which are in accordance with the
requirements entitled by the law. In the case, when the subjects are obligated to compile these
documents, they must submit them not later than 7 (six) months from the closing date of each financial
year. Otherwise, administrative sanctions shall apply including a fine of 150000 ALL.
The deadline concerning the submission of the required documents is the 31st of July.
The submission of the financial statements is to be delivered in an Excel form through the government
run portal e- Albania.
According to NBC’s user manual, during the first step of the application the system, which is integrated
with the system of NBC, will automatically generate data such as the financial statements, information
about the subject and its administrator, INTP 2 , etc.
In the meantime, information concerning the category of the economic unit, income, and the number of
employees are to be filled.
The second step of the application consists of 3 divisions:
1. Legal auditor’s profile
2. Company’s profile branches
3. Document’s format
In cases when the business subject is not subject to compulsory legal auditing, the user must fill out in
the “active” fields. It must report the income generated from its economic activity and the median
number of employees at time of the reporting.
NBS warns all the businesses to be cautious concerning the authenticity of the uploaded documents, as
their authenticity will be verified automatically from the system.
In the third step of the application the system automatically generates information about the person
who is applying via integrating it with the GDCS 3 system. The application has to be conducted by one of
1 Acronym for National Business Center
2 Acronym for Identification Number of the Taxable Person
3 Acronym for General Directorate of Civil Status

the administrators of the company.
In the fourth step of the application a list of accompanying documents will be shown, which the
applicant must upload.
In the last step of the application, the user may download a PDF version of the document clicking on the
“download” button if it’s needed to be signed and upload it again or upload it without having signed it
electronically. The user hits the “send” button to conclude the application.
A complete copy of the manual can be found on the following link: Manual of balance use.
English to Albanian: On deciding the monthly wage, for effect of the calculations of the compulsory contributions and social and health insurances of persons registered as freelancers
General field: Law/Patents
Source text - English
Nr. 37 , daef' 21.,1.201_6
Ne mbeshtetje te nenit 100 te Kushtetutes, te nenit 9, te ligjit nr.7703,
date 11.5.1993, "Per sigurimet shoqerore ne Republiken e Shqiperise", te
ndryshuar, te nenit 7, te ligjit nr.10383, date 24.2.2011, "Per sigurimin e
detyrueshem te kujdesit shendetesor ne Republiken e Shqiperise", te ndryshuar,
dhe te nenit 9, te ligjit nr.9136, date 1.9.2003, "Per mbledhjen e kontributeve te
detyrueshme te sigurimeve shoqerore dhe shendetesore ne Republiken e
Shqiperise", te ndryshuar, me propozimin e ministrit te Financave, Keshilli i
1. Objekt i ketij vendimi jane personat e regjistruar si person fizik, me ose pa te
punesuar, si dhe me ose pa punonjes te papaguar te familjes qe punojne e
bashkejetojne me te vetepunesuarin, te cilet kryejne veprimtari ekonomike ne
nje ose disa nga profesionet e percaktuara ne aneksin nr.l, qe i bashkelidhet
ketij vendimi.
2. Pagat mujore, per efekt te llogaritjes se kontributeve te detyrueshme te
sigurimeve shoqerore dhe shendetesore per personat e vetepunesuar ne
profesionet e percaktuara ne piken 1, te ketij vendimi, percaktohen ne aneksin
nr.2, qe i bashkelidhet ketij vendimi. Ne percaktimin e ketyre pagave mbahen
parasysh lloji i veprimtarise profesionale, zona ku ajo zhvillohet, vitet e
punes ne profesion, numri i te punesuarve, paga per te njejtin profesion ne
sektorin publik, vitet e punes ne baze te licences ne profesion dhe statusi i
3. Per efekt te zbatimit te ketij vendimi, kategorizimi i bashkive dhe zonave ku
zhvillohet veprimtaria eshte sipas aneksit nr.3, qe i bashkelidhet ketij
4. Paga mujore sipas llojit te profesionit, objekt i ketij vendimi, perben kufirin
minimal te pages per efekt te llogaritjes se kontributeve te detyrueshme te
sigurimeve shoqerore dhe shendetesore, Keto paga vetedeklarohen nga
tatimpaguesi perkates dhe, kur administrata tatimore veren se pagat e
deklaruara per efekt te llogaritjes se kontributit te detyrueshem te sigurimeve
shoqerore .dhe shendetesore jane me te vogla nga paga respektive e
percaktuar ne kete vendim, ajo ka autoritetin t'i rivleresoje, sipas nivelit te
pages perkatese te percaktuar ne kete vendim.
5. Paga mujore, per efekt te llogaritjes se kontributeve te sigurimeve shoqerore
dhe shendetesore per punonjesit e papaguar te familjes qe punojne e
bashkejetojne me te vetepunesuarin, te cilet punojne ne profesionet e
percaktuara ne aneksin nr.I te ketij vendimi, llogaritet ne baze te pages
minimale sipas vendimit nr. 77, date 28.1.2015, te Keshillit te Ministrave,
"Per kontributet e detyrueshme dhe perfitimet nga sistemi i sigurimeve
shoqerore dhe sigurimi i kujdesit shendetesor",
6. Kur ndonje nga veprimtarite profesionale, te percaktuara ne aneksin nr.l te
ketij vendimi, kryhet nga persona qe kane edhe te punesuar ose edhe anetare
te papaguar, paga mujore per te vetepunesuarin sipas pikes 1, te ketij
vendimi, e percaktuar ne aneksin nr.2, per efekt te llogaritjes se kontributeve
te sigurimeve shoqerorc dhe shendetesore, shtohet me 3 per qind per cdo te
punesuar ose anetar familje me kohe te plote dhe 2 per qind per cdo te
punesuar me kohete pjesshme, por jo me shume se paga maksimale.
Translation - Albanian
The Republic of Albania
Council of Ministers
Decision nr. 37, date 21. 01.20216

On deciding the monthly wage, for effect of the calculations of the compulsory
contributions and social and health insurances of persons registered as freelancer,
whom carry out professional economic activities and their first degree relative that
work or cohabit with them.

Pursuant to Article 100 of the Constitution, Article 9, Law no. 7703, date 11.5.1993, "On
social insurance in the Republic of Albania", amended, of article 7, of law no. 10383, dated
24.2.2011, "On the insurance of the compulsory health care in the Republic of Albania ",
amended, and Article 9, of Law no. 9136, dated 1.9.2003, "On the collection compulsory
contributions of social and health insurance in the Republic of Albania ", amended, with the
proposal of the Minister of Finance, the Council of Ministers

1. This decision targets all persons who are registered as natural persons, with or
without employed, and with or without unpaid first degree relatives that work
or cohabit with the freelancer person who conduct economic activities in one of
or in many of the professions determined in the annex nr. 1 attached to this

1. Monthly wages, for effect of the calculations of the compulsory contributions
and social and health insurances of persons registered as freelancer in the
professions determined in the annex nr.2 attached to this decision. The wages
are determined based on the type of the professional activity, the zone where
the activity is carried out, years of experience on this profession, the number of
the employees, the wage of the same profession compared to the public sector,
years of experience from the moment of obtaining the professional license and
the status of the profession.

2. For the effects of the implementation of this decision, the categorization of
municipalities and zones where the economic activity will be carried out is to
be found in the annex nr.3 attached to this decision.

3. Monthly wage based on the type of profession, object of this decision, set up
the limit of the minimum payment for the effects of calculating the compulsory
contributions of social and health insurances. These wages are self-declared by
the respective taxpayer and in case the tax administration notices that declared
wages for the effects of calculating the compulsory social and health insurance
contribution are lower than the respective wage
defined in this decision, it has the authority to re-evaluate them, based on the
level of the wage determined in this decision.
4. Monthly wage, for the effects of calculating the social and health insurance
contributions for the unpaid first degree family employees that work or cohabit
with the freelancer who work in one of the professions determined in the annex
nr. 1 of this decision, it will be calculated based on the minimum wage in
accordance with the decision nr.77, date 28.01. 2015 of the Council of
Ministers “On compulsory contributions and profits from the social and health
care system of insurance”

5. In case one of the professional activities as determined in the annex nr. 1 of this
decision is carried out by persons that have employees or unpaid members, the
monthly wage of the freelancer in accordance with clause 1 of this decision as
set in annex nr.2 for the effects of calculating social and health insurance
contributions, a 3% increase of its wage will be added up for each employee or
first degree member of the family that works full time and a 2% increase of the
wage will be added up for the ones who work part – time, but the increase it
shall not overpass the minimum wage.

Translation education Graduate diploma - Shkolla e Lartë “Hëna e Plotë” (BEDËR)
Experience Years of experience: 8. Registered at Mar 2019. Became a member: Nov 2023.
Credentials English (SHKOLLA E LARTË “HËNA E PLOTË” (BEDËR), verified)
English to Albanian (UNIVERSITY HËNA E PLOTË - BEDËR, verified)
Albanian to English (UNIVERSITY HËNA E PLOTË - BEDËR, verified)
Memberships N/A
Software MemSource Cloud, Trados Studio
CV/Resume CV available upon request
Professional practices Olti Cela endorses's Professional Guidelines.
Professional objectives
  • Meet new translation company clients
  • Meet new end/direct clients
  • Work for non-profits or pro-bono clients
  • Screen new clients (risk management)
  • Network with other language professionals
  • Find trusted individuals to outsource work to
  • Build or grow a translation team
  • Get help with terminology and resources
  • Learn more about translation / improve my skills
  • Learn more about interpreting / improve my skills
  • Get help on technical issues / improve my technical skills
  • Learn more about additional services I can provide my clients
  • Learn more about the business side of freelancing
  • Find a mentor
  • Stay up to date on what is happening in the language industry
  • Help or teach others with what I have learned over the years
  • Transition from freelancer to agency owner
  • Transition from freelancer to another profession
  • Improve my productivity
Translating/localizing from Albanian to English or vice versa.
Keywords: Albanian, English, Turkish, Italian, International Relations, Law, Human Resources, Technology, transcript, subtitles

Profile last updated
Oct 7