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English to Albanian: "Managing change" by Bernard Burnes, Fifth Edition , Page 30. General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Source text - English The USA
In the USA, for a number of reasons, the need for a workable, overall approach to organisational design and control ,which legitimized the authority of managers to initiate change ,was perhaps more acute than anywhere else.The USA had industrialised far more rapidly and on a larger scale than any other nation.Only in the 1860s, after the Civil War ,did the USA begin to industrialise in earnest ,but by 1914 it had become the premier industrial nation ,with the highest per capita income in the world .In the period 1860 to 1914 ,employment in manufacturing rose from 1.3 million to 6.6 million ,and the population as a whole rose from 31 million to 91 million (Habakkuk and Postan ,1965).
The USA at this time was still very much influenced by Europe ,and initially at least adopted similar approaches and methods in organizing and running industry. However the size of the typical American organization quickly grew much larger than those in Europe. Whilst the average British and French business was still the small ,family- owned firm ,in the USA it was the monopoly ,which dominated an entire industry ,or the conglomerate ,which had substantial holdings in several industries. As an example, in 1900 Dale Carnegie sold his steel company for the enormous sum of $419 million to a group of financiers. They merged it with other steel concerns to create a monopoly steel producer employing 200,000 workers and valued at $1.3 billion. This was at a time when the British steel industry, which has led the world, comprised 100 blast furnaces owned by 95 separate companies.
As might be imagined, the numbers of Americans employed in factories and offices grew rapidly – almost tripling between 1880 and 1990 (Levine,1967;Zinn,1980).The rocketing increase in demand for labour could not be met by the existing population alone and was fueled by successive waves of immigration. Whilst solving one problem – the shortage of labour – this created others. The culture shock of industrial work, a foreign language, and problems of housing and social integration created enormous pressures in American society. Alongside this was the arbitrary and ruthless discipline of the factory system, where workers were treated as so much industrial cannon fodder. It was a time of rapid social ,technological and organizational change: a time where entrepreneurs did not so much expect to manage change as to impose it, and those who could not or would not accept this situation were treated harshly. Consequently ,most industries found themselves sitting on a pressure cooker which could ,and frequently did ,explode in unexpected and violent ways .If management – labour relations were poor in most European countries ,they were far worse in the USA (Pelling,1960).
Translation - Albanian The USA
In the USA, for a number of reasons, the need for a workable, overall approach to organisational design and control ,which legitimized the authority of managers to initiate change ,was perhaps more acute than anywhere else.The USA had industrialised far more rapidly and on a larger scale than any other nation.Only in the 1860s, after the Civil War ,did the USA begin to industrialise in earnest ,but by 1914 it had become the premier industrial nation ,with the highest per capita income in the world .In the period 1860 to 1914 ,employment in manufacturing rose from 1.3 million to 6.6 million ,and the population as a whole rose from 31 million to 91 million (Habakkuk and Postan ,1965).
The USA at this time was still very much influenced by Europe ,and initially at least adopted similar approaches and methods in organizing and running industry. However the size of the typical American organization quickly grew much larger than those in Europe. Whilst the average British and French business was still the small ,family- owned firm ,in the USA it was the monopoly ,which dominated an entire industry ,or the conglomerate ,which had substantial holdings in several industries. As an example, in 1900 Dale Carnegie sold his steel company for the enormous sum of $419 million to a group of financiers. They merged it with other steel concerns to create a monopoly steel producer employing 200,000 workers and valued at $1.3 billion. This was at a time when the British steel industry, which has led the world, comprised 100 blast furnaces owned by 95 separate companies.
As might be imagined, the numbers of Americans employed in factories and offices grew rapidly – almost tripling between 1880 and 1990 (Levine,1967;Zinn,1980).The rocketing increase in demand for labour could not be met by the existing population alone and was fueled by successive waves of immigration. Whilst solving one problem – the shortage of labour – this created others. The culture shock of industrial work, a foreign language, and problems of housing and social integration created enormous pressures in American society. Alongside this was the arbitrary and ruthless discipline of the factory system, where workers were treated as so much industrial cannon fodder. It was a time of rapid social ,technological and organizational change: a time where entrepreneurs did not so much expect to manage change as to impose it, and those who could not or would not accept this situation were treated harshly. Consequently ,most industries found themselves sitting on a pressure cooker which could ,and frequently did ,explode in unexpected and violent ways .If management – labour relations were poor in most European countries ,they were far worse in the USA (Pelling,1960).
Italian to Albanian: Un incubo di mezzo secolo L’Albania di Enver Hoxha , Amik Kasoruho.
Source text - Italian Paura ma non solo
La filosofia della lotta di classe , nella concezione di Enver Hoxha aveva incarnato tre principì che nulla avevano a che fare con il marxismo.
Dal biblico peccato originale aveva preso quell carattere ereditario della colpa che pesa sulle generazioni.Dalla storia delle dittature aveva assimilato la lezione che ongi regime ,per poter giustificare sia l’apparato oppressivo sia la forza bruta,ha bisogno di crearsi dei nemici.
Dalla psicologia aveva tratto il compleso di Erostrato e la paura dei pericoli immaginari.
Durante tutto il tempo che restò a capo del partito e dello Stato Albanese ,non vi fu nemmeno un tentative di ucciderlo.E questo non perché mancasse la voglia di farlo , ma perché un simile gesto era materialmente impossibile.
Non v’é dubbio che fu la paura alla base di tanti crimini di Stato.Il potere socialista fu continuamente in preda a un triplice panico: paura del passato,così ricco di valori contrastanti con la pratica comunista ,la quale non aveva fatto altro che distruggere ;paura del presente dalle mille difficoltà ;paura del futuro ,insicuro and impregnato d’odio .
Negli anni Ottanta l’isolamento del vertice della piramide era totale.Dai vetri blindati delle Mercedes che attraversavano il paese ,I membri dell’Ufficio politico vedevano una realtà deformata,conosciuta tramite le relazioni dei propri subalterni.E chi non sa che I subalterni dicono solo ciò che ai dittatori fa piacere sentirsi dire!A Tirana , la classe dirigente aveva la convincione che il socialismo fosse sulla strada del successo.Il popolo doveva avere fiducia e pazienza.
La morte di Cerbero
Il primo ministro Mehmet Shehu non era certo un fanatic miope o idealista.Deciso di carattere ,spietato ,collerico e arrogante , era una persona che viveva lontano dalla gente,ma riusciva a comandarla a distanza.Aveva compiuto gli studi medi nella scuola tecnica americana di Tirana e lì aveva appreso il valore della prassi.Nel corso di trent’anni aveva potuto vedere allargarsi il divario fra ideologia ed economia .Anche lui considerava Hoxha un semi-dio.
Nel 1943 lo aveva salvato dalle trupe tedesche ,nel 1948 lo aveva appoggiato apertamente.Nel 1961 lo aveva accompagnato durante la “fuga” da Mosca ,nel 1978 gli aveva assicurato ancora una volta tutto il suo sostegno.Nel novembre 1981 ,dalla tribuna dell’VIII congress del Partito Del Lavoro d’Albania ,aveva tessuto le lodi del grande capo.
A qualche giorno dal congresso, Mehmet Shehu ,membro dell’Ufficio politico ,braccio destro del segretario generale ,capo del Consiglio dei ministry ,eroe del popolo ,eroe del lavoro socialista ,ministro della Difesa venne trovato ucciso nella sua abitazione,poche ore dopo essere uscito da una riunione dell’Ufficio politico presieduta da Enver Hoxha.
Translation - Albanian Jo vetëm frikë
Filozofia e luftës së klasave ,në konceptimin e Enver Hoxhës kishte mishëruar tre principe që nuk kishin të bënin fare me marksizmin.
Nga mëkati fillestar biblik kishte marrë karakterin e trashëgimit të fajit që rëndon mbi gjeneratat.Nga historia e diktaturave kishte përvetësuar mësimin që çdo regjim ,për të justifikuar si aparatin shtypës ashtu edhe forcën brutale ka nevojë të krijojë armiq.
Nga filozofia kishte tërhequr kompleksin e Erostratit dhe frikën nga rreziqe imagjinare.
Gjatë gjithë kohës që qëndroi në krye të partisë dhe të Shtetit Shqiptar , nuk pati as edhe një tentativë për ta vrarë.Dhe kjo jo sepse mungonte dëshira për ta bërë ,por sepse një gjest I tillë ishte fizikisht I pamundur.
Nuk ka dyshim që frika ishte në bazë të shumë krimeve të Shtetit.Pushteti socialist ishte vazhdimisht pre e një paniku të trefishtë: frikë nga e kaluara,kaq e pasur në vlera kontradiktore me praktikën komuniste, e cila skishte bërë gjë tjetër përveçse kishte shkatërruar;frikë nga e tashmja me mijëra vështirësi ;frikë nga e ardhmja , e pasigurtë dhe e mbarsur me urrejtje.
Në vitet ’80 izolimi I kulmit të piramidës ishte total.Nga xhamat e blinduar të Mercedesave që përshkonin vendin , anëtarët e Byrosë Politike shikonin një realitet të deformuar ,që e njhnin vetëm nëpërmjet raporteve të vartësve të tyre.E kush nuk e di që vartësit thonë vetëm atë që diktatorëve ju pëlqen të dëgjojnë.Në Tiranë klasa drejtuese kishte bindjen që socializmi ishte në rrugën e suksesit dhe se populli duhet të kishte besim dhe durim.
Vdekja e Cerberit
Kryeministri Mehmet Shehu sigurisht që nuk ishte një fanatik miop ose idealist.Ai kishte një karakter të vendosur ,I pamëshirshëm , kolerik dhe arrogant , ishte një person që jetonte larg njerëzve ,por arrinte të komandonte në distancë.Kishte mbaruar studimet e mesme në shkollën teknike amerikane të Tiranës dhe atje kishte mësuar vlerën e praktikës.Në rrjedhën e 30 viteve kishte mundur të shihte rritjen e hendekut midis ideologjisë dhe ekonomisë.Edhe ai e konsideronte Hoxhën një gjysëm zot.
Në 1943 e kishte shpëtuar nga trupat gjermane ,në 1948 e kishte mbështetur hapur.Në 1961 e kishte shoqëruar gjatë “arratisjes” nga Moska, në 1978 e kishte siguruar edhe njëherë për mbështetjen e tij.Në nëntor të 1981 ,nga tribuna e kongresit të VIII të Partisë së Punës së Shqipërisë ai I kishte thurur lavde shefit të madh.
Disa ditë pas kongresit Mehmet Shehu ,anëtar I Byrosë Politike, krahu I djathtë I sekretarit të përgjithshem ,kreu I këshillit të ministrave ,heroi I popullit ,heroi I punës socialiste ,ministri I mbrojtjes u gjet I vrarë në banesën e tij ,pak orë pasi kishte dalë nga një mbledhje e Byrosë Politike, e kryesuar nga Enver Hoxha.
Years of experience: 10. Registered at Feb 2019.
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Professional Translator and Educator with Legal and Business Expertise
Greetings! I am a seasoned translator with over nine years of professional experience translating English and Italian into Albanian.
Currently based in Albania, my native proficiency in Albanian, coupled with my deep understanding of English and Italian languages, enables me to deliver translations of exceptional quality.
My academic background is diverse and robust, encompassing law and a Master's in Business Management and Technology from the University of Sheffield, UK.
This unique combination of legal and business education underpins my specialization in translating legal documents, contracts, business-related materials, and marketing content.
Beyond these core areas, my experience extends to other domains, including international trade and organic products.
This versatility reflects my commitment to lifelong learning and adapting to diverse subjects.
Proficiency in SDL Trados further enhances my translation capabilities, ensuring efficiency and consistency in my work.
I am also actively involved in the academic sphere as a university pedagogue, where I leverage my knowledge and skills to educate the next generation.
In addition to translation, I offer proofreading, editing, and transcribing services. Regardless of the task, my dedication to quality and attention to detail is unwavering.
I am always keen to explore collaborations in new fields, driven by a passion for languages and the power of clear, accurate communication.
I look forward to potential opportunities to bring my expertise to your projects, ensuring that your messages are conveyed with precision and cultural sensitivity.
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Keywords: albanian, legal documents, business management, general business, marketing, IT, education, healthcare, beauty, book translation. See more.albanian, legal documents, business management, general business, marketing, IT, education, healthcare, beauty, book translation, international trade, environment, art, culture, pedagogy, psychology, social science, tourism and travel, film, TV, music, cinema, literature, cooking, memsource, SDL TRados.. See less.