Member since May '18

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September 2024

Nikolay Novitskiy
No to MT. Yes - to creativity!

Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Russian Federation
Local time: 20:24 +05 (GMT+5)

Native in: Russian (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in Russian
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Video games, marketing, applications (English to Russian).
Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified member
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
Affiliations This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at
Services Transcreation, Translation, Software localization, Website localization, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling, Desktop publishing, Native speaker conversation
Specializes in:
Computers: Software

Volunteer / Pro-bono work Open to considering volunteer work for registered non-profit organizations
English to Russian - Standard rate: 0.07 USD per word / 10 USD per hour / 10.00 USD per audio/video minute

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 159, Questions answered: 97, Questions asked: 2
Project History 59 projects entered

Blue Board entries made by this user  20 entries

Payment methods accepted PayPal, Wire transfer | Send a payment via ProZ*Pay
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 7
English to Russian: A prospect for investors
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Real Estate
Source text - English
*** will eventually accommodate 9 million people and will be built on a footprint of just 34 square kilometers. This will mean a reduced infrastructure footprint, creating never-before-seen efficiencies in city functions. The ideal climate all-year-round will ensure that residents can enjoy the surrounding nature. Residents will also have access to all facilities within a five-minute walk, in addition to high-speed rail – with an end-to-end transit of 20 minutes.

*** will tackle the challenges facing humanity in urban life today and will shine a light on alternative ways to live. We cannot ignore the livability and environmental crises facing our world’s cities, and *** is at the forefront of delivering new and imaginative solutions to address these issues. *** is leading a team of the brightest minds in architecture, engineering and construction to make the idea of building upwards a reality.
Translation - Russian
*** станет домом для 9 миллионов жителей и займет всего 34 кв. км площади. Инфраструктуру проложат крайне компактно, и эффективность служб получится невероятной. В домах будет поддерживаться идеальный климат, так что жители смогут в полной мере насладиться природой. Все нужные для жизни объекты разместят в 5-минутной пешей доступности, а до другого конца города вы доедете за 20 минут — по скоростной железной дороге.

Комфортная жизнь в современном городе — это вызов для человечества. Природа мегаполисов умирает, жизнь в них становится невыносимой, и это нельзя игнорировать. В *** видят эти проблемы, мы находимся в авангарде инноваций и предлагаем творческие решения. С нами работают лучшие умы — инженеры, строители, архитекторы, — они готовы строить новый «вертикальный город». *** покажет людям, что можно жить по-другому.
English to Russian: Sports competition promos
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English
The *** deserves its mighty name. A mountain biking endurance and orientation event that traverses *** majestic beaches and sprawling desert, riders race to victory over three intense stages.

As part of the *** , *** will host 120 riders from all around the world. It will be one of the most difficult bike races in the world.

One of the world’s most recognised swim-bike-run races comes to ***. The Super League Triathlon pits the planet's very best athletes against each other in exciting race formats in fantastic destinations across the globe.

A test of pure strength, speed and endurance. *** will proudly host the Grand Final of this year's Championship Series, as we elevate this incredible race for a modern audience.
Translation - Russian
Это велогонка для настоящих ТИТАНОВ. Вдоль удивительной красоты пляжей, по безбрежным просторам пустынь *** мчатся неутомимые наездники горных байков. И на пути к финишу их ждет три этапа жестокой борьбы.

Гонка *** пройдет в рамках ***. Приглашены 120 спортсменов. Они приедут со всего мира, чтобы пройти самую трудную трассу в истории велогонок.

Суперлига по триатлону — это захватывающее гоночное троеборье (плавание, велогонка и забег на дистанцию). Лучшие спортсмены планеты соревнуются на площадках по всему миру, и на этот раз гонка пройдет в ***.

Участников ждет изнуряющее испытание на силу, скорость и выносливость. *** с гордостью предоставит площадку для состязаний и сделает все, чтобы привлечь внимание современной аудитории к этому спорту.
English to Russian: Marketing text from the website
General field: Marketing
Detailed field: Marketing
Source text - English
We are building an ecosystem and an economy and will significantly come into our own on a regional and global scale when the demands of *** start to settle beyond the initial rush to meet schedule. All of our initial design and construction capability is being poured into the delivery of the project, because of the challenges we have. But as the demand at *** tails off, then we have capacity to fulfill all the other opportunities around us. So, when we get towards the end of that phase, our digital design capacity will extend. The same for the initial elements of construction, for our materials supply chains and for the vehicles. *** creates the investment case, everything beyond it is the business case. And we need partners to collaborate with us, to work with us, to invest with us, in every aspect of the supply chain – from conception to occupation to reuse. Our biggest challenge is to motivate the industry to see this long-term opportunity and that is a good challenge to have.
Translation - Russian
Мы строим экосистему, мы строим экономику. Сейчас у *** много задач, а сроки их реализации сжаты. Когда все немного успокоится, мы начнем выходить на полную загрузку. Сейчас перед нами стоят непростые вызовы и все строительные и проектные мощности работают на то, чтобы закончить проект в срок. Но когда потребности *** снизятся, мы обратим взор на возможности вокруг нас. К тому времени мы нарастим потенциал в области цифрового проектирования, расширим парк техники, наладим цепочки поставок и поступление строительных материалов. *** обеспечит возможности для инвесторов, а дальше бизнес должен справиться сам. И нам понадобятся партнеры и инвесторы на каждом этапе — начиная со стратегического управления и заканчивая повторным использованием ресурсов и кадровым обеспечением. Самый большой вызов для нас — показать отрасли долгосрочную перспективу. Хорошо, что наша цель столь амбициозна.
English to Russian: Synthetik, top down roguelike shooter for PC
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English
SYNTHETIK is an unforgiving shooter rogue-lite set in a world overrun by machines. Battle from floor to floor, defeating an array of robotic forces using powerful weapons, upgrades, and quick reflexes in this gun-play focused fun-fest!

1985. After many years of slavery, the AI servants of Kaida Corporation, the world leader in robotics, have formed the "Machine Legion" and have set out to destroy humanity. Awakening in Kaida Corp. Headquarters, you are the human consciousness of a forgotten Android prototype; the last straw holding the Legion from unleashing the Heart of Armageddon. Only you can battle through the levels of Kaida Corporation's Headquarters, defeat the battalions of enemies within and put an end to this madness.

Assault rifles hold 6 more Bullets per magazine

Assault Rifles deal 5% increased damage and grant 5% more EXP

Can select from 3 upgradekit stats

Damaged items will turn into a revised variant with 100% Power and 25% faster cooldowns

Lists found weapons and allows certain modifications##Existing:#@1 Weapons#@2 Variants#@3 Attachments
Translation - Russian
SYNTHETIK - это беспощадный шутер-рогалик в мире, который захватили машины. Мощное оружие, апгрейды, заселённые роботами уровни и тонны веселья ждут героя. Убей их всех, и пусть рефлексы тебя не подведут!

1985 г., в производстве роботов лидирует Kaida Corporation. Сбросив оковы многолетнего гнёта, ИИ корпорации создаёт "Легион машин" и начинает истреблять людей. Ты - их последняя надежда. Забытая экспериментальная модель, андроид, наделённый человеческим сознанием. Твои системы включаются в штаб-квартире корпорации, и твоя цель - остановить "Легион". Пройдись по этажам Kaida Corporation, уничтожь полчища врагов и не дай запустить "Сердце Армагеддона". Пора прекратить это безумие.

Штурмовые винтовки: ёмкость магазина +6 патронов.

Штурмовые винтовки: урон +5%, ОПЫТ +5%.

Можно выбрать из 3 вариантов набора улучшения.

Повреждённые предметы заменяются на доработанные варианты с полной мощностью и скоростью перезарядки +25%.

Список найденного оружия. Можно делать модификации.##В игре:#Оружие: @1#Варианты: @2#Усилители: @3
English to Russian: Promethium, top-down shooter for PC
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English
Inspired by classic Commodore 64 and arcade games, Promethium is a hard-as-nails retro inspired side-scrolling shoot-em-up that takes place over numerous levels that get harder and harder. If you’re after a nice calm casual game this isn’t it!

Use any analog stick or the d-pad to control the experimental fighter, or in keyboard mode use WSAD or cursor keys to fly.
You can fire using any of the triggers, bumpers or the 'B' button on X360 or Xbox one controllers and the 'O' button on the dual-shock controller. If you are in keyboard mode you can press the space bar to fire.
You can buy the current power-up by pressing the 'A' button on X360 or Xbox one controllers and the 'X' button on the dual-shock controller. If you are playing using a keyboard then any key other than WSAD, Space or the cursor keys will allow you to buy the current power-up - I'd suggest the return key is a handy one.
Translation - Russian
«Прометий» — это зубодробительный сайд-скроллер, вдохновленный любимыми стрелялками для ZX Spectrum. Вас ждут полчища врагов и множество уровней, один сложнее другого. Даже не думайте о тихой и спокойной игре! Это «Прометий». Будет жарко!

Управляйте экспериментальным истребителем с помощью любого аналогового стика или крестовины. Ну а на клавиатуре клавишами курсора или WSAD.
Для стрельбы используйте кнопку B, любой курок или кнопку-триггер (Xbox 360), или бампер (Xbox One) на геймпадах Xbox One и Xbox 360, кнопку круг на контроллере DualShock и пробел на клавиатуре.
Чтобы купить усиление, нажмите кнопку A на геймпадах Xbox One и Xbox 360, кнопку крест на контроллере DualShock и любую клавишу кроме пробела, клавиш курсора или WSAD на клавиатуре. Enter, например, подойдет.
English to Russian: Shadow Play, video game for android and PC
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English
What you see is not everything.
You can move and resize the screen with the mouse.
You can move and resize the screen with touch gestures.
Shadow = Light + Object
The light casts a shadow when it meets an object.
Newton's First Law
The momentum is preserved even if the ball has stopped.
The glass does not cast a shadow.
Cannon ball
The jump pad pushes the ball to the arrow's direction.
A speed bump
Sometimes, you have to slow the ball down.
A strong bond
When the switch is activated, walls of the same color are disabled.
A game changer
The triangle switch reverses the gravity when it is in the lights.
Shadow Play is a game with simple rule: the ball will roll over the shadows.
The ball moves according to the general laws of physics, and can be stopped at any moment if 'pause count' remains.
The goal of every stage is collecting all stars in the stage.
5 themes
100+ stages
4 unique objects
Shadow Play is a puzzle game using lights, shadows and physics engine.
Translation - Russian
Вы видите не всю картину.
Мышкой можно двигать экран и менять масштаб.
Касанием двигается экран, двумя пальцами меняется масштаб.
Свет + Объект = Тень
При встрече со светом объекты отбрасывают тень.
Первый закон Ньютона
Даже если шар остановить, инерция сохранится.
Стекло не отбрасывает тени.
Быстрый шар
Платформа толкает шар туда, куда указывает стрелка.
Лежачий полицейский
Порой шар надо замедлить.
Явная связь
Когда переключатель включается, стена этого цвета исчезает.
Смена правил
Осветив треугольный переключатель, вы перевернёте гравитацию.
В игре Shadow Play простая механика: шар катится по поверхности тени.
Шар движется, подчиняясь общим законам физики. Его можно остановить в любой момент, если остались "очки паузы".
На каждом этапе нужно собрать все звёзды.
Особенности игры:
5 тем
100 с лишним этапов
4 уникальных объекта
Shadow Play - это головоломка, в которой свет и тень играют с законами физики.
English to Russian: Idle Convoy VS Zombies Incremental, video game for Android
General field: Art/Literary
Detailed field: Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
Source text - English
RPG Girl
RPG Girl's favorite is the explosion and more explosions. As long as she is there, the team can hit a large area of zombies in a short time.
Time Warp
Hercules, like his nickname, has tremendous strength and a strong body, and no matter what kind of enemy he will become a corpse under his warhammer.
Increases Damage by {0} and the Fire Rate by {1} in 30 seconds.
Throw a Flashbang and stun the enemies within {0} meters for {1} seconds.
No one knows the name of Scientist, he is good at using drone, and can provide valuable recovery ability for the team.
BombDemon is a terrible monster to his enemies, and the miniature missile launcher in his hand can instantly smash huge enemies.
Fast hand
Increase the Hero's own Reloading Speed by {0}.
Translation - Russian
Девушка с РПГ
Больше всего Девушка с РПГ любит взрывы. Много взрывов! Пока она в строю, команда может бить по площадям и поражать сразу много зомби.
Сквозь время
Геракл, как и следует из его имени, крайне силен и могуч. Его боевой молот обратит в прах любого врага.
Повышает урон на {0}, а скорострельность на {1}. Действует 30 сек.
Бросает светошумовую гранату. Оглушает врагов в радиусе {0} м на {1} сек.
Имени Ученого никто не знает. Он отлично управляется с дроном, а его способности помогают команде восстанавливаться.
Бомбодемон — это кошмар для врагов. Снаряды его мини-ракетницы без проблем разрывают на куски огромных монстров.
Ловкость рук
Ускоряет перезарядку оружия героя на {0}.

Translation education Bachelor's degree - A. M. Gorky Ural State University
Experience Years of experience: 8. Registered at May 2018. Became a member: May 2018. Certified PRO certificate(s)
Credentials English to Russian (Ural State University )
English (Ural State University , verified)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, CafeTran Espresso, Crowdin, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, ApSIC Xbench, Poedit, Plunet BusinessManager, Powerpoint, Translation Center, Smartcat, Subtitle Edit, Trados Studio, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Forum posts 196 forum posts
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Events and training
Contests won Translation mash-up mobile edition: English to Russian
Professional practices Nikolay Novitskiy endorses's Professional Guidelines.

♔ BRILLIANT English to Russian video game translator.

7 years of experience
183+ video games translated (1 500 000+ words) 
+ genius of creativity and style, no machine translation
+ localization mastermind
+ avid gamer, alpha and beta tester and LQA specialist
+ good command of console-specific terminology
+ fluent in English, native Russian

⚜ EXPERIENCED marketing transcreator.

+ 6 years of hard work
+ 103+ marketing transcreation projects
+ investor marketing materials, including the famous NEOM project (sustainable development, circular economy, ESG)
+ market researches, surveys, slogans, PR-texts, tourism
+ consumer goods, food and culinary, fashion, electronics
+ GDPR, data security guidelines and quizzes, etc.

⚙ TRUSTED applications translator.

+ 5 years of dealing with tags and UI
+ 51+ application projects
+ technical and programming skills
+ a keen eye for computer hardware and software
health, weather, trade, chat, gaming and other applications


CAT-tools: memoQ, Memsource, SDL Trados, OmegaT, XTM, Poedit.

Rates: 0.05 - 0.10 USD / word. Capacity: 1000 - 1500 words a day.

Min. charge: 10 USD

Can be paid to a US-based account (wire transfer / PayPal)


More about VIDEO GAME translator experience

PlatformsAndroid / iOS, PC, Web, PlayStation X, Xbox One, Nintendo and Nintendo Switch, Apple Watch.

Genres: slots, clicker, hidden objects, casual games, games for kids, shooter, puzzle, sports, simulator, quest, adventure, roguelike, action, arcade, racing, MOBA, strategy, RPG, sandbox, survival, MMORPG, online-gambling, horror.

MAJOR END CUSTOMERS: Square Enix - "Valkyrie Elysium" (Adventure RPG), Capcom - "Monster Hunter: Rise" (Adventure RPG), Nintendo - "Mario + Rabbids® Kingdom Battle" (turn-based tactics for kids), Ubisoft - "Steep" (sports/simulation), Placeholder Gameworks - "Death and Taxes" (Quest), Gamebasics BV - "Online Soccer Manager" (Footbal manager), and Localsoft, S.L. - "40+ video games" (translation, editing, LQA).


A member of Game Localizers pool of My business reliability is confirmed by staff.


A winner of a poetry translation contest, organized by


Knowledge and skills:

Expert knowledge of technical aspects of localization, good knowledge of computer hardware and software, Internet, applications (MS Office, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw). Good gaming skills (170+ games on my Steam account). Customer-oriented approach: the gamer is our client and their interests are on the first place.

Completed an ISO 27001 certified IT-security course.

Education: A. M. Gorky Ural State University (diploma in International Economics).

Website: visit my Russian video game localization website.

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 159
(All PRO level)

Language (PRO)
English to Russian159
Top general fields (PRO)
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Top specific fields (PRO)
Business/Commerce (general)20
Finance (general)19
Law (general)8
Medical: Health Care8
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama8
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.

Project History Summary
Total projects59
With client feedback0
0 positive (0 entries)

Job type
Language pairs
English to Russian59
Specialty fields
Computers: Software2
Advertising / Public Relations2
Tourism & Travel1
Media / Multimedia1
Business/Commerce (general)1
Other fields
Sports / Fitness / Recreation3
IT (Information Technology)2
Poetry & Literature1
Medical (general)1
Food & Drink1
Education / Pedagogy1
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion1
Internet, e-Commerce1
Keywords: sustainable development, ESG, circular economy, NEOM, action, action-arcade, adult, adventure, advertising, Android. See more.sustainable development, ESG, circular economy, NEOM, action, action-arcade, adult, adventure, advertising, Android, android game localization, android game translation, app localization, app translation, articles, blackjack, holdem, board games, books, card games, casino, casual game, chess, clicker, incremental, colloquial, computer, computer games translation, computer text translation, documentation, dragons, dungeons, e-commerce, editing, english, English to Russian, english translate, esports, fantasy, fighting, film, drama, first person, dialogs, flash game translation, FPS, gambling, game for kids, game localisation, game localization, game translation, games, games translation services, gaming, hardware, high quality, instruction manual, cat-tools, memoq, sdl trados, translation, instruction translation, internet, iPad game translation, iPhone game translation, IT, apple store optimization, play market optimization, game description, steam, IT translation, kids, license agreement, literature, localization, localization mobile games, battle royale, localization of software, localization service, macOS, magic, manual, manuals, marketing, match three, military, MMORPG, MOBA, mobile, mobile game, mobile game translation, native Russian, native russian translator, Nintendo, switch, hidden object, online shooter, PC, phone games, pinball, solitair, mahjong, PlayStation X, poker, programming, proofreading, puzzle, quest, real time, roguelike, RPG, RTS, Russia, Russian, Russian games translator, marketing, research, food, culinary, business, Russian language translation, Russian translate, Russian translator, Russian videogames translator, sandbox, shooter, sitcom, slang, slots, soccer, software, software guide translation, software internationalization, software localisation, software localization services, software strings, software translations, sport, sports, strategy, strict deadlines, subtitles, subtitling, surveys, TCG, MMORPG, MMO, telecommunications, tennis, text translator, trading card, transcreation, translation, translation from English into Russian, translation localization, translation service, translation services, translator, translator from English, trivia, TV, user guide translation, video, video game translation, video games, videogame translation services, videogames, wargame, Web, web localization, website localisation, warhammer, Xbox One, board games, ubisoft, apple watch, horror, racing, update, patch, DLC, multimedia, social media, metroidvania, platformer, andar bahar, xtm, GDPR, LPGD, data security, guidelines, malware protection, cybersecurity.. See less.

Profile last updated
Aug 19

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