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English to Serbian: Ojeisus General field: Art/Literary
Source text - English - Svet nikada neće biti isti posle ovoga - pokušavao je da kaže svom psihologu Jovan. Pričao je, a reči koje je govorio bile su nepovezane, bez ikakvog smisla. Njegove misli jednostavno nisu bile usklađene sa njegovim govorom.
-Oni pokušavaju da naprave veliku branu, potopiće čitave gradove i zemlje. Naša planeta više nikada neće biti ista. Namerno menjaju klimu, namerno otapaju severni pol, kako bi napravili akcelerator - govorio mu je glas u glavi, a iz glave su izlazile nepovezane reči. Na kraju, posle kraće seanse psihološkinja je rekla:
- Izvinite, ali ja vam ne mogu pomoći. Vama treba neko stručniji od mene. Evo daću vam broj moje koleginice - dala je broj telefona njegovoj majci. Izašli su iz ordinacije. Majka je pričala, ali on jednostavno nije slušao šta ona priča. Gledao je na planinu. Pomislio je u sebi:
- Zar je moguće, da će ovaj moj mali kontinetalni grad biti toliko značajan u budućnosti? Da će izlaziti na more? Da će baš ta planina na koju sada gledam biti baza za prihvatanje signala?
Planina na koju gleda zove se Cer, a grad u kome Jovan N. živi je Šabac. Veče je toplo, a sa planine dopire neobična svetlost. Jovan N. se oseća iscrpljeno, čini mu se da budućnost počinje već sada u ovom trenutku, da baš sada dok on kreće do svoje kuće ,,neko’’ pravi, tačnije dovršava jednu ogromnu mašinu koja će zauvek promeniti budućnost celokupne planete. Sve se slaže u jednu veliku zamršenu slagalicu.
– Kakva li će tek nova otkrića biti, razmišljao je dok su mu kroz glavu prolazile vizije njegovog grada kao jednog novog savremenog centra za tehnologiju i nauku.
- Moramo zvati doktorku što pre. Nije to ništa, možda će ti dati i lek koji će popraviti tvoje ponašanje – rekla je majka. Psihološkinja kod koje je bio na seansi mislila je da prolazi kroz neku ,,psihotičnu’’ fazu, neku vrstu paranoidne psihoze, te je preporučila svoju koleginicu da ga pregleda.
Njegovo stanje je samo odraz onoga što je dugo vremena čekalo da se ispolji, a što je rezultat jednog velikog naučnog projekta, no da bismo više o tome saznali treba da se vratimo u prošlost, na sam početak.
Rođenje Jovana N.
Tajni projekat genetskog inženjeringa vođen je u Jugoslaviji, zemlji u kojoj je Jovan N. rođen. Naime grupa naučnika želela je da stvori novo potomstvo. Tačnije, želela je da stvori - takozvane superljude, ljude sa visokim koeficijentom inteligencije i izuzetnom fizičkom izdržljivošću. Projekat je bio aktivan na celokupnoj teritoriji republike. Pošto se znalo da je Jugoslavija multietnička zemlja, za projekat su birane trudnice iz mešovitih brakova.
Projekat je vođen u strogoj tajnosti. Trudnicama koje su bile u programu, davan je poseban lek za koji su lekari govorili da sadrži vitamine neophodne tokom trudnoće. Lek je imao genetski kod svih značajnijih i izuzetnih ličnosti tadašnje Jugoslavije.
Samom konzumacijom leka, njegov genetski materijal vezivao se za ćelije fetusa i menjao genetsku strukturu ćelija. To je trebalo da dovede do stvaranja takozvanih ,,Vunderkidova’’.
Projekat pod nazivom ,,Genesis’’ - ,,Postanje’’ iniciran je početkom 1979. godine. Lekari koji su vodili projekat obavezali su se na strogu tajnost, kako projekat ne bi bio ugrožen. Takođe, obavezali su se i na praćenje života novorođenčadi tokom njihovog odrastanja. Među lekarima i naučnicima ,,Genesisa’’ vlada veliki entuzijazam i optimizam.
U februaru 1980. godine održan je tajni sastanak lekarskog aktiva ,,Genesisa’’ u Beogradu. Među njima je i lekar iz Šapca, Svetislav Đorđević. Na tajnom sastanku lekari govore o tome kako napreduje trudnoća, trudnica koje su u projektu ,,Genesis’’ i kakva je njihova reakcija na lek. Konstatovano je da nema nikakvih kontraindikacija leka na trudnice, te da se većina trudnoća odvija bez nekih većih problema.
Iako je sa njegovom pacijentkinjom, bilo sve u redu Svetislav je strepeo za budućnost novorođenčeta. Roditelji sa majčine strane dolazili su iz mešovite porodice. Roditelji sa očeve strane dolazili su iz mešane srpsko – jevrejske porodice. Ta prevelika izukrštanost gena, plašila je doktora Svetislava, uključujući i to da i sa samim lekom koji je njegova pacijentkinja uzela buduće dete dobija još zamršeniju genetsku strukturu. Doktor Svetislav nije znao šta da očekuje.
- Tako je odlučio kolegijum koji je sačinio lek. Oni ipak znaju najbolje - pomislio je.
Glavni rukovodilac ,,Genesisa’’ rekao je da za sada sve prolazi u najboljem redu, te da lekari nastave i dalje sa dobrim radom.
Na putu iz Beograda za Šabac, doktor Svetislav, je srećan što je deo jednog tako velikog projekta. Ima dobar osećaj, da će baš, dete njegove pacijentkinje biti nešto posebno.
Njegova pacijentkinja redovno dolazi na kontrolu, i za sada sve prolazi u najboljem redu. Polovina je juna i majka budućeg novorođenčeta je u sedmom mesecu trudnoće.
Doktor Svetislav je zapisao u svoj medicinski karton.
,,Stanje pacijentkinje je stabilno, za sada nema nikakvih kontraindikacija na lek’’.
Ali krajem juna u svom osmom mesecu dogodilo se nešto što je promenilo tok trudnoće. Naime, pacijentiknja doktora Svetislava raspremala je stvari po kući. Igračke od njenog malog sinčića bile su razbacane svuda po sobi. Dok je raspremala igračke odjednom je čula zvono telefona iz hodnika. Žurno je krenula da se javi. Međutim, nije primetila da je nogom zgazila na mali kamiončić koji joj se našao na putu. Žena se okliznula i pala svom silinom na stomak. To je, naravno izazvalo nagle trudove.
Saznavši da se njegova pacijentkinja porađa, doktora Svetislava hvata panika. Takvom neočekivanom događaju nije se nadao. Pozvao je tim specijalista koji su se odmah odazvali na njegov poziv. Ubrzo su se oko majke okupili stručnjaci. Jedni su merili pritisak, drugi postavljali pitanja, što je ženu činilo veoma uznemirenom. Odmah je prebačena u salu za porađanje.
Tok porođaja bio je u redu. Kada se beba rodila bila je veoma, mala, nejaka. Imala je dve kile i petsto grama. Pokazali su bebu majci koja je rekla:
- To je moj mali Jovan.
- Baš ste lepo ime odabrali- rekao je doktor Svetislav, a potom su bebu odneli na pregled.
Međutim, dok je doktor Svetislav pregledao nejaku bebu,ona je prestala da diše. Njeno malo srce najedanput je stalo. Doktor je počeo da joj daje veštačko disanje usta na usta. Masirao je njen grudni koš kako bi oživeo srce. Beba i dalje nije disala. Svetislava je poče da obliva znoj. Nakon nekoliko trenutaka bebino srce poče da kuca i ona je prodisala. Doktor Svetislav je bio pun sreće.
Post porođajni tok tekao je manje, više bez većih problema. Beba je fino napredovala i nije bilo potrebe da bude u inkubatoru.
Doktor Svetislav revnosno je pratio dalje napredovanje novorođenčeta. U jednom od svojih izveštaja za aktiv projekta ,,Genesis’’, doktor Svetislav je napisao:
Post porođajni tok za dete i majku prošao je bez većih problema. Beba lepo napreduje. Za sada ne primećujem neke kontraindikacije na lek. Nema odstupanja od uobičajenog ponašanja.
Moje lično mišljenje je da je još uvek prerano uočiti neke, šablone ponašanja koji bi ukazali na to da dete ima odlike genijalnog ili natprosečnog načina ponašanja.
Vreme će pokazati da li smo uspeli u svojoj nameri ili ne. Ne treba smetnuti s uma da beba u sebi ima strukturu gena koja je mnogo složenija od genetske strukture njegovih vršnjaka, pitanje je samo kada će se ona ispoljiti. I dalje sam u potpunosti posvećen projektu ,,Genesis’’.
Jovan N. je jedna lepa beba. Dosta je napredovao u kilaži. Sa svoja četiri meseca ne razlikuje se od svojih vršnjaka. Interesuje ga sve što se kreće, sve što je u boji. Motorika mu je na zavidnom nivou. Izgovara neartikulisane glasove i reaguje na spoljne nadražaje.
Na hiljade beba širom Jugoslavije uključeno je u praćenje projekta ,,Genesis’’. Za sada se ni kod jedne od njih ne primećuje ništa neuobičajeno u ponašanju.
Projekat ,,Oasis’’
,,Genesis’’ je deo jednog većeg projekta. Projekta koji u potpunosti treba da promeni život i budućnost na zemlji.
U Ženevi je sedamdesetih godina, pozvana grupa eminentnih naučnika iz celog sveta. Svima je pročitan ,,Izveštaj o budućnosti planete zemlje’’. Izveštaj je sadržao sledeće činjenice.
Naučnici u istraživačkom centru u Francuskoj došli su do neobičnog otkrića. Na osnovu klimatskih promena, te čestih zemljotresa na pojedinim trusnim područjima na planeti, došli su do zaključka da je zemljino jezgro veoma nestabilno. Budućnost planete je u pitanju. Predviđaju se nagle vremenske promene i prirodne katastrofe u narednih trideset do pedeset godina. Takođe u dužem vremenskom periodu može doći do pravog armagedona.
Zbog nestabilnosti jezgra zemlje doći će do poremećaja gravitacije i klimatskih promena koje će opustošiti površinu zemlje. Potom će doći do pregrejavanja jezgra, što će dovesti do eksplozije i nestanka planete. Uzrok nestabilnosti zemljinog jezgra je u korišćenju ,,Akceleratora’’.
Akcelerator je komplikovana mašina, duboko ispod zemlje, na tajnoj lokaciji u Švajcarskoj. Ima višestruku ulogu. Njegova primarna uloga je da otkrije tajnu velikog ,,Prvog praska’’. Akcelerator funkcioniše na sledeći način:
Sitne čestice sudaraju se međusobno i dolazi do takozvanog ,,Prvog praska’’ koji bi trebalo da otkrije kako je nastao svemir. Naučnici su već jednom koristili akcelerator. Tom prilikom došlo je do sudaranja čestica kao što su i predvideli, i do pojave ,,Prvog praska’’.
Stvorile su se crne rupe, takozvane - crvotočine koje su u sebi sadržale gomilu neverovatnih podataka o različitim civilizacijama koje su nestale i koje će tek nastati. Bez tih podataka danas ne bismo imali tako ubrzan tehnološki razvoj.
Prava revolucija u nauci i tehnici nastala bi kada bi se konstantno održavala crvotočina, dakle kada bi akcelerator neprestano radio, međutim, to bi bilo razorno po zemljino jezgro.
Naučnici su otkrili da pri radu akceleratora, i to samo pri jednom njegovom ciklusu, dolazi do nagle promene u temperaturi kako spoljašnje tako i unutrašnje temperature zemlje. To pored zagađenja koje čovek proizvodi, dovodi do naglih klimatskih promena, a naposletku može dovesti i do pregrejavanja zemljinog jezgra i njegove eksplozije.
Da bi akcelerator neometano radio, te da bi naučnici imali stalni pristup crvotočini i podacima iz nje, neophodno je održavati temperaturu zemljinog jezgra stabilnom.
Profesor Cukerman izneo je svoju teoriju hlađenja jezgra.
Površina na kojoj je aktivnost jezgra najuočljivija i u kojoj je jezgro najnestabilnije nalazi se na području Balkana - tačnije Jugoslavije, odnosno grada Šapca. Neubičajena aktivnost jezgra ispoljava se i kroz izvorišta vruće vode na kome je cela regija Mačve. Taj deo je najosetljiviji, i ako bi nastala pukotina i raspad jezgra, nastao bi na tom delu planete. Tu se nalazi nulta tačka, takozvani ,,Centar sveta’’.
Profesor Cukerman u svojoj teoriji dalje iznosi da jezgro treba konstantno hladiti, te da treba izgraditi tunel duboko ispod zemlje na kojoj se nalazi ,,Centar sveta’’ i celim putem ,,Velike brane’’.
Velika brana je nasip koji bi bio sačinjavao novi Jadranski zaliv. Novi Jadranski zaliv obuhvatao bi.priobalni deo Hrvatske, od Istre do Paga manji deo Slovenije i Bosne, kao i celokupni kontinentalni deo Hrvatske, te deo zapadne Bačke i deo Srema sve do Novog Sada. Svi ti delovi bili bi potopljeni vodom. Ta voda bi služila da hladi trusno područje, te da se uliva u tunel ispod koga se nalazi centar jezgra. Dakle veći deo Hrvatske, deo Slovenije, Bosne i Srbije bili bi potopljeni novim Jadranskim morem, a sve to sačinjavalo bi Jadranski zaliv.
Prirodno moralo bi doći i do seobe stanovništva u susedne republike. Izrgradnjom nasipa nastupa druga faza plana pod nazivom ,,Prvi udar’’.
Došlo bi do puštanja akceleratora u pogon. To bi dovelo do otapanja jednog dela severnog pola te do porasta nivoa vode. Taj višak vode koji bi nastao slio bi se u novoprojektovani zaliv. Voda iz zaliva potom bi se slila u tunele koji bi hladili jezgro i od tog trenutka, akcelerator bi mogao da neometano funkcioniše. Hlađenjem, život planete produžio bi se u nedogled.
Klima bi se mogla menjati po slobodnom nahođenju i nastao bi raj na zemlji. Neprestani rad akceleratora omogućio bi revolucionarna otkrića iz oblasti nauke i tehnologije
Ostao je problem osmišljavanja mreže koja bi povezala zemlju u jedan jedinstven sistem, sistem koji bi nadgledao rad akceleratora, zaliva i proveravao aktivnost jezgra.
Problem je i u ljudstvu koje bi bilo dovoljno sposobno da radi na sistemu,a posebno jedne osobe, koja se željno iščekuje, a koja bi bila srce sistema.
Tim naučnika, nakon pročitanog izveštaja odlučio je da pod rukovodstvom vrsnih genetičara, otpočne projekat ,,Genesis’’ - stvaranja ,,superljudi’’ i to baš na području zemlje na kojoj će sistem funkcionisati.
Detinjstvo Jovana N.
Jovan N. je jedno veoma neobično dete. Interesuju ga različite stvari. Najviše ga impresioniraju kućni aparati. Voli zvuk usisivača, mlina za kafu, miksera, svega što ima elektromotor u sebi.
Posebno ga interesuju veš mašine. U kuhinji kuće u kojoj živi nalazi se veš mašina. Sa dečakom u sobi je i njegov otac. Mašina je uključena i radi. Dečakovu pažnju momentalno privlače zvuci koje mašina proizvodi, te sa dubkom, pošto još ne može da hoda samostalno, ide do mašine.
Mašina je proizvođača ,,Ei’’ Elektroindustrije Niš. Ima tastaturu zelene boje sa četiri dugmeta i programatorom, kao i dve lampice koje svetle. Jedna je narandžaste a druga crvene boje. Na vratima veš mašine, maglovito se ocrtava Jovanovo lice. Gleda u raznobojni veš koji se pere i penu koja se javlja pri okretanju bubnja. Obožava veš mašinu. Može, tako da stane sa dubkom ispred nje, i satima posmatra celokupan ciklus pranja. To i njegovom ocu predstavlja olakšanje jer ne mora toliko da pazi na njega. Najviše voli kada mašina za veš centrifugira. Tada se sav veš uvuče u bubanj, koji se okreće neverovatnom brzinom, a cela mašina počne da se trese i da ispušta piskutav zvuk, koji liči na poletanje rakete ili nečeg sličnog.
Voli i usisivače. Njegova baka ima jedan stari usisivač Istočnonemačkog proizvođača ,,Aka’’. Usisivač mu je posebno zanimljiv jer ima oblik cilindra i plave je boje. Ima plastičnu šipku bele boje i dugačak sivi gajtan. Kada se usisivač uključi toliko jako vuče prašinu i mrvice da podiže tepih od poda.
Trenutno ima četiri godine i sve ga interesuje. Posebno je vezan za svoju baku koja ga vodi svuda sa sobom. Kod koga god idu, mora da pogleda koji tip veš mašine imaju. Impresioniran je raznovrsnošću veš mašina i njihovim dizajnom. Sada zna za najprisutnije marke u Jugoslaviji kao što su: Gorenje, Ei, Obod, Rade Končar. Najviše voli kada je kod ujaka u prodavnici bele tehnike. Tada može do mile volje da gleda veš mašine, otvara njihova vrata, pritiska dugmiće i divi se različitim tipovima mašina. Zna i logo svake marke veš mašine. Zna da je za ,,Gorenje’’ logo ispisan slovima, da je za Elektroindustriju Niš, skraćenica Ei u krugu, da je za Obod skraćenica O C. Počinje da obraća pažnju na slova i brojeve na veš mašini, na simbole koje služe kao uputstvo za korišćenje aparata.
Zna i različite tipove i marke usisivača, te njihove brendove kao što su: ,,Sloboda Čačak’’ i njihove modele: ,,Minor G’’ i ,,Libertas’’, zatim ,,Aka’’. Impresionira ga usisivač koji može da pored prašine usisava i vodu.
Voli i liftove. Fascinira ga a ujedno i plaši otvor kroz koji lift prolazi, koji zove: ,,Rupa od lifta’’ kao i rupe na šahtovima. Voli da se vozi liftom.
Voli da ide sa svojom bakom u šetnju gradskim korzom. Obično stanu kod uličnog prodavca da kupe kokice. Kada idu do grada često prolaze kroz hotel ,,Sloboda’’. Voli kružna vrata u hotelu kroz koja se izlazi iz istog. Grad je posebno lep predveče, kada ljudi izađu u večernju šetnju. Voli zvuk sandala njegove bake. Baka obično stane ispred izloga da pogleda nove modele haljina i garderobe. Sada su ispred izloga ,,Varteksove’’ prodavnice.
Omiljeno mesto za igru mu je veliki park. Baka ga obično vodi tamo. Tamo ima i mnogo dece i prelepa fontana, koja ostavlja poseban utisak na njega. Obično se sa grupom dece igra pored spomenika Ive od Semberije, koga on zove Drajcilo.
Otac njega i njegovog brata često vodi u ćevabdžinice. Jovanovo omiljeno jelo su ćevapi. Obično idu u ćevabdžinicu ,,Ruža’’. ,,Ruža’’ je veoma lepa jer je urađena u orjentalnom stilu, a roštilj, uključujući i ćevape priprema se po posebnom tradicionalnom recertu. Obično naručuje šest, tačnije jednu porciju ćevapa. Uz ćevape obavezno naručuje i ,,Pepsi kolu’’.
Fliperana je još jedno njegovo omiljeno mesto. Baka da bratu i njemu pare, oni kupe žetone i igraju video igrice i flipere u Fliperani. Često se iznervira jer brzo gubi u video igricama. Njegov brat je dosta veštiji u igranju video igara.
Doktor Svetislav zadovoljan je kako dečak odrasta. Drago mu je što je srećno dete i što sve oko sebe oduševljava svojom iskrenošću i neobičnošću. Takođe je svestan da je Jovan dete rođeno sa misijom. Da li će uspeti da ostvari očekivanja ,,Genesisa’’ to niko ne zna.
Svetislav je čovek posvećenik u onome šta radi. Veoma je uspešan lekar. Porodio je mnogo pacijentkinja. Zaljubljenik je u konje. Još kao mali morao je da pomaže svojoj majci, porodici i braći, ali to ga nije sprečilo da se školuje i završi Medicinski fakultet, te da postane vrstan lekar. Zaljubljenik je u svoju profesiju. Takođe je i veliki rodoljub.
Genesis je veliki naučni eksperiment, ali je on uveren u njegovu ispravnost. Za Svetislava važi parola: ,,Budućnost i napredak je u tehnologiji’’. Ako bi Jugoslavija uspela da dobije tu bitku bilo bi to zlatnim slovima ucrtano u njenoj istoriji.
Doktor Svetislav zna da je i njegova zemlja jedna vrsta velikog eksperimenta. Evo Svetislavovog stava o Jugoslaviji:
,,SFRJ je jedan veliki eksperiment. Zašto iznosim ovu tvrdnju? Kako onda objasniti da Jugosloveni kritikuju kapitalizam, a vikendom kupuju farmerke u Trstu.
Ne, to nikako nije slučajno. Jugoslavija je dobro isplaniran projekat. Ciljevi i zadaci Jugoslavije ili definicija, svejedno je sledeća: ,,Da li komunističko uređenje i kapital velikih kompanija, tačnije njihovi proizvodi mogu da idu jedni sa drugim? Ispostavlja se da mogu. Dakle Jugoslavija je eksperiment in vivo – uživo kako proizvodi široke potrošnje i samoupravljanje idu zajedno.
Naša prednost je u tome što mi kao zemlja uzimamo samo najbolje proizvode zapadnih kompanija:Najki i Starke patike, Levis i Lee Kuper farmerke, te uživamo u blagodatima proizvoda i tehnologije kapitalizma koji tobože kritikujemo.
U našoj SFRJ imamo modernu muziku koja je krajnje zapadnjačka, iako naše uređenje nije takvo. Ali šta je cilj svega ovoga?
Ovo pozitivno iskustvo nam služi kako bismo mogli da sebi isprojektujemo bolju budućnost. Ja se unapred radujem tome. Tehnologija je ta koja nam krči put u budućnost.’’
Dečak je deo tog projekta. On je dete iz prosečne Jugoslovenske porodice, koja je potrošač proizvoda, koje je doktor Svetislav spomenuo. Prvi među jednakima, jedna važna karika za izgradnju svetle budućnosti njegove zemlje.
Jovanova baka je povremeno čistila kuće, kako bi imala dodatni prihod, jer njena penzija nije baš bila velika. Doktor Svetislav poznavao je Jovanovu baku, te ju je jednom pozvao da dođe zajedno sa Jovanom kod njega kući. To je ujedno bila i prilika da ga vidi.
Doktor Svetislav živeo je u zgradi blizu njegove bake. Kada su stigli dočekao ih je na vratima:
– Baš mi je drago da ste stigli - rekao je.
Ponudio je dečaka sokom a njegovu baku sa kafom. Pričali su o uobičajenim temama kao što su poskupljenja, kriza u zemlji i drugim sličnim stvarima. Tada se na vratima dnevne sobe pojavila jedna devojčica sa crnom kosom, ošišanom na paž frizuru.
- Jovane, da te upoznam, ovo je moja ćerka Marija – Jovan je stidljivo prišao Mariji i predstavio se:
- Zdravo, ja sam Jovan, drago mi je
- Ja sam Marija.
Doktor Svetislav je rekao Mariji da odvede Jovana u svoju sobu da se igraju.
- No dobro, kažite mi šta biste prvo hteli da uradim, obrišem prašinu, usisam? – pitala je Jovanova baka doktrora Svetislava.
- Obrišite prašinu i malo usisajte dnevnu sobu, to je sve.
Jovanovoj baki je bilo malo čudno što doktor Svetislav nije, toliko zahtevan u pogledu čišćenja.
- Evo, ovde na stolu imate pripremljne krpe i sredstva za čišćenje, pa možete početi.
- Čime se tvoj tata bavi? - pitao je Jovan Mariju.
- On je doktor, on pomaže ljudima.
- I ja bi voleo da pomažem ljudima.
- Stvarno, a kako?- pitala je Marija radoznalo.
- Pa, još ne znam kako, ali bih voleo da pomognem.
Zatim su seli na krevet na kome je bila presvlaka od jambolije. Marija mu je poklonila figuricu Vučka.
- Izvoli, ovo je Vučko
- Znam- odgovorio je.
- Evo, samo pritisneš ovde i on se prevrće – Marija je pokazivala Jovanu kako igračka radi. Bila je to 1984-ta godina, i te godine su bile Zimske Olimpijske Igre u Sarajevu.
- A, imate li vi veš mašinu?
- Da, što pitaš?
- Mogu li da vidim kako izgleda?
- Može, hajde pođi samnom.
Marija ga je odvela do kupatila gde se nalazila veš mašina. Imala je teget tastaturu i programator boje metala.
- Moja mama obično stavi ovu drvenu motku na vrata kako se vrata ne bi otvorila dok radi.
Svetislav je potom rekao da mogu da izađu u dvorište ispred zgrade da se igraju, dok ih je on posmatrao sa terase. Doktor Svetislav je zavoleo Jovana. Bio je to miran i staložen dečak, jedno zdravo i napredno dete, prosto je sada iz ove perspektive nemoguće zamisliti da je on proizvod jednog genetskog eksperimenta. Doktor Svetislav s druge strane bio je svestan da će se njegova genijalnost pre ili kasnije morati ispoljiti.
Baka je završila sa čišćenjem prašine i došlo je vreme da dečak krene kući. Negodovao je zato što mu je bilo lepo dok se igrao sa Marijom.
- Hajdemo Jovane vreme je da krenemo kući - dečak je na te bakine reči, odmah krenuo ka vratima.
- Jovane nemoj da zaboraviš na Vučka – reče Marija.
- Ćao Jovane, baš mi je drago što sam te upoznao - reče doktor Svetislav. On i Marija stajali su na vratima dok Jovan i njegova baka nisu izašli iz zgrade.
Jednom su dečak i njegova baka prolazili pored Marijine zgrade. Stali su ispred terase i sitnim kamenčićima udarali u prozor međutim, nikoga nije bilo kod kuće. Nakon toga su prestali da viđaju Mariju.
Prošlo je dve godine i sada Jovan ima šest godina. Sa svojih šest godina je krenuo u vrtić. Ima veoma dobru vaspitačicu koja vodi računa o njemu. Najviše voli likovne aktivnosti - kao i svako dete obožava da crta. Jednom je vaspitačica pročitala priču ,,Maša i medved’’ posle koje su deca trebala da nacrtaju likove iz te priče. Pošto vaspitačica zna da on lepo crta, dala mu je veliko parče hamer papira da na njemu nacrta Mašu i medveda. Presrećan je i odmah počinje sa crtanjem.
Kasnije je taj njegov rad bio izložen u sali Doma JNA na dan republike. Bio je ponosan na sebe. Iako je mnogo voleo svoju vaspitačicu veoma je krhkog zdravlja, te često izostaje iz vrtića. Međutim, čim malo prezdravi odmah se vraća svojim drugarima i vrtiću.
Doktor Svetislav prati njegovo zdravstveno stanje. Neprimećuje ništa neoubičajeno. Interesantno je da se za sada ni kod jednog deteta koje je obuhvaćeno eksperimentom ,,Genesis’’ ne primećuje bitniji napredak po pitanju inteligencije. Doktor Svetislav počinje da sumnja u uspešnost projekta.
Vreme je da dečak krene u školu. Doktor Svetislav je razgovarao sa školskim pedagogom. Rekao je da posebnu pažnju obrati na Jovana. Potom je dao poseban test, koji su napravili stručnjaci iz projekta ,,Genesis’’, pomoću koga je trebalo da se proveri njegov koeficijent intelignecije.
Pored pedagoga na intervjuu za školu bio je i psiholog iz projekta ,,Genesis’’.Psiholog mu je prvo postavio nekoliko pitanja da bi ga oraspoložio i ublažio strah, ako ga je uopšte i bilo.
Nakon ispitivanja rezultati testiranja bili su predočeni aktivu,,Genesisa’’. Doktor Svetislav bio je zadovoljan rezultatima testiranja. Ono što je dečaka razlikovalo od drugih ispitanika obuhvaćenih testiranjem, nije bila njegova inteligencija, koja je bila u rangu ,,Visoke inteligencije’’ iznad 120 IQ, već njegovi sjajni rezultati na testu iskrenosti. Psiholog je rekao da na stotinama ispitanika uključenih u program ,,Genesis’’, samo je on tačno odgovorio na sva pitanja iz testa. To dokazuje na jačinu njegovog karaktera, te da treba verovati da se genetski potencijal koji poseduje već ispoljava kroz njegov karakter. Doktor Svetislav je bio veoma ohrabren ovim rezultatima, te je odlučio da i dalje nastavi na praćenju ispitanika. Kao i tim stručnjaka koji je oformio.
Jovan se nije baš najbolje snašao u školi. Nije uspeo na najbolji način da se prilagodi nastavi. Uspeh mu je bio prosečan, a posebno je bio loš iz matematike. I pored prosečnog uspeha, i dalje je gajio ljubav prema slikanju.
U četvrtom razredu počeo je neobično i neoubičajeno da se ponaša. Počeo je da ima strahove. Stalno je imao predosećaj kako će se nešto loše desiti njegovim najbližima. Počeo je da ima noćne more. Često bi se usred noći probudio sav znojav i u strahu.
Osećaj straha bio je toliko jak da je ponekad osećao jezu. Strah se javio kada je počeo da čita knjige o reinkarnaciji. Stalno je razmišljao o tome kako čovek može da ima prošle živote. Pošto su strahovi postajali sve češći i jači, počeo je da izostaje iz škole.
Imao još jedan problem. Imao je strah da ljude gleda u oči. Zbog takvog ponašanja odveli su ga kod psihologa. Doktor Svetislav bio je u potpunosti upućen u to šta se dešava, te je pozvao koleginicu, kliničkog psihologa iz njegovog stručnog tima da ga ispita.
Psihološkinja se zove Nevena Janjić. Analizirajući njegovo stanje, koje je bilo teško, a pretpostavljajući da bi to mogao da bude okidač za njegovo ,,Genijalno ponašanje’’ psihološkinja mu je dala zadatak iz matematike koji rešavaju studenti na četvrtoj godini Prirodno – matematičkog fakulteta. Dečak je bez mnogo teškoća i veoma brzo rešio zadatak. Bilo je to veoma čudno jer je bio slab iz matematike, ali je rekao da mu rešenja naviru sama od sebe, te da je to nešto što on ne može da kontroliše. Psihološkinja je bila zaprepaštena. U stanju koje bi lako mogla opisati kao psihotično, bezrazložan strah, rešio je veoma komplikovan zadatak.
Odlučila je da mu ne prepisuje nikakvu terapiju, već da nastavi sa daljim ispitivanjem.
Doktor Svetislav tražio je hitno Sazivanje sastanka aktiva u Beogradu. Glavna tema bila je ponašanje ispitanika Jovana N.
- Ovo je veliki uspeh projekta ,,Genesis’’ posle deset godina. Ispostavilo se da lek koji smo davali trudnicama ipak deluje.
Rukovodilac projekta ,,Genesis’’ hitno je kontaktirao, glavešine projekta ,,Oasis’’.
Stručnjaci iz projekta ,,Oasis’’ imali su problem kako da naprave mrežu koja bi opsluživala akcelerator, takođe imali su probleme sa dešifrovanjem nekih podataka koje su dobili iz Akceleratora. Podaci su dati na uvid doktor Svetislavovom timu. Psihološkinja je potom dala problematične formule i podatke sa simbolima iz akceleratora dečaku da dešifruje.
Veoma brzo je rešio formule i dešifrovao podatke dobijene iz Akceleratora. To je naučnicima pomoglo da unaprede Akcelerator i sagrade mrežu.
Svi su gledali na Jovana kao na otkrovenje. On je u očima naučnika bio Mesija koji je trebalo da promeni budućnost. Njegovi roditelji i niko iz okoline nije znao šta Jovan radi, i da je deo jednog ovako velikog projekta. Ni on sam nije bio toga svestan. Sve je čuvano u strogoj tajnosti. Dečaku su svakog trenutka nove ideje padale na pamet, a psihološkinja mu je rekla da ih sve zapisuje. Roditeljima je govorila kako terapija dobro napreduje te kako će psihoze prestati. Za to vreme uz pomoć njegovih dešifrovanih zadataka projekat ,,Oasis’’ postajao je stvarnost.
I baš kada je projekat ,,Oasis’’ trebalo da pređe iz teorije u praksu Jovanovo stanje se poboljšalo. Psihoze su prestale, a ideje nestale. Njegovo stanje se ponovo vratilo u normalu. Evo šta je doktorka Janjić napisala o njegovom ponašanju:
,,Ispitanik Jovan N. kada je prvi put došao na terapiju imao je znakove psihotičnog ponašanja. Uznemirenost, preplašenost. Međutim, to je samo bilo na prvi pogled.
Zbog samog projekta ,,Genesis’’, a na zahtev doktora Svetislava, odlučila sam da proverim njegov koeficijent inteligencije. Rezultati su bili zapanjujući. Pri takvom psihotičnom stanju uspeo je da odgovori tačno na sve zadatke testa te pomeri skalu merenja koeficijenta inteligencije.
Odlučila sam da mu ne prepisujem nikakve lekove kao terapiju, te da nastavim da mu dajem komplikovane zadatke iz matematike. Prvi zadatak je bio za četvrtu godinu Prirodno – matematičkog fakulteta.
Ispitanik je za vrlo kratko vreme rešio zadatak. Dala sam mu još nekoliko težih zadataka, i on ih je za veoma kratko vreme rešio. Odlučila sam da kontaktiram rukovodstvo projekta ,,Oasis’’.
I oni su bili zaprepašteni dečakovim koeficijentom inteligencije, te su mu dali da dešifruje podatke koje su oni dobili iz Akceleratora. Prosto ne mogu da opišem lakoću, na osnovu koje je on dolazio do rešenja formula i dešifrovanja podataka.
Naučnici su na osnovu njegovih rešenja došli do novih otkrića. Saznali su kako da sagrade mrežu s kojom bi Akcelerator povezali sa celom planetom u jedinstven sistem. Došli su do rešenja kako najlakše da izgrade nasip - takozvanu ,,Veliku Branu’’, te sistem za hlađenje zemljinog jezgra.
Ostalo je samo rešiti kako pokrenuti ceo sistem. Međutim, baš kada je dečak trebao da nam otkrije i reši i tu zagonetku, njegovo stanje se poboljšalo i taj izliv ,,Genijalnosti’’ koji je ispoljavao u svom naizgled psihotičnom ponašanju je odjednim nestao.
Dečakovo stanje se vratilo u normalu i ja i moje kolege bezuspešno pokušavamo da saznamo šta je okidač za njegovo ,,Genijalno’’ ponašanje.
U cilju daljeg napretka samog projekta, moje kolege i ja, i dalje ćemo nastaviti sa posmatranjem dečaka, kako bismo saznali kako je uspeo da dođe do tako fascinantnih otkrića’’.
Akcelerator je bio unapređen. Naučnici su saznali koje je to delove trebalo doraditi kako bi bolje funkcionisao. Bila je formirana mreža sa bežičnim portalima – koji su izgledali kao repetitori za prenos signala - po celoj zemljinoj kugli. Ostalo je još samo da se sazida nasip.
Jedan od nerešivih problema bio je taj što niko nije znao kako da kontroliše sistem, te kako da ga pokrene. Sve je to bilo u dečakovim rukama.
,,Još uvek ne znamo šta je bio okidač za dečakovo ponašanje i izliv genijalnosti. Čini mi se da postoje veoma precizni intervali u kojima se njegova genijalnost ispoljava nažalost, projekat ,,Oasis’’ ostao je nedovršen. Tako smo blizu cilja a opet, tako daleko. Akcelerator neće biti potpun bez stabilnog zemljinog jezgra. Crvotočina ne može da bude konstantna ako akcelerator nije stalno u pogonu. Samo budućnost će pokazati, da li će dečak moći da nam pomogne.’’
Profesor Cukerman
Godinu dana od dečakovog izliva genijalnosti u njegovoj zemlji izbio je rat. Projekat ,,Genesis’’ doveden je u pitanje, da bi na kraju bio suspendovan do daljnjeg. Naučnici iz projekta ,,Oasis’’ odlučili su se da do daljnjeg stopiraju projekat.
Za Jugoslaviju je usledio jedan mračan period u njenoj istoriji.
Reči profesora Cukermana su se obistinile. Projekat ,,Oasis’’ zavisio je od budućnosti i Jovana.
Translation - Serbian -World will never be the same after this – Jovan tried to explain this to his psychologist but his words were unrelated, with no common sense. His thoughts simply weren’t harmonized with his speech.
-They are trying to build large dam, they will overflow entire cities and countries. Our planet will never be the same again. They are deliberately changing climate, deliberately melting north pole in favour of accelerator – it was the voice in the head that spoke to him, but when trying to speak he was just speaking disconnectedly. In the end, after short session his psychologist said to him:
-I’m sorry but I can’t help you. You need someone more professional than me. Here, I’ll give you the number of my colleague – she gave the number to his mother, and they exited the office. Mother was talking, but he just didn’t hear what she was saying. He was looking at the mountain. He thought:
- Is it possible that my small continental city will become so important in the future? That it will have sea? That this mountain that I’m looking now will be base for receiving the signal?
Mountain that he is looking now is called Cer, and a city where he lives Sabac. Evening is warm and he can see a ray of light coming from the mountain. Jovan feels exhausted, it seems to him that the future starts even now, at this moment, that even now while he is on his way home, somebody is building – finishing one large machine that will completely change the future of the whole planet. It all fits into one big puzzle.
-What will new discoveries look like? He was thinking while visions of his city as a new center for technology and science went through his head.
-We have to call the doctor as soon as possible. It’s nothing; he will probably give you the medicine that will improve your behavior – his mother said. Psychologist where he was on session thought that he was going through some sort of psychotic phase, some sort of paranoid psychosis, so she recommended her colleague to examine him.
His state was just a reflection of something that had waited for a long time to manifest, and which was a result of a large science project, but if we want to find more about it we have to go back into the past, to the beginning.
Birth of Jovan N.
Secret project of genetic engineering was conducted in Yugoslavia, country where Jovan N. was born. A group of scientist wanted to create new offspring. More specifically they wanted to create super humans, people with high IQ and excellent psychical endurance. The project had been active throughout the territory of the Republic. Because it was known that Yugoslavia was multiethnic country, pregnant women from mixed marriages were selected for the project.
The project was conducted in secrecy. To pregnant women who were in the program were given special drug which doctors have said to contain vitamins needed during pregnancy. Drug had genetic code of all significant and exceptional personalities in Yugoslavia. Consumption of the drug made its genetic code attached to fetal cells and changed genetic structure of the cells. This ought to lead to creation of prodigy children.
Project called ‘Genesis’ was initiated at the beginning of 1979. Doctors who were conducting the project pledged themselves to secrecy, for safety purposes. Also they committed themselves to monitor infants through their growth. Among doctors and scientists of project ‘Genesis there’s a great enthusiasm and optimism. In February 1980 secret meeting was held in Belgrade. On the meeting is among others and doctor Svetislav Djordjevic from Sabac. Doctors are discussing of progress in pregnancy of pregnant women who are in Genesis project and what was their reaction to the drug. It is concluded that there’s no contraindications and that pregnancies are going on smoothly.
Although his patient was fine Svetislav feared for the future of the newborn. Maternal parents came from mixed families. Parents from father’s side came from mixed Serb – Jewish family. This to huge crisscrossing of genes made doctor Svetislav very fearful; including that with the very drug that patient took future child gets even more intricate genetic structure. Doctor Svetislav didn’t know what to expect.
-That was decision of the monitoring panel. They now what’s the best – he thought.
Chief executive of Genesis project has said that so far everything is going well and that the doctors should continue with good work.
On the road from Belgrade to Sabac doctor Svetislav is happy to be part of such a great project. He has a good feeling that his patient’s child is going to be something special.
His patient is coming to the control regularly and so far everything is going well. It’s half of June and the mother of the future infant is seven months pregnant.
Doctor Svetislav wrote in his medical record:
,, The patient’s condition is stable, for now there is no contraindication to the drug.’’
But at the end of June in its eight month something happened that changed the course of pregnancy. Doctor Svetislav patient was cleaning up things scattered around the house. Her son’s toys were scattered around the room. While cleaning up toys, she heard the phone ringing in the hallway. She hurriedly went to answer it. But she didn’t notice that she stepped with her foot on a small lorry that got in a way. She slipped and fell with a full force on her stomach. This of course caused sudden contractions.
Upon learning that his patient is in labor, doctor Svetislav started to panic. He didn’t hope for such an unexpected event. He invited team of specialist who immediately responded to his call. Professionals were very soon gathering around the mother in labor. One were measuring pressure, others were asking questions which made her very upset. She was immediately taken to the delivery room.
Delivery went fine. When baby was born she was very small, weak. Nurses showed baby to the mother who said:
-That is my little Jovan.
- You have chosen very nice name for your baby – doctor Svetislav has said, and then baby was taken away from mother for examination.
However, while doctor Svetislav was examining the baby she stopped breathing. Her little heart suddenly stopped. The doctor started to give her CPR mouth to mouth. He massaged her chest to revive her heart. But baby still wasn’t breathing. Svetislav began to sweat. After few moments baby’s heart started beating and she started to breath. Dr Svetislav was full of happiness.
Everything was going without problems after that. Baby’s progress was fine, and there was no need for her to stay in incubator.
Doctor Svetislav continued diligently to follow the progress of the newborn. In one of his reports for the Genesis project he wrote:
Everything is going smoothly for the mother and baby. Baby is progressing nicely. For now I don’t notice any kind of contraindications to the drug. There’s no deviation from normal behavior.
My personal opinion is that it is still too early to spot a pattern of behavior that would indicate that the child has the characteristics of genius or above-average behavior.
Time will show whether we have succeeded in our intention or not. We should not forget that the baby itself has the structure of genes that is much more complex than genetic structure of other babies. Only time will tell when it will show.
Jovan N. is one beautiful baby. He gained in weight significantly. Being four months old he is no different than other babies. He is interested in everything that moves everything that is in color. He speaks unarticulated sounds and reacts to external stimuli.
Thousands of babies are involved in monitoring of project Genesis. So far there’s no uncommon behavior among them.
Project Oasis
Genesis is a part of a larger project. Project that will completely change life on Earth.
Group of eminent scientist was invited in Geneva in the 70’s. They were introduced with the report called ‘Future of planet Earth’. Report contained the following facts:
Scientists at the research center in France came to unusual discovery. To the fact based on climate changes and frequent earthquakes in certain areas of the planet, it was concluded that the Earth’s core is very unstable. The future of the planet is at stake. Sudden weather changes and natural disasters are predicted in the next 30 to 50 years. All that in the long run can lead to real Armageddon. Instability of the core may trigger gravity disorder and climate changes that will ravage the Earth’s surface. Then the overheating of the core will come, that will lead to explosion and disappearance of the planet. Cause of instability of Earth’s core is in use of ‘Accelerator’.
Accelerator is complicated machine, deep underground at a secret location in Switzerland. It has multiple functions. His primary role is to uncover the secret of the Big Bang. Accelerator work as follows:
Particles collide with each other and come up with so called ‘Big Bang’ which should reveal how the universe began. Scientists have already used the accelerator. On that occasion there were particle collisions as predicted, and the appearance of ‘Big Bang’.
Black holes were created, so called wormholes which contained a bunch of amazing information about the various civilizations that have disappeared, and which will incur. Without these data, we wouldn’t have such rapid technological development.
A true revolution in science and technology would be created if the wormhole is constantly maintained, that means accelerator working constantly, however it would be devastating for Earth’s core.
Scientists have found that when accelerator is operating, and even on only one his cycle, there is a sudden change in internal as well as an external Earth’s temperature. In addition to pollution that man produces it is leading to abrupt climate change, and can ultimately lead to overheating of the Earth’s core and its explosion.
In order for the accelerator to work smoothly, and for scientist to have permanent access to wormhole and data from it, it is necessary to maintain stable temperature of the Earth’s core.
Professor Cukerman presented his theory of core cooling.
The surface on which the core activity is the most visible and where the core is the most unstable is in the Balkans – namely Yugoslavia, to be precise the city of Sabac. Unusual core activity is apparent through hot water springs on which the whole region of Macva is based. This part is the most sensitive, and if cracks and collapse of the core would appear they would appear in this part of the world. That’s where the zero point is or ‘Center of the World’.
Professor Cukerman in his theory further states that the core needs constant cooling, that the tunnel needs to be done deep underground on which zero point is situated, and all the way through ‘Great Dam’s path’.
Large Dam is embankment, which would be essential part of New Adriatic Bay. New Adriatic Bay would include coastal part of Croatia from Istria to the Pag, part of Slovenia and Bosnia, as well as the entire continental part of Croatia, and part of western Backa, and Srem all the way to Novi Sad. All these parts would be flooded with water. This water would be used to cool seismic area, and flows into the tunnel below which is center of a core. So, much of Croatia, part of Slovenia, Bosnia and Serbia would be flooded with New Adriatic Sea, which would be essential part of the Adriatic Bay.
Naturally building of New Adriatic Bay would leave to migration of population to neighboring republics. With the construction of embankment the second part of the plan starts called ‘First Strike’.
Climate could be changed at its sole discretion, and there would be paradise on Earth. Continuous Accelerator operation would provide revolutionary breakthroughs in science and technology.
Problem remained of designing a network that would connect the Earth into a single system, a system that would monitor the work of the accelerator, the bay and checking core activity.
The problem is in the manpower that could be able to maintain the system, especially one person that is eagerly expected, which would be the heart of the system.
The team of the scientists has decided after the reading of the report, under the leadership of the top geneticist, to start the project ‘Genesis’ – creating super humans on a territory of a land where system will function.
Jovan N’s childhood
Jovan N is a very unusual child. He is interested in different things. He is most impressed with household appliances. He likes the sound of vacuum cleaner, coffee grinder, blender everything that has a motor in it.
He is particularly interested in washing machines. In the kitchen of the house where he lives is a washing machine. The boy is in the kitchen with his father. Machine is turned on and working. The boy’s attention is immediately attracted by the sounds that machine makes, and with a walker – because he is still not able to walk alone, he goes to the machine.
The machine manufacturer is ‘Ei’ Electronic Industry Nis. It has green keyboard with four buttons, timer and two lights that are shining, one is orange and the other is red. On washing machine’s door Jovan’s face vaguely outlines. He is looking at the colorful clothes that are washing and the foam that occurs when the drum is turning. He loves washing machine. He can stand with his walker in front of it watching the entire cycle for hours. It’s relief for his father too because he doesn’t have to watch for him all the time. He like when washing machine spins. Then all the clothes is drawn into the drum, moving at incredible speed, and the whole machine starts to shake and emits high-pitched sound, that is similar to rocket launching or something similar.
He loves vacuum cleaners. His grandmother has an old vacuum cleaner from the East German manufacturer ‘Aka’. Vacuum cleaner is particularly interesting to him because it has shape of a cylinder and its color is blue. It has a plastic white rod and a long gray cord. When the vacuum cleaner is turned on it vacuums dust and crumbs so strong that it lifts the carpet from the floor.
He is four years old and everything is interesting to him. He is especially attached to his grandmother, who takes him everywhere. To whoever they go he has to see what type of washing machine they have. He is impressed by the variety of the machines and their design. Now he knows the ubiquitous brands in Yugoslavia such as: Gorenje, Ei, Obod, Rade Koncar. He likes when he is at home appliances store. Than it can be up to his heart content to watch the washing machines, open their doors, press the buttons and admire different types of machines.
He knows different types and brands of vacuum cleaners and their brands such as: Sloboda Cacak and their models: minor g, and Libertas, then ‘Aka’. He is impressed with the vacuum cleaner that can vacuum water besides dust.
He likes elevators. He is fascinated and also fearful of the opening through which lift passes, he calls it: ‘Elevator hole’. He likes to ride in an Elevator.
He likes to walks with his grandmother through the city walking promenade. They usually stand at a street vendor to buy popcorns. When they go to the city center they usually go through the hotel ‘Freedom’. He likes the revolving door that is hotel’s exit. The city is especially beautiful in the evening when people go out for a walk. He loves the sound of his grandmother’s sandals. Grandma usually stands in front of shop windows to see new models of dresses and clothes. Now they are in front of Varteks shop window.
His favorite place to play is Great Park. Grandma usually takes him there; there are a lot of children there and a beautiful fountain, which leaves strong impression on him. He is usually playing with a group of children at the monument of Ivo from Semberija, whom he calls Drajcilo. His father often takes his brother and him to a steak house. Jovan’s favorite dish is kebabs. They usually go to a steakhouse ‘Rose’. ‘Rose’ is very beautiful because it is made in oriental style, and barbecue, including kebabs are prepared by a special traditional recipe. He usually orders six, and that is one serving of kebabs. With kebabs he usually orders Pepsi Cola.
He likes to play pinball machines. Grandmother gives him and his brother money with whom they buy chips to play video games and pin ball machines. He is often upset because he loses in video games. His brother is quite adept at playing video games.
Doctor Svetislav is satisfied how boy is growing up. Doctor Svetislav is glad that he is happy inspiring everyone with his honesty and peculiarity. He is also aware that Jovan is a child born with a mission. Whether he is able to realize expectations of ‘Genesis’ nobody knows.
Svetislav is a man who Is devotee of what he does. He is very successful doctor. He gave successful delivery for many of his patients. He loves horses. As a boy he had to help his mother, brothers and family, but that didn’t stop him to go to school and to complete his Faculty for Medicine and become an excellent doctor. He is enthusiast in his profession. He is also great patriot.
Genesis is a large scientific experiment, but he is confident in its correctness. Svetislav stands by his slogan: ‘Future and well being is in technology’. Should Yugoslavia manage to get this battle it would be with gold letters engraved in its history.
Doctor Svetislav knows that his country too is a kind of experiment. Here is Svetislav’s stand on Yugoslavia:
SFRY is great experiment. Why am I stating this claim? How to explain that Yugoslavs criticize capitalism, and on weekends they go to buy jeans in Trieste.
No it’s not a coincidence. Yugoslavia is well-planned project. Goals and objectives of Yugoslavia or the definition – it doesn’t matter are as follows: Whether communist planning and capital of large companies, namely their products can go together. It turns out that they can. So Yugoslavia is experiment in vivo how consumer products and self-managing goes together.
Our advantage is that we as a country only take the best products from Western companies: Nike, Converse shoes, Levis and Lee Cooper jeans and enjoy the benefits of products and technologies of the capitalism that we are allegedly criticizing.
In our SFRY we have modern music that is extremely westernized, although our organization is not like that. But what is a point of this?
This positive experience serves us to design a better future for ourselves. I am looking forward to it. Technology is the one that paves us way for the future.
The boy is a part of that project. He is a child from the average Yugoslav family, family that is consumer of products doctor Svetislav mentioned. He is first among equals, an important link in building a bright future for his country.
Jovan’s grandmother has occasionally cleaning the houses, in order to have some extra income, because her pension was small. Doctor Svetislav knew Jovan’s grandmother so he invited her to come with Jovan to his home. It’s also doctor Svetislav’s opportunity to see him.
Doctor Svetislav lived in a building near his grandmother. When they arrived he greeted them at the door.
-I’m so glad you came – he said.
He offered boy with a juice and his grandmother with a coffee. They talked about common themes such as price increases, the crisis in the country and other similar matters. Then on the door of the room came a little girl with black hair and pageboy haircut.
- Jovan, let me introduce you, this is my daughter Marija – Jovan shyly walked up and introduced him to Marija
- Hi, I’m Jovan glad to meet you.
- I’m Marija.
Doctor Svetislav told Maria to take Jovan to her room to play.
- Well, tell me what do you want me to do first, wipe off the dust, vacuum? – Jovan’s grandmother asked doctor Svetislav.
- Wipe dust and vacuum the living room a little that’s all.
Jovan’s grandmother was a little strange that the doctor Svetislav is not, so demanding in terms of cleaning.
- Here, you have prepared table clothes and cleaning products, so you can start.
- What your dad is doing? – Jovan asked Marija.
- He’s doctor, he helps people.
- I would really like to help people too.
- Really how? –Marija asked curiously.
- Well, I don’t know yet how, but I’d like to help.
Then they sat down on the bed. Marija gave him Vučko figure.
-Here you are, this is Vučko.
-I know – he said.
- Here you just push here and it flips – Marija showed Jovan how the toy works. It was 1984 year when winter olimpics where held in Sarajevo.
-And do you have a washing machine?
-Yes, why do you ask?
-Can I see what it looks like?
-Ok, come with me.
Marija took him to the bathroom where washing machine was. It had dark blue keyboard and a timer coloured like metal.
-My mom usually puts this wooden poole on the door so they can’t open while machine is in operation.
Svetislav then told them that they can go out in the yard in front of the building to play, while he watched them from the terrace. Doctor Svetislav loved Jovan. He was quiet and calm boy, a healthy and prosperous child, it’s just, from this perspective impossible to imagine that he was the product of genetic experiment. Doctor Svetislav is on the other hand aware that his genius will sooner or later have to exhibit.
Grandma has finished cleaning the dust and it was time for boy to go home. He complained because he had nice time playing with Marija.
- Come on Jovan it’s time to go home – on that grandmother words boy immediately went to the door.
- Jovan don’t forget Vučko – Marija said
- Bye Jovan, I’m so glad that I met you – doctor Svetislav said. He and Marija were standing at the door while Jovan and his grandmother exited the building.
One time Jovan and his grandmother passed by Marija’s building. They stood in front of the terrace and were hitting window with small stones, however there was no one at home. After that they stopped seeing Marija.
It’s been two years now and Jovan is six. He is going to kindergaten. He has very good teacher who takes care of him. He likes art activities the most – like every child he loves to draw. Once teacher was reading the story ’Masa and the bear’ after which children were supposed to draw characters from the story. As teacher knows that he draws very nice, she gave him a large piece of thick paper to draw ’Masa and the bear’ on it. He is very happy and starts drawing immediately.
Later his work was exhibited in the hall of JNA on the day of the Republic. He was proud of himself. Though he loved his kindergaten teacher he is very frail and often absent from kindergaten, but as soon as he gets well he goes back to his frends in the kindergaten.
Doctor Svetislav is monitoring his health. He isn’t noticing anything uncommon. It is interesting that so far no one of the children covered by Genesis project shows more significant improvement in terms of intellignece. Doctor Svetislav begins to doubt in the success of the project.
It’s time for the boy to go to school. Doctor Svetislav spoke with the school guidance counselor. He said her to pay special attention to Jovan, and than gave her special test, which was made by experts from project Genesis for checking his IQ.
Alongside school guidance counselor at the school interview was and a psychologist from the Genesis project. Psychologist first asked him some questions to help him feel better and alleviate fear, if there ever was one.
After examining the test results were presented to doctors in Genesis project. Doctor Svetislav was pleased with test results. The thing that was different about Jovan from other respodents included in testing was not his intelligence that was above 120 IQ, but his stellar performance on the test of sincerity. Psychologists said that of hundreds of respodents to the Genesis program only he exactly answered all the questions from the test. It proves the streinght of his character, and that his genetic potential has been expressed through his character. Doctor Svetislav was very encouraged by these results, and decided to continue to follow the patient with the team of experts that he formed.
Jovan didn’t adapt to well to school. He failed to find the best way to adapt to the teaching. His grades were average, but he was especially bad in math. Even though he had average grades, he still loved painting. In fourth grade he started very unusally to behave. He began to have fears. He always had the feeling that something bad would happen to his loved ones. He started having nightmares. He would often wake up in the middle of the night all sweaty and scared.
The feeling of fear was so strong that he sometimes felt chills. Fear began when he started reading book about reincarnation. He was constantly thinking how a human beign could possibly have past lives. As fears grew more frequently and were stronger, he began to misses school.
He had another problem. He was afraid to look people in the eyes. Because of this behavior he was taken to psychologist. Doctor Svetislav was fully informed of what was going on, so he called a coleague, a clinical psychologist from his professional team to examine him.
The psychologist name is Nevena Janjic. Analyzing his situation which was difficult, and assuming that this could be a trigger for his ’ingenious behavior’ psychologist gave him math task for student on fourth year of Faculty of Sciences. The boy without to much difficulty solved the task. It was strange because he was weak in math, but he said that his solution came bursting itself, and that it was something he couldn’t control. Psychologist was shocked. In a state that could easily be described as psychotic, anxiety disorder, he solved very compicated task.
She decided not to prescribe him any treatment, but to proceed with further testing.
Doctor Svetislav ask ugrently a meeting in Belgrade. Main topic was the behavior of the respodent Jovan N.
-This is great succes of project ’Genesis’ in ten years. It turns out that a drug given to pregnant women works.
Head of the project ’Genesis’ urgently contacted the heads of the ’Oasis’.
Experts from the Oasis project had problem how to create a network that would serve accelerator, also they had problems with deciphering some of the information that they received from the accelerator. Data were presented to doctor Svetislav’s team. The psychologist then gave problematic formulas and data with symbols from the accelerator to a boy to decipher.
He solved the formulas and decyripted data he received from the accelerator very quickly. It helped scientists to advance accelerator and to build a network.
Everybody looked at Jovan as a revelation. He was in the eyes of the scientists the Messiah who will change the future.
His parents and no one from his vicinity knew what Jovan was doing, that he is a part of such a great project. He himself wasn’t aware of that too. Everything is kept in strict confidence. The boy every moment had a new idea on his mind and psychologist told him to write them all down. Parents were told that the treatment is progressing well and that psychosis will stop. During this time thanks to his decoded tasks the Oasis project started to become reality.
And just as the Oasis project had to move from theory to practice Jovan’s condition has improved. Psychosis had ceased and the ideas disappeared. His condition is back to normal. Here is what doctor Janjic wrote about his behavior:
When respodent Jovan frst came to the therapy he had signs of psychotic behavior: anxiety, fear. However this was just the first impression.
For project genesis and at the request of doctor Svetislav, I’ve decided to check his IQ. The results were astounding. In such a psychotic state he was able to answer on all test tasks and move measuring scale of IQ.
I’ve decide not to prescribe him any medications as a therapy, and to continue to give him sophisticated tasks from mathematics. The first was for the fourth year of the Faculty of Sciences.
The subject for a very short time has solved the tasks. I gave him a few more difficult tasks and he had solved it very quickly. I decided then to contact management of project Oasis.
They were asthonished with boy’s IQ too, and they gave him to decrypt the data that they got from the accelerator. I simply cannot describe the ease upon which he came up with solutions of the formulas, and decription of the data.
Scientists based on his solutions came up with new discoveries. They’ve learned how to build a network that would connect the accelerator with a whole planet in a single system. They came with the easiest solution to build embankment , so called ’Great Dam’ and the cooling system of the Earth’s core.
The thing that was left to resolve is how to run the system. However, just when the boy wanted to reveal and solve the mystery, his condition has improved, and the outpouring of ’genious’ which he showed in his seemingly psychotic behavior has suddenly disappeared.
The boy’s condition has returned to normal and my coleagues and I try in vain to find out what was the trigger for his ’genious’ behavior.
In order of further progress of the project, my colleagues and I, will still continue to observe the boy, in order to find out how he came to such a fascinating discoveries.
Accelerator was upgraded. Scientists have found out what parts should be supplemented to work better. Network was formed with wireles portals – that looked like transmitters for signal transmission – around the globe. The only thing left to do is to build embankment.
One of unsolved problem was that nobody knew how to control the system, and how to run it. All this was in boy’s hands.
We still don’t know what triggered the boy’s behavior and outburst of genius. I think there are very precise intervals in which his genius is manifested. Unfortunately, the project ’Oasis’ remains unfinished. We are so close to the goal and yet so far. Accelerator will not be complete without a stable core of the Earth. Wormhole cannot be constant if the accelerator is not in operation constantly. Only the future will show whether the boy will be able to help.
Professor Cukerman
One year after the boy’s outburst of genius in his country the war broke out. Project Genesis is brought into question, and in the end was suspended until further notice. Oasis project scientists have decided to stop the project for further.
Yugoslavia was followed by a dark period in its history.
Professor Cukerman’s words came true. Project Oasis was dependent of the future and Jovan.
English to Serbian: Zmaj Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The Dragon was a nickname given by Walter Golic to a lone Runner that was responsible for single-handedly wiping out nearly the entire inhabitants of the correctional unit on Fiorina 161.
The "Dragon" was birthed from Spike, a prison dog that was impregnated by a facehugger. The Runner violently emerged out of the dog, coincidentally during the funeral for Newt and Corporal Hicks, who were both killed when the escape pod crashed on Fiorina 161. The "Dragon" hid in the prison's air ducts while it matured. Thomas Murphy, who was cleaning the air ducts, died when he wandered near it. Murphy heard noises coming from a hole in the wall, and went to investigate, believing it to be his dog, Spike. He soon realizes it is not his pet, but the juvenile alien. Before he could withdraw his head, the alien spat acid into his face. He stumbled backwards into a ventilation fan, shredding him instantly.
After the "Dragon" had molted and reached its mature state, it began a killing spree, killing prisoners Boggs and Rains. Golic, who witnessed the "Dragon" killing the inmates, became obsessed with the creature and dubbed it "Dragon". The Lurker then went into the prison's infirmary and killed Clemens, a medical officer. It then confronted Ellen Ripley but spared her, as it sensed the Queen chestburster within her. It later caused further pandemonium by killing warden Andrews in front of everyone in the mess hall. Due to the absence of weapons in the prison, Ripley rallied the inmates and formulated a plan to pour highly flammable toxic waste into the ventilation system and ignite it. However, the "Dragon" intervened, causing a massive explosion and resulting in several deaths.
The remaining survivors later form a plan to lure it into the foundry's molding facility and drown it in molten lead. The bait-and-chase style plan resulted in the death of nearly all the remaining prisoners, leaving only Ripley, Dillon and Morse still alive. Dillon nobly faces the "Dragon", hoping to stall it long enough for Ripley and Morse to pour the lead. After killing Dillon, the "Dragon" was drowned in molten lead. The "Dragon", now covered in molten metal, leaped from the extremely hot lead and attempted to kill Ripley, but was killed when she turned on the fire sprinklers. The rapidly fluctuating temperature of its carapace caused it to shatter via thermal shock.
Translation - Serbian Zmaj je bio nadimak dat od strane Valtera Golika, Trkaču koji je bio odgovoran kao stvorenje koje je samostalno zbrisalo skoro sve stanovnike korektivne jedinice Fiorina 161.
Zmaj je rođen iz Spajka, zatvorskog psa koji je bio impregniran od strane obgrljivača lica. Trkač je nasilno izbio iz psa, igrom slučaja u trenutku sahrane Njut i desetara Hiksa, koji su bili ubijeni kada se VHE srušila na Fiorinu 161. 'Zmaj' se sakrio u zatvorskim vazdušnim cevima dok nije sazreo. Tomas Marfi, koji je čistio vazdušne cevi, poginuo je dok je tumarao blizu stvorenja. Čuo je buku koja je dolazila iz rupe u zidu, i otišao da istraži, verujući da je to njegov pas, Spajk. Uskoro je shvatio da to nije bio njegov ljubimac , već mladi Ejlien. Pre nego što je mogao da okrene glavu, Ejlien je pljunuo kiselinu u njegovo lice. Preturio se pozadi u ventilator, koji ga je momentalno isekao.
Nakon što se 'Zmaj' timario i dostigao svoje zrelo stanje, započeo je ubilački pohod, ubijajući zatvorenike Bogsa i Rejnsa. Golik koji je prisustvovao 'Zmajevom' ubijanju zatvorenika, postao je opsednut stvorenjem i dao mu je taj nadimak. 'Vrebatelj' je potom otišao u zatvorsku ambulantu i ubio Klemensa, medicinskog službenika. Potom se suprostavio Elen Ripli ali ju je pošetedeo, pošto je osetio kraljičinog obgrljivača lica u njoj. Kasnije je izazvao dalji pandemonijum tako što je ubio upravnika Endrjuza naočigled svih u menzi. Zbog nedostatka oružja u zatvoru, Ripli je okupila zatvorenike i osmislila plan da visoko zapaljivim toksičnim otpadom prelije ventilacioni sistem i zapali ga. Međutim 'Zmaj' je intervenisao, izazivajući masovnu eksploziju i rezultirajući nekolicinu smrti.
Preživeli su kasnije osmislili plan da ga namame u kalup livnice i udave ga u rastopljenom olovu. Plan namamljivanja rezultirao je smrću skoro svih preostalih zatvorenika, ostavljajući Ripli, Dilana i Morsa i dalje žive. Dilan se plemenito suočio sa 'Zmajem', nadajući se da će ga zadržati dovoljno dugo da Ripli i Mors prospu olovo. Nakon što je ubio Dilana, 'Zmaj' je bio udavljen u rastopljenom olovu. 'Zmaj' sada preliven rastopljenim metalom, iskače iz ekstremno vrućeg olova u pokušaju da ubije Ripli, ali je ubijen kada je ona uključila prskalice. Naglo fluktuiranje temperature njegovog oklopa dovelo je do njegovog pucanja usled termalnog šoka.
English to Serbian: Majkl Vejland Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Michael Weyland is a descendant of Peter Weyland who served as a synthetic component designer and engineer (allegedly) for the company and was dispatched to Fiorina 161 to retrieve Ellen Ripley from the Fiorina 161 Correctional Unit.
Michael first arrived on Fiorina 161 being escorted by a "rescue team" that was sent by the company after Francis Aaron had contacted them regarding the Xenomorph's presence there. After the Runner Xenomorph was destroyed by Ripley, he tried to convince the Lieutenant to come with him and have his team of doctors remove the Queen gestating in her. Bishop was assaulted by Francis Aaron with a wrench and nearly had his ear ripped off. The commandos shot and killed Aaron for the incident. Michael then shouted that he wasn't a droid. Michael then let his cover slip telling Ripley he must have the creature and told her "think of all they could learn from it". Ripley refused to go with Bishop and committed suicide by gracefully falling into the molten lead of the foundry. Michael shouted out, but to no avail. He left with the team and the last survivor of the incident, prisoner Robert Morse.
Despite having to fail in retrieving the Queen embryo from Ripley, Michael decided to board the USS Sulaco to figure out its previous destination in hopes of locating the Xenomorph hive on LV-426. Michael and his research team manage to locate the hive within the ruins of the Hadley's Hope colony and established a research facility and began to capture Xenomorph specimens for research purposes.
Personality & Traits
Michael was known to be manipulative; particularly when he was sent to Fiorina 161 to "rescue" Lt. Ripley, stating that he wanted to destroy the creature inside her and that he was going to take her home. His bluff was called when Ripley; determined to destroy the creature in her and keep it out of the company's hands commited suicide to end it. Michael pleaded with her that it was a magnificent creature and he "must have it" revealing his selfish nature.
Translation - Serbian Majkl Vejland je potomak Pitera Vejlanda (Peter Weyland) koji je služio kao dizajner sintetičkih komponenti i inženjer (navodno) za kompaniju. Bio je poslat na Fiorinu 161 kako bi vratio Elen Ripli (Ellen Ripley) iz korektivne jedinice na Fiorini 161.
Majkl je stigao na Fiorinu 161 u pratnji 'spasilačkog tima' koji je poslat od strane kompanije nakon što ih je Francis Eron (Francis Aaron) kontaktirao u vezi Ksenomorfovog (Xenomorph) prisustva tamo. Nakon što je Ksenomorf Trkač uništen od strane Ripli, pokušao je da ubedi poručnika da pođe s njim i dopusti njegovom timu doktora da odstrani Kraljicu koja se nalazila u njoj. Bišop je napadnut od strane Francisa Erona sa metalnom šipkom što mu je zamalo odvalilo glavu. Komandosi su pucali i ubili Erona zbog ovog incidenta. Majkl se onda proterao da nije droid. Majkl je kasnije otkrio svoj stvarni plan rekavši Ripli da moraju da imaju stvorenje dodavši 'zamisli šta sve samo možemo da naučimo od njega'. Ripli je odbila da ide sa Bišopom počinivši samoubistvo tako što je graciozno pala u rastopljeno olovo u livnici. Majkl je kriknuo ali bez ikakve korsti. Otišao je sa timom i jedinim koji je preživeo incident Robertom Morsom (Robert Morse).
Uprkos tome što nije uspeo da povrati Kraljičin embrion iz Ripli, Majkl je odlučio da se ukrca na USS Sulako (Sulaco) kako bi otkrio njegovu prethodnu destinaciju u nadi da će pronaći Ejlien (Alien) košnicu na LV-426. Majkl i njegov istraživački tim su na kraju uspeli da pronađu košnicu među ruševinama Hedliz Houp (Hadley's Hope) kolonije. Osnovao istraživački objekat i počeo da hvata Ksenomorf primerke u svrhu istraživanja.
Ličnost i osobine
Majkl je bio poznat po tome da je manipulativan. Konkretno kada je poslat na Fiorinu 161 da spase poručnika Ripli, navodeći da želi da uništi stvorenje u njoj i da će je odvesti kući. Njegov blef je otkriven kada je Ripli odlučila da uništi stvorenje u sebi i da ga drži podalje od kompanijih ruku tako što će počiniti samoubistvo. Majkl je molio da to ne učini rekavši da je to fantastično stvorenje i da ga 'moraju imati' otkrivajući svoju sebičnu prirodu.
English to Serbian: Ksenomorf Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The Xenomorph, better known as the Alien, are an extraterrestrial, endoparasitoid species with multiple life cycles, possibly originating from the planet Proteus (also known as Xenomorph Prime). One of the most deadly of all known alien species, these creatures need a host organism in order to reproduce. The appearance of the Xenomorph varies depending on its host. The human phenotype is generally around 7–8 feet, and roughly 136.0 to 181.4 kilograms with a long, muscular tail and large, curved, oblong head. The Queen of this species is generally twice as large (they can grow even larger, some even up to 100 feet tall, and stronger if given time) and possesses superior speed, strength and intelligence. The term Xenomorph is derived from the Greek words xeno ("stranger", "alien", and "foreigner") and morphe ("form", "shape").
There are no solid facts as to the origins of the Xenomorph species; instead, there are many assumptions which cannot be confirmed. Based on the limited information we have, the most commonly accepted hypothesis is that they are an artificially created species, although another hypothesis says that they evolved naturally on a planet much different than our own.
The Xenomorph could be the result of genetic manipulation by Mala'kak (also known as the "Engineers" or "Space Jockeys") as a terraforming mechanism about ten million years ago, but apparently it went horribly wrong. As a result, over the years the Xenomorph has become an entirely new species in the galaxy. This theory has been twisted slightly by Prometheus, when the Mala'kak brought containers filled with an unknown substance (it closely resembles Xenomorph secretions in hives). This substance, mutated harmless organisms into somewhat hostile creatures. When humans "infected" with this substance, mate with one another it produced a different subspecies of "octo-facehuggers" that can grow incredibly large. As shown in the movie, this new subspecies regardless of who it infected, Mala'kak or human, would result in the "Deacon" or Proto-alien. It is not known what new subspecies would result if the "octo-facehugger" impregnates a Yautja.
Another theory, commonly accepted, touched on in the expanded universe is they were the alpha predator of their own ecosystem on a nightmarish and harsh planet (some assume it to be Xenomorph Prime, but there is no solid evidence). Without their native ecosystem to keep them in check, they have since infested their own kind, and developed into a separate dominate species. Other parts of the universe began to take notice in this interesting species and began gathering them. The Mala'kak, the Yautja, Humans, and an unspecified highly technological humanoid species introduced in the comic Alien: Reaper began using them as means of sport, terraforming mechanism, as biological weapons, food delicacies, and scientific experiments.
One interesting idea though, is that they were brought over by the Mala'kak as biological weapons against an unknown threat (such as the Yautja species) or a weapon to wipe out humanity and other species that exist in the galaxy. The eggs at the derelict ship found at LV-426 was in fact a biological weapon that turned against the crew. Ridley Scott states during the Director's Commentary on the Alien Special Edition DVD that the eggs are the cargo of the Space Jockey's ship with the ship being a war-like transport ship designed to carry these biological weapons, or perhaps a science vessel carrying the eggs as cargo for scientific study. This incident allowed humans to take more notice into account about the Xenomorphs that they do know exist in the galaxy.
The Xenomorph physical form varies wildly depending on its life stage, hive caste, age and host, with numerous genetic varieties existing whose origins are completely unknown, as well as varieties which have been genetically engineered by host species or genetically grown. The typical Xenomorph starts life as an egg-like creature which, when detecting the presence of a potential host, opens up to release the second stage: a small quasi-arachnoid life form which launches itself onto the host's face and impregnates it with an endoparasitoid larva, which later consumes the host from within and exits the body as a vaguely worm-like organism, which then grows very quickly, developing into the adult Xenomorph.
Although numerous varieties exist, the adult Xenomorphs all tend to share some common traits: a vertebrate-like body, a protective exoskeleton, a long flexible tail, an elongated eyeless head, and a toothed maw which hides a retractable inner mouth. Little is known about their biology, but it is known that they eat with their "tongue mouths", not their outer mouths. This mouth is somewhat similar to the pharyngeal jaw of a moray eel. They also bleed extremely acidic fluid which is yellowish green in color and often referred to as "blood", although whether it's used to transport nutrients through the body and/or serves other functions is not clear.
While the extremely acidic fluids and tremendous resilience displayed by the creature might suggest an alternative kind of biochemistry, the fact that the Xenomorph not only feeds on Humans but actually develops inside them strongly suggests that its biology is carbon-based. The ability to inherit traits from its hosts also suggests that it incorporates genetic material from them, implying that the Xenomorph either has DNA, or is able to read and convert DNA into whatever means it uses to store genetic information.
Xenomorphs appear to possess an intelligence roughly similar to that of a typical primate, but have shown to learn relatively fast and utilizing the situation around their environment. Although they do not demonstrate Human-level intelligence as a species (such as abstract reasoning, introspection, and technological advancement), their queen appears to possess considerable acumen in its social behavior and manipulation of human technology, such as cutting the power of the LV-426 colony and operating an elevator. In the director's commentary for Aliens, James Cameron noted that the Xenomorphs in Aliens had been alive far longer than the Xenomorph in the original, and so has had more time to learn how to manipulate machinery, if only at the most basic level. However, the genetic Xenomorphs from Alien: Resurrection learned very quickly that they were being contained, so they killed the weaker one so the acid of the Xenomorph's blood would seep through the floors, thus supporting the idea of fast learning.[1]
As the adult Xenomorphs seem to inherit physical characteristics from their hosts (exemplified, for example, when a Yautja became infected, the parasite that later developed into a "predamorph" or "predalien") it is possible that the intelligence level of the creature may be influenced by its host as well. Furthermore, being a eusocial species, it is possible that the intellectual capacity varies for each different caste.
Xenomorphs have demonstrated little emotion, though they are not completely devoid of fear as shown in Aliens vs Predator: Requiem when the , especially for their eggs, or in the presence of fire. They have also been shown to exhibit pain through shrieks or screams when attacked.
In the Aliens literature, it has been suggested that the creatures may have a hive mind, or a collective consciousness directed by the Queen, who can call back and give orders to her warriors, telepathically and with shrieks. In the Aliens comic book series, as well some novelizations (produced before the Alien³ film), it is suggested that the Queen Mother Xenomorph communicates telepathically with its potential hosts, through terrifying dreams and religious visions, leading to the formation of cults with the Xenomorph as a god-like figure. This is similar to the Cthulhu cult in H. P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu. This can be seen in Alien 3, when Golic is induced by supposed "telepathic" messages from a captured Xenomorph. This ultimately leads him to release it and let it kill him. He called it "The Dragon", and viewed it as a god.
Through cloning in the events surrounding Alien: Resurrection (noted in the novelization), it appears that the Xenomorphs' hive mind includes a collective memory that passes along even at a genetic level. Through the tests conducted on Ellen Ripley, it is revealed that the memory passed from Ripley onto the new generation of Xenomorphs allows them to read and understand different languages. Events on the LV-426 colony and the USM Auriga show that the species excels at observational learning. Another case of observational learning from Alien: Resurrection is seen, after a Xenomorph has escaped its cell. It had learnt that the consequences of attacking the glass through which they were watched was a jet of extreme cold (possibly liquid nitrogen), triggered by a large red button on the console. When a crewman enters the now-empty cell to study the hole through which the Xenomorphs escaped, one of them enters the control room and activates the button using its inner jaw.
In the rare event that a Xenomorph finds itself under attack or otherwise vulnerable, it might display incredible creativity and cleverness. They are capable of moving quickly and silently in ventilation systems, despite their size, and will use such conduits for ambush, escape, or simply as an easy way to travel between areas.
Xenomorphs are conscious of the effects of their acidic blood, and will use it to their advantage - to break out of human-constructed confinement, or as a weapon. They show some military tactics (such as retreating when overwhelmed), and can find ways to get around certain problems (such as pushing the red button to freeze a soldier in liquid nitrogen). They know that the darkness is their ally, and break lights to create cover.
The Xenomorph Warrior is equipped to be the perfect killing machine. It possesses an exoskeleton much like that of a lobster, impenetrable to everything but the most powerful human firearms (12-gauge shotguns, Pulse Rifles, and stanchion launchers are quite effective). Ash claims the creature's skin is made from 'protein polysaccharides', so this would imply a substance similar to chitin. He also says the creature replaces its surface cells with polarized silicone, which is a very inert, heat resistant, and flexible polymer. This allows the creature great environmental resistance. However, they are vulnerable to sudden, massive changes in temperature, as shown in Alien 3, when the creature is destroyed by first immersion in molten lead and then sudden cooling with fire sprinklers, causing its silicone shell to shatter.
Attached at the ends of both of its arms are a set of long fingers and shiny, black, and extremely sharp claws capable of slashing through almost anything within its grasp (as seen in ALIEN books, such as Book 2: Nightmare Asylum). It has two pairs of finger-like digits and appears to have two opposable thumbs (on opposite sides of the hand) on each hand. Its tail is long, and can be used as a whip. Later movies show it to have ridges on top, and a serrated toxic tip at the end to lacerate enemies.
It stands around 7 feet tall, averaging in at anywhere between 140 kg and 180 kg; although size may vary wildly depending on the host chosen, as seen for instance with the "Jock-Xenomorph". Its mouth is filled with sharp teeth, but its main killing device is the inner jaw that shoots out to penetrate the victim's brain.
The inner jaw (also known as an "attack tongue") is a muscular appendage on the inside of the Xenomorph's mouth. All Xenomorphs have this trait. It consists of a cord of muscle with a small but extremely deadly mouth-like appendage on the end. This attack tongue is able to punch through almost anything, from bone to Predator armor.
Physical Abilities
The adult Xenomorph is a living weapon, noted for its ferocity and deadliness in any condition. Once fully matured, they have great physical strength and agility. They are masters of stealth; a favored method of acquiring prey is to wait in a dormant state until an appropriate victim strays near, and then drop down silently from behind or use its tail to impale whoever walks by. The prey is generally blind to the fact that a Xenomorph is present, due to its propensity to camouflage itself within its nest walls or the surrounding artificial environment given its bio-mechanical-like appearance. A Xenomorph will also use its pitch black carapace to its advantage, lurking in the shadows whilst waiting for prey to stray too close.
Xenomorphs are shown to be able to take extreme amounts of physical damage that would kill any Earth lifeform. An example of this is the Queen in Aliens survived a multi ton exo-suit falling on her from over 30 feet. Xenomorphs are capable of surviving with limbs shot off as seen in AVP3 the game and Aliens. Even stabbings and shots through the head (though total decapitation kills them) as seen in Alien vs Predator and its sequel are not guaranteed to kill Xenomorphs.
Adult Xenomorphs are quick and agile, and can clamber along ceilings and walls, a skill they exhibit freely whether they are evading others, attacking, or hunting. They can survive in extreme temperatures, are well-adapted to swimming, can respirate in harsh atmospheres, and can survive in vacuum for short lengths of time. Their movement tends to be silent, and they do not radiate heat as their exoskeletal temperature matches the ambient temperature. They also salivate profusely. This saliva is not acidic, though some Xenomorphs do have the ability to spit acid, which may come from their stomachs, a special gland somewhere in their throats, or acid pouches lining the head. This can be used to blind victims, much like a spitting cobra.
The creatures possess no visible eyes; Giger mandated this in his original design, because he felt that it made the creatures much more frightening if one could not tell they were looking at them. In the Alien vs. Predator series, the game implies that the Xenomorph sees using its attack tongue.[2] In the original Alien film, the top of the creature's head was semi-transparent, with empty eye sockets of human appearance visible within. This element was dropped in later movies, but reused for the Predalien design, on the front portion of its skull.
In Aliens, the adult creatures are lacking the smooth carapace covering their heads. In the commentary for Aliens, it was speculated that this was part of the maturation of the creatures, as they had been alive far longer than the original Xenomorph. This maturation process involves the now adult Xenomorph shedding the smooth dome-like plate covering its head, leaving the skin underneath to be exposed. In Alien³, a fish-eye lens (which creates a perspective similar to that of a peephole) was used to depict the Xenomorph's sight. Whether this can be considered sight or just a filmed representation of the creatures' sensory perception is unknown.
However, in the novelization of the movie Alien, the creature is held mesmerized by a spinning green light for several minutes. Due to the absence of clearly visible eyes, it is possible that the creature uses echolocation to see its environment, much like bats. It may be for this reason that Xenomorphs hiss almost constantly. Though it may have the ability to see through an unknown structure, as they evolved differently from life on Earth. In the 2010 Alien vs. Predator game, it is mentioned on one of the Marine audio tapes that Xenomorphs have vision.
Xenomorphs may be able to detect their 'prey' through electro-reception. This is the method sharks use to detect even the most hidden prey. Creatures with the electro-reception sense can detect the electromagnetic field all animals produce allowing them to detect the creature's heart beat. This would explain how Xenomorphs always know where the humans are.
And, as depicted in the Aliens vs. Predator games, the Xenomorphs can also detect their prey using pheromones. Another theory is that the eyes of a Xenomorph are behind their black carapace and they see through it, similar to a one sided mirror (except in this case no one can see in, but the Xenomorph can see out). Some species of terrestrial fish such as the Barreleyes see through a transparent layer of skin; it is possible Xenomorph vision is similar.
Xenomorphs can also produce a thick, strong resin, which they use to build their hives and cocoon victims. Much like termites, they mix their viscous saliva with solids. It shows amazing heat and moisture-retaining qualities.
Xenomorphs, in all stages of their life cycles, have been said to have vulnerabilities to heat, although this was only shown in a deleted scene from the Alien Special Edition DVD, in which Ripley searches for her missing shipmates in the bowels of what appears to be the engine/boiler room of the Nostromo. It is also mentioned in the game AVP 3 by a flamethrower-carrying marine: "Buggers don't like fire. This'll flush 'em out".
The only Xenomorph not vulnerable to fire is the Predalien. In the game Alien vs. Predator: Extinction, it secretes a layer over their body. That layer cannot be ignited, though they are visibly pained by temperature extremes such as liquid nitrogen.
A rapid succession of extremes in both high and low temperatures apparently causes a thermal shock effect on a Xenomorph's exoskeleton. Xenomorphs are capable of adapting themselves to cold environments with little discomfort. The alien queen is extremely vulnerable to fire, for unknown reasons.
Xenomorphs are shown to be both invulnerable and vulnerable to small firearms, ranging from 9mm to 5.56mm. This is seen in one scene in Aliens where Vasquez and Lt. Gorman find themselves trapped in the ventilation between advancing aliens coming from both directions, Gorman fires with his pistol on one of them with no effect at all, instead it looks like they bounce off (presumably from the head carapace). In an earlier scene, Vasquez holds an alien at gun point and fires her pistol at the head, which apparently goes through and the alien rattles away, obviously damaged. High-caliber firearms, with the explosive rounds of a M41A pulse rifle may cause the creatures to detonate. High-energy beam weapons, such as the plasma weapons used by Yautja, appear to be the best way to kill the Xenomorphs.
They are not invulnerable to melee weapons, although such equipment is likely to be destroyed upon contact with their acidic blood, with a few notable exceptions.
Cocooning is a trait used by Xenomorphs to reproduce quickly. An injured (but alive) human, or any other creature, is dragged away, and a cocoon of saliva and resin is placed over them (their face left free), usually in an area where the Queen has produced a large quantity of eggs, so that the Facehuggers are able to latch onto them easily and deposit a Xenomorph larva in their chest. In a cut scene in Alien (included in the Special Edition), Ripley found two of her cocooned colleagues actually being turned into Xenomorph eggs. This suggests that Xenomorphs can convert humans into eggs when there is no queen, although this may have been scrapped as many other features of the Xenomorphs were in later movies (such as the transparent skulls and empty eye sockets). In the book, it's described how the drones are able to implant a fetus in up to four hosts, thereby creating enough drones and warriors to start a hive off.
Another feature of cocooning as seen in the game Aliens Vs. Predator 3 is that the Xenomorph Number Six, after entering and cocooning its victims, can change its appearance, eventually becoming a queen itself. This rapid genetic regeneration is also another evolutionary trait of the Xenomorph to ensure its very survival as a species. In Alien vs. Predators: Extinction the praetorian acted as a princess of the hive who then became the queen. This stage is seen with Number Six. If this is so, then Hudson is correct with them being like bees. The Xenomorph Queen can lay specialized eggs that are bigger (like queen egg cells in bees which are bigger than drone cells) that upon hatching can carry on the species through making other hives after the new female cocoons into a queen, as seen with Number Six and the aliens of Aliens vs. Predators: Extinction. If this is the case though, that a drone can become a queen when no queen is present, then cocooning is also a method of survival for the Xenomorph species.
The Xenomorph has been portrayed in noticeably different ways throughout the film series. Much of this was due to the continuing advancements made in the field of special effects, technology, and techniques used to bring it to life.
It has also been shown, both on-screen and in the games based on the Alien series, that the Xenomorph's form is affected by its host, so that different species of hosts will create different varieties of Xenomorph. An example of this is seen in Alien³, when a dog (an ox in the extended edition) spawns a Xenomorph with a distinct canine body structure, quadrupedal movement, and greatly enhanced speed.
Upper Body
In the original Alien film, and in the sequel Aliens, Xenomorphs are depicted as tall, slender creatures with a roughly human biomechanical design. The chest area appears to be rib cage-like in design.
In later films, such as Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, they are depicted as being shorter and bulkier organisms, as well as being more quadrupedal, portrayed by either stuntmen in suits for close-ups, or computer-generated imagery for their full form.
In Aliens, Xenomorphs are depicted as having ridges along their cranium, while in all other films they have smooth cowls covering their skulls. It was speculated in the Aliens bonus DVD that this was due to these Xenomorphs having had more time to mature, compared to the Xenomorphs in the other films.
In the comics and various video games (Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction, Alien vs. Predator (SNES), Aliens vs. Predator 2), this was depicted as one of the visual differences between the Xenomorph Drone and Warrior castes. The Drones (in this instance used to indicate a "worker" caste, instead of mating-capable males) have the smooth cowl while the Warriors display the ridges. The Drones and Warriors have different tasks: warriors defend the hive, and drones hunt potential hosts, while some live only to protect the queen, such as hive warriors or praetorians.
In Alien and Alien³, the Xenomorph has six fingers, with the index and middle fingers conjoined into one digit, ring and little fingers also conjoined, and thumbs on both sides. In Aliens, the Xenomorphs are shown with five fingers, with the second thumb missing. In Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, the aliens have four fingers, though the middle two appear to be a fusion of two digits. No explanation is given in the films for the fluctuating number of digits (this being similar to Yoda's digit numbers in the Star Wars series changing each film).
Lower Body
In Alien and Aliens, the Xenomorphs were plantigrade. In Alien³, the Xenomorph is digitigrade, owing to its quadrupedal host organism (a dog in the theatrical cut, an ox in the extended version).
Alien: Resurrection saw a dramatic redesign from previously-encountered human-spawned breeds: the Xenomorphs that emerged from human hosts in this film walked on digitigrade hind legs in a manner that does not conform with the appearance of previously-seen members of the breed. This is complicated by the fact that the Xenomorphs of the film were spawned by a Queen grown from cells derived from a clone of Ripley, making their genetic heritage muddled at best.
In Alien vs. Predator, the Xenomorphs return to their roots as plantigrade organisms, though their legs are sleeker and more skeletal in appearance, due to the use of computer visuals and hydraulic puppetry, rather than costumes.
Originally, the Xenomorph's tail was roughly the length of the rest of its body, with a small, almost surgical stinger-like barb on the end; but from Alien³ onwards, the tail has extended in length and features a large, knife-like blade at the tip.
In Alien: Resurrection and Alien vs. Predator, the tails have also supported a ridge of spikes right before the blade. This was introduced in Alien: Resurrection to help them swim convincingly, and was left intact in Alien vs. Predator. The tail itself is shown to be of incredible length during Alien vs Predator, measuring almost its full body length.
The original shooting script for Aliens featured a scene in which Lieutenant Gorman was "stung" by a Xenomorph's stinger. He was not killed, merely stunned, and the barb remained lodged in his shoulder, having torn loose from the Xenomorph's tail much like a bee stinger. The novelization also included this scene, though the final cut of the movie does not. This attribute is used later on in various games.
The Head
The most notable feature of the Xenomorph species is the elongated, banana-shaped head. This aspect is both disturbing and terrifying, combining visual elements that are usually blocked by our conscious mind with others resembling vaguely human features.
Though it appears to lack any sort of optical vision components (such as eyes), it is believed that it "sees" by sensing pheromones. This can neither be confirmed nor denied, but is the most widely-accepted hypothesis due to the fact that a Drone will not kill a host body already infected (as seen in the movie Alien 3 and the book Aliens: DNA War). There has been one detail on an alien's head that may be an eye being so small and the same black as the skin. It is hard to see if these are eyes or an implant on the skin (you can see them on the front cover of the Aliens vs Predator 2010 video game and very rarely as a predator in alien vision).
Other proposed conjectures include that the eyes are similar to a desert-burrowing lizard's eyes; meaning that they lay under a thin layer of skin, yet are deep enough that they are not visible from the outside. Another idea is that their whole head is one big insect-like eye, but there is no proof of this. In Alien 3, the fish-eye lens represented the Runner's sight, but it is unknown if this is really how it sees.
Despite this, the Xenomorphs could theoretically see. This is seemingly lent support by early models and toys of the Warrior Xenomorph while Alien was still the only existing movie in the timeline. These showed an actual, physical, humanoid skull built under the smooth carapace, with the smooth top working like a one-way visor.
Dorsal Spines
Along the back of most Xenomorphs' bodies are a series of appendages that appear to have no function. It's still in debate what they are used for, with theories ranging from sensory organs to communication organs, to breathing apparatus, to defensive mechanisms, to structures that dissipate heat, to storing substances their bodies need, or to provide structures to carry around the young, underdeveloped chestbusters, the eggs or the facehuggers. None of these ideas has been confirmed or denied by official sources so far.
One theory is that the four back appendages are used as a type of radar that the alien uses to see through extreme environments or detect movements. However in the extended universe it is said that the dorsal spines are used to secrete and possibly store the resin used to build their hives.
It is interesting to note that, in the Alien vs. Predator Volume 1 comic, Xenomorph Drones bury themselves in the ground, yet their spines are still shown just breaking the surface, implying some use when connected to the environment. This may be either biological (breathing, heat exchange, etc.) or sensory (detecting the vibrations of marines walking on the ground above).
Other hypotheses include:
Perhaps the spines separate the dominant Xenomorphs from the weaker ones, for example, the smaller the spines, the weaker the Xenomorph, the bigger, the stronger.
The creatures might come from a mainly amphibious planet, and perhaps the spines are a mechanism to swim underwater faster to catch prey. They do not seem all that hydrodynamic, but it's possible to suppose the spines might be used for stability, like the dorsal fins of a dolphin (not that their shape seems very much efficient at that either).
The spines might be spiracles that take in and filter the air around them, while waste is expelled through the mouth. It is widely accepted that they do not have lungs, so this is possible, and yet implausible because Runners, or Dog Aliens, don't have them. But it may be that the Runners have lungs.
The spines might be used as a defense mechanism, to repel enemies that try to sneak up on them from behind or above.
They might also be traits that the alien acquires by chance when developing inside the facehugger, putting legs of the facehugger on the back. The chestbuster does not develop directly from the facehugger (instead, the facehugger plants the egg/larva that will become the chestbuster inside a host), but it's not impossible that it acquires genetic traits from it.
They might be used to blend in with the hive web when under attack.
The spines may be for Chestbursters to latch onto, allowing the adult to bring them to a safer location.
If the alien uses echolocation to see its prey, these may be what they feel the vibrations from.
They may be used to carry unhatched eggs to a new location when the Queen dies giving them the ability to still climb walls while on the move.
They might be used to create the hive somehow.
The spines may be used to distribute pheromones - to distinguish one from another, and from other hives.
The spines may act much like the Carrier Xenomorph form seen in Alien Vs. Predator: Extinction, allowing a Facehugger to hook their spider-like legs until a victim is near. The Facehugger will let go of its crude form of transportation, find the victim, and proceed with the process of laying eggs.
Secondary Jaws
The secondary jaws, also known as the inner mouth, double jaw, or maw, is another disturbing feature of the species. It's assumed that it's powered by extremely strong muscles inside the creature's head, that enable it to be quickly launched and retracted, similar to the tongue of a chameleon.
It is the Xenomorph's close-combat weapon, as opposed to its long-range tail. The Xenomorph lashes it out of its mouth, and it destroys anything it hits, able to put a hole in a thickened Yautja skull and still have enough power to plunge another hole through the back as it escapes.
The secondary jaw is powered by muscles as seen in the first Alien vs. Predator movie when the predator rubs a part of the interior (resembling the gills of a crab) a feature that can be seen from the external midsection on each side of the head, ovular in shape. Muscles rub along here, letting the mouth be pushed out like a piston through the target the Xenomorph has acquired.
The Predalien has the ability to use its inner mouth to implant Chestburster embryos into a host's throat, like a Facehugger.
Yautja take them as souvenirs of their kill.
The Tail
It is accepted that the tail is an offensive weapon and little more. Though the creature can and will run on all four appendages, it often stands on its two hind legs so it can reach for its prey with its arms. While standing, it has also been seen to impale its victim with its tail, even to the point where it can raise a creature heavier than itself to eye level (if it had eyes), possibly in preparation for a face-bite using the secondary jaws. This would clearly be impossible if the tail were needed for balance, as the already-shifting weight would be too awkward, causing the monster to fall.
As a weapon, the tail is extremely efficient, as it is long enough to attack from great distance and can be used in a variety of ways; for example, in Alien vs. Predator, a Xenomorph used its tail to knock the legs out from under a Yautja before trying to stab it.
The tail can be used in stealth attacks, since it is flexible enough to attack from a variety of positions, and is hard to notice if it is behind the enemy, or if the area is rather dark. Even when the sharp point is cut off, the tail is still deadly, as the Xenomorph can use the tail to spray its acid blood from the severed tip over a wide area. Xenomorphs are also capable of using their tails as blunt-force weapons, clubbing their enemies with the vicious tail spikes.
Acidic Blood
The body fluid of all Xenomorphs appears to be a highly concentrated acid. It is mistakenly called "acid blood", but when it is compared to the blood of every other known life form, it doesn't seem to carry any nutrients through the body.
It is also highly unlikely that it carries oxygen for a few reasons: the first being that the Xenomorph has been known to survive in vacuums such as space (for short periods of time, at least). The second being that, in the Director's Cut of Aliens, Bishop mentions that the fluid loses its acidity shortly after the creature's death due to oxidation. This is plausibly unimportant as oxidation is a term in chemistry used for the loss of electrons rather than a reaction with oxygen. All acids are oxidized no matter what they react with, therefore this has no bearing on blood carrying oxygen.
The "acidic blood" is able to spread through almost everything except the Xenomorph's body, as shown in Alien vs. Predator. It apparently knows how corrosive its "blood" is, as one flicked it at a charging Predator, and it has been used to escape cages (by killing a "brother"). Some specially-treated Predator weapons can resist this acid, although how long exactly is unknown. "On the pH scale, it would probably rank at a devastating negative four or lower", a previous author claimed.
This is theoretically possible, despite the fact that pH is the minus logarithm of the free H-ions' concentration. To put this this into perspective water has a neutral pH of 7 and our stomach acid has a pH of 1, which would lie at the very bottom of the 1 to 14 scale. Attempts to discredit such a claim are challenged indirectly by Chemists who have found that mixing antimony pentafluoride with hydrofluroic acid can produce a solution with a pH of -31.This therefore would render it 100,000 billion, billion, billion times more potent than stomach acid. It should be noted however that this acid is basically formed by mixing two incredibly strong acids together in the first place, which interact to become even more acidic. Though former theories have in fact stated that two potent chemicals (with perhaps some biological catalyst) may mix to create the acidic blood seen. Perhaps the strongest 'solo' acid would be the boron-based carborane with a pH of -18. Yet due to the structure of Carborane, the H+ ions, which create the phenomenon known as acidity, are shared so efficiently between molecules that it would have no corrosive effects at all. Hence despite challenges It would appear even that which is known on earth certainly leaves scope for the incredible properties of the aliens acidic blood. It may also go without saying that different environments in other worlds could evolve "acid blood" that could also carry whatever nutrients that the Xenomorph needs.
It has been often theorized that the Xenomorph "blood" may serve no function other than defense, being a liquid stored under the creature's skin that causes great harm to whoever succeeds in harming the Xenomorph. It remains possible, though, that the acid serves some function in the alien's metabolism, perhaps even as an actual blood system analogue. One possibility is that it may be an extreme analogue of our stomach acid, and likewise serves to digest food. In that case, the Xenomorph digestive system would be spread like a circulatory system throughout its body: the acid is so powerful that anything it consumes is immediately dissolved and the remains distributed over its body, with the extremely resistant walls of the "acid vessels" somehow allowing nutrients to be absorbed.
Genetic Adaptation
Due to horizontal gene transfer during the gestation period, the Xenomorph also takes on some of the basic physical attributes of the host from which it was born, allowing the individual alien to adapt to the host's environment.
Through experiments, it was discovered that the embryo attaches itself to a major artery of its host, to get nutrients as it grows. It is presumed that the DNA from the blood it acquires infuses itself with the embryo's DNA to make up for its lack of genetic structure.
It may take on a thicker, bipedal form with a darker exoskeleton if it comes from something that stands on two legs, such as a human. In the movie Alien 3, it came from a four-legged animal, and thus took on a more slender, sleeker appearance where it too moves as a quadruped, with a more reddish/orange exoskeleton. It may also take on some facial features of its host (such as mandibles when implanted in a Yautja). Predaliens (Yautja-Xenomorph hybrid offspring) have a yellow-green partial skin covering their exoskeletons.
Furthermore, it is conceivable that it derives some level of intellect from its host. The quadrupedal variant in Alien 3 seemed easier to trick than previous bipedal versions and the Predalien appeared to have a better understanding of weapons being used against it.
Life Cycle
The Xenomorph is born in egg form, laid in place by the hive's Queen, through the use of a detachable ovipositor. The egg is thick and gelatinous, usually with several membranes attached to the outer layers. It can take nutrients from the ground to support the creature inside. The egg has vein-like structures running through it, hinting that it is actually a living creature (sometimes known as an Ovomorph).
The Xenomorph hatchling - called a Facehugger - is protected by a thick fleshy layer at the top of the egg, where the "shell" peels open when the Facehugger senses creatures nearby. The sense that detects nearby, suitable organisms has to be very specific in what it chooses to respond to. Perhaps this is why it takes so long to open: various sensory organs study the approaching organism.
In the first movie, it appeared they could sense when another creature crossed into some form of mist covering their nursery area. It's a widely accepted hypothesis that this was a containment field to keep the eggs dormant (this same mist has been used as such in Aliens Vs. Predator 2 video game), put in place by a Space Jockey. When this mist was broken, the Facehuggers appeared to be alerted, and went on the search for the host.
After the egg opens, the Facehugger emerges and seeks out a nearby life form, latching onto its face, wrapping its tail around its airway, and implanting the Xenomorph embryo(s) by sticking a tube down the host's throat. It is seen sometimes when a facehugger is contained in water or lunging at a soon to be host.
It will coil its tail tighter around the airway to prevent premature removal, and an attempt to sever the fingers found that Facehuggers possess the same acidic blood as a Xenomorph. The Facehugger supplies oxygen to keep the host alive during the impregnating process. Once the embryo(s) has been implanted, the Facehugger falls off, curls up, and dies.
Hosts usually fall into a short coma and wake up ravenously hungry. This can be explained as the embryo needing an immediate source of nutrients needed for its progression into the next stage of its life. Hours might pass between the host waking and their time of death. Predators live the longest as a result of an extended incubation period. The reason for this is likely due to the genetic complexity of the host. The incubating chestburster requires more time for mitosis and cytokinesis due to the morphology of the Predalien.
However, in some cases, the hosts will awake not gradually but suddenly - just in time to be conscious for the Chestburster's push out into the world. Their state of normalcy will last only seconds or minutes.
It was also proven - in the movie Alien - that when a host awakens, there is some sort of a memory lapse before the Facehugger actually attaches itself to the host; they don't remember anything that has happened to them. This short term memory loss is most likely a result of the temporary oxygen deprivation caused from the Facehugger's tail, as it asphyxiates the host.
After attaching itself to a vein and gestating in the chest cavity, Xenomorph infants - called Chestbursters - push and chew through the host's chest, causing severe pain, blood loss, shock and death. The host's rib cage is cracked open, bones bent outward. No one has survived this process. However, Ripley, in the film Alien: Resurrection, was cryogenically frozen after she was cloned, and then had it surgically removed. It was also revealed in the 2010 Aliens v.s. Predator game that high amounts of stress can actually make the Chestburster more frantic. This causes it to push and chew through the chest at a faster pace, therefore emerging slightly earlier than is normal.
At this stage, the Xenomorph is small, limbless, and very vulnerable. Among other possibilities, its neck can be snapped. It needs to get to a safe area so it can reach its next life stage. It moves with its long tail, and can coil up and jump. It cannot climb on walls or ceilings, but despite these drawbacks it can traverse an area with astonishing speed.
In Alien vs Predator: Extinction, they turn into a cocoon (though this could be a subspecies). The common assumption is that the alien molts, grows legs, and develops much like a tadpole turning into a frog. Another common theory (the most accepted one) is that Chestbursters shed their skin upon growing, as shown when Brett picks up a Chestburster skin he found on the floor in an area the Chestburster took shelter in.
At very rare times the chestburster emerges after the host has already died, as seen in Alien 3 extended version. Why the ox died after it was implanted is unknown; It is possible that due to the size of the ox's neck, the facehugger cut off too much air. Strangely, in this circumstance, the chestburster lived. This was also seen in Alien vs Predator: after the Queen killed the Predator, the chestburster survived.
Little is known about the transformation that occurs between the Chestburster and Adult phases.
The Xenomorph appears to moult before reaching maturity. Maturity is reached in a few hours, and involves a dozen-fold increase in mass, which would presumably require some form of nourishment. In the novelization of the movie Alien, Ripley comes across a food locker that had been raided, apparently by the Xenomorph to get food. Whether or not this was nourishment to grow was not specified. In the video game Alien Vs. Predator 2, one of the Alien missions requires the player to find a source of food in order for the Chestburster to advance to its Drone phase. At the end of the level, a short cut-scene indicates that the Chestburster consumes a house cat in a carrier. The scene does not show what happens during the change in life cycle.
In Alien, Brett found a shed skin resembling a Chestburster in the area of the Nostromo it had taken shelter in, implying that it sheds its skin before moving onto its next form. This has also been shown in the expanded universe.
When the first Drone encountered on record was born on the Nostromo, it had a smooth, long head, and an upright-standing body. It had no eyes, a tail, and strange spines protruding from its back.
However, many years later on LV-426, the same warriors were found, but they looked slightly different. The head was no longer smooth, but ridged. One theory is that the smooth-headed Xenomorph was a Drone, and the ridge-headed Xenomorphs were Warriors (The Xenomorph in the first movie built a nest, which only Drones can do since it is their job in the colony).
The most widely accepted idea, however, is age - the Xenomorphs found on LV-426 were more than a few days old, where all of the others encountered were less than a day old. On the other hand, the Alien vs Predator game has showed that the Drones are black (like in the movies), but the Warriors are a very dark blue, the color difference indicating that age is not a factor.
Another variation is the Dog or Runner Xenomorph, called so because of its dog-like stance (standing and moving on all fours) and higher speed. Its host was a dog, rather than a human.
Another variation was encountered on an expedition to Antarctica. These warriors were less humanoid and sometimes walked on all fours. Their tails were longer, with a large, curved barb at the end. The head was smooth, but much shorter than normal. It is important to note, however, that this particular Xenomorph hive was grown by the Predators, who introduced a hormone with unknown effects into the Queen's system.
As the Xenomorph has been shown to be an extremely adaptable organism, which lays hundreds of eggs, develops quickly and is highly efficient at altering its own genome to better fit the environment (absorbing traits from its hosts), it's very likely that some phenotype variations are simply the result of genetic variety between different populations, which evolve very fast.
Xenomorph Caste
The Xenomorphs have a caste system similar to those of bees and ants. A major difference is that their caste system is far more complex.
The basis of any Xenomorph hive; the Drones are very much like worker bees or ants. Their main tasks are to keep the hive in good condition and protect it from attackers.
The Queen secretes hormones that keep them sterile, and when she dies, the Drones go into a rage, fighting with each other until they find the strongest among them. Which the winner female is usually already molted into a Preatorian. That Female will then evolve into a Queen and immediately begin to lay eggs. She will also choose whether to keep the Praetorian consorts of her predecessor, or choose a new pair of Warriors for the role.
They average in size at about 6–7 feet tall standing on hind legs, and about 14–15 feet long, tail included. They have the basic body build of the Warrior, except that their dome is completely smooth, where as the Warrior's dome is more ridged. Drones are smaller and somewhat more delicate than the Warriors, not considered quite as dangerous by Yautja standards, but striking fear into the heart of any human.
Like all of their brethren, they have acidic body fluids, but only the Drone can spit this secretion onto prey over a short distance.
Drones have an organ in their body that releases a sticky fluid that they can spit out of their mouth onto any surface. It can be used to harvest hosts for the Queen's Facehuggers.
Warrior Xenomorphs - commonly known as simply 'Warriors' - are the soldiers and protectors of the hive. They are all children of the hive's Queen, bigger and stronger than the Drones. The Drones are less deadly, and somewhat less intimidating.
Warriors average in size at about 8 feet tall standing on hind legs, and about 14–16 feet long, tail included. In most cases, the Warrior looks the same as a Drone, except that the dome on top of the head is completely gone.
They evolve into Praetorians, which serve as the Queen's consorts. Typically, there are four of them at any given time. However, when the Queen wishes to watch them battle for her attentions or increase protection in preparation for an attack on the hive, she will release pheromones which cause four additional Warriors to evolve into Praetorians.
Praetorian (Royal Guard)
Praetorians are bigger and stronger than the Warriors and are seen to have a developing crown. Their primary role within the hive is to guard key locations of importance or interest, and, if nothing else, to protect the Queen herself. Most Praetorians can be found very close to the Queen's chambers. The physical features of the Praetorian are pristine, and very similar to the Queen's: it has a crown-like head crest, large size, and great strength.
In Alien vs. Predator: Extinction, the Praetorian is said to be created by special eggs and Facehuggers. However, it is widely accepted that Praetorians evolve from the Warrior caste. The Queen selects a Warrior to become a Praetorian, and the Warrior is then attacked by fellow Xenomorphs from the same hive and banished. The Warrior must survive on its own for a long period of time. It grows and sheds, becoming approximately fifteen feet tall and gaining its head crest. It returns to the hive as a worthy guard to the Queen.
In the 2010 Aliens v.s. Predator, the main Xenomorph, "Number 6", Molts/transforms in to a Praetorian then into a Queen after the first queen and hive was killed by an explosion.
Some varying reports of Praetorians with massive shield-like growths on their forearms have been seen.
A Queen Alien, attached to her ovipositor.
The Queen is the largest and most intelligent Xenomorph and can grow incredibly large, up to 100 feet tall if given time. She lays many eggs that hatch to become the first stage of Xenomorph. It is unclear whether the Queen engages in combat outside of protecting her hive. The Queen is usually nestled deep within the hive, protected by Praetorian guards.
She has been known to display some logic-based intelligence, primarily in using simple human technology such as lifts. She is the most dangerous of the hive, displaying extreme aggression and using her intelligence to devastating effect.
When attached to her egg sac (ovipositor), she is immobile and vulnerable to attack. When she removes herself from it, however, she can move surprisingly fast. She attacks with her four clawed arms, as well as her long, bladed tail. She has also been shown to use her main and inner jaws in combat.
Interestingly enough, it seems that the size of Queens vary. In Aliens, the Queen was shown to be maybe only twice the size of a Drone. In AVP, she is shown to be considerably larger - three or four times the size of a Drone. This could be explained in a similar fashion to an older Drone's ridged head. The Queen in AVP was very old; although kept in a dormant state for long periods of time, she could have been alive for several millennia, or she could have been an Empress. Queens usually stand around 15 to 20 feet tall.
When there are no Queens within a certain hive mind range, a Drone will be produced in chestburster stage. After making a nest, the Drone will go through a hormonal change and become a Queen, producing an egg sac and eggs. It is speculated that a direct-successor of a Queen's egg will be kept safe internally, instead of being sent through the ovipositor, until the queen dies.
In the video game Aliens vs. Predator 2, there is mention of a Xenomorph Empress. Although very similar to a regular Queen, the Empress's main duty is to establish order on a planet with multiple hives. The only known differences between the two are their size (the Empress is substantially taller than a Queen, standing anywhere from 20 to 25 ft. tall), and the crown (an Empress' crown has five points instead of the traditional three). It is possible that an Empress is simply the oldest queen on a planet, and the physical differences are the result of aging.
Dr. Eisenberg might have merely used the term "Empress" to refer to the Queen. However, the Empress is bigger than the average Queen seen in the Predator and Marine missions.
It is also mentioned that after a hive grows to around 2,000 members, the younger Queens set out to establish new hives, and that if the Empress was to die, it would cause the younger Queens to fight over the new hive ruler. It's most likely that an "Empress" Xenomorph is merely a Queen that has dominated the other Queens in a hive. This would make the title "Empress" just that: a title. But in Aliens vs. Predator 2010, a very old Queen has a white skin color leading to the possibility that this Queen could have been an Empress.
Like normal Xenomorphs, a Predalien gains traits from its host. But from the Chestburster stage, it is noticeably different from other Xenomorphs. It is a somewhat dark shade of green with external mandibles, due to its Predator (Yautja) heritage.
They lack speed, and their acid blood is not as deadly as a normal Xenomorph's. It will glow like a Predator's. If a Predalien is part of a hive that has no Queen, it may serve as Queen due to its reproductive capabilities - its mandibles hold the host's head in place while its inner mouth implants one or more Xenomorph embryos into the host's throat, similar to the function of a Facehugger. Up to four Xenomorph embryos may be planted in a host, if the Predalien needs to build up numbers quickly. It also possesses higher intelligence than normal Xenomorphs.
Though maintaining the basic design shown in the Aliens vs. Predator video games, numerous artistic liberties were taken in its film portrayal. Or rather, would have been taken. One abandoned concept was to have the Predalien reproduce by injecting victims with "DNA acid" through its tail, causing the victim to swell and explode.
Another is the Predalien's inherited tendency to skin victims. This was probably dropped because skinning victims isn't something that comes instinctively to Predators, but rather a learned behavior.
Translation - Serbian Ksenomorf , poznatiji pod nazivom 'Ejlien' – (Alien), su vanzemaljska, endoparazitska vrsta sa višestrukim životnim ciklusom, verovatno nastalim na planeti 'Proteus' (takođe poznatoj i kao 'Ksenomorf Prajm' - Xenomorph Prime). Jedna od najsmrtonosnijih vanzemaljskih vrsta, ovim stvorenjima je potreban organizam domaćina kako bi se reprodukovali. Izgled Ksenomorfa varira u zavisnosti od njihovog domaćina. Ljudski fenotip je negde oko 6 do 7 metara visine i negde oko 136 do 181 kilograma težine sa dugačkim, mišićavim repom i velikom, zakrivljenom, duguljastom glavom. Kraljice (Queen) iz ove vrste su generalno dvaput veće i poseduju superiornu brzinu, snagu i inteligenciju. Izraz Ksenomorf dolazi od grčke reči 'xeno' – tuđinac, stranac i 'morphe' - oblik.
Ne postoje čvrste činjenice o poreklu Ksenomorf vrste; umesto toga postoje razne pretpostavke koje ne mogu da budu potvrđene. Na osnovu oskudnih informacija, najprihvaćenija hipoteza je da su prirodno evoluirali na planeti koja je dosta drugačija od naše.
Ksenomorf bi mogao biti rezultat genetske manipulacije od strane Mala'kaka (takođe poznatih i kao 'Inženjeri' ili 'Svemirski Džokeji') i mehanizma teraformiranja pre deset miliona godina, koji je krenuo naopako. Teorija je malo izvrnuta u 'Prometeju' (Prometheus), pošto su stvorili veštačku podvrstu 'Dikon – Đakon' ili 'Protoejlien' (Proto Alien).
Još jedna teorija otvorena u proširenom univerzumu je ta da su oni alfa predatori u sopstvenom ekosistemu na košmarnoj i surovoj planeti, i da su rašireni kroz svemir kao izvor hrane i delikates za vrste koje su prirodno imune na njihovu krv koja je kao kiselina. Bez njihovog ekosistema koji bi ih držao pod kontrolom oni su podivljali.
Jedna od ideja je takođe da su stvoreni od strane Mala'kaka kao biološko oružje protiv nepoznate pretnje ili kako bi se zbrisalo čovečanstvo, i da su jaja pronađena na napuštenom brodu na planetoidu LV-426 ustvari biološko oružje koje se okrenulo protiv posade. Ridli Skot (Ridley Scott) navodi tokom režiserskog komentara u specijalnoj ediciji Ejlien – Osmi putnik (Alien) DVD-ija da su jaja tovar broda Svemirskih Džokeja u kojoj je brod neka vrsta ratnog broda dizajnirana da nosi ovo biološko oružje, ili možda istraživački brod koji je nosio jaja kao tovar za naučne studije.
Fizički izgled Ksenomorfa varira dosta u zavisnosti od njegove životne faze, kaste u košnici, godišta i domaćina, sa mnogobrojnim genetskim varijetetima čije poreklo je u potpunosti nepoznato, i varijetetima koji su dobijeni genetskim inženjeringom od strane drugih vrsta. Tipičan Ksenomorf započinje svoj život kao stvorenje u obliku jajeta koje se, kada primeti prisustvo potencijalnog domaćina, otvara kako bi oslobodilo drugu fazu: mali kvazi – araknoidni životni oblik koji se baca na domaćinovo lice i 'oplođava' ga sa endoparazitskom larvom, koja potom raste veoma brzo, razvijajući se u odraslog Ksenomorfa.
Iako postoji nekoliko varijeteta, odrasli Ksenomorfi uglavnom dele neke zajedničke osobine: telo kao kod kičmenjaka, zaštitni egzoskelet, dugačak fleksibilan rep, izduženu glavu bez očiju, nazubljeno ždrelo koje skriva unutrašnja usta koja se uvlače. Malo se zna o njihovoj biologiji, ali se zna da jedu sa svojim 'jezičnim zubima', ne sa njihovim spoljnim ustima. Ova usta su slična ždrelnoj vilici 'Morej jegulje'. Oni takođe krvare izuzetno jaku kiselinu – tečnost koja je žuto zelene boje i često se naziva krv, iako nije jasno da li služi kako bi prenosila hranljive materije kroz telo i-ili ima druge funkcije.
I dok veoma jaka kiselina i ogromna izdržljivost prikazana od strane stvorenja može sugerisati alternativnu vrstu biohemije; činjenica da se Ksenomorf ne hrani samo ljudima već ustvari razvija u njima govori o tome da je njihova biologija bazirana na ugljeniku. Mogućnost da se naslede osobine njihovih domaćina navodi takođe da oni inkorporiraju genetski materijal od njih, nagoveštavajući da Ksenomorfi imaju DNK, ili su u mogućnosti da čitaju i pretvore DNK i bilo kakvo sredstvo kako bi prikupili genetsku informaciju.
Ksenomorfi poseduju inteligenciju koja je dosta slična sa inteligencijom tipičnog primata. Iako ne prikazuju ljudski nivo inteligencije kao vrsta (kao što je apstraktno mišljenje, introspekcija i tehnološki napredak), njihova Kraljica poseduje značajne sposobnosti vezane za društveno ponašanje i manipulaciju ljudske tehnologije, kao što je isključivanje struje koloniji na planetoidu LV-426 i upravljanje liftom. U režiserskom komentaru za 'Osmi putnik 2' (Aliens) Džejms Kameron (James Cameron) napominje da Ksenomorfi u Osmom putniku 2 su bili u životu dosta duže nego Ksenomorf u originalu, i tako su imali više vremena da nauče kako da upravljaju mašinerijom, ako ništa drugo ono barem na osnovnom nivou. Međutim genetski uzgojeni Ksenomorfi iz Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien Resurrection) su naučili veoma brzo da se drže u pritvoru, tako da su ubili slabijeg kako bi njegova kiselina probila pod.
Pošto se čini da odrasli Ksenomorf nasleđuje fizičke karakteristike njihovih domaćina (na primer kada se Jođa (Yautja) – Predator inficira parazitiom koji se kasnije razvija u 'Predamorfa' (Predamorph) ili 'Predalien' (Predejliena) moguće je da je na nivo inteligencije stvorenja uticala inteligencija njegovog domaćina. Takođe moguće je da i inteligencija Ksenomorfa varira za svaku različitu kastu.
Ksenomorfi su demonstrirali malo emocija, iako nisu u potpunosti lišeni straha, posebno kada su u pitanju njihova jaja, ili kada su u prisustvu vatre. Takođe su prikazani i kako iskazuju strah kroz krike i vrisak kada su napadnuti.
Kada je u pitanju Ejliens (Aliens) literatura navedeno je da stvorenje može imati um košnice, tačnije kolektivnu svest kojom upravlja Kraljica, koja može pozvati ili dati naređenja svojim ratnicima, telepatski i putem krika. U Ejliens (Aliens) strip seriji, kao i u nekim novelizacijama (koje su nastale pre filma Osmi putnik 3 – Alien 3), sugerisano je da Ksenomorf Kraljica Majka komunicira telepatski sa svojim potencijalnim domaćinima, kroz zastrašujuće snove i religiozne vizije, dovodeći do formiranja kulta sa Ksenomorfom kao Božanskom figurom. Slično je i sa Ktulu (Chtulhu) kultom u romanu H.P. Loftkrafta (H.P. Loftcraft) Zov Ktulua. Ovo se može videti i u Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3), kada je Golik (Golic) indukovan od strane 'telepatskih' poruka zarobljenog Ksenomorfa. To ga na kraju dovodi do toga da Golik oslobađa Ksenomorfa i dopušta mu da ga ubije. On ga je nazvao 'Zmaj' i smatrao ga je za Boga.
Kroz kloniranje koje prati događaje u Osmom putniku: Uskrsnuće (Alien Resurrection) – kako je zapisano u novelizaciji), čini se da Ksenomorfi imaju kolektivno sećanje koje se nastavlja čak i na genetskom nivou. Kroz testove koji su sprovedeni na Elen Ripli (Ellen Ripley), otkriveno je da sećanje preneto sa Elen Ripli na novu generaciju Ksenomorfa im omogućava da čitaju i razumeju različite jezike. Događaji u koloniji na LV-426 i brodu Auriga koji pripada vojsci ujedinjenih sistema (USM Auriga) prikazuju da vrstu odlikuje učenje kroz posmatranje. Još jedan slučaj učenja kroz posmatranje može se videti kada Ksenomorf beži iz ćelije. On shvata da se kao posledica napada na staklo kroz koje ih posmatraju pušta mlaz hladnog vazduha (verovatno tečnog azota), preko velikog crvenog dugmeta na konzoli. Kada jedan od članova posade uđe u tom trenutku praznu ćeliju kako bi proučio rupu kroz koju je Ksenomorf pobegao, jedan od njih ulazi u kontrolnu sobu i aktivira dugme koristeći svoju unutrašnju vilicu.
U retkim slučajevima kada je Ksenomorf napadnut ili ranjiv, prikazuje izuzetnu kreativnost i pamet. Sposobni su da se kreću brzo i tiho kroz ventilacione sisteme, uprkos svojoj veličini, i upotrebiće takve cevi za zasedu, beg, ili jednostavno kao jednostavan način da putuju između oblasti.
Ksenomorfi su svesni efekata svoje krvi sa kiselinom i upotrebiće je za svoju prednost – kako bi pobegli iz ljudski – napravljenih zatvora, ili kao oružje. Pokazuju i vojnu taktiku (kao što je povlačenje kada su nadjačani), i mogu da pronađu način da prevaziđu određene probleme (kao što je pritiskanje crvenog dugmeta kako bi se zaledio vojnik tečnim azotom). Znaju da je tama njihov saveznik i uništavaju svetlo kako bi napravili sebi zakon.
Ksenomorf ratnik je opremljen kako bi bio savršena ubilačka mašina. Poseduje egzoskelet sličan kao kod jastoga, neprobojnog za sve izuzev najmoćnijeg ljudskog vatrenog oružja ( dvanaestobrojčanim sačmarama i impulsnim puškama koje su prilično efikasne). Eš tvrdi da je koža stvorenja napravljena od 'proteinskih polisaharida', što implicira supstancu sličnu hitinu. On takođe kaže da stvorenje menja svoje površinske ćelije polarizovanim silikonom, koji je veoma inertan otporan na toplotu i fleksibilan polimer. Ovo omogućava stvorenju veliku otpornost na životnu sredinu. Međutim, oni su ranjivi na naglu promenu temperature, kao što je i prikazanu u Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3), kada je stvorenje uništeno uronjavanjem u rastopljeno olovo i onda naglo ohlađeno protivpožarnim prskalicama, dovodeći do pucanja silikonskog oklopa.
Pričvršćene na krajevima obe ruke nalazi se komplet dugačkih prstiju i sjajnih, crnih i izuzetno oštrih kandži sposobnih za kasapljenje svega čega se mogu dočepati (kao što je prikazano u knjigama o Ejlienu – Alien books, kao što je Knjiga 2: Košmarna ludnica (Book 2: Nightmare Asylum). Njegov rep je dugačak, i može se upotrebiti i kao bič. U kasnijim filmovima se prikazuje da ima ispupčenja na vrhu, i testerast otrovni vrh kojim rastrgne neprijatelja.
Visok je dva metra, težine negde između 140 do 180 kilograma; iako njegova veličina može da varira u zavisnosti od domaćina koga je izabrao, kao što je viđeno kod Džok-Ksenomorfa (Jock-Xenomorph). Njegova usta su ispunjena oštrim zubima, ali njegovo glavno sredstvo ubijanja je njegova unutrašnja vilica koja se zabija kako bi se probila do žrtvinog mozga.
Unutrašnja vilica (poznata još i kao 'jezik za napad') je mišićavi dodatak u unutrašnjosti Ksenomorfovih usta. Svi Ksenomorfi imaju ovu odliku. Ona se sastoji od vrpce mišića sa malim ali veoma smrtonosnim dodatkom u obliku usta na kraju. Ovaj 'jezik za napad' je sposoban da probije kroz bilo šta, od kosti do Predatorovog oklopa.
Fizičke sposobnosti
Odrasli Ksenomorf je živo oružje poznat po svojoj surovosti i smrtonosnosti u bilo kakvim uslovima. Kada potpuno sazre imaju veliku fizičku snagu i okretnost. Majstori su za sakrivanje; omiljeni metod dolazka do plena je da čekaju na skrivenom mestu dok žrtva ne zaluta do njih i potom da se spuste tiho iza žrtve ili da upotrebe svoj rep kako bi nabili svakoga ko im priđe. Plen je uglavnom slep na činjenicu da je Ksenomorf prisutan zbog njegove sposobnosti da se kamuflira ugnezdivši se u okolne zidove ili okružujuću veštačku sredinu koja se slaže sa njegovom biomehaničkom pojavom. Ksenomorf će takođe koristiti i njegov crni oklop kao svoju prednost vrebajući iz senke dok čeka plen da zaluta isuviše blizu.
Ksenomorfi su prikazani kao stvorenja koja su sposobna da izdrže velike količine fizičkog oštećenja koje bi ubilo bilo koji zemaljski oblik života. Primer ove izdržljivosti je i Kraljica u Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens) koja je preživela pad egzoskelet – odela na nju sa visine od preko devet metara. Ksenomorfi su sposobni da prežive čak i sa raznesenim udovima kao što je i prikazano u igrici AVP 3 (Ejlien protiv Predatora 3 – Alien vs Predator 3) i Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens). Čak i ubadanje i pucanje kroz glavu (iako ih potpuno obezglavljivanje ubija) kao što je viđeno u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs Predator) i njegovom nastavku ne garantuju ubistvo Ksenomorfa.
Odrasli Ksenomorfi su brzi i okretni, i mogu da se veru duž plafona i zidova, veština koju slobodno prikazuju bilo da izbegavaju druge, napadaju i love. Mogu da prežive ekstremne temperature, veoma dobro plivaju, mogu da dišu u surovim atmosferama i mogu da prežive vakum kratak vremenski period. Njihovi pokreti teže da budu bešumni i neispuštaju jer temperatura njihovog egzoskeleta se poklapa sa spoljašnjom temperaturom okoline u kojoj se nalaze. Takođe i obilato luče pljuvačku. Ova pljuvačka ne sadrži kiselinu, iako neki Ksenomorfi imaju sposobnost da pljuju kiselinu, koja može doći iz njihovih stomaka, iz specijalne žlezde negde u njihovim grlima, ili kesama sa kiselinom koje se nalaze u njihovoj glavi. Ovo može biti upotrebljeno kako bi se žrtva oslepela, slično kao i kod kobre koja pljuje.
Stvorenja nemaju vidljivih očiju; Giger je ovo naglasio u svom originalnom dizajnu, zato što je osećao da je mnogo strašnije ukoliko neko ne može da zaključi da li ga stvorenja gledaju. U seriji Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Alien vs Predator), igra implicira da Ksenomorf vidi upotrebljavajući svoj jezik za napad. U originalnom Ejlien (Alien) filmu, vrh glave stvorenja je polu providan, sa praznim očnim dupljama nalik na ljudske koje se provide kroz lobanju. Od ovog dizajna se odustalo kasnije u filmovima, ali se ponovo upotrebilo u dizajnu Predejliena 'Predalien', na prednjem delu njegove lobanje.
U Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens) odraslim stvorenjima nedostaje glatki oklop koji pokriva njihove glave. U komentaru za Osmi putnik 2, špekulisalo se da je ovo deo sazrevanja stvorenja, jer su bili živi mnogo duže nego originalni Ksenomorf. Proces sazrevanja uključuje Ksenomorfa kako skida glatku kupolastu ploču sa svoje glave, ostavljajući kožu ispod nje izloženu. U Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3) riboliko sočivo (koje stvara perspektivu sličnu kao kod špijunke) je korišćeno kako bi se prikazao Ksenomorfov vid. Nepoznato je da li ovo predstavlja vid ili samo filmsku prezentaciju senzorske percepcije stvorenja.
Međutim u novelizaciji filma Osmi putnik (Alien) biće je bilo hipnotizirano nekoliko minuta zelenom svetlošću koja se okreće. Zbog nedostatka vidljivih očiju, moguće je da stvorenje koristi eholokaciju da vidi svoju okolinu, baš kao i kod slepih miševa. Verovatno iz ovog razloga Ksenomorf stalno šišti. Iako imaju sposobnost da vidi kroz nepoznatu strukturu, pošto su evoluirali drugačije od života na Zemlji. U igrici iz 2010. godine 'Osmi putnik protiv Predatora' (Alien vs Predator), navedeno je na audio traci jednog od marinaca da Ksenomorfi imaju vid.
Ksenomorfi verovatno mogu da prepoznaju plen kroz elektro-prijem. Ovo je metod koji primenjuju ajkule kako bi detektovale čak i najskriveniji plen. Stvorenja sa elektro-prijemom mogu da detektuju elektromagnetno polje koje sve životinje proizvode omogućavajući im da detektuju otkucaje srca od stvorenja. Ovo objašnjava zašto Ksenomorfi uvek znaju gde se ljudi nalaze.
Kao što je i opisano u igrici Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Aliens vs Predator), Ksenomorfi mogu da detektuju njihov plen tako što koriste feromone. Još jedna teorija da su oči Ksenomorfa iza njihovog crnog oklopa i da mogu da vide kroz njih, slično kao i kod jednostranog ogledala (samo u ovom slučaju niko ne može da vidi unutra, ali Ksenomorfi mogu da vide napolje).
Ksenomorfi mogu da proizvode gustu, jaku smolu, koju koriste da izgrade svoje košnice i čaure za žrtve. Baš kao i termiti, oni mešaju svoju viskoznu pljuvačku sa čvrstim materijama. Pokazuje sjajnu toplotu i kvalitete za održavanje vlage.
Ksenomorfi u svim fazama svog života, su osetljivi na toplotu, iako je ovo jedino prikazano u izbrisanoj sceni iz specijalne Osmi putnik (Alien) DVD edicije, u kojoj Ripli (Ripley) traži svoje nestale članove posade u utrobama koja je ustvari pogonska – bojlerska soba broda Nostromo. To je takođe prikazano u igri AVP 3 u kojoj marinac koji nosi bacač plamena kaže: 'Čudovišta ne vole vatru. Ovo će ih oterati'.
Jedini Ksenomorf otporan na vatru je Predejlien (Predalien). U igrici Osmi putnik protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje (Alien vs. Predator: Extinction) luči se sloj preko njihovog tela. Taj sloj ne može da se zapali iako osećaju bol prilikom temperaturnih ekstrema kao što je tečni azot.
Česte promene ekstrema bilo u visokoj ili niskoj temperaturi očigledno izazivaju efekat temperaturnog šoka na Ksenomorfov egzoskelet. Ksenomorfi su sposobni da se adaptiraju na hladnu okolinu uz vrlo malo nelagodnosti. Ejlien Kraljica (Alien Queen) je veoma ranjiva na vatru, iz nepoznatih razloga.
Ksenomorfi su prikazani i kao ranjivi i neranjivi na malo vatreno oružje od 9 milimetara do 5.56 milimetara. Ovo se vidi u sceni iz Osmog putnika 2 (Aliens) gde Vaskez i poručnik Gorman nađu zarobljeni u ventilaciji između Ejliena koji nadiru sa svih strana, Gorman puca sa pištoljem na jednog od njih bez ikakvog efekta, umesto toga vidi kako se odbijaju od oklopa na glavi. U ranijoj sceni Vaskezova drži Ejliena na nišanu i puca mu u glavu kroz koju prolazi metak i Ejlien beži očigledno ranjen. Vatreno oružje velikog kalibra sa eksplozivnim mecima iz impulsne puške M41A može da dovede do toga da stvorenja detoniraju. Oružja sa visoko energetskim zracima, kao što su plazma oružja koja koriste Jođe (Yautja) Predatori, su najbolji način kako bi se ubili Ksenomorfi.
Čaurenje je osobina koju koriste Ksenomorfi kako bi se brže reprodukovali. Povređeno (ali živo) ljudsko biće, bi se odvuklo, i čaoura od pljuvačke i smole se stavlja preko njih (lice im nije prekriveno), obično u oblasti u kojoj je Kraljica proizvela mnogo jaja tako da obgrljivači lica (facehuggers) mogu lakše da se pričvrste na njih i polože Ksenomorf larve u njihov grudni koš. U isečenoj sceni iz Osmog putnika (Alien) (uključenoj u specijalnoj ediciji), Ripli (Ripley) je pronašla dve njene začaurene kolege koje su ustvari pretvorene u Ksenomorf jaja. Ovo navodi da Ksenomorfi mogu da pretvore ljude u jaja kada nema Kraljice iako je ovo ukinuto kao i mnoge druge odlike Ksenomorfa u kasnijim filmovima (kao što je providna lobanja i prazne očne duplje). U knjizi je prikazano kako su trutovi (Drones) sposobni da usade fetus u čak u četiri domaćina tako što prave dovoljno trutova i ratnika kako bi započeli košnicu.
Još jedna odlika čaurenja kao što je prikazana u igrici Osmi putnik protiv Predatora 3 (Alien vs. Predator 3) je da Ksenomorf broj šest nakon što je započeo čaurenje svojih žrtava, može da promeni izgled, na kraju i sam postavši Kraljica. Ova brza genetska regeneracija je još jedna evoluciona odlika Ksenomorfa kako bi se osigurao produžetak njih kao vrste. U Osmom putniku protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje (Alien vs. Predator: Extinction pretorijanac (praetorian) se ponašao kao princeza košnice koja je kasnije postala Kraljica. Ova faza je viđena i kod Broja Šest. Ako je ovo tako onda je Hadson (Hudson) u pravu kada kaže da se ponašaju kao pčele. Ksenomorf Kraljica može da leže specijalna jaja koja su veća (kao Kraljičine jajne ćelije kod pčela koje su veće od trutovih ćelija) koje nakon što se izlegu mogu da nastave vrstu kroz pravljenje drugih košnica nakon što se nova ženka začauri u Kraljicu kao što je viđeno kod Broja Šest i u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje (Alien vs. Predator: Extinction). Ukoliko je ovo slučaj, da trut može da postane Kraljica kada nema Kraljice, onda je čaurenje takođe metod za preživljavanje Ksenomorf vrste.
Ksenomorf je prikazan na različite načine kroz filmske serijale. Većina ovoga je zbog stalnog razvoja na polju tehnologije specijalnih efekata, i tehnika kako bi čudoviše izgledalo što stvarnije.
Takođe je prikazano kako na ekranu tako i u igricama baziranim na Osmi putnik 2 (Aliens) serijalu, da je izgled Ejliena dosta pod uticajem njegovog domaćina, tako da će različite vrste domaćina stvoriti različite varijetete Ksenomorfa. Primer ovoga je viđen u Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3), kada pas (vo u produženom izdanju) izbacuje Ejliena sa jasnom psećom telesnom strukturom, četvoronožnim pokretima, i veoma unapređenom brzinom.
Gornji deo tela
U originalnom Osmi putnik (Alien) filmu, i u nastavku Osmi putnik 2 (Aliens), Ksenomorfi su opisani kao visoka, vitka stvorenja sa grubo – ljudskim biomehaničkim dizajnom. Deo oko grudi ima oblik grudnog koša.
U kasnijim filmovima, kao što su Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection) i Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Alien vs Predator), prikazani su kao niži i glomazniji organizmi, i više kao četvoronožci, prikazani bilo od strane kaskadera u krupnom planu ili kao kompjuterski generisana slika kada se prikazuju u svom punom obliku.
U Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens), Ksenomorfi su prikazani kako imaju ispupčenja duž svog oklopa, dok u svim drugim filmovima oni imaju glatke oklope koji pokrivaju njihove lobanje. Špekulisalo se u Osmi putnik 2 (Aliens) bonus DVD-iju da je to zbog toga što su ovi Ksenomorfi imali više vremena da sazre, u poređenju sa Ksenomorfima u drugim filmovima.
U stripovima i raznim video igricama (Osmi putnik protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje – Alien vs. Predator: Extinction, Alien vs. Predator (SNES), Osmi putnik protiv Predatora 2 – Alien vs. Predator 2), ovo je opisano kao vizuelna razlika između Ksenomorf truta i ratničke kaste. Trutovi ( su u ovom slučaju prikazani kao 'radnička' kasta umesto mužjaka sposobnih za parenje) imaju glatki oklop dok ratnici imaju ispupčenja. Trutovi i ratnici imaju različite zadatke: ratnici štite košnicu, a trutovi love potencijalnog domaćina, dok neki žive samo da bi zaštitili Kraljicu, kao što su ratnici košnice i pretorijanci.
U Osmom putniku (Alien) i Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3) Ksenomorf ima šest prstiju, sa kažiprstom i srednjim prstom sjedinjenim u jedan prst, kao i domali i mali prst takođe sastavljeni i palčevima sa obe strane. U Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens), Ksenomorfi su prikazani sa pet prstiju, sa drugim palcem koji nedostaje. U Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection) i Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Aliens vs. Predator), Ejlieni imaju četiri prsta dok su dva srednja stapanje dva prsta. Nema objašnjenja u filmovima za promenljiv broj prstiju (slično kao i kod broja prstiju Jode (Yoda) u serijalu Rata Zvezda – Star Wars koji se menja u svakom filmu).
Donji deo tela
U Osmom putniku (Alien) i Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens) Ksenomorfi su tabanaši. U Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3), Ksenomorf je digitigrad zahvaljujući svom domaćinu (psu u zvaničnom rezu i volu u produženoj verziji).
U filmu Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection) došlo je do dramatičnog redizajna od prethodno rođenih vrsta iz ljudskog domaćina: Ksenomorfi koji su izašli iz ljudskih domaćina u ovom filmu su hodali sa digitgradnim nogama na način koji je drugačiji od prethodno viđenog kod članova ove vrste. Ovo je još komplikovanije ako se ima u vidu da su Ksenomorfi u ovom filmu nastali od Kraljice uzgojene od ćelija proizašlih od klona Ripli (Ripley) učinivši njihovo genetsko nasleđe zbrkanim u najboljem slučaju.
U Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator), Ksenomorfi se vraćaju svojim korenima kao tabanaški organizmi, iako su njihove noge elegantnije i više skeletne u svom izgledu, zbog korišćenja kompjuterskih vizuelnih efekata i hidrauličnog lutkarstva, pre nego kostima.
U originalu, Ksenomorfov rep je bio skoro kao i dužina ostatka njegovog tela, sa malom gotovo hirurškom žaokom kao bodljom na kraju; ali od Osmog putnika 3 (Alien 3) pa nadalje, rep se produžio u dužini ima veliko sečivo u obliku noža na vrhu.
U Osmom putniku: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection) i Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator), repovi su takođe podržavali grebene sa šiljcima odmah pre sečiva. Ovo je predstavljeno u Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection) kako bi im pomoglo da plivaju ubedljivije, ostalo je nepromenjeno u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator). Sam rep imao je neverovatnu dužinu tokom Osmog putnika protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator), koja je činila punu telesnu dužinu.
Originalni scenario za snimanje Osmog putnika 2 (Aliens) uključivao je i scenu u kojoj je poručnik Gorman uboden Ksenomorfovom žaokom. On nije ubijen samo ošamućen sa bodljom u svom ramenu, koja se otkinula sa Ksenomorfovog tela kao i žaoka kod pčele. Novelizacija takođe uključuje ovu scenu, iako zvanična verzija filma ne sadrži. Ova osobina je kasnije upotrebljavana u različitim video igrama.
Najprimećenija odlika kod Ksenomorf vrste je njihova izdužena glava u obliku banane. Ovaj aspekt je ujedno i uznemirujući i zastrašujući, u kombinaciji sa elementima koji su obično blokirani u našem svesnom umu sa drugim odlikama koje nejasno podsećaju na ljudske.
Iako se čini da mu nedostaje bilo kakva vrsta komponente optičkog vida (kao što su oči), veruje se da 'vidi' tako što oseća feromone. Ovo ne može ni da se potvrdi ni da se opovrgne, ali je široko prihvaćena hipoteza zbog činjenice da trut neće ubiti telo domaćina koje je već inficirano (kao što je viđeno u filmu Osmi putnik 3 (Alien 3) i knjizi Osmi putnik: DNK rat (Aliens: DNA War). Postoji jedan detalj na Ejlijenovoj glavi koji može biti oko toliko malo i iste crne boje kao i koža. Teško je videti da li su ove oči samo implant na koži (možete ih videti na naslovnici Osmi putnik protiv Predatora 2010 video igre i veoma retko kao Predator u Ejlien vidu).
Druga predložena nagađanja uključuju da su oči slične kao kod pustinjskih guštera; koja se nalaze ispod jednog sloja kože, koja je dovoljno debela da oči nisu vidljive sa spoljašnje strane. Druga ideja je da je cela njihova glava jedno veliko insekt oko, ali nema dokaza za ovo. U Osmom putnku 3 (Aliens 3), riboliko sočivo je prikazano u trkačevim očima ali je nepoznato da li on stvarno ovako vidi.
Uprkos ovome, Ksenomorfi teoretski mogu da vide. Ovo se može videti u ranim modelima igračaka ratnika Ksenomorfa dok je Osmi putnik (Alien) još uvek bio jedini postojeći film. On prikazuje pravu ljudsku lobanju napravljenu ispod glatkog oklopa sa glatkim vrhom koji je služio kao jednostarni vizir.
Leđne bodlje
Duž leđnog dela kod većine tela Ksenomorfa nalaze se dodaci za koje se čini da nemaju funkciju. I dalje se raspravlja za šta se oni upotrebljavaju, sa teorijama o tome da oni služe kao senzorni organi do toga da su to komunikacioni organi, aparat za disanje, odbrambeni mehanizmi, do struktura koje ispuštaju toplotu, sakupljača supstanci potrebnih njihovom telu, ili da obezbede strukture koje će brinuti o mladima, nerazvijeni grudoizbijači (chestbusters), jaja obgrljivača lica (facehuggers). Nijedna od ovih ideja nije ni potvrđena ni opovrgnuta od strane zvaničnih izvora za sada.
Jedna od teorija je da četiri zadnja dodatka se upotrebljavaju kao vrsta radara koje Ejlien uptrebljava da vidi kroz ekstremne sredine i detektuje pokrete. Međutim u proširenom univerzumu leđne bodlje služe da luče i verovatno skladište smolu koja se upotrebljava za izgradnju košnica.
Važno je napomenuti da, u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora prvom izdanju stripa (Alien vs. Predator volume 1 comic), Ksenomorf trutovi zakopavaju sebe u zemlju, a ipak se njihove kičme vide na površini, implicirajući neku upotrebu u okolini. Ona može biti ili biološka (disanje, razmena toplote, itd.) ili senzorna (detektovanje vibracija marinaca koji hodaju iznad po zemlji).
Druge hipoteze uključuju:
-Možda bodlje razdvajaju dominantne Ksenomorfe od slabijih, na primer, manje bodlje, slabiji Ksenomorf, veće bodlje jači Ksenomorf.
-Stvorenja mogu doći iz uglavnom amfibijske planete, i verovatno su bodlje mehanizam kako bi se plivalo brže pod vodom i hvatao plen. Oni ne deluju toliko hidrodinamično, ali je moguće pretpostaviti da se bodlje upotrebljavaju za stabilnost kao leđna peraja delfina (ako njihov oblik ne izgleda efikasno i u tome takođe).
-Bodlje mogu biti otvori koji uzimaju i filtriraju vazduh oko njih, dok se otpad izbacuje kroz usta. Široko je prihvaćeno da nemaju pluća, tako da je ovo moguće iako neverovatno zato što trkači (Runners) ili Psi – Ejlieni (Dog Aliens), ih nemaju. Ali može biti moguće da trkači imaju pluća.
-Bodlje mogu biti upotrebljene kao odbrambeni mehanizam da odbiju neprijatelje koji bi pokušali da im se prikradu sa leđa ili iznad njih.
-Oni takođe mogu biti odlike koje Ejlieni slučajno stiču kada se razvijaju unutar obgrljivača lica (facehugger) stavljajući noge obgrljivača lica pozadi. Grudoizbijač (chestbuster) se ne razvija direktno iz obgrljivača lica (umesto toga, obgrljivač lica ubacuje jaje-larvu koja će postati grudo izbijač unutar domaćina), ali nije nemoguće da stekne genetske odlike od njega.
-Mogu se upotrebiti kako bi se stopili sa mrežom košnice kada su pod napadom.
-Bodlje mogu služiti grudoizbijaču za pričvršćivanje, omogućavajući odraslim Ksenomorfima da ih odvedu na bezbedniju lokaciju.
-Ako Ejlien upotrebljava eholokaciju da vidi svoj plen, od njih mogu osećati vibracije.
-Mogu se upotrebiti da nose neizlegnuta jaja na novu lokaciju kada Kraljica umre dajući im sposobnost da se penju na zidove dok su u pokretu.
-Mogu se nekako upotrebiti za izgradnju košnice.
-Bodlje mogu biti upotrebljene da rasporede feromone – da razlikuju jedan od drugog i fromiraju druge košnice.
-Bodlje mogu služiti i kao neki vid nosača Ksenomorfa kao što je viđeno u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje (Alien vs. Predator: Extinction), omogućavajući obgrljivaču lica da zakače svoje paukolike noge dok se ne približi žrtva. Obgrljivač lica će se pustiti sa svog grubog vida prevoza, pronaći žrtvu, i nastaviti proces polaganja jaja.
Sekundarne čeljusti
Sekundarne čeljusti, takođe poznate i kao unutrašnja usta, dupla vilica ili ždrelo je još jedna uznemirujuća odlika ove vrste. Pretpostavlja se da je pokreću veoma jaki mišići unutar glave stvorenja, koja im omogućavaju da se brzo lansiraju i povuku, slično kao i kod kameleonovog jezika.
To je Ksenomorfovo oružje na blizinu, nasuprot njegovom dugačkom repu. Ksenomorf ih izbacuje iz svojih usta, a one uništavaju sve u šta udare, sposobne su čak i da naprave rupu u zadebljaloj Jođinoj (Yautja) Predatorovoj lobanji i da još uvek imaju snage da probiju još jednu rupu pozadi dok se vraćaju.
Sekundarna čeljust je ojačana mišićima kao što je viđeno u prvom filmu Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator) kada Predator trlja deo unutrašnjosti (nečemu što liči na krabine škrge) odlika koja može da se vidi sa spoljnjeg središnjeg preseka na svakoj strani glave jajastog oblika. Mišići se trljaju tu, dopuštajući čeljustima da se izbace kao klip kroz metu koju je Ksenomorf naciljao.
Predejlien (Predalien) ima sposobnost da upotrebi svoja unutrašnja usta da ubaci embrione grudoizbijača u domaćinovo grlo kao obgrljivač lica.
Jođe ih uzimaju kao suvenir njihovog ulova.
Priznato je da je rep ofanzivno oružje i nešto više. Iako stvorenje može da trči na sva četiri dodatka, ono često stoji na svojim nogama tako da može da dohvati svoj plen sa svojim rukama. Dok stoji takođe je viđen kako nabija žrtvu svojim repom, čak do tačke do koje može da podigne stvorenje teže od sebe do nivoa očiju (ukoliko bi imalo oči), verovatno se pripremajući za jedenje lica upotrebljavajući sekundarne čeljusti. Ovo bi bilo nemoguće ukoliko bi se rep koristio za ravnotežu, pošto bi već promenljiva težina bila nezgrapna, dovodeći čudovište do pada.
Kao oružje, rep je veoma efikasan, sve dok je dovoljno dugačko da napadne sa velike udaljenosti i može se koristiti na različite načine; na primer u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator), Ksenomorf je koristio svoj rep kako bi izbio tlo pod nogama Jođi (Yautja) Predatoru pre nego što je pokušao da ga ubode.
Rep može da se upotrebi za tajne napade, pošto je dovoljno fleksibilan da napadne iz različitih položaja, i teško ga je primetiti ukoliko je iza neprijatelja, ili ukoliko je oblast prilično tamna. Čak i kada je oštri deo odsečen, rep je i dalje smrtonosan, pošto Ksenomorf može da upotrebi rep da naprska krv – kiselinu sa otkinutog vrha duž šire oblasti. Ksenomorfi su takođe sposobni da upotrebe svoj rep kao direktno oružje tako što isprebijaju svog neprijatelja opasnim šiljcima repa.
Krv – kiselina
Telesna tečnost svih Ksenomorfa je najverovatnije visoko koncentrovana kiselina. Pogrešno se naziva 'krv – kiselina', ali kada se uporedi sa krvi bilo kog drugog poznatog oblika života, ne prenosi nikakvu vrstu hranljivih materija kroz telo.
Malo je verovatno da prenosi kiseonik iz nekoliko razloga: prvi je taj što je poznato da Ksenomorf može da preživi u vakumima kao što je svemir (bar i na kratki vremenski period). Drugi je taj, da u režiserskom isečku Osmog putnika 2 (Aliens), Bišop (Bishop) napominje da tečnost gubi svoju kiselost kratko nakon smrti stvorenja zbog oksidacije. Ovo je nevažno pošto je oksidacija termin u hemiji koji se upotrebljava za gubitak elektrona pre nego reakcija na kiseonik. Sve kiseline oksidiraju bez obzira na šta reaguju, tako da ovo ne ide u prilog tome da krv Ksenomorfa prenosi kiseonik.
'Krv-kiselina' je sposobna da se raširi kroz bilo šta osim Ksenomorfovog tela, kao što je i prikazano u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator). On očigledno zna koliko je korozivna njegova krv pošto je imao prilike da je baci na Predatora, i upotrebljena je kako bi pobegli iz kaveza (pošto su ubili svog brata). Neka specijalno tretirana oružja Predatora mogu da se odupru kiselini, mada koliko dugo još nije poznato. Na pH skali verovatno bi se rangirala kao razarajuća negativna četvorka ili niža.
Ovo je međutim, nemoguće zato što je pH minus logaritam koncentracije slobodnih H-jona tako da nikada ne može biti niži više od -2.5. Super kiseline sa višom H-koncentracijom nego što je ova su samo teorijske i ne mogu ostati u ovom stanju zato što odmah reaguju i gube svoju nestabilnu energiju, oksidacijom ili neutralizacijom. Još jedna od mogućnosti je i prisustvo katalizatora ili enzima iz krvi koji će ubrzati stopu reakcije. Međutim, mi smo ograničeni u našem znanju univerzalne biologije, pošto je baziramo samo na onim što znamo na Zemlji. Različite sredine na drugim svetovima bi mogle da evoluiraju 'krv-kiselinu' koja bi takođe mogla da nosi bilo kakve hranljive materije potrebne Ksenomorfima.
Često je teoretisano da Ksenomorfova krv nema nikakvu drugu funkciju sem odbrane, pošto je tečnost skladištena ispod kože stvorenja koja izaziva veliku štetu bilo kome ko uspe da povredi Ksenomorfa. Postoji mogućnost međutim, da kiselina ima neku funkciju u Ejlienovom metabolizmu, možda čak kao i stvarni analogni krvni sistem. Jedna od mogućnosti je i da služi kao ekstremni vid stomačne kiseline i takođe služi za varenje hrane. U tom slučaju, digestivni sistem bi bio raširen kao cirkulatorni sistem kroz telo Ksenomorfa: kiselina je toliko jaka da bilo šta da pojede se odmah razloži i ostaci se rasporede po telu, sa ekstremno otpornim zidovima 'sudova kiseline' koji nekako dopuštaju hranljivim materijama da budu razložene.
Genetska adaptacija
Zbog horizontalnog genetskog transfera tokom perioda gestacije, Ksenomorf takođe uzima neke osnovne atribute domaćina iz kog je rođen, omogućavajući Ejlienu da se adaptira na domaćinovu sredinu.
Kroz eksperimente, otkriveno je da se embrion vezuje na glavnu arteriju domaćina, kako bi dobio hranljive materije dok se razvija. Pretpostavlja se da DNK iz krvi koju preuzima se uliva u DNK embriona kako bi nadoknadila nedostatak njegove genetske strukture.
Može imati deblju, bipedalnu formu sa tamnijim egzoskeletom ukoliko dolazi iz nečega što stoji na dve noge, kao što je na primer čovek. U filmu Osmi putnik 3 (Alien 3), izašao je iz četvoronožne životinje, i samim tim poprimio vitkiji, elegantniji izgled i kreće se kao četvoronožac, sa više crvenkasto – narandžastim egzoskeletom. Takođe može poprimiti neke odlike lika svog domaćina (kao na primer vilicu kada se posadi u Jođu (Yautja) Predator). Predejlieni (Predaliens) – (Jođa – Ksenomorf hibridni potomci) imaju žuto zelenu kožu koja pokriva njihove egzoskelete.
Štaviše, moguće je da dobija neki deo inteligencije od svog domaćina. Četvoronožnu varijantu u Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3) bilo je lakše prevariti nego dvonožne verzije i Predejliena koji bolje poznaju oružje koje se koristi protiv njih.
Životni ciklus
Ksenomorf se rađa u obliku jaja koje polaže Kraljica u košnici, kroz upotrebu ovipozitora koji se može odvojiti. Jaje je debelo i želatinasto, obično sa nekoliko membrana prikačenih na njihove spoljne slojeve. Može uzeti hranljive materije sa tla kako bi podržalo biće unutra. Jaje ima nešto nalik venskoj strukturi koja prolazi kroz njega aludirajući da je to ustvari živo biće (ponekad poznato i kao ovomorf).
Izlegnuti Ksenomorf naziva obgrljivač lica (facehugger) zaštićen je debelim mesnatim slojem na vrhu jajeta, gde se 'ljuska' otvara kada obgrljivač lica oseti prisustvo živog bića u blizini. Čulo koje detektuje prikladan organizam koji se nalazi u blizini mora da bude veoma specifično u onome na šta odgovara. Verovatno iz tog razloga mu treba toliko dugo da se otvori: različiti senzorni organi proučavaju organizam koji prilazi.
U prvom filmu, najverovatnije da mogu da osete prisustvo drugog bića kada ono pređe kroz maglu koja prekriva površinu na kojoj se nalaze jaja. Široko je prihvaćena teza da je ovo oblast koja drži jaja u pripravnosti (kao što je viđeno u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora 2 – Alien vs. Predator 2 video igri). Kada se magla razbije, obgrljivači lica se alarmiraju, i odlaze u potragu za domaćinom.
Obgrljivač lica
Nakon što se jaje otvori obgrljivač lica iskače i traži živi organizam koji se nalazi u blizini, pričvršćujući se za njegovo lice obmotavajući svoj rep oko njegovih disajnih puteva, i polažući embrione Ksenomorfa tako što ubacuju cev kroz domaćinovo grlo. To se može primetiti kada se obgrljivač lica nalazi u vodi ili kada se baca na budućeg domaćina.
Namotaće svoj rep čvršće oko disajnih puteva kako bi sprečio prerano skidanje, i prilikom pokušaja da se oštete prsti Ksenomorfa može se primetiti da oni poseduju istu krv – kiselinu kao i Ksenomorf. Obgrljivač lica snabdeva domaćina kiseonikom kako bi ga održao u životu tokom procesa impregnacije. Kada se embrion položi, obgrljivač lica pada, sklupča se i umire.
Domaćin obično pada u kratku komu i budi se izuzetno gladan. Ovo se može objasniti potrebom embriona za hranljivim materijama kako bi prešao u sledeću fazu svog razvoja. Sati mogu proći između buđenja domaćina i vremena njihove smrti. Predatori žive najduže kako rezultat produženog perioda inkubacije. Razlog za ovo je i zbog genetske kompleksnosti domaćina. Inkubirajućem grudoizbijaču (chestbuster) treba više vremena za mitozu i citokinezu zbog morfologije Predejliena (Predailen).
Međutim u nekim slučajevima, domaćin se neće probuditi postepeno već naglo – baš u vreme da bude svestan grudoizbijačevog dolaska na svet. Njihovo stanje normalnosti trajaće samo nekoliko sekundi ili minuta.
Takođe je dokazano – u filmu Osmi putnik (Alien) – da kada se domaćin probudi, postoji neka vrsta gubitka pamćenja pre nego što obgrljivač lica prikači sebe na domaćina; oni se ne sećaju ničega što im se dogodilo. Ovaj kratak gubitak pamćenja je najverovatnije rezultat privremenog lišavanja kiseonika izazvanog repom obgrljivača lica.
Nakon što pričvrsti sebe za venu i gestatira u grudnom košu, Ksenomorfova deca – grudoizbijači – će progurati i sažvakati svoj put kroz domaćinove grudi izazivajući ozbiljan bol, gubitak krvi, šok i smrt. Domaćinov grudni koš je otvoren, sa kostima izbijenim napolje. Niko nije preživeo ovaj proces. Međutim, Ripli (Ripley) je u filmu Osmi putnik: Uskrsnuće (Alien: Resurrection), bila zamrznuta u krio – komori nakon što je klonirana, i onda joj je grudoizbijač hirurški odstranjen. Takođe je otkriveno u video igri iz 2010. Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator) da visok nivo stresa može izazvati grudoizbijača da pomahnita. Ovo dovodi do toga da probije i sažvaće kroz grudi bržim tempom, samim tim izlazeći nešto brže nego što je normalno.
U ovoj fazi, Ksenomorf je mali, bez udova i veoma ranjiv. Među jednim od mogućnosti njegov vrat može da se polomi. Mora da ode na sigurno mesto kako bi došao do sledeće faze u svom životu. Pokreće se uz pomoć svog dugačkog repa i može da se obmota i skoči. Ne može da se penje na zidove i plafon, ali uprkos ovim nedostacima može da dođe do određene oblasti neverovatnom brzinom.
U Osmom putniku protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje (Alien vs. Predator: Extinction), pretvaraju se u čauru (iako ovo može biti i podvrsta). Uobičajena pretpostavka je da se Ejlien menja, da mu rastu noge i da se razvija baš kao i punoglavac koji se pretvara u žabu. Još jedna teorija (najprihvaćenija) je da se grudoizbijači oslobađaju svoje kože nakon što sazre, kao što je i prikazano kada Bret (Brett) pokupi grudoizbijačevu kožu koju je pronašao na podu u oblasti u kojoj se grudoizbijač našao sklonište.
Veoma retko grudoizbijač izlazi nakon što je domaćin već umro, kao što je viđeno u Osmom putniku 3 (Alien 3) produženoj verziji. Zašto je vo umro nakon što je Ksenomorf implantiran u njega nepoznato je; verovatno je i zbog veličine volovog vrata, grudoizbijač je prekinuo previše dotok vazduha. Čudno, ipak i u ovim uslovima, grudoizbijač je preživeo. Ovo je takođe viđeno i u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator) nakon što je Kraljica ubila Predatora, grudoizbijač je preživeo.
Odrasli Ksenomorf
Malo se zna o transformaciji koja se dogodi između grudoizbijača i faze odraslog Ksenomorfa.
Ksenomorf se mitari pre nego što dostigne zrelost. Zrelost dostiže kroz nekoliko sati i uključuje veliko uvećanje mase, koja verovatno zahteva neku vrstu ishrane. U novelizaciji filma Osmi putnik (Alien), Ripli (Ripley) nailazi na ormarić hrane koji je bio provaljen, najverovatnije od strane Ksenomorfa kako bi došao do hrane. Da li je ovo bila ili ne hrana za rast nije navedeno. U video igri Osmi putnik protiv Predatora 2 (Alien vs. Predator 2), jedna od Ejlien misija zahteva od igrača da pronađe izvor hrane kako bi grudizbijač napredovao u fazu truta. Na kraju nivoa kratka isečena scena ukazuje da grudoizbijač konzumira kućnu mačku u nosiljki. Scena ne pokazuje šta se događa tokom promene u životnom ciklusu.
U osmom putniku (Alien) Bret (Brett) nalazi odbačenu kožu nalik na grudoizbijačevu u delu Nostorma u kom je grudoizbijač pronašao sklonište, nagoveštavajući da stvorenje odbacuje kožu pre nego što pređe u svoj sledeći oblik. Ovo je takođe prikazano i u proširenom univerzumu.
Kada se prvi zabeleženi trut rodio na Nostoromu, imao je glatku, dugačku glavu,i uspravno telo. Nije imao oči, rep i bodlje ispupčene na njegovim leđima.
Međutim mnogo godina kasnije na planetoidu LV – 426, isti ratnici su pronađeni, ali su izgledali malo drugačije. Glava nije više izgledala glatka, već ispupčena. Jedna teorija je da Ksenomorf sa glatkom glavom je trut, a oni Ksenomorfi sa ispupčenom glavom su ratnici (Ksenomorf u prvom filmu je izgradio gnezdo, što samo trutovi mogu pošto je to njihov posao u koloniji).
Najprihvaćenija ideja, međutim, je godište – Ksenomorfi pronađeni na LV – 426 su bili nešto više od nekoliko dana stari, gde su svi ostali koji su se susreli bili manje nego dan stari. S druge strane u video igri Osmi putnik protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator) je prikazano da su trutovi crni (kao i u filmu), ali ratnici su veoma tamno plavi, ukazujući razlikom u boji da godište nije faktor.
Još jedna varijacija je Pas ili Trkač Ksenomorf, nazvan tako zbog svog držanja kao pas (stoji i kreće se kao četvoronožac). Repovi su bili duži, sa velikom zakrivljenom bodljom na kraju. Glava je glatka, ali dosta kraća nego normalna. Veoma je važno, međutim, da je ova Ksenomorf košnica uzgojena od strane Predatora, koji su ubacili hormon sa nepoznatim efektima u Kraljičin sistem.
Pošto je Ksenomorf prikazan kao veoma prilagodljiv organizam, koji leže na stotine jaja, brzo se razvija i veoma je efikasan u menjanju svog genoma da bi se bolje prilagodio okolini (upijajući odlike od svojih domaćina), veoma je moguće da neke fenotipske varijacije su jednostavno rezultat genetske raznolikosti između različitih populacija, koje veoma brzo evoluiraju.
Sistem kasti kod Ksenomorfa
Ksenomorfi imaju sistem kasti sličan kao I kod pčela I mrava. Glavna razlika je u tome da je njihov sistem kasti daleko složeniji.
Osnova bilo koje Ksenomorf košnice; Trutovi (Drones) su dosta slični pčelama radilicama ili mravima. Njihov glavni zadatak je da održe košnicu u dobrom stanju I da je zaštite od napadača.
Kraljica luči hormone koji ih drže sterilnim I kada ona umre Trutovi pobesne, boreći se međusobno dok ne pronađu najačeg među njima. Tada se pobednička ženka već mitari u Pretorijanca (Praetorian). Ženka potom evoluira u Kraljicu I odmah počinje da leže jaja. Ona će takođe izabrati da li da zadrži Pretorijanske družbenice svoje prethodnice, ili izabrati novi par Ratnika (Warriors) za ovu ulogu.
Prosek u veličini je 2 do 3 metra visine, stoje na dve noge I imaju rep koji je oko 4 do 5 metara dugačak. Imaju osnovnu telesnu građu Ratnika, osim što je njihova glava potpuno glatka, dok je glava kod Ratnika ispupčena. Trutovi su manji I u neku ruku delikatniji od Ratnika, ne smatraju se toliko opasnim prema standardima Jođa (Yautja) Predatora, ali zato izazivaj veliki strah kod ljudi.
Kao I sva njihova braća imaju kiselinu za telesne tečnosti, ali samo Trutovi mogu da ispljunu izlučevine na plen sa male udaljenosti.
Trutovi imaju organ u svom telu koji ispušta lepljivu tečnost koju mogu da ispljunu iz svojih usta na bilo koju površinu. Može se koristiti za žetvu domaćina za Kraljičine obgrljivače lica.
Ksenomorfi ratnici – obično poznati samo kao ‘Ratnici’ – su vojnici I zaštitnici košnice. Oni su svi deca Kraljice košnice, veće I jače od Trutova. Trutovi su manje smrtonosni, I u neku ruku manje zastrašujući.
Prosečna visina Ratnika je 2 I po metra, stoje na dve noge I imaju rep dugačak od 4 do 6 metara. U mnogim slučajevima Ratnik izgleda isto kao I Trut, izuzev što nemaju poklopac na gornjem delu glave.
Oni evoluiraju u Pretorijance koji služe kao Kraljičine družbenice. Obično se nalazi četvoro njih u svako vreme. Međutim, kada Kraljica želi da ih gleda kako se bore za njenu pažnju ili ukoliko želi da poveća zaštitu u pripremi za napad na košnicu, ona će osloboditi feromone koji će izazvati da dodatna četiri Ratnika evoluiraju u Pretorijance.
Pretorijanci (Kraljičini stražari)
Pretorijanci (Praetorians) su veći od Ratnika. Njihova osnovna uloga u okviru košnice je da čuvaju ključne lokacije od značaja I interesa I ako ništa drugo, zaštite Kraljicu. Većina Pretorijanaca može se naći veoma blizu Kraljičinih odaja. Fizičke odlike Pretorijanaca su veoma stare, i veoma slične Kraljičinim: imaju gbove u obliku krune, velikih dimenzija I velike snage.
U 2010. Osmi putnik protiv Predatora ( 2010 Alien vs. Predator), glavni Ksenomorf, ‘Broj Šest’, mitari se – transformiše se u Pretorijanca I zatim u Kraljicu nakon što je prva Kraljica ubijena u eksploziji.
Neki različiti izveštaji o Pretorijancima sa velikim kao štit izraštajima na svojim podlakticama su bili viđeni.
Kraljica je najveći i najinteligentniji Ksenomorf u košnici. Ona leže mnogo jaja koja se izležu kako bi postali Ksenomorf u prvoj fazi. Nepoznato je da li Kraljica ulazi u borbu van košnice. Kraljica je ugnježdena duboko u košnici, zaštićena Pretorijanskim stražarima.
Poznata je po tome da pokazuje logički – baziranu inteligenciju, prvenstveno koristeći jednostavnu ljudsku tehnologiju kao što je lift. Ona je najopasnija u košnici, iskazujući veliku agresivnost i koristeći svoju inteligenciju u razarajuće efekte.
Kada je prikačena za svoje crevo iz koga se legu jaja (ovipozitor – ovipositor), ona je nepokretna i ranjiva na napad. Kada se otkači od creva može da se kreće iznenađujuće brzo. Napada sa svojim rukama sa četiri kandže, kao i sa svojim dugačkim oštrim repom. Takođe je prikazano da koristi svoju glavne I unutrašnje čeljusti tokom borbe.
Veoma je interesantno da veličina Kraljice varira. U Osmom putniku 2 (Aliens) prikazano je da je Kraljica možda samo duplo veća od Truta. U AVP je prikazano da je znatno veća – tri ili četiri puta već a od Truta. Ovo može da se objasni na isti način kao i Trutova ispupčena glava. Kraljica u AVP je bila mnogo stara; iako čuvana u skrivenom stanju dug vremenski period, mogla je biti živa nekoliko milenijuma, ili je mogla biti Imperatorka. Kraljice su obično od 4 do 6 metara visoke.
Kada nema Kraljice u određenom umnom dometu košnice Trut će se proizvesti u u fazu grudoizbijača. Nakon što napravi gnezdo, Trut će proći kroz hormonsku promenu I postati Kraljica, koja će proizvesti crevo za jaja I jaja. Špekuliše se da će direktni naslednik Kraljičinog jaja biti čuvan na sigurnom, umesto što će biti poslat kroz ovipozitor – ovipositor, sve dok Kraljica ne umre.
U video igri Osmi putnik protiv Predatora 2, spominje se Ksenomorf Imperatorka. Iako je veoma slična klasičnoj Kraljici, glavna dužnost Imperatorke je da uspostavi red na planeti sa više košnica. Jedina poznata razlika između ove dve je njihova veličina (Imperatorka je dosta viša od Kraljice 6 do 8 metara visine) i kruna ( Imperatorkina kruna ima pet vrhova umesto tradicionalna tri). Moguće je I da je Imperatorka jednostavno najstarija Kraljica na planeti, i da su fizičke razlike rezultat starenja.
Doktro Ajzenberg (Eisenberg) je možda samo upotrebljavao izraz ‘Imperatorka’ kako bi se obraćao Kraljici. Međutim, Imperatorka je veća nego prosečna Kraljica viđena u Predatoru i u misijama marinaca.
Takođe je napomenuto da nakon što košnica poraste na dve hiljade članova, mlađa Kraljica se šalje da osnuje nove košnice, i da ukoliko Imperatorka umre, to će dovesti do borbe mlađe Kraljice za novu vladarku košnice. Najverovatnije je da je ‘Imperatorka’ Ksenomorf samo Kraljica koja vlada drugim Kraljicama u košnici. Što čini titulu ‘Imperatorke’ samo time: titulom. Ali u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora 2010. (Alien vs. Predator 2010), veoma stara Kraljica ima belu boju kože što vodi do mogućnosti da je ova Kraljica mogla biti Imperatorka.
Predejlien (Predalien)
Kao I normalni Ksenomorfi, Predejlien dobija odlike svog domaćina. Ali od faze grudoizbijača on je vidljivo drugačiji od drugih Ksenomorfa. Ima nešto tamniju senku zelene sa spoljašnjom vilicom, zbog svog Predatorskog (Jođa – Yautja) nasledstva.
Manjkaju brzinom, I njihova krv – kiselina nije tako smrtonosna kao kod normalnih Ksenomorfa. Ona sija kao kod Predatora. Ako je Predejlien deo košnice, on može služiti kao Kraljica zbog svojih reproduktivnih mogućnosti – njegova spoljašnja vilica drži glavu domaćina na jednom mestu dok njegova unutrašnja usta ubacuju jedno ili više Ksenomorfovih embriona u domaćinovo grlo, slično kao I funkcija kod obgrljivača lica. Čak od četiri Ksenomorfska embriona mogu biti ubačena u domaćina, ukoliko Predejlien treba da poveća broj brzo.
Iako se održava osnovni dizajn prikazan u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora (Alien vs. Predator) video igrama, brojne umetničke slobode su u njegovom filmskom portretisanju. Ili bi bile preduzete. Jedan od napuštenih koncepata bio je da se Predejlien reprodukuje tako što injektira žrtvama ‘DNK kiselinu’ kroz svoj rep, izazivajući žrtvu da otekne I eksplodira.
Još jedna je Predejlienova nasleđena tendencija da odere žrtve. Od ovoga se verovatno odustalo zato što deranje žrtava nije nešto što je instinktivno kod Predatora, već naučeno ponašanje.
English to Serbian: Robert Mors Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Robert Morse is a loud, argumentative inmate and the sole survivor of the Xenomorph infestation that took place in the correctional unit on Fiorina 161.
When the alien started killing, Morse was quick to blame Ripley for the ensuing deaths, before eventually becoming pre-occupied with his own security. After the beast was trapped in the waste dump, Golic, now pronounced a "mental case" and strapped to a bed, convinced him to remove the strait-jacket. Golic then swiftly knocked out his "friend" with a fire extinguisher and went in search of the creature. Golic murdered another prisoner before releasing the Alien, which then killed him in gratitude. Morse narrowly escaped death from the alien during the bait and chase sequence. While Dillon was fighting the alien in the mould, Ripley ordered Morse to pour the lead, drowning the beast in molten lead. As Morse curses the alien, he was shocked to see the alien leap from the molten lead, it saw Ripley and began climbing up the pipework. Noticing that she was near the sprinklers, Morse told her to turn them on to douse the creature with water. The sprinklers were activated, and the alien's metallic exoskeleton cooled rapidly and exploded.
Shortly after the alien's demise, Weyland-Yutani arrived for Ripley, but she refuses, knowing what their real intentions are. As she climbs onto the mobile platform with Morse, a soldier shoots Morse in the leg. Despite the agonizing pain, he stops the platform over the furnace and watches in astonishment as Ripley falls gracefully into the furnace, Much to the company's dismay. As everyone is evacuated, the soldiers bandage his leg and lead him out to the dropship, with Morse laughing and cursing at the Weyland-Yutani staff.
After being re-assigned from Fury 161, he writes an account of the events on the prison planets, saying that Ellen Ripley sacrificed herself to save them from the "beast". However, the story was banned.
Personality and Traits
Morse was a loud argumentative individual. He had no reservations on stating how he felt about anything. Morse also enjoyed picking fights at any opportunity, one of his favorites to fight with was Francis Aaron, who Morse constantly refered to as "85". Morse would go against authority; even if it was well armed people. One example of this was when Morse was being lead away from the Fiorina 161 facility by Weyland-Yutani guards armed with M41A Pulse Rifles, laughing at them and insulting them. Besides being confrotational and aggressive, Morse also had a soft spot for his friend Walter Golic.
Translation - Serbian Robert Mors je bio glasan, prepirljiv zatvorenik i jedini preživeli nakon Ksenomorfske (Xenomorph) infestacije koja se odigrala u korektivnoj jedinici na Fiorini 161.
Kada je Ejlien (Alien) počeo da ubija, Mors je brzo optužio Ripli (Ripley) za nadolazeće smrti, pre nego što je postao preokupiran sopstevnom bezbednošću. Nakon što je zver bila zarobljena na otpadu smeća, Golik koji je tada proglašen ludakom i vezan ludačkom košuljom za krevet, ubedio ga je da mu skine ludačku košulju. Potom je brzo udario svog 'prijatelja' sa protivpožarnim aparatom i krenuo u potragu za stvorenjem. Ubio je još jednog zatvorenika pre nego što je oslobodio Ejliena (Alien), koji ga je u znak zahvalnosti ubio. Mors je za dlaku izbegao smrt od strane Ejliena tokom namamljivanja stvorenja u kalup peći livnice. Dok se Dilan (Dillon) borio sa Ejlienom u kalupu, Ripli je naredila Morsu da prospe olovo koje je udavilo zver. Dok ga Mors proklinje, šokirao se kada je video Aliena kako iskače iz rastopljenog olova. Stvorenje je ugledalo Ripli i počelo da se penje uz cevi. Primetivši da je blizu prskalica Mors je rekao Ripli da ih odvrne kako bi polila stvorenje vodom. Prskalice su aktivirane i Ejlienov egzoskelet se naglo ohladio i eksplodirao.
Ubrzo nakon Ejlienove smrti Vejland – Jutani (Weyland – Yutani) je stigao po Ripli, ali ona odbija da pođe sa njima znajući šta su njihove stvarne namere. Nakon što se popela na mobilnu platformu sa Morsom, vojnik mu puca u nogu. I pored velikog bola, on zaustavlja platformu iznad peći i gleda sa zaprepašćenjem dok Ripli graciozno pada u peć na očigled poražene kompanije. Pošto su svi evakuisani, vojnik mu zavija nogu i vodi ga na brod za evakuaciju dok se Mors smeje i proklinje osoblje Vejland – Jutanija.
Nakon Furije 161 on piše dnevnik događaja na planeti zatvoru, rekavši da je Elen Ripli žrtvovala sebe kako bi ih spasila od 'zveri'. Međutim priča je zabranjena.
Ličnost i osobine
Mors je bio glasna i prepirljiva ličnost. Nikada nije imao rezerve pri iskazivanju kako se oseća u vezi nečega. Takođe je uživao da započinje svađu kad god je imao priliku, Jedna od njegovih omiljenih je svađa sa Francisom Eronom (Francis Aaron), kome se stalno obraćao kao '85'. Mors je uvek išao protiv autoriteta, čak i kada su to bili dobro naoružani ljudi. Jedan primer ovoga je kada je odveden sa Fiorine 161 od strane čuvara Vejland – Jutanija koji su bili naoružani sa M41A puls puškama, smejući im se i vređajući ih. Osim što je bio konfrotirajući i agresivan, Mors je bio i nežan prema njegovom prijatelju Valteru Goliku (Walter Golic).
English to Serbian: Tomas Marfi Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Thomas Murphy is a prisoner who resided in the correctional unit on Fiorina 161 and the caretaker of Spike.
He spent most of his early life on the run from the law. A conversation between Frank and him implies that he has been sentenced to prison for sexual deviance and probably abuse as well. He appears to have a shorter prison sentence than most and often volunteers to help in efforts (like finding survivors from the EEV) in attempts to shave a few months off of his sentence. He is first introduced searching the EEV for survivors with his dog, Spike, and later mourns over his corpse after the alien emerges from it (though he thinks a human did it). Later, he is seen cleaning the giant air ducts of the prison. He steps on the aliens shed skin and is clearly disgusted by his find. He hears noises coming from a hole in the wall, and goes to investigate, believing it to be his dog, Spike. He soon realizes it is not his pet pooch but a juvenile Alien. Before he can pull his head out of the hole, the alien spits acid into his face. He stammers backwards in agony and accidentally tumbles into a large spinning fan, killing him instantaneously.
The song Murphy sings while cleaning the vent shafts is "In the Year 2552" by Zager & Evans. In the comic adaptaion, Murphy sings "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones.
Translation - Serbian Tomas Marfi je bio zatvorenik koji je boravio u korektivnoj jedinici Fiorina 161 i bio je Spajkov vlasnik.
Proveo je veći deo svog ranog života bežeći od zakona. Razgovor između njega i Frenka implicira da je bio osuđen na zatvor zbog seskualne devijantnosti i zlostavljanja. Izgleda da ima kraću zatvorsku kaznu nego većina zatvorenika i često volontira da pomogne u naporima (kao što je pronalaženje preživelih iz VHE) kako bi skinuo koji mesec sa svoje kazne. Prvi put je prikazan kako pretražuje VHE, u potrazi za preživelima sa njegovim psom, Spajkom, i kasnije tuguje nad njegovim lešom nakon što Ejlien izbije iz njega (iako on misli da je čovek to učinio). Kasnije je viđen kako čisti veliki vazdušni kanal u zatvoru. Staje na Ejlienovu košuljicu i vidno je zgađen onim što je pronašao. Čuo je buku koja je dolazila iz rupe u zidu, i otišao da je istraži, verujući da je to njegov pas, Spajk. Uskoro je shvatio da to nije bio njegov ljubimac , već mladi Ejlien. Pre nego što je uspeo da izvuče glavu iz rupe, Ejlien mu pljuje kiselinu u lice. Tetura se natrag u agoniji i slučajno pada na veliki ventilator u pokretu, koji ga momentalno ubija.
Pesma koju Marfi peva dok čisti ventilacione otvore je 'U godini 2552' koju izvode Zejger i Evans. U strip adaptaciji, Marfi peva 'Obojen u crno' pesmu koju izvode Rolingstonsi.
English to Serbian: Troj Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Troy is a prisoner who serves as a technician and handyman with Fiorina 161's equipment.
In 2179, Ellen Ripley crash landed on Fiorina 161 after the EEV ejected her along with Corporal Hicks, Newt and Bishop from the Sulaco due to the presence of the facehugger. A facehugger eventually emerged from the wreakage of the EEV and impregnated the prison dog, Spike. A Xenomorph eventually ruptured from Spike and matures to its adult form. It begins a killing spree in the prison, causing mass hysteria among the prisoners. Superintendent Andrews tried to take control of the situation, but was killed by the Alien during his "rumor control".
Ripley rallies the inmates and proposes they pour highly flammable toxic waste, which is stored at the facility, into the ventilation system and ignite it to flush out the creature. An explosion is caused by the Runner's premature intervention, resulting in several deaths. The remaining survivors, including Troy later form a plan to lure it into the foundry's molding facility and drown it in molten lead. During the attempt to trap the alien, he and Arthur sifted through batteries to find some that worked and he loudly complained about how few were in working condition. During the "bait and chase" trap, he was grabbed by the Runner and "stuck" to the ceiling while trying to assist the other prisoners. His body,along with Eric's, was later found by Ripley.
Personality & Traits
Troy was a quieter prisoner and when he did speak he was almost always complaining. He was also addicted to tobacco and was almost always seen chewing it.
Translation - Serbian Troj je bio zatvorenik koji je služio kao tehničar i majstor za opermu na Fiorini 161
Godine 2179, Elen Ripli je prinudno sletela na Fiorinu 161 nakon što se VHE, izbacilo zajedno sa desetarom Hiksom, Njut i Bišopom iz Sulaka zbog prisustva obgrljivača lica. Obgrljivač lica je na kraju izašao iz olupine VHE, i impregnirao zatvorskog psa, Spajka. Ksenomorf je na kraju izbio iz Spajka i sazreo u odrasli oblik. Započeo je ubilački pohod u zatvoru, izazivajući masovnu histeriju među zatvorenicima. Upravnik Endrjuz je pokušao da kontroliše situaciju, ali je ubijen od strane Ejliena tokom njegove 'kontrole glasina'
Ripli potom okuplja zatvorenike i predlaže da pospu visoko zapaljiv toksični otpad, koji su skladištili u objektu, u ventilacioni sistem i zapale ga kako bi isterali stvorenje. Dolazi do eksplozije izazvane Trkačevom preranom intervencijom, rezultirajući sa nekoliko smrti. Preživeli su kasnije osmislili plan da ga namame u kalup livnice i udave ga u rastopljenom olovu. Tokom pokušaja da uhvate Ejliena, on i Artur proveravaju baterijske lampe kako bi videli da li neke od njih rade glasno se žaleći koliko malo ih je u radnom stanju. Tokom namamljivanja, uhvaćen je od strane Trkača i ' nabijen' na plafon dok je pokušao da pomogne drugim zatvorenicima. Njegovo telo zajedno sa Erikovim je kasnije pronađeno od strane Ripli.
English to Serbian: Valter Golik Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Walter Golic was a prisoner of Fiorina 161. He was found guilty of 32 murders and 13 accounts of arson. Golic is seen generally as an outcast in the prison.
Encounter with the "Dragon"
On a watch he, Boggs and Rains check out a flickering flame in the tunnel system. However, Rains and Edward Boggs are attacked and killed by the Alien. He is the only survivor of the attack. Finding that he is the only one to come back in the mess hall alone with blood splattered on his face, Andrews and the other prisoners subdue Golic in the prison mess hall and forcibly dress him in a straight jacket. He is taken to the infirmary where he insists he did not kill the two, but a "dragon" killed them. Later on, Jonathan Clemens is killed, and ignores Ripley in front of Golic, who only watches and mutters, "Magnificent".
Freeing the "Dragon"
When Harold Andrews is killed, the prisoners take action and manage to trap the xenomorph into the waste room. He is freed by Morse, whom he knocks out and goes over to the waste room where Arthur stood guard. He tells him he was going to set the beast free. He believed it talked to him and told him to set it free telepathically. He slashed Arthur's throat and opened the door. The "dragon" killed Golic and ran free.
Personality & Traits
Walter Golic was a mentally unstable murderer who was not well liked even when he was stabilized. Robert Morse is one of the few friends he has, despite everyone else disliking him, fearing that he may well still be insane. According to inmates Boggs and Rains, Golic smelled badly due to poor personal hygiene, and the two refused to work with him, a situation that was resolved by Leonard Dillon, who wanted to prevent disharmony among the inmates.
In the theatrical version of Alien 3, Golic's fate was left ambiguous as he is no longer seen in the film after the Runner killed Clemens, his fate was further expanded in the extended version of the film.
Translation - Serbian Valter Golik je bio zatvorenik na Fiorini 161. Proglašen je krivim za 32 ubistva i 13 podmetanja požara. Golik je generalno viđen kao otpadnik u zatvoru.
Susret sa 'Zmajem'
Na straži on, Bogs i Rejns proveravaju treperavi plamen u tunelskom sistemu. Međutim, Rejns i Edvard Bogs su napadnuti i ubijeni od strane Ejliena. On je jedini koji je preživeo napad. Pošto je on bio jedini koji se vratio u menzu sa krljvu isprskanom na njegovom licu, Endrjuz i ostali zatvorenici obuzdavaju Golika u menzi i na silu mu oblače ludačku košulju. Odveden je u ambulantu gde insistira na tome da nije ubio dvojicu, već da ih je 'Zmaj' ubio. Kasnije, Džonatan Klemens je ubijen, i Ejlien pošteđuje Ripli pred Golikom koji mrmlja 'fantastično'.
Oslobađanje 'Zmaja'
Kada je Harold Endrjuz ubijen, zatvorenici preuzimaju akcije i zarobljavaju Ksenomorfa u sobi za otpad. Oslobodio ga je Mors, koga on udara i odlazi do sobe za otpad gde je Artur stražario. Govori mu da će osloboditi zver. Verovao je da mu se ono obraćalo i govorilo mu da ga oslobodi telepatski. Prerezao je Arturov vrat i otvorio vrata. 'Zmaj' je ubio Golika i istrčao.
Ličnost i osobine
Valter Golik je bio mentalno nestabilni ubica koga niko nije voleo čak i kada je bio stabilan. Robert Mors je jedan od nekoliko prijatelja koje je imao, uprkos svima koji ga nisu voleli plašeći se da bi i dalje mogao biti lud. Prema zatvorenicima Bogsu i Rejnsu, Golik je veoma smrdeo zbog loše lične higijene, i dvojica su odbila da rade sa njim, situaciju je rešio Lenard Dilan, koji je želeo da spreči disharmoniju među zatvorenicima.
U bioskopskoj verziji Ejliena 3 Golikova sudbina je ostavljena dvosmislena pošto nije više viđen u filmu nakon što je Trkač ubio Klemensa. Njegova sudbina je dalje produbljena u naknadnoj verziji filma.
English to Serbian: Kamerman Vejland - Jutanija Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The Weyland-Yutani cameraman is a member of Michael Weyland's team during his mission to Fiorina 161 to retrieve Ellen Ripley from the Fiorina 161 Correctional Unit.
After Weyland-Yutani was contacted by Francis Aaron regarding the Xenomorph's presence in the correctional unit on Fiorina 161, the company dispatched a team consisting of Michael, his team of researchers and a special forces unit. The cameraman was given the duty of filming the events that took place on Fiorina 161.
After the Runner Xenomorph was destroyed by Ripley, Michael confronted her and tried to convince the her to come with him and have his team of doctors remove the Queen gestating in her while the cameraman kept on filming. Aaron rebelled against Weyland and attacked him with a lead pipe, only to be gunned down by the commandos. Ripley refused to go with Michael and committed suicide by gracefully falling into the molten lead of the foundry.
The cameraman continued to film the wounded Michael, who became furious and told the cameraman to stop filming. The cameraman then left Fiorina 161 along with Michael, the team and the last survivor of the incident, prisoner Robert Morse.
Translation - Serbian Kamerman Vejland - Jutanija je član Majkl Vejlandovog tima tokom misije na Fiorini 161, kojom je treblao da se Elen Ripli vrati iz Korektivne jedinice na Fiorini 161.
Nakon što je Vejland - Jutani kontaktirao Francisa Erona u vezi sa prisustvom Ksenomorfa u Korektivnoj jedinici kompanija je poslala tim koji se sastojao od Majkla, njegovog tima istraživača i specijalnih vojnih jedinica. Kamermanu je data dužnost da snima događaje koji su se odigrali na Fiorini 161.
Nakon što je Ksenomorf Trkač uništen od strane Ripli, Majkl joj se suprostavio i pokušao da je ubedi da pođe sa njim i dozvoli njegovom timu doktora da odstrane Kraljicu koja je boravila u njoj dok je kamerman nastavio da snima. Eron se pobunio protiv Vejlanda i napao ga sa šipkom, na šta su ga komandosi upucali. Ripli je odbila da ide sa Majklom i izvršila samoubistvo graciozno se bacivši u rastopljeno olovo u livnici.
Kamerman je nastavio da snima ranjenog Majkla Vejlanda koji se razbesneo i rekao mu da prestane da snima. Potom je otišao sa Fiorine 161, zajedno sa Majklom, timom i jedinim koji je preživeo incident, zatvorenikom Robertom Morsom.
English to Serbian: Brod klase Konestoga Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The Conestoga-class Starship is a type of USCMC spacecraft. Its purpose, aside from being a troop transport, is a carrier for dropships and many other Marine vehicles/equipment.
Over 385 meters in length and massing some 78,000 metric tons, the Conestogas are designed to an 8-17-0 layout, an asymmetric configuration which offers the optimum cargo capacity within a compact and well-armoured hull. The spaceframe extends forward and aft of the vessel's primary power system, a Westingland A-59 fusion reactor with a maximum generating output of 3.6 Terawatts. Like most military vessels, the Conestogas use a lithium-hydride or 'dry' fusion plant. The basic fuel for the plant is the crystalline powder form of lithium-hydride. The specific gravity of the fuel is 0.82 metric tons per cubic meter, making it extremely space efficient, avoiding the problems of cryogenic storage associated with civilian reactors fueled by heavy hydrogen isotopes such as deuterium and tritium. The LiH plant accepts the powder in very fine form, allowing it to be shipped and pumped as if it were a liquid, and administered into the powerplant as a blown dust. The powder must be stored in double-lined containers to prevent contact with water, otherwise it will dissociate and react violently.
All propulsion units are located aft of the Conestoga’s main reactor. All Conestoga class vessels employ a dual drive method for sublight and Faster Than Light (FTL) movement. To manoeuvre in realspace at sublight speeds, the Conestoga is equipped with four Gates-Heidman GF-240 rockets that derive power from the main reactor. At maximum power, each rocket provides a thrust of more than 35,100 metric tons. However, fuel consumption is astronomical, allowing maximum thrust for only short periods. When FTL travel is necessary, the Conestoga employs a Romberg-Rockwell Cygnus 5 tachyon shunt hyperdrive. The normal cruising speed sustainable by these units is .74 light years per Terran day.
Spaceframe composition consists of bonded alloy and composite beams. These materials provide enough strength for massive acceleration while remaining flexible enough to withstand atmospheric re-entry. Hull armour consists of one armoured skin, heavier than that on civilian transports. The armour is composed of laminated insulators, micrometeorite shielding, composite material, and aerogel. Protection against projectile weapons is limited, as with all spacecraft, but the aerogel is capable of dissipating radiation from lasers and particle beams. The hull is also covered with radar absorbent material. The engines vents are provided with infrared suppression/dispersion. The hull coating is laser absorbent to reduce lidar detection. The ship is coloured in a dark charcoal scheme to reduce visibility. The foremost hull section provides the main cargo area for the Conestoga. Five 25x10 meter cargo doors on each side of the hull provide access. They have even been retrofitted into improvised dropship/shuttle launch bays. Underneath the cargo area reside the Conestoga's dedicated dropship/shuttle hangar with capacity for up to four UD4L Cheyenne dropships.
To reduce crew workload, and increase efficiency and safety, operation of the ship is fully automated. The Conestoga is equipped with a 28 Terabyte, carbon-60 based core mainframe. In effect, the ship could pilot itself and fight a space battle even if the crew were all dead or in hypersleep. However, at any time, combat or navigational decisions made by the ship can be overridden by the Commanding Officer. Backup is provided by an 8 terabyte mainframe and local terminals dispersed throughout the ship. Most damage control is automated by the Conestoga's mainframe. If the reactor suffers severe damage, the entire assembly can be jettisoned before an explosion occurs. If the vehicle is damaged to the point it becomes untenable, emergency evac is prompted by the CO or automated systems. The Conestoga carries eight BD-409 EEV (Emergency Escape Vehicles). If the crew is in hypersleep, their capsules will be loaded by the automatic systems. The ship may also be scuttled by the CO. Self-destruct protocols are initiated manually, causing the reactor to go supercritical fifteen minutes after initiation.
Weapon System
The Conestoga carries a light complement of weaponry that allows it to function as a light cruiser. The main space-to-space punch is provided by eight XIM-28A Long Lance ASAT missiles within a dorsal launch bay. The missile is self guiding, and is capable of homing through the reception of several different formats of energy emission from the target. Its warhead is a forged fragment ring that creates a lethal burst of fragments. Secondary punch is provided by several systems. Twin 800 megavolt particle beams run parallel to the ship's main axis. These weapons are powered from storage cells between the main reactor and the weapons. For close combat, the Conestoga mounts twin railguns in dorsal and ventral turrets. Muzzle velocities exceed 12 km per second, with a practical range of 100 km. A single hit from a railgun round is often enough to cripple a ship. Close-in defence is handled by port and starboard laser turrets.
The Conestoga mounts 80 megawatt infrared lasers capable of vaporizing railgun fire or crippling incoming missiles and fighters. A ventral launch bay carries 60 orbital mines, enough to deny low orbit to large ships. A dorsal bay midship also carries 20 decoys designed to present a radar signature mimicking the Conestoga's. There are also two manoeuvring drones designed to confuse enemy spacecraft. Space-to-surface capability is provided by a magazine below the cargo bay and forward of the dropship hangar. 80 free-fall, self-guiding Re-Entry Pods are carried. The armament carried by the Conestoga enhances her flexibility, allowing her to function as a multi-role platform independent of a fleet or taskforce. She can carry a sizable Marine complement while defending herself from attack, or provide orbital bombardment in support of a Marine landing or planetary action. This has made the Conestoga the prime movers of the Marine fleet for almost
Translation - Serbian Brod klase Konestoga je tip USCMC svemirske letelice. Njegova uloga, osim toga što prevozi trupe je i da je brod za evakuaciju i ostalu Marinsku opremu.
Preko 385 metara u dužini i sa masom od 78.000 tona, konestoga je dizajniran na 8-17-0, asimetričnoj konfiguraciji koja omogućava opitmalni kargo kapacitet u okviru kompaktnog i dobro ojačanog oklopa. Ram produžava ka napred krmu letelicinog primarnog sistema napajanja, Vestingland A-59 fuzioniog reaktora sa maksimalnim učinkom od 3,6 teravata. Kao i većina vojnih letetica, Konestoge koriste litijum - hidrid ili 'suvu' fuzionu elektranu. Osnovno gorivo za elektranu je kristalni pruder iz litijum - hidrida. Specifična težina goriva je 0,82 tone po kubnom metru, čineći je veoma svemirski učinkovitom, izbegavajući probleme kriogeničkog skladištenja koje se povezuje sa civilnim reaktorima koji su snabdeveni teškim vodonikovim izotopima kao što su deuterijum i tritijum. L i H elektrana prihvata puder u veoma finoj formi, omogućavajući mu da bude prebačen i upumpan kao da je tečnost, i odnešen u elektranu u vidu prašine. Puder mora da se skladišti u dvostrukim kontejnerima kako bi se sprečio kontakt sa vodom u suprotnom će se razdvojiti i reagovati burno.
Sve propulzivne jedinice su locirane u krmi Konestoginog glavnog reaktora. Sve letelice klase Konestoga koriste djual Drajv metod za subsvetlosno i brže od svetlosti kretanje. Da bi Manevrisala u realnom svemiru pri subsvetlosnim brzinama Konestoga je opremljena sa četiri Gejts - Hejdman GF - 240 rakete koje dolaze i glavnog reaktora. Pri maksimalnoj snazi, svaka raketa obezbeđuje potisak od više od 35,100 metričke tone. Međutim, potrošnja goriva je astronomska, dozvoljavajući maksimalni potisak za kratak vremenski period. Kada je neophodno putovanje brže od svetlosti Konestoga koristi Romberg - Rokvel Signus 5 takion šant hajperdrajv. Normalna brzina letenja koju obezbeđuju ove jedinice je 74 svetlosne godine po zemaljskom danu.
Konstrukcija rama broda se sastoji od mešovite legure i greda od mešovitog materijala. Ovi materijali omogućavaju dovoljno snage za jako ubrzanje dok ostaju fleksibilni dovoljno da izdrže ponovni ulazak u atmosferu. Oklop broda se sastoji od ojačane spoljašnjosti, masivnije nego kod civilnog transporta. Oklop je sačinjen od laminiranih izolatora, zaštite od mikrometeora, kompositnog materijala i aerogela. Zaštita protiv projektila je ograničena, kao i kod svakog svemirskog vozila ali je aerogel sposoban da ublaži radijaciju lasera i čestica zrakova. Oklop je takođe pokriven sa materijalom koji apsorbuje radar. Ventili motora su obezbeđeni sa infracrvenim zadržavanjem/ disperzijom. Prekrivka oklopa apsorbuje laser kako bi smanjila lidarsku detekciju. Brod je obojen tamnom crnom bojom kako bi smanjio vidljivost. Najdalji deo oklopa omogućava glavnu kargo oblast Konestoge. Pet kargo vrata obima 25x10 metara na svakoj strani oklopa omogućava ulaz. Takođe su i nadograđena u improvizovane luke za lansiranje šatlova i brodova za evakuaciju. Ispod kargo oblasti nalazi se Konestogin hangar namenjen za brodove za evakuaciju/šatlove sa kapacitetom za četiri UD4L Šejen broda za evakuaciju.
Kako bi smanjili posao, i poboljšali efikasnost i sigurnost, funkcionisanje broda je u potpunosti automatizovano. Konestoga je opremljena sa račuarom od 28 terabajta i jezgrom na 60 ugljeničnoj osnovi. Brod samim tim može samostalno da pilotira i vodi bitku čak i ako su svi članovi posade poginuli ili ako su u hipersnu. Međutim, u bilo kom trenutku, ratne i navigacione odluke broda mogu da budu premošćene od strane komadanta. Podrška je omogućena od strane računara od 8 terabajta i lokalnih terminala koji se nalaze širom broda. Većinski deo provere štete je automatizovan od strane Konestoginog računara. Ukoliko reaktor pretrpi veliku štetu, celokupna posada može biti izbačena pre nego što dođe do eksplozije. Ukoliko je vozilo oštećeno do tačke da ne može da se popravi, hitna evakuacija se traži od strane automatizovanih sistema. Konestoga nosit osam BD-409 VHE, (Vozila za Hitnu Evakuaciju). Ukoliko je posada u hipersnu, kapsule će biti napunjene od strane automatskih sistema. Brod takođe može biti uništen od strane računara. Protokol za samouništenje se inicira ručno, izazivajući da reaktor dostigne kritično stanje petnaest minuta nakon inicijacije.
Oružani sistem
Konestoga nosi lako naoružanje što joj omogućava da funkcioniše kao kruzer za laki teret. Glavni udari Konestoge protiv protivničkog broda su omogućeni od strane osam XIM - 28A probijajućih raketa dugog dometa u okviru lansirne luke. Raketa je samonavodeća i sposobna da prođe kroz prijem nekoliko različitih formata i emisija energija iz mete. Njegova bojeva glava je fragmentirani prsten koji stvara smrtonosnu eksploziju fragmenata. Sekundarni udar je omogućen od strane nekoliko sistema. Dva lasera od 800 megavolti idu paralelno sa brodskom glavnom osom. Ova oružja su napajana iz skladišnih ćelija između glavnog reaktora i oružja. Za blisku borbu, Konestoga posedije dva elektromagnetna topa na ventralnim kupolama. Prednji deo premašuje brzinu od 12 kilometara u sekundi, sa praktičnim opsegom od 100 kilometara. Jedan udar iz elektromagnetnog topa je dovoljan da obogalji protivnički brod. Bliska odbrana se vrši uz pomog luke i kupola sa laserima.
Konestoga poseduje infracrvene lasere od 80 megavata sposobnih da zbrišu udar elektromagnetnog topa i obogalje nadolazeće projektile i napadače. Ventralne luke za lansiranje nose 60 orbitalnih mina, dovoljnih da onemoguće približavanje velikih brodova. Luka u prednjem delu broda nosi 20 mamaca dizajniranih da predstave potpis radara, koji imitira radar Konestoge. Tu su takođe i dva Drona u pokretu dizajnirana da zbune neprijateljsku letelicu. Mogućnost od svemira do površine je omogućena od strane magacina ispod kargo luke i prednjem delu hangara za brodove za evakuaciju. Osamdeset slobodnopadajućih, samonavodećih kapsula se nalazi u brodu. Naoružanje koje se nalazi u Konestogi poboljšava njenu fleksibilnost, omogućavajući joj funkciju multifunkcionalne platforme nezavisne od posade i operativne grupe. Može da nosi značajan broj Marinaca dok brani sebe od napada, a takođe može da omogući orbitalno bombardovanje kao podršku spuštanju Marinaca ili planetarnoj akciji. Ovo je učinilo Konestogu glavnim akterom u Marinskoj floti skoro dve decenije.
English to Serbian: Karlin Vilijamson Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Dr. Carlyn Williamson was an anesthesiologist and part of the seven-man scientific team aboard the United Systems Military vessel USM Auriga that successfully cloned Ellen Ripley in order to recreate the Xenomorph species.
Williamson was one of the few people who managed to escape the Auriga aboard an escape pod during the initial stages of the Xenomorph outbreak.
Williamson was present when the Queen embryo was surgically removed from Ripley 8, and it was her who removed the infant Xenomorph from the room following the successful operation. After Ripley 8 regained consciousness while Dr. Sprague was closing her incisions, attacking him and badly breaking his arm, Williamson assisted in the surgery to repair the damage. She later took part in the studies of Ripley 8, notably testing her inherited genetic intelligence, including her ability to speak and even remember events from Ellen Ripley's life.
When the Betty arrived, Williamson observed as Larry Purvis and the other kidnapped civilians were implanted with Chestbursters; she was physically sick after witnessing the event. Along with Dr. Gediman, Williamson witnessed the Cloned Xenomorphs' eventual escape from captivity (and watched as they subsequently captured Gediman). Following this, she was one of the few people who managed to successfully evacuate the ship aboard the first escape pod.
While Williamson escapes the Auriga in the film (she is visible very briefly aboard the first escape pod before it launches), in the novelization, the survivors find Williamson dead alongside several other scientists in a small Hive built by the Xenomorphs in a laboratory adjacent to the one where Ripley 8 was incubated, their chests torn open by Chestbursters.
Translation - Serbian Dr Karlin Vilijamson je bila anesteziolog u sedmočlanom naučnom timu na vojnom brodu Vojske Ujedinjenih Sistema USM Auriga koji je uspešno klonirao Elen Ripli u cilju ponovnog stvaranja Ksenomorf vrste.
Vilijamson je bila jedna od nekoliko ljudi koja je uspela da pobegne sa Aurige u kapsuli za evakuaciju tokom početne faze Ksenomorfske epidemije.
Vilijamson je bila prisutna kada je Kraljičin embrion hirurški odstranjen iz Ripli 8 i ona je odnela Ksenomorf odojče iz sobe nakon uspešne operacije. Nakon što je Ripli 8 povratila svest dok joj je doktor Sprejg zašivao ranu, napala ga je i gadno mu polomila ruku. Vilijamsonova je asistirala u operaciji kako bi popravila štetu. Kasnije je učestvovala u istraživanjima nad Ripli 8. Naročito testirajući njenu genetski nasleđenu inteligenciju, uključujući i njenu sposobnost da govori i čak da se seća događaja iz života Elen Ripli.
Kada je brod Beti stigla, Vilijamsonova je nadgledala dok su Leri Purvis i ostali kidnapovani civili bili implantirani sa Grudoizbijačima; pozliko joj je dok je prisustvovala događaju. Zajedno sa doktorom Gedimanom, Vilijamsonova je prisustvovala begu kloniranih Ksenomorfa (i gledala kako na kraju hvataju Gedimana). Prateći ovo, ona je bila jedna od nekoliko ljudi koji su uspeli uspešno da se evakuišu sa broda u prvoj kapsuli za evakuaciju.
Dok Vilijamsonova beži sa Aurige u filmu (ona se vidi veoma kratko u prvoj kapsuli za evakuaciju pre nego što je lansirana), u novelizaciji, preživeli pronalaze Vilijamsonovu mrtvu zajedno sa ostalim naučnicima u maloj košnici izgrađenoj od Ksenomorfa u laboratoriji odmah do one gde je Ripli 8 inkubirana, sa njihovim grudima iskidanim od strane Grudoizbijača.
English to Serbian: Daihotai traktor Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The Daihotai Tractor is a large eight-wheeled tractor used by the "wildcatters" of the Hadley's Hope colony. Its heavily suspended wheels allow it to travel across the hostile terrain and seem to stand up to harsh weather conditions, such as the ones on LV-426.
The cab is large enough to fit the entire Jordan family and appears capable of holding even more. It's equipped with a tow cable and spotlights.
Since the earliest days of colonization, the need for a go-anywhere, do-anything ground transport has long been recognized. Daihotai have long been market leaders in this field and their range of all-terrain commercial tractors has become a byword for quality and reliability.
The Daihotai series vehicles are all based around the same 8x8 wheeled layout, with a 6.59 meter wheelbase and a track of 5.86 meters; a configuration designed to give stability over the roughest terrain. Each of the four two-wheel bogies are connected to the chassis by two swinging-arm Anderson suspension units. These units are cantilevered at the chassis bearings and sprung internally on torsion bars. Dampening is handled by telescopic shock absorbers, while hydro-pneumatic rams control the whole suspension assembly. A central computer processor monitors the suspension assembly as it travels on rough ground and instructs the rams to alter the configuration of the Anderson units to provide the best stability and traction over uneven terrain. This system can also adjust the ground clearance of the vehicle to account for the prevailing terrain, allowing for clearances between 1.48 and 0.90 meters.
Powerplants vary from model to model on the Daihotai series tractors, the most common types used being the J-160 and J-180 series gas turbines, generating from 140-150 kw. Power is transmitted from the plant to the wheels via a drive train that runs directly through the struts of the Anderson units to the bogies. Each wheel has its own individual independent transmission system which is computer controlled to provide optimum traction; the anti-lock braking system is also handled by the central processor. Road speeds for the Daihotai are typically around 110 km/h, and the off-road capabilities of the tractors are equally prodigious, thanks in part to its ability to tackle vertical obstacles up to 1.10 meters and gradients of over 70%.
On most models of tractor, a fully-enclosed cabin comes as standard. All cabins are self-contained biosystems with life support capability, sealed against poisonous atmospheres, biohazard and low-level ionizing radiation. Cabins are configured around a central living area, incorporating a galley and berths for up to five people. These living spaces are best described as 'utilitarian', although economical use of space does allow plenty of stowage for equipment and supplies. Each central cabin is reinforced by a steel roll-cage and can be sealed fore and aft by a sliding bulkhead door.
Forward of the central cabin is the driver's cab, which can also double as an airlock while traveling in hazardous environments. At the rear of the tractor is a workstation cab, which duplicates the driving controls of the forward cab, allowing the tractor to drive as effectively backwards as it does forwards. It also controls all specialist tools and attachments mounted on the tractor. Options for attachments include (but are not limited to) mechanical diggers, cutters, cranes bore drills, core samplers, spring stampers, welders, waldoes and 'dozer blades. The ruggedness and versatility of the Daihotai chassis allows almost any heavy duty function to be carried out, and its ubiquitousness has made the type a popular purchase for corporate fleet buyers everywhere.
Translation - Serbian Dahotai traktor je veliki traktor osmotočkaš upotrebljavan od strane istraživača iz 'Hedliz Houp' kolonije. Njegovi suspendovani točkovi dozvoljavaju mu da ide preko strmog terena i mogu da izdrže surove vremenske uslove, kao što su oni na LV-426
Kabina je dovoljno velika tako da u nju može da stane cela porodica Džordan i čak može da primi još ljudi. Opremljen je sajlom za vuču i reflektorima.
Još od ranih dana kolonizacije, potreba za transportom koji ide svuda i radi sve je prepoznata. Daihotai su dugo bili lideri na tržištu u ovom polju i njihov spektar terenskih komercijalnih traktora je postao krilatica za kvalitet i pouzdanost.
Serija Daihotai vozila je bazirana oko 8x8 rasporeda točkova, sa 6,59 metara međuosovinskog rastojanja; konfiguracijom dizajniranom da obezbedi stabilnost i kroz najsuroviji teren. Svaka od četiri pokretne trake sa dva točka je povezana na šasiju sa dve Anderson suspenzione jedinice. Ove jedinice su poduprte na šasijinim ležajevima i opružene iznutra torzionim polugama. Amortizovanje se obavlja uz pomoć teleskopkih amortizera, dok hidro - penumatski rogovi kontrolišu suspenzivni sklop. Centralni računarski procesor prati suspenzivni sklop dok putuje po surovom terenu i instruira rogove da promene konfiguraciju Anderson jedinica kako bi obezbedili najbolju moguću stabilnost i stabilnost po neravnom terenu. Sistem takođe može da podesi vidljivost terena vozila kako bi se bolje prešao preovlađujući teren, omogućavajući vidljivost između 1,48 i 0,90 metara.
Napajanje varira od modela do modela kod Dahotai serije traktora, najuobičajeniji tipovi koji se koriste su J-160 i J-180 serije turbina, koje proizvode 140-150 kw. Struja se prenosi iz napajanja u točkove putem drajv trejna koji prolazi direktno kroz podupirače Anderson jedinica ka pokretnim platformama. Svaki točak ima svoj individualni nezavisni transmisioni sistem koji je računarski kontrolisan kako bi obezbedio optimalnu stabilnost; anti-lok sistem kočenja je takođe upravljan od strane centralnog procesora. Brzina Daihotaija je obično oko 110 km/h, a mogućnosti traktora van puta su podjednako čudesne, zahvaljujući delom i njegovoj mogućnosti da se izbori sa vertikalnim preprekama čak i do 1,10 metara i i nagibima od preko 70%
Na većini modela traktora, potpuno zatvorena kabina dolazi standardno. Sve kabine su samostalni biosistemi sa sposobnostima za održavanje života, zatvoreni od otrovnih atmosfera, biohazarda i nisko jonizujuće radijacije. Kabine su konfigurisane oko centralne životne oblasti, inkorporirajući kuhinju i krevete za pet osoba. Ovi životni prostori su najbolje opisani kao 'utilitaristički', iako ekonomična upotreba prostora omogućava dovoljno skladišnog prostora za opremu i zalihe. Svaka centralna kabina je ojačana sa čeličnim kavezom i može biti zatvorena napred i nazad uz pomoć kliznih vrata.
Prednji deo centralne kabine je vozačeva kabina, koja takođe može da bude i vazdušna ustava dok se putuje kroz hazardnu okolinu. U zadnjem delu traktora nalazi se radna kabina, sa duplikatima kontrola za vožnju prednje kabine, omogućavajući traktoru da vozi efektivno i nazad kao i napred. Takođe kontroliše i sve alatke i dodatke koji se nalaze na traktoru. Opcije za dodatke uključuju (ali nisu ograničene na) mehaničke kopače, sekače, kranske bušilice, sakupljače uzoraka, zavarivače, raonike. Čvrstina i raznovrsnost Daihotai šasije omogućava izvršenje skoro bilo koje funkcije teškog rada, i njegova sveprisutnost je učinila ovaj tip traktora popularnim za kupovinu za korporativne kupce svuda.
English to Serbian: Itaka 37 Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English "I like to keep this handy... for close encounters"
The Ithaca Model 37 is a 12 Gauge Pump action shotgun made in 1937. It is Corporal Hicks' secondary weapon, next to his Pulse Rifle, which he keeps for "close encounters". It carries 5 rounds of 12 Gauge ammunition and is most likely using buckshot shells. Hicks uses the "Stakeout" version with shortened barrel and pistol grip with a blued finish.
Hicks notably used it to kill a Xenomorph Warrior that attempted to board the APC by holding the door's open which Hicks says to "Eat this!" when he sticks the barrel of the gun into the Warrior's mouth at point blank and fires. However this in turn causes the splashback to hit Hudson's arm.
Translation - Serbian 'Volim ovo da držim pri ruci... za bliske susrete'
- Hiks
Itaka model 37 je sačmara napravljena 1937. godine. To je pomoćno oružje desetara Hiksa, odmah do njegove puls puške, koju on drži za 'bliske susrete'. Hiks koristi 'stejkaut' verziju sa sa skraćenom cevi i pištoljskim hvatačem plave boje.
Hiks ju je upotrebio da ubije Ksenomorf Ratnika koji je pokušao da uđe u transportno vozilo tako što je držao vrata otvorena. Rekao mu je 'pojedi ovo' kada je ubacio cev u Ratnikova usta i pucao. Međutim ovo je dovelo do prskanja krvi - kiseline koja je polila Hadsonovu ruku.
English to Serbian: M41A puls puška Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English The M41A Pulse Rifle is a 10 mm pulse-action air-cooled assault rifle used as the primary infantry weapon by the U.S. Colonial Marine Corps and the U.S. Army in during the late 22nd century. The weapon is seen with an over-and-under configuration incorporating a PN 30 mm pump-action grenade launcher.
The M41A Pulse Rifle is an air cooled, fully automatic, short- to mid-range combat rifle. Made of light alloy plates, it fires 10x24mm Armor Piercing Caseless Rounds from a 100 round U-bend magazine in either semi automatic, four round burst, or fully automatic rates of fire. The magazines can hold 99 rounds, but were usually underloaded by 4-6 rounds capacity to avoid a spring-tension overfeed jam. The Pulse rifle has a small battery-powered digital readout screen that displays the number of rounds left in the magazine, with the battery located in the grip. It also features a retractable stock and an underslung four-round 30 mm PN grenade launcher.
The first series of Pulse Rifle, the M41 was issued to Marines stationed on LV-429 during the events of the first Aliens vs Predator was accurate when fired in bursts but jammed frequently when fired fully automatically. The weapon also featured an attached grenade launcher, but the grenades were tricky to use and often had an extreme blast radius that often caught the user in the blast zone itself. It was later out phased for the more efficient, M41A. A version appears in Aliens versus Predator: Extinction. This version lacks grenade launchers.
The Second series of Pulse Rifles issued as the new standard for Marines over its predecessor the M41 and the most notable variant in the Alien franchise. The M41A is able to fire fully automatic and was able to fire long range grenades with alarming accuracy. The high rate of fire made the weapon inaccurate at times, so short bursts where recommended but this was difficult seeing as how there was no direct way to aim the weapon with a target assisting computer to operate the sighting system. The rounds it fired were relatively low powered despite being armor piercing ammunition, which caused users to empty a magazine into a single opponent to gain a confirmed kill. They were only effective on light armour and were ineffective on Praetorian xenomorphs due to their tough exoskeleton. Unfortunately the problems arising with the M41's Grenade Launcher made firing the weapon in close range inadvisable as it still had an alarming splash radius that often hurt the user.
The M41E was a successor series to the M41A's in the Earth Hive novels by Steve Perry. This updated version had an effective range of about five hundred meters but the underslung thirty milimeter grenade launcher couldn't fire accuratly beyond one hundred meters. Marines were known to say the range on the launcher sucked because the "sights are for shit." At close range the weapon would do serious damage to anything with armor any thing lower then class VII spidersilk armor. It had a weight of 4.8 kilos, making it a lighter, more compact version of it's predecessor as noted by users of the older models when handling the M41E. It had different maximum round capacities when using different types of ten milimeter rounds: one hundred rounds with both the armor piercing and anti personnel, seventy-five of rainbow tracer rounds. 7 Future replacement 7.1 Overview 7.2 Background 8 See also 9 Notes
The M41A Pulse Rifle was designed by James Cameron and built by British armorers Simon Atherton and Andrew Fletcher from the parts and components of three firearms supplied by prop armory Bapty & Co., U.K. The rifle component utilised a World War II-era Thompson M1A1 submachine gun while the grenade launcher component was built around the action of a Remington 870 pump-action shotgun encased inside the shroud and foregrip of a Luigi Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun. The M41A prop was originally designed around a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun but the MP5 is said not to have produced a muzzle flash as large as desired for the impression of a futuristic infantry rifle.
In the opening scene of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, some of the resistance fighters are armed with pulse rifles.
In a episode of The Simpsons; The Lastest Gun in the West, the character Snake and some cronies use stolen pulse rifles to fight off Springfield's police force.
In Command Conquer: Tiberian Sun, GDI soldiers use a weapon called the M16MKII Pulse Rifle, which may be inspired by the M41A.
In the South Park two-parter Go God Go, Pulse Rifles are used by anthropomorphic sea otters.
In the opening cinamatic of the game Independence War: Defiance, the crew of the Sparticus are shown to carry M41As.
Several models of the Pulse Rifle are shown in the Sony PlayStation G-Police game series, where they are used in a few FMV cutscenes.
Dead Space, a survival horror game by EA Redwood Shores contains a Pulse Rifle; of which it and several parts of the game (including an elevator scene uncannily similar to that in Aliens) were inspired by Aliens.
Translation - Serbian M41A puls puška je puls puška za napad sa sistemom za hlađenje vazduha kao primarno pešadijsko oružje od strane Korpusa Kolonijalnih Marinaca Sjedinjenih Država tokom druge polovine 22-og veka. Oružje je viđeno i da inkorporira PN 30 mm pamp-akšn lanser granata.
M41A puls puška je puška sa sistemom za hlađenje, potpuno automatska, puška za blisku i borbu na srednjoj udaljenosti. Napravljena od panela lake legure, ona puca 10x24 mm metke koji probijaju pancir iz šaržera koji prima 100 metaka savijenog u obliku slova U za polu automatsku raspršujuću paljbu, ili potpuno automatske rafale. Šaržer može da drži 99 metaka, ali je obično manje napunjen sa kapacitetom od 4 do 6 metaka kako bi se izbeglo zaglavljivanje municije. Puls puška ima mali displej na baterije koji pokazuje broj metaka preostalih u šaržeru, sa baterijom koja se nalazi na ručki puške. Takođe sadrži i povratne zalihe i dodatni 30 mm PN lanser granata.
Prva serija puls puški, M41 je data Marincima koji su bili stacionirani na LV-429 tokom događaja prvog Osmog punika protiv Predatora kada je pucala u rafalima ali se zaglavljivala često kada je pucala potpuno automatski. Oružje je takođe imalo i dodatak, lanser granata, ali granate je bilo problematično upotrebljavati i često su imale snažnu eksploziju u radijusu u kom bi zahvatile i korisnika. Kasnije je zamenjena mnogo efikasnijom M41A. Verzija ove puške pojavljuje se u Osmom putniku protiv Predatora: Istrebljenje. Ova verzija nema lansere granata.
Druga serija puls puški izdata je kao novi standard za Marince i zamenila je svoju prethodnicu M41 i najpoznatiju varijantu ove puške u Ejlien franšizi. M41A je sposobna da puca potpuno automatski i u mogućnosti je da izbacuje granate dugog dometa sa neverovatnom preciznošću. Velik broj pucanja učinio je ovo oružje često nepreciznim, tako da su kratki rafali preporučeni ali to je teško ako se ima u vidu kako nema direktnog načina da se nacilja oružje sa računarom koji pomaže ciljanje i koji upravlja sistemom za nišanjenje. Meci koji su ispaljeni su relativno male snage uprkos tome što su municija za probijanje pancira, koja izaziva korisnike da isprazne šaržer u jednog protivnika kako bi potvrdili da su ga ubili. Jedino su efektivni na lakšim pancirima i nemaju nikakvih efekata na Pretorijanske Ksenomorfe zbog njihovih egzoskeleta. Nažalost problemi koji su proistekli iz M41 lansera granata su učinili da pucanje iz oružja pri maloj udaljenosti nije preporučljivo jer je i dalje imalo alarmantan radijus detonacije koji bi često povredio korisnika.
M41E je naslednica serije M41A u romanu Stiva Perija, Zemaljska Košnica. Ova apdejtovana verzija je imala efektivan domet od oko petsto metara ali lanser granata nije mogao da lansira precizno preko sto metara. Marinci su bili poznati po tome da kažu da domet lansera nije valjao zato što je ' nišanjenje nikakvo'. Pri bliskoj razdaljini oružje bi učinilo veliku štetu bilo čemu sa pancirom ili bilo čemu što je imalo manju zaštitu od VII spajderslik pancira. Težila je 4.8 kilograma, što je činilo lakšom, kompaktnijom verzijom njene prethodnice kako je zabeleženo od strane korisnika starijih modela kada su držali M41E. Imala je drugačiji maksimalni kapacitet metaka kada bi se upotrebljavali drugačiji tipovi deset milimetarskih metaka: sto metkaka uključujući pancir probijajuće i anti personel, sedamdeset pet za druge vrste metaka.
M41A puls puška je dizajnirana od strane Džejms Kamerona i napravljena od strane britanskih oružara Sajmona Atertona i Endrjua Flečera od delova i komponenti tri puške isporučene od strane rekvizita i oružja Bapti & Co., U.K. Komponente puške su koristile Tompson M1A1 automatsku pušku dok je komponenta lansera granata bila izgrađena oko Remington 870 sačmare uglavljene unutar kalupa Luiđi Franki SPAS-12 sačmare. M41A rekvizit je bio originalno dizajniran oko Hekler i Koh MP5 automatske puške ali MP5 nije proizvodila eksploziju iz cevi veliku za dočaravanje futurističke pešadijske puške.
U uvodnoj sceni Terminator 2: Sudnji dan, neki borci pokreta otopra su naoružani puls puškama.
U epizodi Simpsonovih; Najnoviji pištolj na zapadu, karakter Snejk i drugovi upotrebljavaju ukradene puls puške kako bi se borili protiv Springfildskih policijskih snaga.
U Komanduj i osvoji: Tajbirian San, GDI vojnici upotrebljavaju oružje pod nazivom M16MKII puls puška, koje je verovatno inspirisano M41A.
U dvodelnom Saut parku Idi Bože idi, puls puške su korišćene od strane antropomorfnih morskih vidri.
U trejleru igre Rat za nezavisnost: Defajans, posada Spartaka je prikazana da nosi M41A puls puške.
Nekoliko modela puls puške je prikazano u seriji video igara G - policija za Soni Plejstejšn gde su korišćene u nekoliko FMV isečenih scena.
Ded Spejs, horor igra preživljavanja od strane EA, Redvud Šors sadrži puls pušku; taj deo i još nekoliko delova igre (uključujući i scenu sa liftom veoma sličnoj iz Osmog putnika 2) su inspirisani Osmim putnikom 2.
English to Serbian: Džonatan Gediman Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Dr. Jonathan Gediman was part of the seven-man scientific team aboard the United Systems Military vessel USM Auriga that successfully cloned Ellen Ripley in order to recreate the Xenomorph species.
Aboard the Auriga, the United Systems Military was finally able to perfectly cloned Ellen Ripley after numerous failed attempts. Under the supervision of Dr. Mason Wren and the other researchers, Gediman performed the surgery to extract the Queen chestburster and ended in success. The USM begins the repopulation process of the Xenomorphs through the use eggs produced by the Queen and impregnating the many human victims they kidnapped. While Dr. Gediman was given the duty to observe the captive Xenomorphs, Gediman begins to taunt a particular Drone who was snarling at him by playfully baring his teeth at it however the Drone uses its inner jaw to scare him off. The angered Gediman sprays the Drone with nitrogen to "teach it a lesson" and the two came to an understanding about what happens if the button is pushed.
He then witnessed the drones killing one of their own, resulting the floor to dissolve, before he could stop them the captive xenomorphs had already escaped. He enters the xenomorphs' enclosure to investigate, only to be grabbed by a Drone and taken below decks to the Queen's chamber where he is then cocooned by the Drones. When Ripley 8 is taken to the Queen, Gediman (who may have gone insane during his cocooning) is overjoyed to witness the Queen painfully give birth to the mutant Newborn. The Newborn shares a bonding moment with its mother before killing her, much to Gediman's horror. It then advances toward Gediman and bites into the top of his skull, spilling his brains.
Personality & Traits
Gediman is somewhat eccentric: at one point he playfully bares his teeth at a Xenomorph that is snarling at him behind a glass divider. Oddly though, he is also has a sympathetic side; he insists that Ripley 8 not be destroyed but studied, and generally treats her more like a "person". During his dealings with and on the subject of Ripley, he referred to her as a she, while Wren called her an it. He seemed to sympathize somewhat with Ripley, unlike Wren. he was also crying when the human cargo were about about to become hosts, showing that he is more moral than Wren and Perez.
In the novel adaptation, shortly after his death by the Newborn, a chestburster bursts from his body.
Translation - Serbian Doktor Džonatan Gediman je bio deo sedmočlanog naučnog tima na brodu Vojske Ujedinjenih Sistema USM Auriga koji je uspešno klonirao Elen Ripli u cilju ponovnog stvaranja Ksenomorf vrste.
Na brodu Auriga, Vojska Ujedinjenih Sistema je konačno uspela da uspešno klonira Elen Ripli nakon mnogobrojnih pokušaja. Pod nadzorom doktora Mejsona Vrena i ostalih istraživača, Gediman je izveo operaciju kako bi odstranio Kraljičinog Grudoizbijača, koja se uspešno završila. Vojska Ujedinjenih sistema počinje proces repopulacije Ksenomorfa kroz upotrebu jaja koja proizvodi Kraljica, impregnirajući ljudske žrtve koje su kidnapovane. Dok je doktrou Gedimanu data dužnost da nadgleda zatvorene Ksenomorfe, on počinje da se ruga Ksenomorf Trutu koji je režao na njega tako što pokazuje svoje zube stvorenju koje koristi svoju unutrašnju čeljust kako bi ga uplašilo. Ljut Gediman prska Truta sa tečnim azotom kako bi ga 'naučio lekciju' i između njih dolazi do razumevanja šta se dešava kada se dugme pritisne.
Potom je prisustvovao kako Trutovi ubijaju jednog od njihovih članova, što je dovelo do toga da se pod rastopi. Pre nego što je uspeo da ih zadrži Ksenomorfi su već pobegli. On ulazi u Ksenomorfovu ćeliju kako bi je istražio, samo da bi bio uhvaćen od strane Truta i odveden u Kraljičine odaje gde je začauren od strane Trutova. Kada je Ripli 8 odvedena kod Kraljice, Gediman (koji je najverovatnije poludeo tokom čaurenja) je presrećan svedok Kraljičinog bolnog rođenja mutanta Novorođenog. Novorođeni deli momenat vezivanja sa majkom pre nego što je ubije, na Gedimanovo zaprepašćenje. Onda odlazi prema Gedimanu i ujeda gornji deo njegove lobanje, prosipajući mu mozak.
Ličnost i osobine
Gediman je u neku ruku ekscentričan, to i iskazuje tako što pokazuje zube Ksenomorfu koji reži na njega iza staklene pregrade. Čudnovato, on takođe ima i saosećajnu stranu insistirajući da RIpli 8 ne bude uništena već proučavana, i uopšte ponaša se prema njoj više kao prema 'osobi'. Tokom njegovog proučavanja subjekta Ripli, obraća joj se sa 'ona', dok je Vren zvao 'to'. Činilo se da saoseća sa Ripli, nasuprot Vrenu. Plakao je kada je ljudski kargo trebao da bude domaćin, pokazujući da je moralniji od Vrena i Pereza.
U novelizaciji, ubrzo nakon smrti Novorođenog, Grudoizbijač izbija iz njegovog tela.
English to Serbian: Sintetik Detailed field: Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
Source text - English Synthetics, or "artificial persons" - as they prefer to be called, are bio mechanical androids. They are basically robots that are human in appearance.
Although an android's cosmetic appearance would seem to be a superfluous feature, practical experience has shown that most humans are psychologically unable to interrelate with an inhuman-looking android; as a result, the physical appearance and simulated behavior patterns of android units are designed to particular specifications. Their personalities, idiosyncrasies aside, can best be described as passive or non-threatening.
The modern Synthetic is a highly complex machine: stronger, faster and better coordinated than an average human. The basic chassis is a carbon fiber skeleton with latchment point for the artificial musculature. The muscles are vat-grown silicon colloids powered either by pumped micro-hydraulics or electrical stimulation. Power for the android is supplied by a 25 kilowatt power cell with a life of approximately 400 days between recharging. This power cell is located within the android's chest, and access is via a hidden socket located just underneath the rib-cage. Charging time can vary, though it usually takes at least 72 hours to fully charge the standard power cells fitted into modern day androids.
As in a human, the skeletal structure is inherently unstable and is effectively suspended by the musculature. No limb locking, join motorization or gyro-stabilization is present as in other anthropomorphic frames such as power loaders. Instead, the muscles must work actively to keep the chassis standing upright while active feedback systems control its stability. Muscle layout and operation, as with certain other internal function, are homologous with those of the human body. The circulatory fluid is a form of white liquid latex used to lubricate their interior systems.
Despite their advantage in speed and strength over human and their impervious to pain, androids are not especially tough. Indeed by comparison they are somewhat fragile. Though the skeletal structure of an android is sturdy, the electronics and fluid musculature are extremely vulnerable to hydrostatic shock and explosive effects from small arms fire. A direct fire to the central processor (located in the head) or power cell will result in immediate deactivation of a unit, though in most cases a partially destroyed android can continue to function, albeit handicapped. In hostile environments, synthetics require a similar breathable atmosphere. Corrosive atmospheres will melt them, extreme pressure will squash them flat and hard vacuum will explode them. While they are waterproof, their internal workings are extremely vulnerable to hydro-static shock. An android immersed in water that has been damaged to the point where internal workings are exposed to the risks of being electrocuted.
Those androids designed for close social interaction with humans are able to eat and drink, though they gain no nutrients from anything they consume. Food and drink is broken down in an artificial stomach cavity, and the resulting liquid is expelled via a retractable catheter.
The Synthetic's mind is an integrated Carbon 60 processor with a processing speed of 1015 floating point operations per second. Memory capacity includes 1 terabyte of fast cache buffer RAM and 1.2 Terabyte of non-volatile memory. The system is constructed around a very powerful heuristic logic driver, making decisions based upon imported sensory data, information drawn from experience and the android's vast inbuilt databases. Intuitive functions are derived from a suite of nested contextual and semantic programs linked by self-mapping loops of tangled hierarchies.
However, an android's ability to understand and process abstract concepts and symbolism, though powerful, is limited. A Synthetic mind and personality is essentially a construct, and there is no true self-awareness as such, though this may not be all apparent to an untrained observer interacting with a unit.
Androids display synthesized emotion, superficially register self-awareness and, most importantly of all, have the ability to reason, conceptualize and offer opinion. However, these capabilities do not infer human-like consciousness, even though for all other intents and purposes synthetics are artificial intelligence.
Translation - Serbian Sintetici, ili 'veštačke osobe' - kako vole da se zovu, su bio mehanički androidi. Oni su u suštini roboti koji izgledaju kao ljudi.
Iako androidski kozmetički izgled deluje kao suvišan dodatak, praktično iskustvo je pokazalo da je većina ljudi u nemogućnosti psihološki da sarađuje sa androidom koji ne liči na čoveka; kao rezultat, fizička pojava i simulirani šabloni ponašanja androidske jedinice su dizajnirani za određene specifikacije. Njihova ličnost, ako stavimo njihov spoljašnji izgled po strani, može najbolje da se opiše kao pasivna ne - preteća.
Moderni sintetici su visoko kompleksne mašine: jače, brže i bolje koordinisane nego običan čovek. Njihova osnovna šasija je skelet od ugljeničnih vlakana sa osnovom za veštačku muskulaturu. Mišići su veštački uzgojeni silikonski koloidi koje pokreće ili mikro - hidraulika ili električna stimulacija. Androidi se snabdevaju strujom preko 25 kilovatnih elektronskih ćelija koje mogu da izdrže 400 dana bez punjenja. Ove elektronske ćelije su locirane u androidovim grudima, i pristupa im se putem sakrivenog utikača lociranog ispod grudnog koša. Vreme punjenja varira, iako treba 72 sata kako bi se potpuno napunile standardne elektronske ćelije koje se nalaze u savremenim androidima.
Kao i kod ljudi, skeletna struktura je inherentno nestabilna i efektivno je suspendovana uz pomoć muskulature. Ne poseduju motore na zglobovima ili žiroskopsku stabilizaciju kao kod nekih drugih antropomorfnih ramova kao što su električni utovarivači. Umesto toga, mišići moraju raditi aktivno kako bi održali šasiju u stojećem položaju dok aktivni fidbek sistem kontroliše stabilnost. Raspored mišića i rad, kao i neke druge unutrašnje funkcije su, slične sa onima kod ljudskog tela. Cirkulirajuća tečnost je oblik belog tečnog lateksa upotrebljenog za podmazivanje njihovih unutrašnjih sistema.
Uprkos njihovoj prednosti u brzini i snazi nasuprot ljudskoj i njihovoj otpornosti na bol, androidi nisu preterano otporni. U poređenju sa ljudima u neku ruku su ranjivi. Iako skeletna struktura androida je čvrsta, elektronika i tečna muskulatura su izuzetno ranjive na hidrostatički šok i eksplozivni efekat iz manje oružane vatre. Direktno pucanje u centralni porcesor (lociran u glavi) ili elektronsku ćeliju će rezultirati automatskom deaktivacijom jedinice, iako u većini slučajeva delimično uništeni android može da nastavi da funkcioniše, uprkos hendikepiranosti. U neprijateljskim sredinama, sintetici zahtevaju sličnu atmosferu za disanje. Korozivne atmosfere će ih istopiti, ekstremni pritisak će ih spljoštiti, a u jakom vakumu mogu da eksplodiraju. Iako su vodootporni, njihova unutrašnjost je veoma ranjiva na hidro - statički šok. Android koji je u vodi može biti oštećen do te granice da njegova unutrašnjost može biti izložena riziku od strujnog udara.
Oni androidi koji su dizajnirani za blisku interakciju sa ljudima su sposobni da jedu i piju, iako ne dobijaju nikakve hranjive materije iz bilo čega što konzumiraju. Hrana i piće je razloženo u veštačkoj stomačnoj šupljini, i rezultirajuća tečnost se izbacije uz pomoć katetera.
Um sintetitka je integrisani Ugljenični 60 procesor sa procesnom brzinom i operacijama od 1015 FLOPS operacija u sekundi. Kapacitet memorije uključuje 1 terabajt RAM i 1.2 terabajta NV memorije. Sistem je konstruisan oko veoma moćnog heruističko logičnog drajvera, koji donosi odluke na osnovu unešenih senzorskih podataka, informacije na osnovu iskusta u androidovim ogromnim ugrađenim databazama. Intuitivne funkcije dolaze iz uređaja sa kontekstualnim i semantičkim programima povezanih sa samo mapirajućim čvorištima i kompleksnom hijerarhijom.
Međutim, androidska mogućnost da razumeju i procesuiraju apstraktne koncepte i simbolizme, iako moćna je ograničena. Sintetikov um i ličnost je u suštini konstrukcija, i ne postoji istinska svesnost, iako to ne može biti očigledno kod neistreniranog posmatrača koji je u interakciji sa jedinicom.
Androidi iskazuju sintetizovanu emociju, površno registruju svest i, najvažnije od svega, konceptualizuju i nude mišljenje. Međutim, ove mogućnosti ne dovode do zaključka od svesti nalik ljudskoj, iako za bilo kakve druge namere i svrhe sintetici su veštačka inteligencija.
Translation education
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
Years of experience: 21. Registered at Nov 2013.
I love English language. I also have Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English.I have Pedagogic Faculty Diploma as a Classroom Teacher and Higher School for Kindergarten Teachers Diploma as a Kindergarten Teacher. I worked as a teacher and teacher of English.I translated various works, among others, texts about Nobel prize winners from literature during 20th century for my city's local literature magazine. Also I am a writer. I published in printed version book of poems 'Love and something more' (Ljubav i još ponešto) and a Novel political thriller 'Protest' in Serbian language. I translated my SF novel called 'Ojeisus' in English and done, a graphic SF Novel based on this Novel. Currently im working on a Cyberpunk Comic titled 'Angels'. They are all in English and you can read them on my blog Recently I wrote a scenario for a comic story based on music of the band 'Queen' for Red Stylo Media which should premiere on October 8 this year. You can see me among Red Stylo Media Contributors here:
I did subtitles for some local documentary films. I translated texts from sociology, and many other various texts.
Among translating I like other various things like: technology, science fiction movies and TV Series: Battlestar Galactica, Caprica among others and SF movies: Prometheus, District 9. I like to read SF authors like Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov. My favorite Clarke's work is 'Fountains of Paradise' and Asimov's I, Robot. I'm poured in English language constantly and I'm always improving my knowledge and vocabulary. I also like to paint and draw and you can see my art on my Deviantart profile
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