Member since Dec '07

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Stephen C. Farrand
Experienced. Literate. Thorough.

United States
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Experienced, literate, thorough!
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Latin to English - Standard rate: 0.17 USD per word / 25 USD per hour
Greek (Ancient) to English - Standard rate: 0.17 USD per word / 25 USD per hour
Russian to English - Standard rate: 0.17 USD per word / 25 USD per hour

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 136, Questions answered: 52, Questions asked: 7
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Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Latin to English: In a Bar is Where You'll Find Us
Source text - Latin

In taberna quando sumus
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur,
si quid loquar, audiatur.

Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt,
quidam indiscrete vivunt.
Sed in ludo qui morantur,
ex his quidam denudantur
quidam ibi vestiuntur,
quidam saccis induuntur.
Ibi nullus timet mortem
sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem:

Primo pro nummata vini,
ex hac bibunt libertini;
semel bibunt pro captivis,
post hec bibunt ter pro vivis,
quater pro Christianis cunctis
quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis,
septies pro militibus silvanis.

Octies pro fratribus perversis,
nonies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus
undecies pro discordaniibus,
duodecies pro penitentibus,
tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Tam pro papa quam pro rege
bibunt omnes sine lege.

Bibit hera, bibit herus,
bibit miles, bibit clerus,
bibit ille, bibit illa,
bibit servis cum ancilla,
bibit velox, bibit piger,
bibit albus, bibit niger,
bibit constans, bibit vagus
bibit rudis, bibit magnus.

Bibit pauper et egrotus,
bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus,
bibit presul et decanus,
bibit soror, bibit frater,
bibit anus, bibit mater,
bibit ista, bibit ille,
bibunt centum, bibunt mille.

Parum sexcente nummate
durant, cum immoderate
bibunt omnes sine meta.
Quamvis bibant mente leta,
sic nos rodunt omnes gentes
et sic erimus egentes.
Qui nos rodunt confundantur
et cum iustis non scribantur.
Io io io io io io io io!
Translation - English

In taberna quando sumus
In a Bar is Where You'll Find Us

In a bar is where you'll find us—
Our souls' post mortem doesn't bind us!
But gambling, gaming makes us hurry,
that's the thing that makes us worry.
What goes on here, should you query,
where with two bits you'll wind up beery?
Every dog should have his day,
and boy, I've got a lot to say!

Some folks gamble, some get boozy,
some folks hang out with their floozy;
but those you find at the gambling table—
some lose their shirt; but some who're
walk away with piles of dough.
Losers we give sackcloth, though.
No one here's afraid of dying.
Bum rolls, though, will start us crying.

First, the dice decide who pays—
his noble name we low-lifes praise!
Next, a toast to all in jail.
Third, we toast all well and hale.
Fourth, to Christians, one and all.
Fifth, all who await their final call.
Sixth, all nuns who aren't quite good.
Seventh, the Merry Men of Robin Hood!
Eighth, all friars whose morals are tattered;
Ninth, all monks whose orders have scattered;
Tenth, to the sailors afloat in their boats;

Eleventh, to all couples at each others' throats;
Twelfth, to those who repent their sins;
Thirteenth, to those knowing all the inns.
Drink to the King! Drink to the Pope!
Everyone drinks, no end, no scope.

The Lady drinks, the Lord drinks,
the soldier drinks, the priest drinks,
he drinks, she drinks,
the barkeeper drinks with the barmaid.
The Type-A drinks, the couch potato,
the white guy drinks, the black guy,
the homebody drinks, the about-town,
the hayseed and the Nobel Prizewinner!
The poor man drinks, the sick man drinks,
the exile and the nobody.
The boy drinks, the geezer drinks,
the bishop drinks, the deacon drinks,
sister drinks, brother drinks,
granny drinks, mommy drinks,
this girl drinks, that guy drinks,
a hundred drink, a thousand drink.

A zillion tankards cannot hope
to hold the beer that we can tope.
The drinking knows not bound or measure,
but does indeed bring us much pleasure.
Thus, decent folks heap us with curses,
won't stoop to fill our empty purses.

All them who jeer, may Fate destroy!
No peace among the just enjoy!
Prost! Prost! Prost! Prost!
Russian to English: Hymn of The Most Holy Theotokos (The Magnificat)
Source text - Russian
Песнь Пресвятой Богородицы

Величит душа моя Господа, и возрадовася дух мой о Бозе Спасе Моем.

Припев: Честнейшую Херувим и славнейшую без сравнения Серафим, без истления Бога Слова рождшую, сущую Богородицу, Тя величаем.

Яко призре на смирение рабы Своея, се бо отныне ублажат Мя вси роди.


Яко сотвори Мне величие Сильный, и свято имя Его, и милость Его в роды родов боящимся Его.


Низложи сильныя со престол, и вознесе смиренныя; алчущия исполни благ, и богатящияся отпусти тщи.


Восприят Израиля отрока Своего, помянути милости, якоже глагола ко отцем нашим, Аврааму и семени его даже до века.

Translation - English
Hymn Of The Most Holy Theotokos, The Mother Of God (The Magnificat):

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
Refrain: Fairer than the Cherubim and more glorious than the Seraphim without compare, Thee, who gavest immaculate birth to God the Word, Thee, true Theotokos, Thee we magnify.
For He has looked charitably upon the humbleness of His servant, for behold—all generations will call me blessed.


For the Mighty One has created greatness for me, and holy is His name, and His mercy upon those who fear Him, for generations upon generations.


He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and raised up the humble; those who hunger He has filled with good things, and the rich He has sent away in want.


He has taken in hand His own child Israel, in mindfulness of His mercy, as of His promise to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants for all ages.

Latin to English: De Eleemosyna Papae Innocentii III
General field: Other
Detailed field: Religion
Source text - Latin

Effectus eleemosynae ex sacrae Scripturae testimonii multifariam probari

Sunt quoque et alii plures eleemosynarum effectus, quos ex subjectis testimoniis poteris cognoscere. Quid ergo sollicitus quaeris, cur anxius investigas, quod faciendo promercaris vitam aeternam? Dominus in judicio pietatis opera commentdavit, pro quibus ipse misericordibus regnum largietur aeternum. "Venite, inquid benedicti Patris mei, possidete rgnum paratum vobis a constitutione mundi; esurivi enim, et dedistis mihi manducare; sitivi enim, et dedistis mihi bibere; hospes eram, et collegisits me; nudus, et cooperuistis me; infirmus, et visitastis me; in carcere, et venistis ad me. Amen dico vobis, quandiu fecistis uni de minimis his fratribus meis, mihi fecistis." (Matth. 25) "Beati enim misericordes, quoniam ipsi misericordiam consequentur." (Matth 5) "nam in qua mensura mensi fueritis, remetietur vobis." (Matth 7) Dives ille, qui induebatur purpura et bysso, et epulabatur quottidie splendide, quia non es misertus mendo nomin Lazaro, qui jacebat ad januam ulceribus plenus, cupiens saturari de micis quae cadebant de mensa divitis, et nemo illi dabat, mortuus est, et sepultus in inferno. Unde cum ipse post mortem misericordiam implorasset: "Pater" inquiens "Abraham, miserere mei, et mitte Lazarum, ut intingat extremum digiti sui in aquam, ut refrigeret linguam meam, quia crucior in hac flamma!" misericordiam obtinere non potuit, quoniam ante moretem misericordiam noluit exhibere. Propter quod Abraham illi respondit: "Fili, recordare quia recepisti bona in vita tua, et Lazarus similiter mala; nun autem hic consolatur, tu vero cruciaris. Et in his omnibus, inter nos et vos chaos magnum flrmatum est." (Luke 16).
Translation - English
The consequences of almsgiving based upon the testimony of
The Holy Scriptures examined in various ways.

There are in addition many other consequences to almsgiving, consequences which one can come to understand based on the testimony [of Scripture] that is attached hereto. Why, for example, when it comes to eternal life, does one anxiously ask about it? Why does one worriedly try to track it down? Why would one be deserving of it through one's deeds? The Lord in his wisdom commends works of pity; for these acts of compassion he bestows his eternal kingdom. “Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat: I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink: I was a stranger, and you took me in: Naked, and you covered me: sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me...[And the king answering shall say to them: ] Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25: 34-36;40)
“Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.” (Matthew 5: 7) For “with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.” (Matthew 7: 2) “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and feasted sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores, desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. And no one did give him: [moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom.] The rich man died and he was buried in hell. [And lifting up his eyes when he was in torments, he saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom: And he cried] From where, after his own death, the rich man begged for mercy, saying: 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame.' He could not obtain mercy, since he refused to show mercy before his death. And therefore Abraham said to him: Son, remember that thou didst receive good things in thy lifetime, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted and thou art tormented. And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos.” (Luke 16: 19-26, adapted)

Experience Years of experience: 39. Registered at Apr 2006. Became a member: Dec 2007. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials N/A
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word
CV/Resume English (PDF)
Professional practices Stephen C. Farrand endorses's Professional Guidelines (v1.1).
I have read and studied Latin, mostly Golden Age and Silver Age poetry, for over 30 years.
Keywords: cooking; culinary; cucina; кухня

Profile last updated
Jul 23, 2021