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Romanian to English
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English to Romanian

Irina Chiselite
Good to the last word

Local time: 21:59 EEST (GMT+3)

Native in: Romanian 
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Account type Freelance translator and/or interpreter, Identity Verified Verified site user
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Services Translation, Editing/proofreading, Subtitling
Specializes in:
Law: Taxation & CustomsLaw: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
Law: Contract(s)Accounting
Finance (general)Insurance
Human ResourcesGovernment / Politics
Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVsBusiness/Commerce (general)

KudoZ activity (PRO) PRO-level points: 42, Questions answered: 12
Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, PayPal
Portfolio Sample translations submitted: 3
Romanian to English: Imbracaminti bituminoase/Hot Rolled Bituminous Road Pavements
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Construction / Civil Engineering
Source text - Romanian
Pentru îmbrăcăminţi bituminoase se utilizează un amestec de sorturi din agregate naturale neprelucrate şi prelucrate care trebuie să îndeplinească, condiţiile de calitate în conformitate cu prevederile standardelor după cum urmează:
- cribluri sort 4-8, 8-16 sau 16-25, conform SR 667, tabelul 8;
- nisip de concasare 0-4, conform SR 667, tabelul 10;
- nisip natural sort 0-4, conform SR 662, tabelul 5;
-pietriş şi pietriş concasat, sorturi 4-8, 8-16 şi 16-25(31), conform SR 662, tabelul 10;
-alte sorturi sau combinaţii de sorturi conform SR EN 13043.
Clasa minimă a rocii din care se obţin agregatele naturale de carieră, în funcţie de clasa tehnică a drumului sau categoria străzii, trebuie sa fie conform SR 667, tabelul 3.
Caracteristicile fizico-mecanice ale rocii de provenienţă a agregatelor naturale de carieră trebuie să fie conform SR 667, tabelul 2.
Toate agregatele folosite la realizarea mixturilor asfaltice, trebuie să fie spălate în totalitate, înainte de a fi introduse în instalaţia de preparare.
Fiecare tip şi sort de agregate trebuie depozitat separat în padocuri, prevăzute cu platforme betonate, având pante de scurgere a apei şi pereţi despărţitori, pentru evitarea amestecării şi impurificării agregatelor.
Aprovizionarea cu agregate naturale se va face după verificarea certificatelor de conformitate care atestă calitatea acestora.
Translation - English
For the bituminous pavements, we utilize a mixture of unprocessed and processed sorts and natural aggregates which must fulfill the quality conditions pursuant to the provisions of the standards, as follows:
- chippings sort 4-8, 8-16 or 16-25, in accordance with SR 667, table 8;
- crushing sand 0-4, in accordance with SR 667, table10;
- natural sand sort 0-4, in accordance with SR 662, table 5;
-gravel and crushed gravel, sorts 4-8, 8-16 and16-25(31), in accordance with SR 662, table 10;
-other sorts or sort combinations in accordance with SR EN 13043.
The minimum class of the rock of which natural quarry aggregates are obtained, depending on the technical class of the road or the category of the street, must be in accordance with SR 667, table 3.
The physico-mechanical characteristics of the provenance rock of the natural quarry aggregates must be in accordance with SR 667, table 2.
All the aggregates used for the execution of asphalt mixtures, must be wholly washed, before being introduced in the preparation plant.
Each aggregate type and sort must be separately stored in paddocks, provided with concrete platforms, with water drainage gradients and separating walls, in order to avoid mixing and pollution of aggregates.
The supply with natural aggregates shall be made after the control of the compliance certificates which certify their quality.
English to Romanian: Maintenance Equipement
General field: Tech/Engineering
Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English
a) If the mileage covered by the Vehicle exceeds the yearly maximum mileage but not more than 5 % of the latter, no adjustment shall take place;
b) If the mileage covered by the Vehicle exceeds the yearly maximum mileage more than 5 % but no more than 15 %, the Customer shall be bound to pay the Company the tariff set forth in article 8.2. above for each KM covered in excess with respect to the yearly maximum mileage (on which VAT and other taxes and duties shall be applied according to the law);
c) if the mileage covered by the Vehicle exceeds the yearly maximum mileage more than 15%, the Company shall have the right to (i) calculate the compensation due by the Customer by applying to all the effective KM covered by the Vehicle the agreed tariff increase of 20% and (ii) the Customer shall be bound to pay the Company the difference between the new compensation resulting from such calculation (on which VAT and other taxes and duties shall be applied according to the law) and the amounts previously paid to the Company.
Termination for bankruptcy

Termination for bankruptcy - Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the other Party has commenced proceedings under applicable insolvency or bankruptcy laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, a
petition to be declared under suspension of all payments, a petition for bankruptcy, voluntary or judicial reorganization of debt with all the creditors, judicial appointment of trustee(s), administrator(s) or similar officer(s) and general assignment for the benefit of creditors.

The recurring maintenance activities provided for by Vehicle Use and Maintenance
Booklet, according to the time scheduled and/or the mileage set forth therein; such
activities include greasing, changing oils and fluids, the supply of the relevant
materials and spare parts (as oil, grease, filters and/or cartridges);
Translation - Romanian
a) Dacă kilometrajul înregistrat de Vehicul depăşeşte kilometrajul anual maxim însă nu cu mai mult de 5% din ultimul, nu se va efectua nicio ajustare;
b) Dacă kilometrajul înregistrat de Vehicul depăşeşte kilometrajul anual maxim cu mai mult de 5%, însă nu cu mai mult de 15%, Clientul va fi obligat să plătească Societăţii tariful stabilit la articolul 8.2. de mai sus pentru fiecare KM înregistrat în plus faţă de kilometrajul anual maxim (la care se vor aplica TVA şi alte taxe şi obligaţii conform legii);
a) Dacă kilometrajul înregistrat de Vehicul depăşeşte kilometrajul anual maxim cu mai mult de 15%, Societatea va avea dreptul de a (i) calcula despăgubirea datorată de Client, prin aplicarea tuturor KM efectivi înregistraţi de Vehicul
creşterea tarifară convenită de 20% şi (ii) Clientul va fi obligat să îi plătească Societăţii diferenţa dintre noua despăgubire care rezultă dintr-un asemenea calcul (la care se vor aplica TVA-ul şi alte taxe şi obligaţii, conform legii), şi din sumele plătite anterior Societăţii.

Rezilierea pe motiv de faliment - Oricare dintre părţi va avea dreptul să rezilieze prezentul
Contract dacă cealaltă parte a iniţiat procedurile reglementate de legile şi regulamentele aplicabile privind insolvenţa sau falimentul, incluzând, dar nelimitându-se la, o cerere prin care să se stipuleze suspendarea tuturor plăţilor, o cerere de faliment, reorganizarea voluntară sau judiciară a datoriei faţă de toţi creditorii, numirea judiciară a mandatarului /mandatarilor, administratorului/administratorilor sau a unui/unor executor(i) similar(i) şi cesiunea generală în beneficiul creditorilor.

Activităţile de întreţinere periodice prevăzute de Carnetul de Utilizare şi Întreţinere
a Vehiculului, conform programării şi/sau kilometrajului menţionat în acesta; astfel de
activităţi includ lubrefiere, schimbarea uleiurilor şi fluidelor, furnizarea materialelor
şi a pieselor de schimb necesare (cum ar fi, de exemplu: ulei, lubrifiant, filtre şi/sau cartuşe);
English to Romanian: Contract
General field: Law/Patents
Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - English
The Contractor is obliged to cooperate with the Contracting Party in the scope of updating the rules of accounting records, the accounting policy and configuration of the financial and accounting system resulting from the occurrence of new economic events in the activity of the Contracting Party and changes in laws. In the event where the Contractor identifies a new economic event or receives from the Contracting Party information about a new economic event or a change in laws, the Contractor is obliged to prepare a proposal of updating the rules of records and configuration of the financial and accounting system, as well as to participate in acceptance tests for the implementation of such updates. Activities carried out in this scope by the Contractor, depending on labour intensity, may be subject to additional remuneration due to the Contractor. In such a case the Parties shall separately determine the amount and the rules of remuneration.

The Contractor is obliged to immediately notify the Contracting Party in writing of changes in the personnel of the Contractor (dismissals, movements between organisational units) with respect to employees authorised to act on behalf of the Contracting Party (authorisations, powers of attorney) so that the Contracting Party may verify authorisations and powers of attorney granted. The Contractor is obliged to notify immediately the Contracting Party of other circumstances which may constitute a premise to revoke authorisations or powers of attorney to act on behalf of the Contracting Party granted by the Contracting Party to employees of the Contractor.
Translation - Romanian
Antreprenorul are obligația de a colabora cu Partea Contractantă în scopul actualizării regulilor privind registrele contabile, politica contabilă și configurarea sistemului financiar-contabil care rezultă din apariția unor noi evenimente economice în activitatea Părții Contractante și din modificările legilor. În cazul în care Antreprenorul identifică un eveniment economic nou sau primește de la Partea Contractantă informații privind un eveniment economic nou sau o modificare a legilor, Antreprenorul are obligația de a pregăti o propunere de actualizare a regulileor privind ținerea registrelor și configurarea sistemului financiar-contabil, precum și de a participa la testele de acceptare pentru implementarea acestor actualizări. Activitățile desfășurate în acest scop de către Antreprenor, în funcție de intensitatea muncii, se pot afla sub rezerva unei remunerații suplimentare datorată Antreprenorului. Într-o asemenea situație, Părțile vor stabili în mod separat suma și regulile de remunerație.

Antreprenorul are obligația de a notifica imediat Partea Contractantă în scris cu privire la schimbările de personal ale Antreprenorului (concedieri, transferuri între unități organizaționale) în ceea ce privește angajații autorizați să acționeze în numele Părții Contractante (autorizații, împuterniciri) pentru ca Partea Contractantă să poată verifica autorizațiile și împuternicirile acordate. Antreprenorul are obligația de a notifica imediat Partea Contractantă cu privire la alte circumstanțe care pot constitui o premiză de revocare a autorizațiilor sau a împuternicilor de a acționa în numele Părții Contractante, acordate angajaților Antreprenorului de către Partea Contractantă.

Translation education Graduate diploma - Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi
Experience Years of experience: 22. Registered at Jun 2011. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Credentials English to Romanian (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
French to Romanian (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
Romanian to English (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
Romanian to French (Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași)
Memberships N/A
Software Adobe Photoshop, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Pro, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio
Since 2003, I have provided translations for clients throughout Europe. If you need a French to English or Romanian translator, I work on:

- Financial documents: executive summaries, quarterly and annual progress reports, funding and grant applications, terms of reference; earnings releases, audit reports, budget guidelines, accounting procedures, annual monitoring reports, procurement procedures, credit applications, corporate financial statements, accounting documentations, bank/accounting regulations and procedures, fiscal statements, insurance & reinsurance policies

- Legal documents: art loan agreements, intellectual property and antitrust documentation, contracts, articles of incorporation; compliance policies, memorandums of understandings, technical underwriting guides (insurance and reinsurance policies), purchase agreements, broadcasting rights agreements, licensing agreements, statutes laws, terms of reference, requests for proposals, educational partnering contracts, notarial deeds, manufacturing agreements, privacy policies, subscriber agreements, articles of association, loan contracts.

- Corporate communication materials: company newsletters, website copy, press releases;

- Auditing: - financial statements; business plans;

- Accounting reports: annual balance sheets, balances, statements of account, creditworthiness letters, registers of incomes and expenses, payment documents;

- Marketing, advertising: marketing plans, communication strategies, market studies, posters, printed ads, press releases, promotional materials, and a variety of other advertising documents;

- Official documents: birth, marriage or divorce certificates or educational documents.

A few of my main projects:

- Feasibility studies; operation, maintenance and service manuals
- Construction company: accounting reports, website, tender documents.
- Insurance company: corporate presentation, products descriptions, etc.
- Industrial tools company: user’s guides

Clients: Agentia Nationale de Autostrazi si Drumuri Nationale, Orange Romania, Supremia, Transavia, Gaz de France, Carreman Roumanie, Rowenta, Samsung, Tefal, Ariston, Electrolux, Tassimo, Samsung, L'Oréal Romania, Orange, Art Build Belgia, Ikea, Kronospan.

Average daily output: 2500 words depending on the level of complexity of the source text. This includes the necessary steps of research where needed, and several stages of revision and proofreading.
This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 46
PRO-level pts: 42

Top languages (PRO)
English to Romanian24
Romanian to English10
Romanian to French8
Top general fields (PRO)
Top specific fields (PRO)
Construction / Civil Engineering12
Law: Contract(s)8
Law (general)4
Energy / Power Generation4
Engineering (general)4
Engineering: Industrial4
Finance (general)4
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Keywords: translator, emglish to romanian, french to romanian, romanian to english, eomanian Translation, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Transcription

Profile last updated
Sep 30, 2021