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English to Indonesian: Operating Mechanism General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
If you are going to do an effective job of leading your social system, you will have to design operating mechanisms around your most important business activities, such as serving new markets and achieving growth. Each operating mechanism must have a clear business purpose. With that purpose in mind, you have to determine who should be required to attend and how often they should meet. If you are not personally conducting the dialogue, you have to be sure you assign a leader who has the skill to shape both the content and behaviours. Sometimes the appropriate operating mechanism already exists, but it needs to be adjusted, because the content, behaviours, composition, or leadership is wrong. This is often true of quarterly operating reviews, strategy sessions, talent-review sessions, and budgeting sessions.
What follows are examples of how operating mechanisms can be created or modified to deliver specific business and behavioral results. They range from creating new sources of revenue by developing new products on an ongoing basis to changing the culture of an entire company.
Bila ingin melakukan tugas memimpin sistem sosial Anda dengan efektif, Anda harus merancangnya sesuai dengan aktivitas bisnis Anda yang paling penting, seperti melayani pasar baru dan mencapai pertumbuhan. Setiap mekanisme operasional harus mempunyai maksud bisnis yang jelas. Dengan mengacu pada tujuan ini, Anda harus menentukan siapa yang harus hadir dan sesering apa mereka harus bertemu. Bila yang menggelar dialog ini bukan Anda pribadi, Anda harus memastikan Anda menugaskan seorang pemimpin yang memiliki keahlian membentuk isi dan perilakunya. Terkadang mekanisme operasional yang cocok sudah ada, tetapi masih perlu disesuaikan, karena isi, perilaku, komposisi, atau kepemimpinannya tidak tepat. Ini biasanya berlaku pada sesi tinjauan operasional per kuartal, sesi strategi, sesi tinjauan bakat, dan sesi penganggaran.
Tahap selanjutnya adalah cara menciptakan atau mengubah mekanisme operasional agar memberikan hasil bisnis dan perilaku tertentu. Hal ini meliputi penciptaan sumber pendapatan baru dengan mengembangkan produk baru secara berkesinambungan hingga budaya seluruh perusahaan
English to Indonesian: X Gender Survey Audit General field: Other Detailed field: International Org/Dev/Coop
Source text - English X Gender Audit Survey – Part 2 (2008)
Thank you for participating in Part 2 of the X Gender Audit Survey for International Operations (IO) (2008).
This survey should be filled out by program staff only. It will help the X gather information about the existing knowledge, practices and tools related to gender mainstreaming across all International Programs.
The survey results will inform the results of the gender audit as well as the development of a Gender Mainstreaming Strategy and Action Plan for International Operations.
The survey consists of 26 (mostly multiple choice) questions only.
Please respond to these questions based on the programs you work on.
Please note that in the interests of confidentiality, we have not asked for your name. Responses to this survey are confidential. The survey is being administered by an external gender audit consultant and X will not have access to individual survey responses.
Please complete your responses by 7pm Friday April 11th 2008.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.
GENDER - The socially learned roles and responsibilities that are assigned to females and males in a given culture.
GENDER EQUALITY - The condition of fairness in relations between females and males, leading to a situation in which each has the equal status, rights, levels of responsibility, and access to power and resources.
GENDER ANALYSIS - A systematic way of looking at the different impacts of our programs on males and females. Gender Analysis requires separating data by sex, and understanding how labour is divided and valued. Gender analysis must be done at all stages of the programming process; one must always ask how a particular activity, decision or plan will affect males differently from females.
GENDER INTEGRATION - An organic process, akin to a living tree. At the root of the process is POLITICAL WILL. An organization with strong political will, like a tree with strong roots, can support the development of three vital branches: TECHNICAL CAPACITY, ACCOUNTABILITY and a positive ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Integrating gender in an organization’s activities and structures has both an external and internal dimension. In programs and services, gender integration fosters the equal participation of and benefits to women, men, girls and boys in an organization’s initiatives or services. Within an organization, gender integration promotes women’s leadership and equality in an organization’s own policies and structures.
GENDER MAINSTREAMING - The process of assessing the implications for women, men, girls and boys of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs, in all areas and at all levels. It is a strategy for making the concerns and experiences of women, men, girls and boys an integral dimension of the design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in all political, economic and societal spheres so that women and girls can benefit equally and inequality is not perpetuated. The ultimate goal is to achieve gender equality.
Translation - Indonesian X Survei Audit Gender – Bagian 2 (2008)
Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dalam Bagian 2 Survei Audit X untuk Operasi Internasional (International Operations = IO) 2008
Survei ini hanya boleh diisi staf program. Survei ini akan membantu X mengumpulkan informasi tentang pengetahuan, praktek dan alat terkait sosialisasi gender pada semua Program Internasional
Hasil survei akan menginformasikan hasil audit gender serta perkembangan Strategi Sosialisasi Gender dan Program Tindakan untuk Operasi Internasional
Survei ini hanya mencakup 26 (sebagian besar pilihan ganda) pertanyaan
Mohon menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan program yang Anda kerjakan
Mohon perhatikan bahwa demi kerahasiaan, kami tidak menanyakan nama Anda. Respon atas survei ini bersifat rahasia. Survei ini dikelola oleh konsultan audit gender eksternal dan X tidak akan mendapatkan akses pada respon terhadap survei individu.
Mohon lengkapi respon Anda selambatnya hari Jumat, 11 April 2008, pk 19.00
Terima kasih atas kesediaan Anda mengisi survei ini
GENDER – Peran dan tanggung jawab kehidupan sosial yang yang diberikan kepada perempuan dan lelaki dalam sebuah kultur tertentu
KESETARAAN GENDER – Hubungan yang adil antara perempuan dan lelaki yang menuntun pada sebuah situasi kesetaraan status, hak, tanggung jawab, dan akses terhadap kekuasaan dan sumber daya bagi masing-masing gender
ANALISIS GENDER – Sebuah cara yang sistematis untuk melihat beragam dampak yang ditimbulkan program kami pada lelaki dan perempuan. Analisis gender mengharuskan dipisahkannya data berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan pemahaman terhadap bagaimana pekerjaan dibagi dan dinilai. Analisis gender harus dilakukan dalam setiap tahap proses pemrograman, kita harus selalu bertanya bagaimana sebuah kegiatan, keputusan atau rencana tertentu memberi dampak yang berbeda bagi lelaki dan perempuan
INTEGRASI GENDER – Sebuah proses organik, yang mirip dengan pohon hidup. Akar proses ini adalah KEMAUAN POLITIK. Sebuah organisasi yang mempunyai kemauan politik yang kuat, seperti pohon dengan akar yang kuat, akan mendukung perkembangan tiga cabang penting: KAPASITAS TEKNIS, AKUNTABILITAS dan KULTUR ORGANISASI yang positif. Pengintegrasian gender dalam kegiatan dan struktur organisasi memiliki dimensi eksternal dan internal. Dalam lingkup program dan pelayanan, integrasi gender menyokong kesetaraan partisipasi dan manfaat bagi perempuan, lelaki, anak perempuan dan anak lelaki dalam insiatif atau pelayanan oganisasi. Dalam lingkup organisasi, integrasi gender menyokong kepemimpinan perempuan dan kesetaraan dalam kebijakan dan struktur sebuah organisasi
SOSIALISASI GENDER – Proses penilaian implikasi setiap tindakan terencana bagi perempuan, anak perempuan dan anak lelaki, termasuk pembuatan undang-undang, kebijakan atau program, dalam semua bidang dan pada setiap tingkat. Ini adalah strategi untuk membuat urusan dan pengalaman perempuan, lelaki, anak perempuan dan anak lelaki menjadi dimensi integral dari rancangan dan pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan pengevaluasian terhadap kebijakan dan program dalam setiap lingkup politik, ekonomi dan sosial sehingga perempuan dan anak perempuan memperoleh manfaat yang sama dan ketidaksetaraan tidak dilanggengkan. Tujuan akhirnya adalah untuk mencapai kesetaraan gender.
English to Indonesian: Conceptual Thinking General field: Science Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - English What Is Conceptual Thinking?
Conceptual thinking is intuitive about ideas. It is clever, inventive, imaginative, and visionary. The Conceptual mind sees the big picture, and thinks futuristically. People who are predominantly Conceptual thinkers appreciate the aesthetic, are often artistic, and tend to express themselves in diagrams, pictures, and metaphors. The conceptual mind is energized and intrigued by creativity, innovation, new possibilities, new ideas, and unexpected developments. This part of your brain enjoys the unusual, and likes new techniques and technology. It is theoretical, and likes experiments and chasing options. Conceptual thinkers do not mind digressions. They are independent thinkers, and their thought processes are very individual. If you asked one of them to file a box full of papers, she or he would create a new and unique system. You might come to understand and appreciate it - or you might just be mystified.
Translation - Indonesian Apa arti Pemikir Konseptal?
Pemikir Konseptual mendapat gagasan secara intuitif. Mereka cerdas, penuh daya cipta, imajinatif, dan bervisi. Pemikir Konseptual melihat gambaran besarnya, dan berpikir ke masa depan. Pemikir Konseptual menyukai hal-hal estetis, mempunyai jiwa artistik, dan cenderung mengekspresikan diri dengan diagram, gambar, dan perumpamaan. Pemikir Konseptual dibuat bersemangat dan ingin tahu oleh kreativitas, inovasi, kesempatan baru, gagasan baru, dan perkembangan tak terduga. Bagian otak Anda ini menyukai hal-hal yang tak lazim, dan menyukai teknik dan teknologi baru. Pemikir Konseptual bersifat teoritis, menyukai eksperimen, dan mengejar pilihan. Pemikir Konseptual tidak keberatan bila pembicaraan menyimpang. Mereka pemikir yang mandiri, dan proses berpikir mereka sangat individual. Bila Anda meminta mereka menyusun sebuah kotak berisi kertas, mereka akan menciptakan sebuah sistem yang baru dan unik. Kemungkinan Anda akan belajar menghargai mereka, atau Anda akan kebingungan
Translation education
Other - Legal Translating Course
Years of experience: 23. Registered at May 2009.
I have been a professional translator since early 2000, handling documents from various multinational companies, international organizations, translation agencies, NGO etc. Punctuality and quality are my priority.
I hold an S-1 degree in Economics, majoring in Financial Management. I have also attended a Legal Translating Course at the Atmajaya University, Jakarta, earning a certificate.
Currently working as a freelance translator at Gramedia Pustaka Utama, the major publishing company in Indonesia. These are the books I have translated:
1. Aim High Fly Fast, Camtu N. Pham
2. Emergenetics, Geil Browning
3. Know How, Ram Charan
4. Leadership & Motivation, John Adair
5. Punk Marketing, Richard Laermer & Mark Simmons
6. Think Big & Kick Ass, Donald Trump & Bill Zanker
7. What The Customer Wants You To Know, Ram Charan
8. The Code, Joe Vitale
9. The Law of Attraction Plain and Simple, Sonia Ricotti
10. The Leader in Me, Stephen R. Covey
11. Soros, Robert Slater
12. Stock Trader’s Almanac 2010, Jeffrey Hirsch
13. Lenin, Stalin and Hitler: Lenin, Stalin and Hitler: The Age of
Social Catastrophe, Robert Gellately
14. The Ten Roads to Riches, Ken Fisher
15. Make Yourself Unforgettable, Dale Carnegie
16. The 3rd Alternative, Stephen R. Covey
17. Overcoming Worry and Stress, Dale Carnegie
18. The 4 Disciplines of Execution (Dunamis Publishing), Chris McChesney
& Sean Covey
19. Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine
20. Great Work Great Career (Dunamis Publishing), Stephen Covey, Jennifer
21. Get the Life You Want, Richard Bandler
22. Market Your Way to Growth, Philip Kotler
23. 17 Proven Currency Trading Strategies, Mario Singh
24. Give and Take, Adam M. Grant
25. The Compass of Now
26. The Leader in Me, 2nd Edition, Stephen Covey
27. Unlocking the World's Largest Financial Secret, Mario Singh
28. You, Only Better, Nicholas Bate
29. The 5 Choices (Dunamis Publishing)
30. The Naked CEO, Alex Malley
31. Bull's Eye The Power of Focus, Brian Tracy
32. Just Shut Up and Do It, Brian Tracy
33. Four Seconds, Peter Bregman
34. One+One = Three, Dave Trott
35. 101 Ways to Massively Increase the Value of Your Property, Dolf de Roos
36. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Angela Duckworth
37. Why the Rich Are Getting Richer, Robert Kiyosaki
38. The Airbnb Story, Leigh Gallagher
39. Marketing 4.0, Philip Kotler
- Chevron: HR Table, Newsletter (English - Indonesia)
- Chevron: Upstream Career Development Plan
- Bumiputera; contract with Jones Lang Lasalle (English - Indonesia)
- Senoro Project (Indonesia - English)
- Standard Chartered: Assignee Policy (in partnership with a foreign translation agency)
- Articles in National Geography magazine (in partnership with Bahasa Bagoes translation
- POMI: Memorandum of Understanding between RAN and partners (in partnership with
Bahasa Bagoes translation agency)
- Canadian Red Cross: Gender Audit Service (in partnership with Bahasa Bagoes)
- Ira Koesno Communication, company profile
- Ira Koesno Communication: PT Inco - Bahodopi document
- Visa Application Form of the Austrian Consulate in Shanghai (in partnership with a
foreign translation agency)
- Agro Profile of West Papua
- Awana Tour Agent (in partnership with a foreign translation agency)
- Chevron: D&C IFO Booklet
- Questionaire (payment template) from 42 market research
- Teacher Absenteeism Report (in partnership with "FAT" Your Fast, Accurate Translation
- IPC Report; The Study of Economic Impact and Equipment Development in PT. Pelabuhan
Indonesia II (persero) (in partnership with "FAT" Your Fast, Accurate Translation
- Instruction Manual on Adhesive Application Process (in partnership with " Your Fast,
Accurate Translation Service")
- Emerging Markets Third-Party Due Diligence (in partnership with " Your Fast,
Accurate Translation Service")
Having had extensive experience in translating books and general documents, I have attained a high level of proficiency in both the source and target language.