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Source text - English SHARES
2. Power to Issue Shares
2.1. Subject to these Bye-laws and to any resolution of the Members to the contrary, and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of any existing shares or class of shares, the Board shall have the power to issue any unissued Shares of the Company on such terms and conditions as it may determine.
2.2. If the Company proposes to issue any additional Shares or securities or instruments exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into Shares other than (i) as direct consideration for the acquisition of another Person pursuant to a merger, amalgamation, consolidation or reorganization or for the acquisition of assets of another Person or the financing or refinancing of any such acquisition, or (ii) any public offering of additional Shares or securities or instruments excercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into Shares; or (iii) options or other securities or instruments or rights issued pursuant to Share incentive plans issued to employees of the Company or its subsidiaries; in each case where such additional issue of additional Shares or securities or instruments exercisable or exchangeable for or convertible into Shares is approved by the Board (collectively, "New Securities"), then prior to consummating the issuance of the New Securities:
(a) the Company shall give written notice (the “Preemptive Notice”) to the Members, stating the number of New Securities, the price per share, the terms of payment and all other terms and conditions on which the Company proposes to make such issuance and stating that each Member shall have the option to purchase up to the number of New Securities determined as set forth in clause (b) of this Bye-law 2.2. at the price per Share and on the other terms stated in the Preemptive Notice.
Translation - Portuguese AÇÕES
2. Poder para Emitir Ações
2.1. Sujeito e este Estatuto Social e qualquer deliberação dos Sócios em sentido contrário, e sem prejuízo de quaisquer direitos especiais anteriormente conferidos aos detentores de quaisquer ações ou classes de ações existentes, o Conselho terá o poder de emitir quaisquer Ações não emitidas da Sociedade nos termos e condições que possa determinar.
2.2. Se a sociedade propuser emitir quaisquer Ações ou valores mobiliários adicionais ou instrumentos passíveis de execução ou permuta ou conversíveis em Ações que não (i) como contraprestação direta pela aquisição de outra Pessoa em caso de incorporação, fusão ou reestruturação ou pela aquisição de ativos de outra Pessoa ou para o financiamento ou refinanciamento de qualquer aquisição, ou (ii) qualquer oferta pública de Ações ou valores mobiliários adicionais ou instrumentos passíveis de execução ou permuta ou conversíveis em Ações; ou (iii) opções ou outros valores mobiliários ou instrumentos ou direitos emitidos relativamente a planos de incentivo em Ações oferecidas a funcionários da Sociedade ou de suas subsidiárias; em cada caso quando essa emissão adicional de Ações ou valores mobiliários adicionais ou instrumentos passíveis de execução ou permuta ou conversíveis em Ações for aprovada pelo Conselho (conjuntamente, "Valores Mobiliários Novos"), então, antes de realizar a emissão dos Valores Mobiliários Novos:
(a) A Sociedade enviará notificação por escrito (a “Notificação de Preferência”) aos Sócios, informando a quantidade de Valores Mobiliários Novos, o preço por ação, as condições de pagamento e todos os demais termos e condições sobre os quais a Sociedade propõe realizar tal emissão, e informando que cada Sócio terá a opção de comprar até a quantidade de Valores Mobiliários determinada conforme previsto no item (b) desta Cláusula 2.2. do Estatuto Social pelo preço por Ação e mediante os demais termos informados na Notificação de Preferência.
I was born and raised in Brazil, worked as a shipping broker for five years during which period I attended Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Law School. Graduated in 1999, was admitted to practice nationally in 2002 (OAB-SP 203237) and specialized in Intellectual Property - Patents, Trademarks, Copyright and Technology Transfer Agreements -, working in one of the most traditional Brazilian Law Firms for five years.
For the best part of 2011, I worked as Brazilian Portuguese in-house tester in Prague for new releases from Avaya Inc, comprising communication tools for mobile devices, communications applications and collaboration tools, unified messaging platforms for call answering, voice messaging, and speech capabilities.
The project involved around 600 hours of testing the aforementioned products, translating, revising and editing GUI and help files to their finest details, and required not only a high level of computer literacy but also fluency in communicating and resolving language, layout and functional bugs by working close with other colleague testers, developers, translators and Avaya themselves.
Moreover, I am a Lawyer - Intellectual Property Specialist -, having worked for over 11 years with bilingual IP Agreements, and for 6 years as a full-time freelance translator, broadening my specialty fields to include IT and Telecommunications i.e. software and user’s guide for Windows, Mac and smart phones.
For the past 2 years now, I have collaborated with the translation and QA Testing of extensive user's guides and the regular update of the website of China's Telecommunications gigantic, Huawei Technologies at,
In 2010, an assignment in the IT field comprised the translation into Brazilian Portuguese of 180K words from the QuickTest Professional, a QA testing tool for functional test and regression test automation for Hewlett Packard; a particularly large project developed over a period of only 3 months, involving a team of 8 translators and totalling around 2,000K words, with the creation of specialized glossaries as well.
- My daily output for translations is of around 3,5k words and 14k for proofreading - without using automated translators;
- My translation rate is USD 0.08/source word/USD 20.00/hour for editing/proofreading;
- There is isn't a minimum charge for regular clients; and
- CAT Tools: MemoQ, Trados 7 Freelance, SDLX, Xbench, ApSIC Comparator and Wordfast 6.
To confirm my association with the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-SP), please enter my registration number, 203237, at: