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Sample translations submitted: 3
Korean to English: Korean Consumer Report
Source text - Korean 겨울. 제철을 맞은 먹을거리 빙어는 많은 소비자들에게 사랑을 받고 있다. 맑고, 깨끗한 물에서만 산다는 인식 때문에 특히 빙어를 회로 먹는 소비자들이 많다.
그 런데 빙어가 오염된 물에서도 잘 산다는 충격적인 제보가 들어왔다. 현장을 찾은 결과 농업용수로도 쓸 수 없을 만큼 오염된 물에서 빙어를 잡는 어부들을 만날 수 있었다. 빙어들을 채취해 조사해본 결과 빙어에서 중금속인 수은과 비소가 검출됐다. 과연 이 빙어들은 어디로 유통되는 것일까? 제작진이 직접 오염된 빙어의 유통경로를 추적했는데...
소비자고발에서는 깨끗한 청정 빙어로 둔갑된 오염된 빙어의 유통실태를 고발한다!
Translation - English Winter is the season for smelt and is loved by many. It is perceived that smelt only live in clean and clear waters thus many people eat the fish raw. However, we received shocking news that smelt can easily survive in contaminated waters. During our investigation, we were able to find fisherman fishing for smelt in waters that were too contaminated for even agricultural use. After catching and examining these fish, we found that they contained heavy metals such as mercury and arsenic. Where are these smelts being distributed to? We tracked the distribution routes of these contaminated smelts, and we report the distribution of these contaminated smelts labeled as “clean”.
Korean to English: Consumer Report 2
Source text - Korean 전 국민의 안방으로, 하나의 놀이공간으로 자리매김한 찜질방! 특히 추운 겨울 대목을 맞아 찜질방을 찾아 땀을 빼거나 휴식을 취하는 사람들이 더욱 많아졌다.
그런데 이렇게 먹고, 자고, 씻는 찜질방의 위생상태는 안전할까?
하루에도 몇 천명씩 드나들어 여러 명이 돌려입게 되는 찜질복은 어떨까. 우리는 휴식을 취하고 취침을 하는데 사용되는 매트와 베개를 포함해 찜질방 전반의 위생상태를 점검해 봤다. 결과는 충격적이었다. 서울 시내 10곳의 찜질방 욕탕수 중 8곳에서 세균이 검출된 것이다.
휴식을 위한 공간인 찜질방이 오히려 병을 얻을 수 있는 무서운 공간으로 탈바꿈하는 실태를 공개한다
Translation - English The Sauna, known as the country’s living room where people come to enjoy themselves Especially, during the cold winter these places cater to the masses when people come to sweat it out or relax.
However, this place were we eat, sleep, and wash, is it really sanitary?
How about the clothes that people wear at these places that are shared by the hundreds of people who visit these saunas daily? We included the mats and pillows used in the resting areas and did a full investigation of the sanitary state of these saunas. The results were shocking. From the 10 saunas in Seoul that we investigated 8 confirmed bacteria from the bathwater. The place we go for rest and relaxation and it’s transformation into becoming a scary place where we can easily catch diseases is what we report to you.
Korean to English: Entertainment Article
Source text - Korean [이데일리 SPN 장서윤기자] 30%대를 훌쩍 넘어서며 시청률 고공행진중인 SBS 일일드라마 '아내의 유혹'(극본 김순옥 연출 오세강)의 주인공 장서희가 작품에 대한 솔직한 생각을 전했다.
남 편과 절친한 친구에게 배신을 당한 평범한 주부 구은재(장서희)가 전혀 다른 인물로 변신해 복수를 펼친다는 내용을 담은 '아내의 유혹'은 주부 시청자들을 중심으로 큰 인기를 얻고 있는 것과 동시에 '복수극'이라는 설정이 지나치게 극단적이고 선정적이라는 비판을 받고 있다.
이에 대해 장서희는 최근 이데일리 SPN과의 인터뷰에서 "사회적으로 좋지 않은 영향을 줄 수 있다는 일부 비판에도 일리가 있지만 주인공 은재가 가족을 위해 복수를 결심하게 되는 것이나 부모님을 떠올리며 인간적인 갈등을 하는 부분 등을 보면 작품이 진한 '인간애'를 담고 있음을 알 수 있다"는 생각을 전했다.
이어 "은재의 매력은 무엇보다 자기 삶을 스스로 개척해가는 인물이라는 점"이라며 "뭐든 '할 수 있다'고 생각하고 실행하는 점이 요즘같이 어려운 때 용기를 주는 면이 있다고 본다"고 덧붙였다.
Translation - English Currently achieving far more than 30% viewer rating, the daily drama series “Wife’s Seduction” actress Seo-Hee Jang(장서희) tells us what she honestly thinks about the show.
The drama which is based on a regular house wife being betrayed by her cheating husband and her best friend and then transforming into a woman set on revenge, has been gaining great popularity among it’s housewife demographic, however at the same time, it has also been criticized by a few for being overly extreme.
The actress agrees with the critics, that the revenge aspect of the drama may prove harmful to society, but she also points out that the character’s constant struggle with morals and the reason she chose to seek revenge all because of her family, shows a more “human” side to the drama.
She also feels that the character’s strength, such as the “I can do anything” and the “I can retake control of my life”, brings hope to those during these tough economic times.
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Feb 2009.
I am a Korean-American born and raised in the states, currently working in Korea. I have been in many different industries during my career, and am now using my talents in language to try and enter into the field of translation.
I have experience in translation and interpretation since a very young age. Being an Army Brat, I moved and lived all over the world, having to make friends quickly and help those not as fortunate in the mother tongue of the country. As early as age 12, I remember helping my friends navigate the busy streets of Korea, and while living in America, helping Korean friends in the same way.
I can easily say that my first attempts at translation began while I was attending schoool. At the time I helped numerous friends translate their papers and homeworks from Korean to English. Sometimes even having to write most of it. :P
I now find myself, teaching those who have the desire to learn english on a business level, and have experience translating the highly technical to the everyday emails at LG.
Before I delved into the field of Education/Language, I was successful in the field of finance, becoming a Manager at a very young age and early point in my career.
I specialize in "sales" both B2B and consumer products, and still enjoy it as I sometimes feel I have to "entertain/sell" boring content to busy people.
Sorry for the wall of text crit (those of you who play world of warcraft will know what that is.). But that's me in a nut shell.
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