Powwow Report for United States - USA - Westport CT - New England (Apr 23 2006)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Karl Archbold (X)
Georgetina Meyer Kirkland
Juan Peña
Christiana Hadjipavli

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Apr 25 '06  Maria-Jose Pastor: My regrets
I am sorry I was unable to attend, as two of my children came down with viral infections and were running fevers on Sunday (The woes of single parenthood)- I hope to make the next ones if there are plans for getting together on a regular basis. Please keep me informed!
Apr 25 '06  Georgetina Meyer Kirkland: Awesome Powwow!
I too had a fabulous time yesterday. Ditto, ditto!
I look forward to making personal contact with some of my new friends soon. Let's try to meet on a regular basis as local interpreters/translators as was mentioned yesterday. The networking possibilities are endless!

Apr 24 '06  French4Beth: Thank you, Rod & Karl!
Had a fantastic time at yesterday's pow-wow, despite the near-monsoon weather conditions! Met so many interesting people, and made lots of new contacts, too! Always a pleasure to get together with fellow translators/interpreters!