Powwow Report for Austria - Wien (Nov 4 2005)

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Report from  Ursula Derx
Here are the photos as promised!
Great to meet you all, Ursula
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Report from  Arlène Geneviève Müller (X)
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Report from  Marie Madeleine Glück
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(Click on an image for larger view)

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ursula Derx
Annalisa Tamborra (X)
Dagmar Jenner
Emily Lemon
Arlène Geneviève Müller (X)

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jan 14 '06  Dagmar Jenner: @ Marie Madeleine
Glad it worked out on such short notice! But too bad you can't make it on February 2. See you soon! Dagmar
Jan 14 '06  Marie Madeleine Glück: POWWOW IN WIEN
Hi Noe, Dagmar and Richar:

We did it again. It was nice great to mee. I am in possession of tw good pictures but don´t know where to upload them. Hope to see you again Noe in the summer.

A bientôt.
Marie M.
Dec 6 '05  lisevs: still nothing there :(
hi marie madeleine,

did you get my e-mail?
I made a support request and the answer was, that you are the only one who can do something about the missing browniz - since you are the organizer. maybe there is a problem with my account since everybode else obviously got the browniz?

did you have time to check that yet?

Nov 30 '05  Annalisa Tamborra (X): browniz

I have just checked my browniz. I got them without doing anything.

What's the identity check actually?

Nov 30 '05  Ursula Derx: identification
I just found out that one has to apply for identification. I just did it now.

Looking forward to meeting you again!

P.S. I got my browniz :)
Nov 30 '05  Marie Madeleine Glück: powwow in Vienna
I just realised that I received the points but not the identiy check. I think they need a bit of time maybe. But whoever did not receive the points should send a request support to "support" and signale it to them. They will do it right away.

Lise gave us a good tip. Namely, use the points to pay for membership. I dont know how many points that should be.
I have got t go now!
Nov 30 '05  Arlène Geneviève Müller (X): ID check
My ID hasn't been checked either. I wrote them and asked to, but they still have not reacted. Marie Madeleine is in the list of persons who are able to check ID. I gave her name still we met in Vienna. So I don't know if she received an e-mail from the Proz.com team. Did you Madeleine?
KR, Arlène :-)
Nov 30 '05  Arlène Geneviève Müller (X): Browniz
Try to go under My Proz.com/My Browniz. You should have in the list 200 point for each Powwow attended.If you don't, contact them!
Nov 30 '05  Dagmar Jenner: Next powwow - probably in January
Dear all, I volunteered to organize the next powwow - and I will keep my promise, of course. I guess January would be convenient, right? BTW, I think I got the Browniz but not the "identity check" - I wonder why...LG Dagmar
Nov 30 '05  lisevs: no browniz to me
nope - when I click on browniz in the upper left corner under my name and then scroll down to Powwows attended there is a nice round 0

Nov 30 '05  Arlène Geneviève Müller (X): browniz
Hi there!!!

I think I got the 200 browniz. Didn't you????
Nov 30 '05  lisevs: looking forward to holidays :)
hi everyone,

it was so nice meeting you all. I certainly hope we will manage to get together again.

Norbert and I have been working really hard the past weeks - now we are really looking forward to some holiday during christmas :)

by the way: did any of you get the 200 browniz for attending the pow wow yet? (I collect them and use them to pay parts of platinum membership etc.)

Nov 30 '05  Marie Madeleine Glück: powwow in Vienna

To all, I hope you are all fine and not freezing from this sudden snowfall. I wish you a wonderful week and hope Fr. Mag. Dagmar will invite us again soon for another powwow.

Marie Madeleine
Nov 8 '05  Ursula Derx: Photos
Hi everybody! When you click "View Powwow Report" on top of this page, you can see the photos I took. It was great fun meeting you all:-)
Nov 7 '05  nafsika: Nafsika
Hi Dagmar! Thanks a lot for the link concerning the business cards. I will certainly order there!
Nov 6 '05  Dagmar Jenner: Free business cards (almost too good to be true!)
Hi everybody, since some of you said they still needed to get their business cards printed, here's the link to the web site Vistaprint where I ordered mine. I know it's hard to believe, but you actually get 250 business cards (huge choice of standard designs) free - you just pay for shipping (about EUR 5 last time). Including your logo like on my card costs extra. I've used this service several times and it's always worked great - the best part: there's no catch! Here's the link:
Nov 5 '05  Arlène Geneviève Müller (X): Great meeting you all!
Yes, that's true, it was really nice to learn to know you all. Although it was a chalenge with Océanne, I think it was woth coming. Hope we will keep contact!
Kind regards,
Nov 5 '05  Dagmar Jenner: Great meeting you all!
Hi everybody, it was great seeing you all yesterday evening. However, it was a pity that the waiter was so rude. I just sent an e-mail to the manager and complained. I'll organize our next powwow and we'll definitely meet someplace else. Looking forward to seeing you again! Dagmar
Nov 4 '05  Manuela Turitto: It will be hard to make it!
Dear all,
As I had already said in one of my messages, it will be hard for me to make it. I work as translator at the OSCE in these weeks and I will not be leaving the office before 6pm. By the time I get to you most of will be already gone, am I right?
Do you think it make sense for me to come so late?