| Powwow Report for Spain - Girona (Jun 3 2007) Report from John Cutler | As I awoke and pulled back the curtains, the day seemed to be dawning partly cloudy and even seemed to be giving hints that it might rain. I had been watching the weather reports for days and praying that we’d have the beautiful sunny day the weathermen were promising and that we needed for a Powwow of this type.
Our plan was to stroll around the historic part of Girona, visit the Jewish History Museum, which attracts thousands of visitors a year, and have lunch at a lovely outdoor restaurant. The sunbeams that started piercing through the clouds as I looked out the window were an omen of good things to come…
First task for the day: meet Emily Wilson at the train station in Girona. She was coming accompanied by her newly adopted Dalmatian, Milka. The train arrived on time and host, first arrival and Milka headed to my house to leave Milka in the good company of my three daughters who thought having a dog for the day was the coolest way to spend a Sunday.
Dog and children happily in place, Emily, my wife Silvia and I headed off to the Post Office, which was to be the meeting place for the 2007 Girona Powwow. Soon, those who had expressed their interest began to gather. The contingent from Tarragona appeared: Maria Rosich and her boyfriend, Bram Starink, with Maria’s sister coming along to accompany us; next the crew from Barcelona: Cor Stephan Van Eijden, Arturo Mannino and Frida, Sergio Martín and Jorg Dietrich. Others who had come by car approached us fairly certain that this mixed group of Spaniards and foreigners had to be what they were looking for: Dolly Gonzalez, Victoria Romero, Etienne Muylle, Berni Armstrong and his wife Carme, Frank Foley, John O’Brien, as well as 3 people I had invited, Margaret Metcalfe, Josep Rovirola and Irene Portugal. We were now 20 strong and, this being Spain, we did what all good Spaniards would do: headed for the nearest bar for a drink or coffee!
The mid-morning sun was now higher and began to shine more bravely and warm the day in the same way we quickly warmed to each other. From the start, there was an openness and friendly attitude shown by each of the participants. Nothing like a good cup of "café con leche" to start the conversation flowing! While continuing to introduce ourselves at the covered, outdoor café our last attendee arrived: Lars Johanessen, who quickly made himself at home with all the other now freely laughing and talking translators. Although hardly anyone knew each other before the day of the Powwow, it already seemed as if we had all met before somewhere.
Next, we all headed off for the main part of the tour. A free visit to The Jewish History Museum had been arranged and would add a bit of cultural interest to the Powwow. We met in a meeting room that had also kindly been opened to us by the museum and had a further time of introducing ourselves and explaining a little more about our work. The range of nationalities and ages became clear when one participant mentioned that he hadn’t even been born when another had moved to Spain!
When the museum tour finished, we set off for a stroll around the narrow medieval streets of the historical quarter. With the 99 daunting steps of the Cathedral looming in front of us, we decided to split up. Those who wanted could climb the stairs to the Cathedral and those who chose otherwise would stop at another nearby café (you’re never far from one in Girona) and have more time of sharing over the brew of their choice.
When the brave souls who had ventured up the Cathedral steps returned from their “journey” it was, at long last, time for lunch.
We rambled over the cobblestone streets and the small bridge that led us to the restaurant. The eatery had kindly given us a series of tables placed together outdoors under an awning and we quickly sat down and began to feast on the various dishes that were part of our fete. The food flowed freely as did the wine and soon some members had formed an impromptu chorus and broke into song. In the same festive spirit we played a sort of musical chairs in which everyone had to move 4 or 5 chairs to their right so that everyone had a chance to talk with others with whom they had not had a chance to speak with earlier in the meal. After dessert, it was time for a glass of cava (Spanish Champagne) and small cigars for the connoisseurs among us and another spontaneous performance by the “Girona Powwow Choral Group”.
What would Sunday lunch in Spain be without the "sobremesa"? That’s the time after a meal to sit around the table and talk, chitchat, converse, dialogue, discourse, and as they say where I come from “chew the fat”. A long and pleasant while of more sharing, laughing and singing followed, as the light of day began to mellow and turn golden and the restaurant staff began turning off the lights and showing signs of closing up, we got up from the table of fellowship and began to say our goodbyes and wish each other well. Some had to go pick up children they had left with grandparents, others to get on the road and head out, others to return to the train station and depart homeward. As for Silvia and I, we took Emily back to pick up Milka, the Dalmatian, who - when it was time to get in the car to return to the train station - didn’t seem to want to leave.
So, there you have it, even the canine attendees enjoyed a day of gathering together in good company.
ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host |
Postings from ProZians who attended this event Jun 8 '07 Maria Dolors Gonzálvez Playà: What a fantastic Sunday!
Yes, I did really enjoy last Sunday in beautiful Girona in the company of all of you.
John and Silvia, you guys did a fantastic job organizing this event. I just loved the Jewish Museum and the walk I took around the gardens behind the Cathedral. I'm definitely coming back to your city to keep exploring! So thanks a lot to both of you for going through all the effort! :-)
This is the 4th powwow I attend and I must say it's been definetely one of the best.
The group of attendants was dead nice, we broke the ice quick and smooth and I really enjoyed chatting and sharing experiences with all of you. To sum it all up and before you had enough of me, it was just a great day! :-)
By the way, wasn't somebody saying to organize a Powwow in Avinyó? Thought that sounds cool, me!
Well, wherever the occasion arises next, I'll really try not to miss it!
Fins a la propera!
P.S.: John and Frank, nice pics! Thanks for sharing! :-)
| Jun 7 '07 Berni Armstrong: Some great shots Frank!
You are an artist sir!
Berni | Jun 7 '07 Frank Foley: Some photos
Thanks to John, Silvia and all of you for a great day in Catalunya. Here are some photos, in frustratingly random order. Click "View as slideshow" if you don't want to read the embarrassing captions ;-]
http://www.flickr.com/photos/8740296@N02/ | Jun 7 '07 Berni Armstrong: I love you Arturo!
No one had told me about them putting the videos on the web. Great! Your link didn't quite work though. This one should:
Be seeing you!
Berni | Jun 7 '07 Arturo Mannino: Gracias a John y Silvia
Frida y yo lo pasamos pipa. Por cierto, para los que no tienen TDT, aquí se puede ver a Bernie actuando :)
http://www.tv3.cat/ptvcatalunya/cercamedies.jsp?c_paraula=m%DEeteo%20k | Jun 7 '07 John Cutler: The actor
Hi Emily, glad you had a good time. Sorry I spelled Wilka's name wrong in the report! I hope I got all the human names right. :-)
Speaking of the actor...I had seen in Frank's CV that he had done some acting, but it turns out that Berni Armstrong has a program called "Méteo K" on the K3 channel. He plays a character called Professor K. Here's a link if you want to see some more info on it:
http://www.tv3.cat/ptvcatalunya/tvcPrograma.jsp?idint=212554912 | Jun 7 '07 Emily Wilson: Great to meet all of you!
Thank you John & Silvia! That was a fabulous time...it was lots of fun seeing Girona and chatting with fellow interpreters and translators over good food and (quite a bit of) good wine ;). Hope to see many of you in September...by the way, who is the actor?
Un abrazo, Emily | Jun 6 '07 Cor Stephan van Eijden: Con la muchila llena de recuerdos
He vuelto a la isla de Mallorca después de haber hecho 21 nuevos amigos. Gracias John, Silvia y todos que han hecho de esto día un recuerdo inolvidable. Espero que estemos en contacto para repetir esta maravillosa experiencia.
Hasta pronto/See you soon/Fins aviat/Tot ziens!!! | Jun 6 '07 Maria Rosich Andreu: Moltes gràcies als organitzadors
I a tots els participants!!
Va ser un dia molt agradable, i crec que tots ens ho vam passar molt bé. Espero que ens tornarem a veure aviat!
| Jun 6 '07 Berni Armstrong: Great report John,
and a great day. I look forward to meeting many of you again at future events. These events really help with the old "loneliness of the long distance translator " syndrome. | Jun 6 '07 John Cutler: El tiempo dirá : )
Por ahora, sé que hay un Powwow en Barcelona en Septiembre. Yo no tendría tiempo para organizar otro en Girona hasta el año que viene. Por otra parte, sí podría asistir si alguién más tomara la iniciativa de organizar otro en Gerona este mismo año. ; ) | Jun 6 '07 Ana SIERRA VINUESA: ¿para cuándo el próximo Powwow?
Hola a todos, me alegro por el éxito del Powwow. Girona es una ciudad preciosa y todavía más en buena compañía. Felicidades John por la organización. Ahora que ya estás "rodado" y tal como dice Victoria: ¿para cuándo el próximo Powwow?
hasta pronto
Ana | Jun 5 '07 Victoria Romero: Thanks to John and Silvia!!
Pues eso. Muchas gracias por todo a los organizadores y a los asistentes. Me lo pasé muy bien y estuve muy cómoda en todo momento. ¿Para cuándo el próximo Powwow?
Saludos a todos.
Victoria |
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