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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Monthly 'Connect IT' Networking Session

July 2, 2011, 7:30 pm
AustraliaAdelaideIn personEnglish
Networking Coffee Break for Translators and Interpreters, organised by AUSIT

Location: Alfonso’s Continental, corner Hutt and Halifax streets, the AUSIT table is inside

Time: Saturday 2 July 2011 (every first Saturday of the month), 10.00 a.m.

AUSIT members and non-members very welcome - bring your friends and colleagues!

Catch up with industry news or bring your own ideas. Discuss, debate and connect over a cuppa.

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (6) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Nicole Y. Adams, M.A.  \"Organizer\" ...  
axies   ...  
Petra Junge   Hi Nicole! I have always wanted to come to one of these and hope to make it this time.   
Lihua Yu   ...  
Khin Maung (Tony) Latt  \"Photographer\" ...  
Karen Daza Urbáez   ...  

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