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[View Powwow Report] powwow: For freelance translators in S.Korea

May 9, 2009, 12:00 pm
South KoreaJeonjuIn personEnglish

* Informal meeting for freelance translators based in S.Korea *

I'm living in Jeonju in the province of Jeollabok-Do and would be very interested in meeting up with fellow linguists.

Suggested date: Saturday 9th May starting at 12pm. Venue to be determined and could involve food, drinks and maybe even a walk.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or preferences. Even the date is flexible so if you can't make Saturday 9th of May, please still contribute to this and hopefully we can meet up at some point this year.

Jeonju is a particularly gorgeous part of S.Korea; it is THE culinary centre of the country and is surrounded by many mountains & parks. It is well-served by public transport (3 hours bus or train ride from Seoul). It is a wonderful place and some of you may consider making a weekend of it, in which case I'd be more than happy to act as a guide as much as I can.

Looking forward to it,


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Interested members (5) / Confirmed: 0
Name NoteWill Attend
Patricia Dillon  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" \"Photographer\" I've cancelled this event because there are no confirmed attendees. shame...  
Kyeho Song  \"Photographer\" I'm very sorry to can't attend this meeting. I have had sudden schedules.   n
cry4moon   WoW.. it's too far.. have a really great time..   
Yong-suk Choi   Thank you for your time and efforts  
Xbhagwatgouri (X)   wow it is interesting but too far..  

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