with regard to WWA and LWA..
Thread poster: Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 12:24
English to German
+ ...
Jul 29, 2008

Hi! I see my older BB entries appearing under WWA or may be mostly under LWA. This seems to be a different rating system Vs. BB ratin afai- understand from the optics. Now the question is how much higher or lower equals lower WWA or the other way around that amounts to any BB rating along 1-5?? Is it some kind of a new therapy??. BR Brandis

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 07:24
The difference between LWA and WWA Jul 29, 2008

Hello Brandis,

I have to admit I am not entirely clear on your question. Let me point out the difference between these two forms of feedback. Likelihood of Working Again (LWA) is feedback given from service providers to outsourcers. Willingness to Work Again (WWA) is feedback from outsourcers to service providers. In the case of profiles belonging to freelancers who also outsource, the option is provided to display both in the profile.

Best regards,


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 12:24
English to German
+ ...
1-5 rating system was not enough.. Jul 29, 2008

Hello Jared, in a way you are confirming that the LWA or WWA is better than the 1-5 rating system I / most of us knew is better, and all my or our older BB entries appear under WWA or LWA - which is sometimes not the case pertaining to outsourcer that do not pay anyway. Now the question is whether lower BB rating or LWA , how is that going to help?? in which sense the system is so finely tuned that I keep on seeing so many hints ( read that Bible issues) but never see my payment, despite the g... See more
Hello Jared, in a way you are confirming that the LWA or WWA is better than the 1-5 rating system I / most of us knew is better, and all my or our older BB entries appear under WWA or LWA - which is sometimes not the case pertaining to outsourcer that do not pay anyway. Now the question is whether lower BB rating or LWA , how is that going to help?? in which sense the system is so finely tuned that I keep on seeing so many hints ( read that Bible issues) but never see my payment, despite the grace period given for all claims?? When does that Bible speak about such things. BB BrandisCollapse

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 07:24
Not enough for what? Jul 29, 2008

Hello Brandis,

I believe the 1-5 rating system you refer to is the LWA system, where you can give a 1-5 rating on the outsourcer's Blue Board and add a comment as well. Providing valid feedback to outsourcers is a good way of helping future service providers evaluate an outsourcer before accepting work with them.


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 12:24
English to German
+ ...
your adv. in he near past... Jul 29, 2008

Jared wrote:

Hello Brandis,

I believe the 1-5 rating system you refer to is the LWA system, where you can give a 1-5 rating on the outsourcer's Blue Board and add a comment as well. Providing valid feedback to outsourcers is a good way of helping future service providers evaluate an outsourcer before accepting work with them.

indicates, if I post in BB I automatically intend not to work with a particular outsourcer ( See older tickets submitted) Your reply now indicates nothing more than the rating I know in the BB system. Can you explain me in detail the differences between the BB ( I rate an outsourcer at LWA at 4 ) does it mean automatically BB 4 or the otherway around! I have noticed that this is getting ever sensitive, hence also the removal of my posting in the public. If the system fails to communicate and is not flexible with the participants, it is truly going to give place for a raise in the thought to put further questions. I guess atleast this should improve the system or the random participant ( or all are random paricipants). OR is it aimed at blurred eyes making mistakes, getting lose teath, and bad calf muscles and less walking ability ( chicken in the closed cage) ahhha! are you now the next genartion Henry !!! If so solve it. BR Brandis

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 12:24
English to German
+ ...
I have a big trouble with this Bible you wish to tell me... Jul 29, 2008

Jared wrote:

Hello Brandis,

I believe the 1-5 rating system you refer to is the LWA system, where you can give a 1-5 rating on the outsourcer's Blue Board and add a comment as well. Providing valid feedback to outsourcers is a good way of helping future service providers evaluate an outsourcer before accepting work with them.

Hi! When a translator does get paid, the Bible and all the moderators together with the staff shout within the directory´s scope that he should get paid, what happens outside, whether he gets paid or not is not taken care of (where is the community part). If it comes high, people raise quality issues, that go much beyond the tolerance levels ( agreed time frame and percentile of acceptable levels and recorrection etc., hence we had( I and my teams) introduced a grace period beyond which no claims are to be be raised, if at all at additional payment.

Now the question is - some time back there was an issue - referring to my older tickets ( sounds funny though - they were never solved really but the choice I saw was they were closed without having to consult me. It is only after closing the ticket I was asked to rate the support given, which was very objective and I was never given a choice to write may be an essay in a communication portal system, which is a perfect contradiction) I had to hear from you ( read those rules) - similarly we ( I mean me and my colleagues) have now three more than 5OS exploiting the system lose mindedly and I keep coming back claiming ( grace period was not maintained by the OS) just because may be one term or the similar which they cannot even prove. Generally I mean to indicate it is an equal responsiblity on account of the OS just as the supplier and also of the system in which they both participate. Is now LWA or WWA a milder or a stronger way of interpreting such facts. Do you really translate yourself or even manage may be smalle projects while not understanding the technicalities and the difficulties other translators may have and prepare the subject in a manner so that and give you a feed back so that the best of the choice has been achived. Or are we doing WAX figures. BR Brandis

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 07:24
Remember that ProZ.com is a venue Jul 30, 2008

Hello Brandis,

Remember that ProZ.com is a venue. There are safeguards in place to protect both service providers and outsourcers while using this venue, such as the rules for using the Blue Board. The Blue Board FAQ also helps to clarify the purpose and use of the Blue Board.


Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 12:24
English to German
+ ...
BB Vs. LWA and WWA System.. Jul 30, 2008

Hi Jared, I fail to see the difference between a rating system that has been integratedin BB and now coming probably in a newer form while intending not to hurt the translator or the OS, where is the true difference!!?? Why is the LWA/ WWA better than the BB as I and others already know and why was I discouraged in the near past from posting on the BB (DO YOU NOT INTEND TO SUPPLY SERVICES TO THIS PARTICULAR OS-) I must here contend that I was solely using the BB rating system and nothing else. L... See more
Hi Jared, I fail to see the difference between a rating system that has been integratedin BB and now coming probably in a newer form while intending not to hurt the translator or the OS, where is the true difference!!?? Why is the LWA/ WWA better than the BB as I and others already know and why was I discouraged in the near past from posting on the BB (DO YOU NOT INTEND TO SUPPLY SERVICES TO THIS PARTICULAR OS-) I must here contend that I was solely using the BB rating system and nothing else. LWA or WWA are no different only they come with somewhat non-rating ambiguous variant. What good is it. On the BB I could always improve from 5 may be to 4 or even to 2 or from 1 down to other figures. BR BrandisCollapse

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 07:24
LWA is part of the Blue Board Jul 30, 2008

Hello Brandis,

LWA is an integral part of the Blue Board.

WWA is a separate system of feedback, as I mention above.

No one is discouraged from posting feedback on the Blue Board as long as it is in accordance with the conditions required for making Blue Board entries.

... See more
Hello Brandis,

LWA is an integral part of the Blue Board.

WWA is a separate system of feedback, as I mention above.

No one is discouraged from posting feedback on the Blue Board as long as it is in accordance with the conditions required for making Blue Board entries.



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with regard to WWA and LWA..

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