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Scammed by a 5 stars rated agency.
Thread poster: María Toresani
Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:41
Member (2007)
+ ...
Report them to site staff Jan 16, 2021

Michael Newton wrote:
Don't be scammed by agencies that say they will pay you if you delete the unfavorable rating. Once the rating is deleted, they disappear and you are prevented from reposting.

If that happens, you should immediately send a support ticket to site staff. It's against the rules to use the BB in that way and the company would risk being banned from posting jobs here.

Walter Landesman
Trang Pham
Scammed? Really? Jan 16, 2021

You got paid in full 10 days from delivery!

I think if I were an agency and a translator went public about me being a scammer when payment was only a few days late, I might be unimpressed and ask them to remove those comments.

I’m not defending a “remove or we won’t pay” threat, if that is what indeed happened, but you have to be reasonable.

Most payments I receive arrive a few days either side of the due date.

I’ve just chased a p
... See more
You got paid in full 10 days from delivery!

I think if I were an agency and a translator went public about me being a scammer when payment was only a few days late, I might be unimpressed and ask them to remove those comments.

I’m not defending a “remove or we won’t pay” threat, if that is what indeed happened, but you have to be reasonable.

Most payments I receive arrive a few days either side of the due date.

I’ve just chased a payment due in August. They forgot and so did I. These things happen.

Dan Lucas
Kevin Fulton
Baran Keki
Walter Landesman
Christel Zipfel
United Kingdom
Local time: 07:41
Serbian to English
+ ...
You forgot few details ... Jan 18, 2021

Chris S wrote:

You got paid in full 10 days from delivery!

I think if I were an agency and a translator went public about me being a scammer when payment was only a few days late, I might be unimpressed and ask them to remove those comments.

I’m not defending a “remove or we won’t pay” threat, if that is what indeed happened, but you have to be reasonable.

Most payments I receive arrive a few days either side of the due date.

I’ve just chased a payment due in August. They forgot and so did I. These things happen.

No one has forced this agency to offer to pay after 7 days.

Did they do so because they badly needed the work done quickly or because it's easy to make promises you will later simply ignore? Difficult to know.

From the experience of other translators, it looks like they decided to stick to their words only after they realised that they won't get away with no doing so.

From what I can see the translator had very good reasons to react.

[Edited at 2021-01-18 03:46 GMT]

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Scammed by a 5 stars rated agency.

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