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The little car now at the top of the page
Thread poster: Preston Decker
Preston Decker
Preston Decker  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:00
Chinese to English
RE Oct 8, 2016

Lingua 5B wrote:

Preston Decker wrote:

TranslateThis wrote:

You are right, Preston, it does say Nissan North America Inc. and its subsidiaries. If the grand prize cannot be claimed outside of the US and Canada, it is quite disappointing.

It appears to be open to anyone (not just Americans and Canadians), but if I remember correctly from the fine print, the prize must be claimed in person. I suppose it would be worth it for a European (or someone else with visa free travel to the US) to travel to the US, claim the car, and then resell it (could still make a nice 10,000+ even after taxes and travel expenses), but could prove to be a real nightmare if you're from someplace without visa free travel to the States. Thus my thought that Proz would be better off making this explicitly clear and perhaps offering a substitute prize if you're from elsewhere.

I suppose they can coordinate with Nissan dealers elsewhere, but I'm not sure. I haven't seen it was restricted in that respect, perhaps I failed to read it.

Yea, read through it again and actually it's unclear. As TranslateThis noted, Nissan North America, Inc. is mentioned, although I don't think it says the prize must be delivered by Nissan North America. Two excerpts from the fine print are below:
"Grand Prize Winner must take delivery of Grand Prize vehicle within thirty (30) days of notice of availability from the dealership near winner’s residence designated by Sponsor, or the Grand Prize vehicle will be forfeited. Grand Prize Winner shall be required to personally accept delivery of the vehicle at the designated dealership and present adequate personal identification."
Then further on:
"The maximum value of the vehicle awarded to the Grand Prize Winner will be $20,000. If the advertised vehicle is not available at that price in the region of the Grand Prize Winner, a substitute vehicle will be awarded. "

So I suppose it comes down to whether or not Proz really has the ability to deliver across the world?

Probably would be a good idea for Proz to clarify this.

And don't get me wrong, I'm excited for this and will be entering the drawing-- a new Translatormobile would get 2017 off to a great start.

[Edited at 2016-10-08 19:51 GMT]

Ilan Rubin (X)
Ilan Rubin (X)  Identity Verified
Russian Federation
Local time: 23:00
Russian to English
I wouldn't be seen dead in a car worth $25,000 Oct 8, 2016

[Edited at 2016-10-08 21:56 GMT]

Jennifer Forbes
Jennifer Forbes  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:00
French to English
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In memoriam
I wouldn't either, darling, but ... Oct 8, 2016


[Edited at 2016-10-08 21:56 GMT]

... if were I to win, would it be possible for me (a resident and national of America's best friend, the UK) to be represented in person by my American nephew, a resident of New York, who could come and pick up the vehicle on my behalf?

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
English to Portuguese
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In memoriam
Yes, but... Oct 9, 2016

Jenny Forbes wrote:

... if were I to win, would it be possible for me (a resident and national of America's best friend, the UK) to be represented in person by my American nephew, a resident of New York, who could come and pick up the vehicle on my behalf?

Keep in mind that if you eventually managed to get this car shipped to the UK, the driver's seat and everything it entails would still be on the left side.

Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Local time: 22:00
Member (2009)
English to Croatian
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: D Oct 9, 2016

José Henrique Lamensdorf wrote:

Jenny Forbes wrote:

... if were I to win, would it be possible for me (a resident and national of America's best friend, the UK) to be represented in person by my American nephew, a resident of New York, who could come and pick up the vehicle on my behalf?

Keep in mind that if you eventually managed to get this car shipped to the UK, the driver's seat and everything it entails would still be on the left side.

Good point. I somehow believe they could organize it for Jenny from a UK dealer with a big red ribbon right in front of her door.

Diantha Guessous
Diantha Guessous  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 16:00
Member (2002)
French to English
Same impression! Oct 9, 2016

Preston Decker wrote:

Does anyone else find this a bit annoying? Every time it goes backwards I'm convinced there's a large bug crawling on my monitor.

Funny, just a minute before seeing your comment, I said almost the same words to my daughter about the car.

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:00
English to Italian
Unprofessional Oct 10, 2016

Personally, I find that and the whole contest thing (which every visitor/client can see) give off quite the unprofessional vibe...

Alison MacG
Alison MacG  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:00
German to English
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Surprised Oct 10, 2016

I am surprised that this discussion is all about the car and that nobody has commented on the changes being introduced to ProZ membership (details of which are found in the FAQ section), e.g.
- Standard and Plus membership "packages", with the indication that ProZ will be concentrating on the Plus version
- move to subscription model with auto renewal
- removal of partial and short-term membership options
- removal of things previously available to non-paying members, suc
... See more
I am surprised that this discussion is all about the car and that nobody has commented on the changes being introduced to ProZ membership (details of which are found in the FAQ section), e.g.
- Standard and Plus membership "packages", with the indication that ProZ will be concentrating on the Plus version
- move to subscription model with auto renewal
- removal of partial and short-term membership options
- removal of things previously available to non-paying members, such as using browniz to purchase access to individual Blue Board records

Could anyone point me in the direction of any discussion thread I may have missed?

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:00
English to Italian
"Certified PRO Network" Oct 10, 2016

Alison MacG wrote:

I am surprised that this discussion is all about the car and that nobody has commented on the changes being introduced to ProZ membership (details of which are found in the FAQ section), e.g.
- Standard and Plus membership "packages", with the indication that ProZ will be concentrating on the Plus version
- move to subscription model with auto renewal
- removal of partial and short-term membership options
- removal of things previously available to non-paying members, such as using browniz to purchase access to individual Blue Board records

Could anyone point me in the direction of any discussion thread I may have missed?

It WAS discussed (albeit in a surprisingly mild and superficial fashion, IMO) on the "PRO" only forum...

However, I definitely agree with you. It is indeed extremely surprising (/worrying?) that such a HUGE thing isn't being openly and actively discussed at length here.

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:00
Portuguese to English
+ ...
I agree Oct 10, 2016

Alison MacG wrote:

I am surprised that this discussion is all about the car and that nobody has commented on the changes being introduced to ProZ membership (details of which are found in the FAQ section), e.g.
- Standard and Plus membership "packages", with the indication that ProZ will be concentrating on the Plus version
- move to subscription model with auto renewal
- removal of partial and short-term membership options
- removal of things previously available to non-paying members, such as using browniz to purchase access to individual Blue Board records

Could anyone point me in the direction of any discussion thread I may have missed?

It's possibly worth starting a new thread on this a) lest you be accused of going off-topic here b) to draw members'/non-members' attention to these developments.

writeaway  Identity Verified
French to English
+ ...
There is no discussion. You're supposed to focus on the prizes, bells and whistles Oct 14, 2016

Alison MacG wrote:

I am surprised that this discussion is all about the car and that nobody has commented on the changes being introduced to ProZ membership (details of which are found in the FAQ section), e.g.
- Standard and Plus membership "packages", with the indication that ProZ will be concentrating on the Plus version
- move to subscription model with auto renewal
- removal of partial and short-term membership options
- removal of things previously available to non-paying members, such as using browniz to purchase access to individual Blue Board records

Could anyone point me in the direction of any discussion thread I may have missed?

I agree that it's time to start a forum discussion on the significant rise in Proz prices and the shift to favouring super-paying, super-devoted/obedient "members" only. In the meantime, the thrill and excitement of possibly winning a watch or a car is supposed to keep people distracted until the full scale announcement hits us all. For those of us with partial memberships who benefited from a reduction via browniz, prices are going to at least double.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 21:00
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Please make it go away Oct 19, 2016

This thing is driving me nuts.

I understand the competition is now over - so please make that REALLY ANNOYING thing go away. It's gradually forcing me to NOT COME TO THIS WEBSITE.

CAPS ARE ANNOYING, AREN'T THEY? Well - so is that little car.

Susana E. Cano Méndez
Susana E. Cano Méndez  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:00
French to Spanish
+ ...
Agree Oct 19, 2016

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

Personally, I find that and the whole contest thing (which every visitor/client can see) give off quite the unprofessional vibe...

Yes, that's the impression.

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:00
English to Italian
? Oct 19, 2016


I wouldn't be seen dead in a car worth $25,000

Why is that?

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:00
English to Portuguese
+ ...
In memoriam
Stagnation Oct 19, 2016

writeaway wrote:

I agree that it's time to start a forum discussion on the significant rise in Proz prices and the shift to favouring super-paying, super-devoted/obedient "members" only. In the meantime, the thrill and excitement of possibly winning a watch or a car is supposed to keep people distracted until the full scale announcement hits us all. For those of us with partial memberships who benefited from a reduction via browniz, prices are going to at least double.

My computer has a varying speed fan, depending on processor demand. Light demand will make it quiet down, while heavy workload will make it roar. I use it as a warning, so that if I have too much going on, it will roar in order to cause me to check what apps/web pages I've left on without any purpose whatsoever, and shut them down.

Proz was a "quiet" web site until that car thing came up. Now it makes the fan roar all the time it's open, so it's an identified unnecessary burden.

Now that Proz has chosen to significantly raise their fees - in spite of cars, watches, mirrors, trinkets, and other possible gifts to make "injuns" happy - it's time for a checkup.

So when my full subscription expired recently, I didn't renew it. My profile on Proz briefly describes the various services I provide, and each one has a direct link to the relevant page on my web site. My host offers daily and monthly statistics on visits, hits, etc., as well as to the 10 most-used entry pages, and 10 most-used exit pages. If my downgrade from Member to Free User on Proz made a difference, I'd see it. So far, about 2-3 weeks, it didn't.

I gave up on Kudoz years ago, saw too many people there willing to kill for a bunch of Kudoz. Browniz, doughnuts, whatever.

I enjoyed the forums, exchanging views, tips, opinions, and other inputs with colleagues often working in different languages. Now 80% of the forum, overall, is taken up with Trados Q&As, tech support, and its vicissitudes. As a WordFast user, I couldn't care less about these.

Years ago I got some great jobs through Proz. Next week I'll be celebrating 10 years working nonstop with one translation agency I met through Proz. But not any more. Most jobs posted on Proz nowadays propose grovelling rates and abusive payment terms. Bottom line is that most clients wouldn't be posting such jobs on Proz if any capable translator they could find via Google would accept their T&C.

The general look and feel of the site hasn't changed much. Minor improvements take ages to get developed, while somewhat pointless staff members' "pet projects" get implemented overnight. The carelessness in deferring forever the closure of the last "Celebrations" translation contest is typical.

Though I might be wrong, I see stagnation all around, even if the Proz staff may be working more than ever now. My point is that I'm not willing to pay more for the same.

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The little car now at the top of the page

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