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"这一次大陆又输了" Thread poster: deleted. (X)
David Lin United Kingdom Local time: 16:33 Member (2013) English to Chinese + ... Moderator of this forum 欧洲/英国 vs. 美国徳州 | Oct 21, 2014 |
Loise wrote: 好个春意盎然
秋 风 萧 瑟
今年伦敦的秋天迟来了,有点反常。踏入十月,中旬已过,气温依然徘徊于 13 - 19 C 之间,温暖非常。只有今天刮大风,一下子黄叶扫地。 用 “秋风萧瑟” 比较应景。
Steve 的 Spring in the air 可能仍然是德州 Austin 的天气吧。
巴黎郊区已经开始冷了吗? | | |
Loise France Local time: 17:33 French to Chinese + ...
David Lin wrote:
Loise wrote: 好个春意盎然
秋 风 萧 瑟
今年伦敦的秋天迟来了,有点反常。踏入十月,中旬已过,气温依然徘徊于 13 - 19 C 之间,温暖非常。只有今天刮大风,一下子黄叶扫地。 用 “秋风萧瑟” 比较应景。
Steve 的 Spring in the air 可能仍然是德州 Austin 的天气吧。
今天我们村庄里也是大风狂扫,想到周日时天气晴朗,气温高达25度,仿佛夏日还没有结束,今天却一下子秋风萧瑟,黄叶扫地。今年的天气的确相当反常。 | | |
Loise France Local time: 17:33 French to Chinese + ...
pkchan wrote:
Change is in the air = 輕懸在空,改變在即。
有时,in the air 的确暗示着一种期待的心情…… | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 11:33 Chinese to English + ...
pkchan wrote:
Change is in the air = 輕懸在空,改變在即。
Way back when, it was pk's accomplished writing that earned him the name "大书".  | |
wherestip United States Local time: 11:33 Chinese to English + ...

[Edited at 2014-10-21 20:15 GMT] | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 11:33 Chinese to English + ...
You've got the idea. IMO, Apple's use of this idiom was to create expectation and excitement.
所以我觉得用 变化即在眼前 或 令人振奋的期待弥漫四方 这类渲染词句作标题比较好。But I'll leave the perfect Chinese rendering to you talented wordsmiths. 
[Edited at 2014-10-22 02:23 GMT] | | |
ysun United States Local time: 11:33 English to Chinese + ... Halloween is in the Air! | Oct 22, 2014 |
Halloween is in the Air, Literally... NASA Shares 'Jack-o'-Lantern Sun' Photo
If this doesn't get you in the Halloween spirit, nothing will!
By Mirna Alfonso/Editor (mirna.alfonso@p... See more | | |
Loise France Local time: 17:33 French to Chinese + ...
Phil Hand China Local time: 00:33 Chinese to English Dead metaphor | Oct 22, 2014 |
Nice photos... I think I'm not concerned with accurate translation of the "in the air" metaphor for two reasons.
1) To me it's a dead metaphor (, so it doesn't have any particular power as imagery.
2) It feels like it was selected in this case *only* because of the pun on the name of the product.
就像成语翻译不能�... See more Nice photos... I think I'm not concerned with accurate translation of the "in the air" metaphor for two reasons.
1) To me it's a dead metaphor (, so it doesn't have any particular power as imagery.
2) It feels like it was selected in this case *only* because of the pun on the name of the product.
不管怎么样,那张太阳的照片很迷人。 ▲ Collapse | | |
翻譯廣告和行銷類文章,尤其是廣告標語,實際上是重寫,是再造,應以譯... See more 我們平常所譯文句,要令譯文與之文意風格悉符,分毫不差(諸位自己掂量這四個字的意思),也是極難之事,甚至幾無可能,何況雙關。即便在公認佳譯之中優中選優,以此標準細審所得之文也必定可以提出不少異議。我個人認為,能以道地中文譯出九分文意,八分風格就已經萬分難得了。
Change is in the air.
視情形,「Spring is in the air」不妨譯作「春意已現」、「春意逼人」。
[Edited at 2014-10-22 09:10 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
Jinhang Wang China Local time: 00:33 English to Chinese + ...
wherestip wrote:
变化即在眼前 或 令人振奋的期待弥漫四方 这类渲染词句作标题比较好。
[Edited at 2014-10-22 02:23 GMT]
首先是把原文的意旨传达出来,不能搞错了。然后,在语言风格上、在修辞上尽量典雅优美,富有感染力。后者比较难。 | | |
wherestip United States Local time: 11:33 Chinese to English + ... iPad Air 2 Taglines in Chinese | Oct 22, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
If this doesn't get you in the Halloween spirit, nothing will!
You said it, Yueyin. It's the "spirit" that is the most essential thing in this translation, which IMO the Chinese editions in question are completely void of. | |
ysun United States Local time: 11:33 English to Chinese + ... |
wherestip United States Local time: 11:33 Chinese to English + ... Just woke up | Oct 22, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
wherestip wrote:
It's the "spirit" that is the most essential thing in this translation, which IMO the Chinese editions in question are completely void of.
I agree with you. In my previous post, I forgot to indicate that the sentence "If this doesn't get you in the Halloween spirit, nothing will!" was directly quoted from the original article. It was my fault.
No harm, no foul. I was still lying in bed bleary-eyed when I made that posting.  | | |
None is better than the original | Oct 23, 2014 |
1. 更轻了
2. 悄然而至
3. 改变一切,依然是浓浓的苹果风
Transcreation不可能面面俱到,评判广告语翻译是否到位,只有唯一的标准:能否激发人们的购买欲望。真正忠实于原文的,未必就是好的翻译。 | | |
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