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Poll: When the workflow is low, how do you mostly spend your extra time?
Thread poster: Staff Staff Staff
May 8, 2014

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "When the workflow is low, how do you mostly spend your extra time?".

This poll was originally submitted by Jana Uhlik. View the poll results »

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:01
German to English
+ ...
Other May 8, 2014

I enjoy the peace while it lasts!

Rolf Kern
Rolf Kern  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
English to German
+ ...
In memoriam
Other May 8, 2014

I have a walk in the countryside.

Charlie Bavington
Charlie Bavington  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:01
French to English
And other one.... May 8, 2014

Yet another poll where the question clearly states "mostly" and there is a "combination of the above" option.
Utterly pointless.

Mind you, I can't blame the drafters completely. Sometimes there is no such option and respondents, who are supposed to be handy with language and understand what words such as "most" actually mean, whine in the comments about the lack of an "all of the above" option.

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Yet another poll where the question clearly states "mostly" and there is a "combination of the above" option.
Utterly pointless.

Mind you, I can't blame the drafters completely. Sometimes there is no such option and respondents, who are supposed to be handy with language and understand what words such as "most" actually mean, whine in the comments about the lack of an "all of the above" option.


Diana Obermeyer
Diana Obermeyer  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:01
Member (2013)
German to English
+ ...
sleep, clean, play... May 8, 2014

phone my mum, do some gardening, build fences, pop around my neighbours for a coffee and chat, extend my daily walk a little more... and all the other things that I don't get around to often enough.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:01
Member (2007)
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Other May 8, 2014

I’m happy to get a break, I re-start reading the book I left half-way because something came up, I watch one or two TV series episodes I missed, I catch up on non-work related tasks (keeping up the administrative stuff and organizing things at home), I go to the cinema, I window-shop a little, and… the workflow re-starts!

Marjolein Snippe
Marjolein Snippe  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Member (2012)
English to Dutch
+ ...
Other May 8, 2014

Do the admin stuff that has got left behind, then go out and play.

Liena Vijupe
Liena Vijupe  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
Member (2014)
French to Latvian
+ ...
other May 8, 2014

most of the above + other less urgent things that are usually kept aside while I'm busy with work like organizing my documents, replying to e-mails, paying bills, keeping track of my incomes and expenses, reading something on the internet, writing a blog article, talking to a friend, planning next holidays, shopping online etc.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:01
Turkish to English
+ ...
Professional development May 8, 2014

The extra time goes in a number of directions.

In common with others, I use the extra leisure time to take a bit longer when I go out shopping, take longer walks in the country than usual and so on.

Then I spend a lot of time 'messing around' online on various sites, such as the time I am now devoting to filling in this reply, which I would not be doing if I had work to get on with!

However, I also devote some of the time to professional development. For so
... See more
The extra time goes in a number of directions.

In common with others, I use the extra leisure time to take a bit longer when I go out shopping, take longer walks in the country than usual and so on.

Then I spend a lot of time 'messing around' online on various sites, such as the time I am now devoting to filling in this reply, which I would not be doing if I had work to get on with!

However, I also devote some of the time to professional development. For some years now, in order to improve my skills as a legal translator, I have been following a private course of study in Turkish civil law by working through university text books in this area and then researching key items of terminology to find the best English translations and gradually build up a comprehensive glossary. I started reading a new text book yesterday evening, on property law - probably the last one I will ever work on - and have noted three items of terminology that I will research today. This is work that I would be unable to do at very busy times.

Laurens Sipahelut
Laurens Sipahelut  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:01
Dutch to Indonesian
+ ...
Other May 8, 2014

I work on my literary translation projects, which I differentiate from my commercial translation projects, I do business/marketing related stuff for my LSP. And that's it (!?).

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:01
Member (2011)
Japanese to English
Other May 8, 2014

I start out enjoying the spare time while it lasts, doing things that are filed under 'to do when I have the spare time.'
Spare time is for enjoying until the slack period becomes uncomfortably long and then I start to...well...panic!!!

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 12:01
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Other May 8, 2014

• I do some networking and/or remind some clients of my availability
• I clean the house (!)
• I catch up with friends and enjoy the free time in general.

tilak raj
tilak raj  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:31
Member (2012)
English to Punjabi
+ ...
Combination of various activities May 8, 2014

I do search for new clients, sometimes go outside or do house chores which need proper time.

Alexandra Speirs
Alexandra Speirs  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Italian to English
+ ...
housework! May 8, 2014

The place gets sadly neglected when I'm busy, there is always plenty of cleaning, washing and ironing to do.

Dr. Andrew Frankland
Dr. Andrew Frankland  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:01
Member (2007)
+ ...
Golf May 8, 2014

I really need to get that new driver working properly before the summer holidays....

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Poll: When the workflow is low, how do you mostly spend your extra time?

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