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Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues
Thread poster: Jon Peck
Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:09
Duplicate resumé removed, bug being fixed Dec 19, 2008

Hi Joelle,

Very interesting resumé, by the way! I think I have fixed this for you; you should only see one in your profile now.

This is actually the result of a bug in the CV upload field of the profile that our developers are currently working to resolve, and this should be taken care of before the day is out. Thanks.

Best regards,


Joëlle Bouille
Joëlle Bouille  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:09
English to French
+ ...
Thanks Jared! Dec 19, 2008

Thanks a lot for fixing this, Jared.

Have a nice weekend and best wishes!

Local time: 02:09
English to French
attentes et hypothèse de départ de dictionnaires en lignes Dec 21, 2008

Jon Peck wrote:

ICL wrote:

Hello Jon,

I just noticed this thread and the changes in the profile updater and I agree with everyone complementing the improvements. It looks so much more "orderly" now, it's great.

On the other hand, I take this opportunity to suggest a couple extra areas/fields for the future, which maybe can consider for the next profile updater round of improvements.

How about including:

1) An area for " community" activities. That is, an area where we can select if, for example, we have attended powwows or if we have organized them. Or the same for conferences or any activities online or offline.

2) An area for "continuing education" selection. That is, if, for example, we have attended a translation or any other type of conference, course, etc., online or offline. In this case, it doesn't necessarily have to be a one, but it can be any relevant learning course or seminar, etc.

Have a productive week,


Thanks for the suggestions; while they're out of the scope of this project (looking to consolidate existing functionality), I have documented them for the upcoming phases of the profile updater and they will be revisited.

Best regards,

Local time: 02:09
English to French
les atentes et hypothèses de départ de IATE, CILF, Grand dictionnaire Dec 21, 2008


Je dois effectuer un travail dans lequel je dois notamment formuler les atentes et hypothèses de départ de 3 dictionnaires en ligne:

- Grand dictionnaire

Pourriez-vous me donner le lien des atentes et hypothèses de départ de ces 3 dictionnaires ou me les donner.

Merci d'avance.

Yaroslav Dmytriyev
Yaroslav Dmytriyev  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:09
English to Russian
+ ...
Problem adding my CV Dec 27, 2008

I deleted my old one and now I cannot upload a new one with this new version of Profile Updater.

@Once you have chosen the document, click the "Submit" button.@

There is no such a button. SOS!

[Edited at 2008-12-27 16:15 GMT]

Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:09
Russian to English
+ ...
I'm finding profile updater harder to use Dec 27, 2008

Jon Peck wrote:


To address a number of usability and quality issues, the profile updater has been revised. If you are able to take a few moments to visit the profile updater and provide feedback, it will be appreciated.


When you first announced this, it seemed okay to me. But now I find whenever I go to update something, I have to spend time hunting around for where it is. (Today, it was "where is the place for a website?")

I like it better the way it was before, where you could see everything without having to go clicking around here and there.

I'm not sure why you changed it, since it worked fine before.


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:09
Uploading your CV, feedback on the profile updater Dec 29, 2008

Hello Yaroslav,

I see you have a CV in your profile, were you able to upload it okay? If you still need help with this, please just submit a support request and attach the document you need to upload and I'll be happy to help.

Hi Susan, and thanks for the feedback-- we'll look for a way to more clearly show the information contained in each section.

Best regards,


Joëlle Bouille
Joëlle Bouille  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:09
English to French
+ ...
Contact section - Email address visibility Dec 30, 2008

Morning everyone,

I have another problem when selecting the "Show to everyone" option for my email address in the Contact section.

It just doesn't seem to work as my email address remains invisible in the Contact tab.

Thanks for your help!

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:09
Email addresses are not visible-- erroneous option provided Dec 30, 2008

Hi Joelle,

Actually, it appears that this "option" was included by mistake, though it does not really work. Email addresses in profiles have never been publicly visible. This helps to protect you, the profile owner, from spammers. I've asked our developers to remove the visibility option from this field-- note that as you say, even if you have selected "Show to everyone", your email address will not be shown.

If you really wish to publicly show your email address, you c
... See more
Hi Joelle,

Actually, it appears that this "option" was included by mistake, though it does not really work. Email addresses in profiles have never been publicly visible. This helps to protect you, the profile owner, from spammers. I've asked our developers to remove the visibility option from this field-- note that as you say, even if you have selected "Show to everyone", your email address will not be shown.

If you really wish to publicly show your email address, you can always post it in your CV, or the "About me" section of your profile. Just remember that in doing so you are posting your address publicly on the internet, and are doing so at your own risk. Interested visitors to your profile may easily contact you via the profile email feature or by instant message.

Sorry about the confusion on this one, and keep the feedback coming.

Best regards,

Joëlle Bouille
Joëlle Bouille  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:09
English to French
+ ...
Email address Dec 31, 2008

Thanks for your explanation, Jared.

Happy New Year to you and everyone reading these lines!

Joëlle Bouille
Joëlle Bouille  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:09
English to French
+ ...
Wrong time zone - Brussels Jan 7, 2009


I just noticed the time zone defined for Brussels (previously correct) has now changed to GMT + 0. Correct time is GMT + 1.

There is no way to correct this in one's profile as we only have access to a list of predefined options.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:09
Temporary issue with TimeZones - now resolved Jan 7, 2009

Joelle Bouille wrote:


I just noticed the time zone defined for Brussels (previously correct) has now changed to GMT + 0. Correct time is GMT + 1.

There is no way to correct this in one's profile as we only have access to a list of predefined options.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Thank you for reporting this. After some checking, I have determined that this is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

EDIT - As of 9:28 AM EST, the issue has been resolved.

Best regards,
Jon Peck Staff

Sigina  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:09
Spanish to Romanian
+ ...
few problems... Jan 8, 2009

Hi I have a problem with adding more keywords, it doesn`t save the new keywords I write, I tried to delete some of the older because I thought there was a limit of words, but it didn`t work...

Jon Peck wrote:


To address a number of usability and quality issues, the profile updater has been revised. If you are able to take a few moments to visit the profile updater and provide feedback, it will be appreciated.

The display format of the profile itself was not changed as part of this project. The next phase will be to consolidate and transition both fields and settings not found in the current profile updater.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know.

Thank you for supporting the site!

Best regards,
Jon Peck Developer Coordinator


More detailed implementation notes:

The updater now utilizes the layout and data management techniques developed in the company profile updater. While the layout and structure have changed, the individual interfaces should be familiar. Similar profile fields have been logically grouped together. There is an interactive list of required and encouraged profile fields that allows you to jump directly to the field to be updated (entered or opted-out).

Changes to existing profile fields (such as rates) are out of the scope of this project; once the transition is complete, the system will be ready for new features.

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:09
Could you submit a support request on this? Jan 8, 2009

Hi Sigina,

May I ask you to submit a support request on this, with the keywords you are trying to add, and I'll see if we can reproduce the problem? Thanks.

Best regards,


Nora Ferrer
Nora Ferrer
Local time: 21:09
English to Spanish
+ ...
Same problem Jan 9, 2009

Vilma Alvarado wrote:

I have tried to add a sample translation and the pointer to start typing does not show in order to start...the "Add Translation" botton shows dimmed.... editing does not work for me either...I am using Firefox.

Hi! I seem to have the same problem as Vilma. I've read that the "I choose not to enter..." box needs to be unchecked, but I seem unable to do so. Could you help me please?
Thank you so much!

[Edited at 2009-01-09 17:23 GMT]

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Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues

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