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Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues
Thread poster: Jon Peck
Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:11
Thanks for the suggestions Dec 16, 2008

ICL wrote:

Hello Jon,

I just noticed this thread and the changes in the profile updater and I agree with everyone complementing the improvements. It looks so much more "orderly" now, it's great.

On the other hand, I take this opportunity to suggest a couple extra areas/fields for the future, which maybe can consider for the next profile updater round of improvements.

How about including:

1) An area for " community" activities. That is, an area where we can select if, for example, we have attended powwows or if we have organized them. Or the same for conferences or any activities online or offline.

2) An area for "continuing education" selection. That is, if, for example, we have attended a translation or any other type of conference, course, etc., online or offline. In this case, it doesn't necessarily have to be a one, but it can be any relevant learning course or seminar, etc.

Have a productive week,


Thanks for the suggestions; while they're out of the scope of this project (looking to consolidate existing functionality), I have documented them for the upcoming phases of the profile updater and they will be revisited.

Best regards,

Can Altinbay
Can Altinbay  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:11
Japanese to English
+ ...
In memoriam
Same problem? Dec 16, 2008

Jon Peck wrote:

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

I haven´t been able to access my profile updater today because I keep getting messages to change my password when I try to do it. I changed it once, which should have worked, but it didn´t. Can you help me?

That is very unusual. Thank you for reporting this; due to the nature of the issue, can you please submit a support ticket at and one of the developers will assist you.

Best regards,

This may be related to a problem I have had. The symptoms are identical. For me, it happened on Firefox under Windows. When I filed a ticket, the staff also changed my password, and it didn't work. The matter was dropped wit "must have changed something, check your settings". I don't change anything. It works one night, next morning it doesn't. I would have to open IE just for ProZ. Then one day, it would work again...

I have not had this problem with Safari under OS X.

Another site set up by one of my clients occasionally hiccups on Firefox/Windows, but it would work on IE. When the same problem pops up on Safari, it would work on Firefox/OS X.

My wish for the staff is that they don't use any of the extensions Microsoft came up with for IE. These cause a lot of problems for people who use other browsers. This may be the problem here. Of course, intermittent problems are hard to test for.

I hope you take this in the spirit in which it was written - to provide information that may help.

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:11
Issue seems to be unrelated Dec 16, 2008

Can Altinbay wrote:

This may be related to a problem I have had. The symptoms are identical. For me, it happened on Firefox under Windows. When I filed a ticket, the staff also changed my password, and it didn't work. The matter was dropped wit "must have changed something, check your settings". I don't change anything. It works one night, next morning it doesn't. I would have to open IE just for ProZ. Then one day, it would work again...

I have not had this problem with Safari under OS X.

Another site set up by one of my clients occasionally hiccups on Firefox/Windows, but it would work on IE. When the same problem pops up on Safari, it would work on Firefox/OS X.

My wish for the staff is that they don't use any of the extensions Microsoft came up with for IE. These cause a lot of problems for people who use other browsers. This may be the problem here. Of course, intermittent problems are hard to test for.

I hope you take this in the spirit in which it was written - to provide information that may help.

Can Altinbay,

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated.

This revision of the profile updater is a complete re-write of the internal system to address and prevent issues such as the one you previously experienced (I reviewed the support tickets in question).

To address your secondary concerns, developers avoid creating platform specific solutions (browser or operating system); most development occurs in Mozilla Firefox with feature testing in Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera to ensure compatibility.

If you are currently experiencing a platform specific issue, please submit a support ticket at and the support team can assist.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions, comments or concerns.

Best regards,

Luiz Vasconcelos
Luiz Vasconcelos  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:11
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Thank you, Jon, I now understand how it works. There was no problem actually. Dec 16, 2008

Jon Peck wrote:

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

I haven´t been able to access my profile updater today because I keep getting messages to change my password when I try to do it. I changed it once, which should have worked, but it didn´t. Can you help me?

That is very unusual. Thank you for reporting this; due to the nature of the issue, can you please submit a support ticket at and one of the developers will assist you.

Best regards,

Luiz Vasconcelos
Luiz Vasconcelos  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:11
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Adding translations Dec 16, 2008

I am having a problem to add two new sample translations in the new profile updater. Is there a size limit (they are actually small - about 700 words)?

Jon Peck
Jon Peck  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:11
Size limit corrected Dec 16, 2008

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

I am having a problem to add two new sample translations in the new profile updater. Is there a size limit (they are actually small - about 700 words)?

There was; it has been updated and removed. Please try again and let me know if you have any problems.

Best regards,

Luiz Vasconcelos
Luiz Vasconcelos  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:11
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Thank you, Jon, I'll try again. Dec 16, 2008

Jon Peck wrote:

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

I am having a problem to add two new sample translations in the new profile updater. Is there a size limit (they are actually small - about 700 words)?

There was; it has been updated and removed. Please try again and let me know if you have any problems.

Best regards,

Luiz Vasconcelos
Luiz Vasconcelos  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:11
Portuguese to English
+ ...
It worked (adding a sample translation), Jon, thanks a lot Dec 16, 2008

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

Jon Peck wrote:

Luiz Vasconcelos wrote:

I am having a problem to add two new sample translations in the new profile updater. Is there a size limit (they are actually small - about 700 words)?

There was; it has been updated and removed. Please try again and let me know if you have any problems.

Best regards,

Miguel Armentia
Miguel Armentia
Local time: 02:11
English to Spanish
+ ...
Removing fields Dec 17, 2008


the updater is really easy to use and helpful. However, I am getting problems trying to remove a field in the section "fields in which you specialize". I have tried selecting the casebox and removing but when the page refresh, the field is still there. I can't even remove them all.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your work!


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:11
Thanks Miguel Dec 17, 2008

Hello Miguel,

Thanks for pointing this out-- looks like there is a glitch there. We'll get this fixed as soon as possible, and I will post back when it's done. Thanks for your patience.

Best regards,


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:11
Fields: add/remove working fine now Dec 17, 2008

Hello again Miguel,

You should be able to remove the fields you wish to now without problems, please try this again and let me know if you are still having any difficulty. Thanks to everyone who has posted so far with feedback and for helping to resolve these issues.

Best regards,


Vilma Alvarado
Vilma Alvarado  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 20:11
English to Spanish
+ ...
Adding/Editing Translations Dec 17, 2008

I have tried to add a sample translation and the pointer to start typing does not show in order to start...the "Add Translation" botton shows dimmed.... editing does not work for me either...I am using Firefox.

Miguel Armentia
Miguel Armentia
Local time: 02:11
English to Spanish
+ ...
It works! Dec 17, 2008

Thank you, problem solved!

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 21:11
Opt-out for Portfolio Dec 17, 2008

Good to hear, Miguel.

Vilma, you had checked the box at the bottom of your Portfolio for the option "I choose not to enter any sample translations at this time", which prevents further translations from being entered. I de-selected this option for you, and you should be able to add and edit just fine now. Let me know if this is not the case.

Best regards,


Joëlle Bouille
Joëlle Bouille  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:11
English to French
+ ...
Resume appearing twice Dec 19, 2008

Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for this revised streamlined version. It is much easier indeed.

I noticed the following bug, though.

I was about to update my profile and noticed my resume didn't appear anymore in the Website, CV/Resume row of the Profile tab, although I hadn't deleted it.

I then used the new Profile Updater to upload it again, but -- surprise, surprise! -- it now appeared twice.

I have repeated the deletion/uplo
... See more
Hi everyone,

First of all, thanks for this revised streamlined version. It is much easier indeed.

I noticed the following bug, though.

I was about to update my profile and noticed my resume didn't appear anymore in the Website, CV/Resume row of the Profile tab, although I hadn't deleted it.

I then used the new Profile Updater to upload it again, but -- surprise, surprise! -- it now appeared twice.

I have repeated the deletion/upload process several times as I thought I must have done something wrong.

Upon deletion, both resumes appear in the Profile Updater. But after just one deletion, both disappear.

So I really have no way to correct this.

Thanks in advance for your help!

[Edited at 2008-12-19 14:47 GMT]

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Profile updater revised to address usability and quality issues

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