• Spain18:02
  • Rate per word €0.02 EUR
  • Rate per hour €20.00 EUR
  • Professional experience translating:
  • Books
  • Short stories
I have translated several catalogues for art galleries and exhibitions. Besides, I have translated several cuisine books and a screenplay. I have a philology and a mass media communication college degree, plus a postgraduate course in English literature.
Interested in :
  • Books
  • Plays
  • Graphics/Comics
  • Short stories
  • Songs
Specializing in:
  • Medical (general)
  • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
  • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
  • Poetry & Literature
  • Psychology

Language variants:

  • Source languages
  • English – UK
  • English – UK
  • French – Standard-France
  • Italian – Standard-Italy
  • Target languages
  • Spanish – Standard-Spain
  • Catalan – Central
  • Spanish – Standard-Spain
  • Spanish – Standard-Spain


  • University of Barcelona:
  • English to Spanish
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