Translation glossary: Glossary-Medical, FR_EN, Liz Askew

Showing entries 1-50 of 127
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"est fluctuant avec agitation..."fluctuating state of health with agitation
French to English
"est fluctuant avec agitation..."fluctuating state of health with agitation
French to English
"redon aspiratif"[Redon's] closed suction drains/drainage
French to English
"wind-sock" designref.
English to French
'les parois du pédicule'pedicle walls
French to English
'OG - oreillete gaucheleft atrium
French to English
'pour ancrer un ancillaire'to anchor an ancillary tool
French to English
(neo)adjuvant settingen contexte néoadjuvant
English to French
- la figure 15 l'aimantation qui crée une période langueur différente- Figure 15: magnetization which creates a different period length
French to English
0.6/VD en PSG0.6cm/left parasternal long-axis view of the right ventricle (RV
French to English
36'50036,500 ng/mL
French to English
échantillon natifuntreated sample
French to English
échauffement cutanéchafing of the skin
French to English
échelle EGFGAF scale
French to English
échographie de stress démaquilléestress [test] ultrasound performed without anti-ischaemic therapy
French to English
équilibre fragilefine balance
French to English
équinisme à l’appuiweight bearing equinus
French to English
étagéat different levels
French to English
étalement cardiqueenlarged cardiac silhouette
French to English
évolution sinistrosiquetraumatic or compensatory neurosis/sinistrosis
French to English
être en TAexperiencing atrial tachycardia
French to English
œdème des tégumentsoedema of the skin/integumentary system
French to English
banc de force d'Ejection Multitesttest bed for Multitest Ejection Force
French to English
band formsformes à bâtonnet
English to French
bandagisterie[miscellaneous] medical equipment supplier
French to English
Bascompression stockings
French to English
Collectif Inter associatif sur la Santé (CISS)CISS
French to English
Collection circulante[no evidence] of collection of blood
French to English
combinaison d'allèles à risquecombination of risk alleles
French to English
condensation osseuseincreased bone density
French to English
Constantes d'entréeVital signs on admission
French to English
contrôle scopiqueX-ray guided/guidance
French to English
copie des examens para-cliniques pertinentscopy of relevant paraclinical investigations
French to English
corolle d'artichautCrown of artichoke
French to English
coronal fine cutscoupes fines coronales
English to French
coronarographiquecoronary angiography
French to English
French to English
coupole lumineusedome that lights up/luminous dome
French to English
cours des synthèsescase conferences
French to English
course utileeffective travel
French to English
cross-linking assayessai de réticulation
English to French
Crosse SIsaphenofemoral junction
French to English
culots globulairesPRBCs
French to English
Cupped out lesionslésions en cupule/en forme de cupule
English to French
curareneuromuscular blocking agent
French to English
cyclosporine ciclosporinCyclosporine (Ciclosporine)
English to French
cytolyse ALATcytolysis with elevated ALT levels
French to English
cytolyse hépatique majeuresevere hepatic cytolysis
French to English
d'analyse délicatetricky/difficult to assess
French to English
d'évolution subchroniquesubchronic/subchronic stage/phase
French to English
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