ProZ/TV Spotlight: International Translation Day Preview 2023

As we gear up for this year's International Translation Day, we're excited to offer a special preview series by broadcasting some of the standout presentations from last year's TV event!

Tune in to our broadcast sessions to revisit some of the most insightful and impactful moments from last year. Remember, these are recordings from the previous event, so there won’t be a live Q&A, but we’ll be sharing a sneak peek of what’s in store for this year’s event—stay tuned until the end to catch it!

Register now for this year’s ProZ/TV International Translation Day 2024 – a three-day event filled with live presentations, Q&A sessions, workshops, and networking opportunities.

Register now»

Translation glossary: Marketing

Showing entries 1-28 of 28
a better valuesalir más económico 
English to Spanish
aspirational productsambiciosos productos 
English to Spanish
battlefield strategiesestrategias para competir/ para desenvolverse en el mercado / sector 
English to Spanish
Capital Proposal Processproceso de propuesta de capital 
English to Spanish
Complement portf. and aggressively grow cul. platformcomplementar la cartera/el portfolio e incrementar dinámicamente la plataforma 
English to Spanish
Do you babalu?¡Babalú! 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
external and internal factbasebase(s) de datos /datos externos frente a datos internos 
English to Spanish
firmographicsperfil empresarial/gráficas con estadísticas empresariales 
English to Spanish
Food platformsplataformas/categorías alimenticias 
English to Spanish
Giving everyone else a run for the moneyHacemos sudar / correr a la competencia 
English to Spanish
graneles de 10 litros10 liters bulk packages 
Spanish to English
in bottom ***wave***:en la onda inferior 
English to Spanish
leveraged foodproductos alimenticios potenciados/ enriquecidos 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
mandate (Executive Board Mandate)mandato (Mandato del Comité Ejecutivo/Directorio Ejecutivo/Junta directiva 
English to Spanish
pointed letterscartas intencionadas, de comentarios mordaces, o de alusión directa 
English to Spanish
power-shift towards distributorsque los distribuidores... tomen el control 
English to Spanish
provider sourcedproveedor de fuentes de financiamiento flexibles 
English to Spanish
quota boxgrilla/casillero de cuota 
English to Spanish
Route-to-Marketcadena de suministro hasta el consumidor final 
English to Spanish
small volume basketcanasta pequeña, canasta de poca capacidad 
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
the appearance ofaspecto /apariencia general 
English to Spanish
Tipping pointMomento clave del cambio 
English to Spanish
to scaleajustarse (a algo), expandirse 
English to Spanish
TOP CUPtaza de excelencia/ calidad más alta conseguida 
English to Spanish
would timeasignaría un tiempo para cada cosa 
Spanish to English
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