Translation glossary: English - Other

Showing entries 1-50 of 65
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ADM (Add-drop multiplexer)Multiplexeur à insertion/extraction 
English to French
aircraft carrierporte-avions 
English to French
aviation fuelkérosène / carburant aviation / carburant d'aviation 
English to French
berthposte à quai / poste d'amarrage / poste de mouillage 
English to French
callingvocation / métier / profession 
English to French
captive parts (automotive industry)pièces captives (industrie automobile) 
English to French
CKD (Completely Knocked Down)en pièces détachées / en éléments détachés 
English to French
competitive edgeavantage concurrentiel 
English to French
English to French
conductorchef d'orchestre 
English to French
data sheetfiche technique 
English to French
distribution framerépartiteur 
English to French
draft reportprojet de rapport 
English to French
dry-dockcale sèche 
English to French
DVM (Digital Volt Meter)voltmètre numérique 
English to French
footprintzone/périmètre de couverture 
English to French
freight depotgare marchandises 
English to French
furthermoreen outre / par ailleurs / de plus 
English to French
gypsy lavenderbleu gitane 
English to French
hold (of a vessel)cale (d'un navire) 
English to French
English to French
landmarkpoint d'intérêt / point de repère 
English to French
licence platesplaques d'immatriculation 
English to French
lighterallège / barge / chaland 
English to French
loading dockquai de chargement 
English to French
log / log bookjournal/livre de bord 
English to French
English to French
mail ordervente par correspondance (VPC) 
English to French
medical devicedispositif médical 
English to French
not applicablesans objet 
English to French
ODF (Optical Distribution Frame)répartiteur optique 
English to French
omnibus volumerecueil 
English to French
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)Fabricant d'équipement d'origine (OEM) 
English to French
original parts (automotive industry)pièces d'origine (industrie automobile) 
English to French
outletpoint de vente 
English to French
pitchfork (golf)relève-pitch (golf) 
English to French
plant breedingamélioration des plantes 
English to French
progress reportrapport d'avancement / rapport sur l'état d'avancement / rapport d'étape 
English to French
raw materialsmatières premières 
English to French
registration (vehicle)immatriculation (véhicule) 
English to French
road haulagetransport routier 
English to French
sales leadsclients potentiels / prospects 
English to French
sales outletpoint de vente 
English to French
satellite dishantenne parabolique 
English to French
SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)Hiérarchie digitale synchrone 
English to French
shadow tollpéage fictif 
English to French
English to French
shipbuildingconstruction navale 
English to French
shipyardchantier naval 
English to French
shrink-wrappedemballé sous film rétractable 
English to French
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