contorului aferent parterului clădirii electric meter installed on the ground floor of the building

Language pair:Romanian to English
Definition / notes:Explanation:
In acest caz, cuvantul "aferent" da un pic de furca pentru ca se incearca o traducere textuala.

Contoarele de energie electrica sunt montate de obicei (sau prin lege) la subsolul sau la parterul blocurilor.

Eu aici as spune pur si simplu: electric meter installed on the ground floor of the building...

"Rules for electric meter & service installations:
Meter base/panel installations shall be in the basement or on the ground floor."

"The question I wanted to ask was, that as the electric meters are situated on the ground floor, with whom will the responsibility lie."

"The transformer vault or main electric room is often placed in the basement or on the ground floor" (page 162)
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