Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
Chisme vs. Mitote
English translation:
Gossip vs Alboroto
Added to glossary by
Lorenia Rincon
Nov 21, 2005 00:40
19 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term
Chisme vs. Mitote
Spanish to English
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Newsletter title
This is a Spanish-Spanish question, and I'd especially like input from Mexicans. Please bear with me. A friend of mine is launching an on-line newsletter and is collecting opinions on which of the above is best. What are the nuances involved?
Proposed translations
5 +6 | chisme - gossip |
Lorenia Rincon
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4 | chismear > tattle |
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4 | chisme/mitote |
Heidi C
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Proposed translations
5 mins
chisme - gossip
Si lo que quieres es decir "gossip" seria chisme.
Mitote es otra cosa en realidad, es bulla, alboroto. Viene del nahuatl "mitotiqui" que significa danzante, de "itotia" que significa bailar. Era cierta danza indigena en la que se bebia hasta embriagarse.
Bibliografía.- Diccionario breve de mexicanismos. Guido Gomez de Silva
Además de que soy Mexicana. Viva la Revolución, jejeje hoy la celebramos.
Note added at 7 mins (2005-11-21 00:47:43 GMT)
chisme .- noticia o rumor que se cuenta por el placer de criticar y que hace referencia a lo ajeno y privado o que se quiere mantener en secreto. Gran Diccionario de la Lengua Española
Note added at 17 mins (2005-11-21 00:57:48 GMT)
Mitote & chisme are really 2 different things even when some people may use "mitote" or "mitotero" for "chisme" or "chismoso", but really "mitote" implies ruckus, racket, hubbub
Mitote es otra cosa en realidad, es bulla, alboroto. Viene del nahuatl "mitotiqui" que significa danzante, de "itotia" que significa bailar. Era cierta danza indigena en la que se bebia hasta embriagarse.
Bibliografía.- Diccionario breve de mexicanismos. Guido Gomez de Silva
Además de que soy Mexicana. Viva la Revolución, jejeje hoy la celebramos.
Note added at 7 mins (2005-11-21 00:47:43 GMT)
chisme .- noticia o rumor que se cuenta por el placer de criticar y que hace referencia a lo ajeno y privado o que se quiere mantener en secreto. Gran Diccionario de la Lengua Española
Note added at 17 mins (2005-11-21 00:57:48 GMT)
Mitote & chisme are really 2 different things even when some people may use "mitote" or "mitotero" for "chisme" or "chismoso", but really "mitote" implies ruckus, racket, hubbub
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "You put your finger on a crucial point: "mitero" is NOT derived from "mitote," as people tend to think. Thanks so much for your explanation! "
14 mins
chismear > tattle
I am not sure about the nuances in Mexico, but in the Spanish of the United States, which is largely derived from Mexican Spanish, chisme often tilts more toward the product of tattling than of gossiping. There are many periodicals called "The Tattler" in English, ever since Steele's famous "Tatler" of 1709, which has somewhat dignified the title and lifted it above the context of mere gossip. I don't know if this is of any use to you.
Note added at 27 mins (2005-11-21 01:07:51 GMT)
As for mitote, the Toltecs used it to mean chaos and disorder. There is another connotation in new age terminology. Not neessarily Mexican, but out there.
<<Say Yes! to becoming disillusioned. Do you want to continue living in your illusions? Do you want to be controlled, ruled by the collective illusions? Do you enjoy being stressed about money? Do you like having your stomach in knots when your partner 'cheats' on you? Do you feel fed by the patterns of your family insanity? Do you enjoy taking artificial medications? Do you enjoy the compulsions inside yourself that run you? Do you like the Illusion of the Government, the IRS, the MVD, your political system?
The Hindus call it 'Maya' or Illusion. The Toltecs call it the **'Mitote'**, or unconscious dream-fog.
If you're incarnated on earth you are most likely caught in the 'Maya Mitote'. Our minds, our egos, practically all our structures, social conventions, traditions, ways we're taught to behave etc. are designed to keep us caught in the web of the Illusion, the Maya, the Mitote.>>
Note added at 27 mins (2005-11-21 01:07:51 GMT)
As for mitote, the Toltecs used it to mean chaos and disorder. There is another connotation in new age terminology. Not neessarily Mexican, but out there.
<<Say Yes! to becoming disillusioned. Do you want to continue living in your illusions? Do you want to be controlled, ruled by the collective illusions? Do you enjoy being stressed about money? Do you like having your stomach in knots when your partner 'cheats' on you? Do you feel fed by the patterns of your family insanity? Do you enjoy taking artificial medications? Do you enjoy the compulsions inside yourself that run you? Do you like the Illusion of the Government, the IRS, the MVD, your political system?
The Hindus call it 'Maya' or Illusion. The Toltecs call it the **'Mitote'**, or unconscious dream-fog.
If you're incarnated on earth you are most likely caught in the 'Maya Mitote'. Our minds, our egos, practically all our structures, social conventions, traditions, ways we're taught to behave etc. are designed to keep us caught in the web of the Illusion, the Maya, the Mitote.>>
21 hrs
From what I understand, you want to pick between "chisme" and "mitote" (not sure for what)
I give you the definitions found in the Diccionario del español usual en México:
chisme: [quite straightforward]
noticia o informe que se hace circular, bien sea verdadero o falso, sobre una persona que puede enemistarla con otra o confundir a quienes lo reciben: "Me contaron el chisme de que Pepe y Lucha se pelearon", "¿Sabes el último chisme?...¡Se divorcian!" "Corre el chisme de un golpe de estado".
1. Fiesta muy alegre y ruidosa: ir al mitote, hacer unmitote
2. Reunión de personas en la que hay mucho alboroto, desorden y peleas: "La manifestación llegó al Zócalo, atacó la policía y se amró un gran mitote"
3. Ceremonia religiosa del ciclo agrícola, que realian desde la antigüedad varias culturas indias mexicanas, como los nahuas, los coras, tepehanes y huichoes, que se caracteriza por una danza .... para invocar a las deidades o alos santos que benefician la siembra, la cosecha, etc.
2. HIstoria, persona o cosa imaginaria o ficticia que se intenta hacer pasar por real o verdadera: "ESo de que era inteligente es un mito"
mitotero: is what you say of someone who just makes up stories and tells them as if they were true.
I give you the definitions found in the Diccionario del español usual en México:
chisme: [quite straightforward]
noticia o informe que se hace circular, bien sea verdadero o falso, sobre una persona que puede enemistarla con otra o confundir a quienes lo reciben: "Me contaron el chisme de que Pepe y Lucha se pelearon", "¿Sabes el último chisme?...¡Se divorcian!" "Corre el chisme de un golpe de estado".
1. Fiesta muy alegre y ruidosa: ir al mitote, hacer unmitote
2. Reunión de personas en la que hay mucho alboroto, desorden y peleas: "La manifestación llegó al Zócalo, atacó la policía y se amró un gran mitote"
3. Ceremonia religiosa del ciclo agrícola, que realian desde la antigüedad varias culturas indias mexicanas, como los nahuas, los coras, tepehanes y huichoes, que se caracteriza por una danza .... para invocar a las deidades o alos santos que benefician la siembra, la cosecha, etc.
2. HIstoria, persona o cosa imaginaria o ficticia que se intenta hacer pasar por real o verdadera: "ESo de que era inteligente es un mito"
mitotero: is what you say of someone who just makes up stories and tells them as if they were true.
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