Jul 6, 2019 16:28
5 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term

II G. and IIA

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
These abbreviations appear in a medical report from Venezuela in connection to a gynachology study.


Bridget Ledger Doyle (X) (asker) Jul 11, 2019:
Yes, sorry, ate the 'e'! There wasn't anymore information: the sentence reads 'II G. IIA (2013 y 2014) en estudio con ginecologia'. Thank you for your help.
Joseph Tein Jul 6, 2019:
New asker Bridget is a new asker, it says in her previous question.

Bridget: welcome to ProZ. Please provide complete sentences; this will often help your colleagues give you more appropriate answers.

And I presume you meant to write "gynaEcology"
Marie Wilson Jul 6, 2019:
Hi Bridget, some context would be useful here, the whole sentence for example.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

gravida 2, para 0, abortus 2 [US] // G2 P0+2 [UK]

A system used to describe obstetrical history.
Paciente de 28 años IIg, I p, embarazo de 7 semanas por FUM (fecha de última menstruación), cuyo motivo de consulta fue dolor pélvico, náuseas y leve sangrado a través de genitales,

Se trata de paciente de 19 años, IIG IA, FUR: 07/06/14, con Embarazo de 20 semanas más 2 días por FU..

In the UK, gravidity is defined as the number of times that a woman has been pregnant and parity is defined as the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn. For example, a woman who is described as 'gravida 2, para 2 (sometimes abbreviated to G2 P2) has had two pregnancies and two deliveries after 24 weeks, and a woman who is described as 'gravida 2, para 0' (G2 P0) has had two pregnancies, neither of which survived to a gestational age of 24 weeks. If they are both currently pregnant again, these women would have the obstetric résumé of G3 P2 and G3 P0 respectively. Sometimes a suffix is added to indicate the number of miscarriages or terminations a woman has had. So if the second woman had had two miscarriages, it could be annotated G3 P0+2.

Accompanied by Arabic numbers, G, P, and A (or Ab) describe the patient’s obstetric history. Roman numerals are not used. Separate GPA sections by commas. Alternatively, spell out the terms in lower case.
Obstetric history: G4, P3, A1 or gravida 4, para 3, abortus 1. ***When one or more of the numbers is 0, the preferred form is to write out the terms: gravida 2, para 0, abortus 2***.
• G: gravida (number of pregnancies)
• P: para (number of births of viable offspring)
• A or Ab: abortus (abortions)
• nulligravida gravida 0: no pregnancies
• primigravida gravida 1, G1: 1 pregnancy
• secundigravida gravida 2, G2: 2 pregnancies
• nullipara para: 0 offspring

Peer comment(s):

agree Chema Nieto Castañón : With no more context this is quite reasonable
5 hrs
Gracias, Chema!
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